HOSTED BY: South Coast Council
Beachcombers Hall
Port Orford, Oregon

9:03 AM General Meeting

CALL TO ORDER: President, Kathy (Tim) Roberts

Please turn off your cell phones

ROLL CALL: Secretary, Tim (Cheryl) Hagey

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Lorri McIntosh

MINUTES: Secretary, Tim (Cheryl) Hagey - Larry Reetz made a motion to accept. Cece Glidewell 2nd. David Stutzman requested that Ralph Lambert's detailed explanation be added to the September minutes. Tim will add. Motion passed.



PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts - Appoint a committee to count the ballots

  1. Sally Stutzman
  2. Phil Claudson
  3. Sarge Glidewell

Thank you Pat & Cherie Cox, Patty & Dave Cooper and your South Coast dancers for a great weekend. Yesterday's dance and dinner were outstanding. Thank you for making us all feel so welcome. I am looking forward to trying the Oatmeal Cranraisin cookies when I get home.

Our treasurer Lane Is recovering from heart surgery and did not feel that he should drive down. He sends his apologies and regrets. We will be writing checks for travel reimbursements and approved Grants per his instructions. Please turn your forms into Marilyn Schmit. You will have your checks before the end of the meeting.

I hope each of the councils has either started on or is working on a visitation plan to the clubs within your councils or close to you. The great thing about visitations is if you visit another club with several dancers, they will hopefully turn around and visit you. Working together we all become strong.

I am pleased that we are starting to have more prospective callers request our caller grants. Our state is slowly losing some fine callers and we need to encourage new ones to step forward. Our Grant Committee is doing a great job helping prospective callers. Please encourage your dancers to think about being callers or cures and to contact the Grant Committee for not only a grant for help in preparing for your next fun adventure.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Lorri McIntosh - I want to thank South Coast for a fun time at the dance yesterday and for the great food - I can't believe Gabriel got enough to eat. We always enjoy coming over to the coast. The kids and I will be back for Battle Rock on Labor Day weekend.

I'm very encouraged to see and hear the abundance of dancers supporting the TVC area clubs. I'm hearing through the grapevine that there are more than 100 dancers at the council supported visitation dances. Maybe we need to look at what they're doing and get some ideas.

I'm trying to visit various dances on Fridays when we travel to the Portland area. So far we've been to Toe Draggers, Salem Swingers, Country Cut-ups, and one other we can't remember. We have been a bit limited on our visitations because of the practice sessions the kids have been doing for the Pacific Northwest Teen Festival next weekend in Silverton. I encourage and challenge everyone to attend the Teen Festival and support our future. I will be taking at least two additional dancers besides the kids I'm taking - my grandchildren - to the Teen Festival. We are looking to have a great time dancing Friday and Saturday night, as well as watching the competition which starts Saturday morning.

2018 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Chuck (Sandy) Eddings (not present) -- $1817.32 profit sent to OFSRDC.

2018 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Lorri McIntosh - I am discouraged by the pre-sales for Summer Festival. I want to let everyone know that Summer Festival has NOT been cancelled and WILL NOT be cancelled. On a high note we have received several calls from dancers that they plan on attending and will be purchasing ribbons at the door. RV reservations at the fairgrounds are full - there are no more spots available at the fairgrounds. The programs have not been printed due to recent changes in the dance program but will be printed soon and will be posted on the Summer Festival website, and I will send to Tim to post on the OFN website and to Kathy to post on the OFSRDC FB page. I just finished it at one o'clock this morning. We have a great program planned for the youth this year - pizza party Friday afternoon, tour of local radio station, and a tour to the Vortex on Saturday.

I do encourage those who have not purchased ribbons to purchase from Roberta & Phil Claudson.

We have 39 paid ribbons sold at this time.

2019 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Larry (Carol) Reetz - No changes since January. American Dance is our theme. Callers are Charlie Robertson and Ray Brendzy, Cuers Mary & Robert Townsend-Manning, and Clogging Instructor Clog-Dog King.

OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - The flow of flyers and pictures for the OFN continues to go pretty well. I would like to get more of the councils participating in the club news; they're missing out on a free source of publicity.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Bob (Kathy) Houston - No report.

SECRETARY: Tim (Cheryl) Hagey -- I'd like to thank the board on behalf of myself and future secretaries -- the voice recorder I purchased is very simple to use and is very clear. It was picking up side conversations from the back of the room at the last meeting. As Sunshine, I have sent out several sympathy/get well cards on behalf of OFSRDC. Delegates, I ask that you continue to let me know when a member of our family is injured, loses a loved one, or passes so that I can get cards out in a timely manner.

TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem (not present) - report provided to delegates.

MEMBERSHIP: Patty (Dave) Cooper -- Membership Report

It's State Dues time again. Delegates you will find your State Dues/Membership form update info in your file in the box today. I previously emailed all of you the same information but here is hard copy in case you missed that. Please contact all the clubs in your Council and make sure they know the deadlines for returning their dues checks to you so you can forward them to me by July 1st. Remember all clubs make checks payable to their Council then the Council Treasurer will make out one check to OFSRDC and return it to you. Please update your club and council info forms online as soon as your elections have been held. This information is necessary for printing an accurate directory.

All clubs are up to date with their annual reports to the Oregon Corporation Division. Please make sure your contact information is current with them in order to get your renewal notices before your due date. I will contact you if your renewal is due, then again if not paid within 2 weeks of due date. Paying your annual fee of $50.00 is better than $150.00 to get reinstated if the State dissolves your corporation for non-payment.

INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers -- Thank you all for doing a great job of sending in your new members. Please remember to send your check for $4.75 immediately after posting.

PAST PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit - I delivered the Randall Award big plaque to the hotel where Lorri stays when she is in Wilsonville, so she could take it to Medford for Elaine to display there. It is time for new nominations to be sent in to me for ballots to be made. They are due by Summer Festival, so go back to your councils and clubs and get those nominations lined up and sent in.

I am also starting to work on the state directory. So depending on the results of the ballots this weekend, some people will be getting emails asking for names of people for various committees that need to be listed in the directory. The delegates need to remind their clubs that when elections are done, to fill in the club info forms completely so the directory can be done. Also make sure addresses, emails, and phone numbers are correct.


PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - I have incorporated all the P&P changes from the January meeting. The updated P&Ps, as always, are now available on the Federation's web site. I had intended to distribute a printed update at this meeting, but when I learned there would be so many absences, I decided to wait until the Summer Festival meeting.

EDUCATION/PUBLICITY: Kathy (Tim) Roberts - This month I noticed how few flyers were in the OFN. I was sad to see that out of the 66 clubs who belong to the Federation, only 26 clubs submitted a flyer to the May OFN. There were no Council flyers, but that could be due to no Council dances in May. I then checked how many clubs were taking advantage of the Area reports. There were 37 area reports submitted and 3 councils. Delegates, please go back to your clubs and encourage them to make use of this free, great advertising opportunity. If dancers do not know about your dances or what fun activities you are having - how can they know when they should attend your dances?

Delegates, I would like to suggest that when you go back to your council meetings that you not only encourage all of your clubs to create and post flyers but to find out why all of the clubs are not already doing this. Maybe they need help in making the flyers or in posting. Ask if clubs who are strong in these skills could help others who need help. You can also direct your clubs who need help to me and I will try to help them learn how to create and or post.

The Federation's Facebook page is up to 383 members. Our Facebook page is also a great way to advertise your club dances and to encourage people to attend your dances.

HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit -- I received four boards with old banners on them that I have brought here this weekend to share. Some of the banners are ratty and others can possibly be used. I offered them back to the clubs they belong to and others will be tossed due to their condition. I also have a box of 78 rpm records from Goldie Restorff due to her downsizing in her move to Utah. I found some minutes from 1965-1977 and some mid 90's that I am going to give to Tim so he can scan onto the Federation site for safe keeping. Some real interesting reading.


BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert - Sent e-mail to say that he had no report and would not be in attendance.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Karyn (Matt) Buchheit - We have had one education scholarship turned in so far. We do have a couple more days before the deadline so there might be more coming in.

Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival is next weekend in Silverton Oregon. We have about 150 youth registered for competition in squares, rounds, calling and cueing. Looking forward to the festival and having fun.

ORDTA: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) (not present) - Our April 14th meeting at Emerald Empire Square Dance Center.

Cheryl & Geoff Manley our current secretary announced they will be leaving the area. Geoff is retiring and they are relocating in Blackfoot Idaho to be closer to family. Secretary Elect Marilyn Schmit was appointed secretary to finish Cheryl's term of office.

Associate members need to contact the secretary so they can become voting members.

A discussion on whether we should continue with the session at Mid-Winter "So You Want to be a Cuer" because of lack of attendance the last couple of years. It was decided we would try advertising in the OFN and get flyer to councils and clubs.

Round of the Month Chairman is looking for member volunteers to be on this committee.

Karyn is still in need of worker volunteers for teen festival May 4 & 5th 2018 Silverton Or

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) (not present) - I am looking for volunteers from ORDTA to assist on the round of the month selection committee

OROM April 2018 was chosen by: Mid-Willamette Area "Cincinnati Fireball "by Johnny Burnett. Choreographer: Carl and Carol Schappcher. Phase ll Two step

OROM May 2018 was chosen by Portland Area Council "Let's Go To Louisiana" by Scooter Lee. Choreographed by Karen & Ed Gloodt. Phase ll + 1 fishtail Two Step

CALLER LIAISON: Janienne Alexander (not present) - no report

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - Nothing interesting to report.

STATE FAIR: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit - State Fair-email has been sent to the Oregon State Fair asking for four days for dancing. One for youth, one for round dancing and two for square dance. They don't start scheduling until June, but I have asked for an update before the June meeting.

DELEGATE MEETING: Pat (Cherie) Cox - we discussed the 2019 summer fest proposal by the state - agreed that the state should go with it. Cece suggested that there are already a lot of festivals in the spring and summer and a lot of really good areas that could use a shot in the arm. Leave the summer fest option open for any area that wants to take it on, but if we do not have an area bid within 2 years - say 2021 -- no one has stood up within 2 years and said "we'll take it on" - instead of trying to get OFSRD to put it on, designate an already existing festival. The Federation is not going to make money, but not lose money, either. Promote festivals that are already going on - Buckaroo Round-up, Baker's Spring Fling, etc. As for the meeting, just do a special meeting. So ends Cece's suggestion. Will be explored further by committee.


  1. Report from Background Check Committee -- Our Background Check Procedures in the P&P's have been approved by a lawyer who works with Janienne. OneSource has also indicated that it appears our P&P's are in compliant with the FCRA.

    We have asked many more questions and received thorough explanations. We are in the process of completing the application to start the Background Check with OneSource Background Check Company. We are on hold right now while we wait for the answer to another question that came up on the Application form.

    Once the application has been approved by OneSource, we will start by running background checks on the President, 1st Vice President, Background Check Coordinator, and Youth Activities Coordinator. All new festival contacts with paid callers and cuers will need to be adjusted to include the background check.

    Our non-profit discounted price will be $20 per background check. We will be billed monthly when we make use of their services.

    Thank you Janienne for taking our Background Check Procedures for the P&Ps to your in-house lawyer for her review.

  2. Minutes of Ballots. 1st Vice: Karyn Buchheit, 2nd Vice: Gary Clark. Secretary: Tim Hagey. Marilyn Schmit moves that ballots be destroyed. Larry Reetz 2nd ballots be destroyed. Motion passed.



  1. STATUS OF 2019 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Larry Reetz made the following motion: "I move that OFSRSDC host the 2019 Summer Festival as described in the proposal presented." Marilyn Schmit 2nd. Motion passed with one opposed.

    Janet Bellcoff made a motion to amend the motion to read "either weekend July 12-14 or July 19-21" Larry Reetz 2nd. Motion passed.

    2019 Summer Festival Proposal

    Let's Get Together in 2019

    Co?Chairmen: Kathy Roberts and Lorri McIntosh

    Date: July 19?21 (preferred) or July 12?14, 2019

    Location: The Festival in a location along the I?5 corridor (Hillsboro to Eugene)

    Caller: Michael Kellogg from Northridge California and area callers (may not be avail 7/17?19)

    Cuer: MaryAnn Callahan from West Sacramento and area cuers (may not be avail 7/17?19)

    Proposed Committees : 10 - one for each council

    1. Facilities
    2. Social Media & Advertising
    3. Registration and help desk during the Festival
    4. RV's - wagon master depending on where it is held
    5. Split the Pot - Basket Raffle
    6. Publication - Program
    7. Hospitality
    8. Vendors
    9. Decorations
    10. Signage
    11. Caller & Cuer Hosts
    These areas will not be by committee
  2. GRANT COMMITTEE -- We have four requests for grant money. Three of them are for caller school help and the last one is for Advertising help with yard signs for lessons. The committee is recommending that all of them be granted with receipts provided for the yard signs, and that applications have been made to Callerlab and USAWest for additional grant money.

    - Central Oregon Council has requested $200 to pay for half of Advertising Yard Signs for lessons. Total cost of signs is $399.99, and the local clubs have said they will pay the other half. Marilyn Schmit made a motion to approve. Lorri McIntosh 2nd. Passed

    - Dann Houghton has requested $334.00. Marilyn Schmit moved to approve the scholarship pending reimbursement of any CallerLab or any other source of scholarship money he may receive. Lorri McIntosh 2nd. Motion passed.

    - Mauricia Case has requested $500.00. Marilyn Schmit moved to approve the scholarship pending reimbursement of any CallerLab or any other source of scholarship money she may receive. Lorri McIntosh 2nd. Motion passed.

    - Philip Ramey has requested $500.00. Marilyn Schmit moved to approve the grant pending reimbursement of any CallerLab or any other source of scholarship money he may receive. Cece Glidewell 2nd. Motion passed with two opposed and one abstaining.

  3. 2020 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Aaron (Linda) Gibbens (not present) - proposed budget submitted by Larry Reetz on behalf of Aaron and Linda - "The Diamonds Of Dance". Callers Deborah Carroll-Jones and Patty Greene, Cuers Sally and Bob Nolan, and Clogging Instructor Kelli McChesney Shtogun.



Sets In Order -- We finished our round dance lessons the end of February and started square dance lessons in March. We have 3 new and 2 returning students and are teaching them in a 8 week period. So far we are on schedule and will finish the first of May. The students have been attending dances with the caller using lots of the moves they are learning. It is exciting to see all of them having so much fun.

Our last dance April 14 had 3 squares which for the South Coast is exciting! It was a very successful dance.

We are looking forward to our summer parades and floats.

New officers were elected with Diane Frank being our President; Coleeta Quigley moving to Vice President; Denise Harris remaining as Secretary and Norma Glock as Treasurer (when they are good we don't let them quit!)


Beachcombers - will be taking a 2-month vacation from dancing while club members travel. Our next big event will be our Battle Rock Festival Labor Day Weekend.

Mavericks - sponsored a very successful Jive Weekend Campout the end of March in Port Orford. 16 couples from around the state spent three days learning or practicing Jive with instructor Dave Cooper. In spite of a little snow, a lot of rain, wind, hail, thunder and lightning all managed to have fun and stay relatively dry. They want to do it again soon.

Saints-N-Aint's - Our caller, Sherm, has had some health issues this year; he has recently had surgery and is doing much better. We have several newer callers in our area and in Sherm's absence, have had jamboree dances to give these callers some floor time.

The Saints-N-Aints made a visitation to the Roseburg Buckaroos in March and came home with a banner. Our 40th Birthday dance was last Saturday, with Bruce Lowther from Albany calling. A large group from the Buckaroos helped us celebrate! We have ongoing lessons!

TUALATIN VALLEY COUNCIL: Jim (Kay) Rogers - TVC Installed new officers for the coming year. Mike St. Clair is our new president. Judy Schnase is our new Vice President, Joanne Switzer is staying on as our Treasurer, and Andis Garuts is our Secretary. Your new TVC delegate, who will be taking over at the September meeting is Mary Schneider.

Kathy Roberts has challenged the TVC clubs for each anniversary. The purpose is to get the most visitors to each dance. There were 135 dancers at a recent R Square D anniversary dance. 125 at the Eager Beavers Anniversary dance. The challenge is on to beat that for Tualatin Timber this past week. Hayshakers anniversary dance is on May 18th. Several clubs are on the calendar for May anniversaries. The Valley Squares recently celebrated 68 years. Our annual Hahn Barn Dance is August 12th.

UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL: Frank (Rita) Schuchard

Buckeroo Club - The Buckeroo's celebrated their 66th Birthday earlier this month. We had a great turn out and of course because Mike Zikorsky was calling we had a high energy dance. Neil Koozer cued and both had a great selection of music to dance to. Our annual Round Up is coming up in June so the Buckeroos are gearing up for that. It is the second weekend in June combined with the Safari Benefit Dance on Sunday at the Wildlife Safari. The folks at the Round Up last year voted for this year's Round Up theme which is going to be a 1950's Rock N Roll theme.

The Buckeroo's have been active visiting other clubs. They have been meeting at the Barn and carpooling so more folks can go along on the visitations.

Timber 8 Club - It was a double birthday dance month for us at the Barn. The Timber 8's celebrated their 39th birthday last Sunday and even though it is a plus club, they dance most of the tips mainstream with every 3rd tip plus at their Birthday Dances so they can involve more dancers who don't dance plus. Don Marshall was visiting from Texas and he called along with Dale Roberson. The Timber 8's had seven squares on the dance floor.

Dancing Friends - No report

BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL: David Stutzman - The Blue Mountains Council held a meeting two weeks ago during Baker City's Spring Fling Festival weekend. Main discussion of meeting was the old business of updating the Practice and Procedures.

The Spring Fling is the Elkhorn Swingers only event of the year. Rocky Yellowrock joined us this year coming from Interdependence. We had dancers from Boise, ID, Walla Walla, WA, and Sandpoint, ID. Next year will be the 40th Anniversary.

The Star Promenaders will have a potluck and dance sometime this summer.

The Muddy Frogs reported that they graduated 22 dancers this spring. They dance in the afternoon on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

While Rocky was with Sally and me, he traveled with us to Boise for a dance with the Syringa Squares. On our trip to Port Orford Rocky enjoyed seeing the ducks and cranes at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.

CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL: Kippen Parret - Well I can sum this up pretty easy. All the clubs are still here, we are still dancing, and still looking for ways to show case our activity. Some of the clubs are still in need of an officer or two but the arm twisters, er I mean nominating committees are hard at work on the problem.

In regards to show casing our activity the Central Oregon Council has submitted a grant request for 100 yard signs to promote lessons.

The Central Oregon clubs still have a nice usable trailer in need of some minor repairs and are also asking for a grant to take care of these repairs. After being stored outside for several years, the Shufflers have found a member that can store it inside.

The Red Rocks have graduated 5 new dancers. The Bachelor Beauts Started lessons April 5th. Sundown Round Dance is presently having Two Step and Rhumba lessons. The Swinging Mountaineers have been having workshops on Saturday mornings after their Friday night dances in lieu of a lesson schedule, and the Sagebrush Shufflers graduated 2.

After being hacked the Central Oregon Council had to create a new web site and with the moving of Teri Hoen we needed to find someone who was willing to take over the calendar and Jan Steele has stepped forward to take on those duties.

EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Zola (Ray) Jones (not present) Larry Reetz sitting in -- Our council's annual Benefit Dance this year was on March 31. Our Cascade Callers and Cuers Assoc. always donate their calling and cueing, with attendance from all of our area clubs, all who generously helped raise $ 2,980.00 for "Honor Flight" the Willamette chapter! Some of our own dancers have gone on previous flights, and our council President, Ray Jones is on a waiting list to go as a Vietnam Veteran.

The second session of New Dancer Lessons began on Wednesday, January 3 for 12 weeks, and graduated 8 dancers the last week of March; and new dancers, from both sessions, have joined all three of the clubs who sponsored the lessons! Fall lessons will begin on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at the Emerald Square Dance Center, and I have placed at each seat at the table of this meeting a sample of the special "cards'' our lesson committee is going to distribute as part of lessons advertising.

Two of our area clubs, for the 3rd year in a row, are co-sponsoring a special "Cinco-de-Mayo" square dance in May, and they alternate on their regular dance nights. This dance has always been well attended from our area clubs - to enjoy a real fun evening.

Interstate Highlanders Cece (Sarge) Glidewell - The Interstate Highlanders had a meeting on April 7, 2018. A council dance will be planned later this year. The KC squares are continuing with graduated dancer workshops as long as there are enough dancers for at least a square. The club will be dark for June, July and August. They are planning to have a new dancer class this fall and will use the down time to plan and launch their advertising campaign.

MID-WILLAMETTE AREA COUNCIL: Neta (Ron) Minten (not present) Karyn Buchheit sitting in - The clubs in the MWA Council continue to dance along, promoting Square Dancing, Round Dancing and Clogging in our Area by providing lessons and demos.

The Valley River Dancers will be leaving the MWA Council and joining the Tualatin Valley Council as it is geographically closer for their dancers to join in the activities in the TVC area. We are sorry to lose them but if it's better for their club we support their decision and wish them lots of dancing fun with the TVC.

We want to encourage all the Oregon dancers to support the youth festival that will be held very soon in Silverton Oregon. The dancing is open to ALL dancers Friday and Saturday night, so come support the future of Square and Round Dancing and do some dancing yourselves.

69th Annual Pacific Northwest Teen Festival

May 4th and 5th, Silverton High School

Check the OFN Web site for details. The buttons you purchased from the youth get you into the dances.

PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL: Janet (Roy) Bellcoff -

Election of Officers: This is a busy time of year for both Council and clubs as all are in the process of electing officers; clubs will be updating the information on the website. Planning is being done for the coming club year's activities. It may be dances, visitations and mystery trips, campouts and picnics, festivals and special weekends that are included on their calendars.

Pacific Northwest Teen Festival: Many clubs are dark for the Festival and dancers have volunteered to assist where needed at the Festival. Excitement has been building for this event.

Tri-Council Dance hosted by PAC: The 2018 dance between Tualatin, Evergreen and Portland Councils is planned for September. However, the location and Caller & Cuer are unknown at this time.

Carol Zellmer of Buzzin Bees Club receives honors: The Evergreen Council presents the Bob Kendall Award, (an award similar to the Randall Award) e each year; this year Carol Zellmer was the worthy recipient. Carol is a long-time dancer with many Vancouver and Portland clubs!

Traveling Teddy Bear: PAC uncovered a large Teddy Bear, hiding out in one of its storage closets. Who knows how long it had been there. Apparently, this bear traveled the state many years ago and may have a traveling partner, hiding out in some other closet or storage area. I am told there is a search for the missing traveling partner. Can dancers and clubs around the state help with this search?

Hard Decision to Make: Following their 38th Anniversary Dance on April 22, 2018, the Silver Stars Square Dance Club in Vancouver, held a club meeting and voting to disband. Everyone at the meeting sensed it was time to disband, but difficult to put the sentiment into words.

ROGUE-SIS-Q COUNCIL: Roberta (Phil) Claudson -- The main thrust of our council and clubs has been the preparation for the festivals in our area.

We are proud to be hosting the 2018 Summer Festival in Grants Pass. We hope that many of the square dancers can come and not only enjoy the great dancing, but also the scenery and events available to all.

There are lots of local celebrations in our cities, and our clubs co-ordinate their special festivals with these events, giving dancers the opportunity to dance and also to attend the other activities.

Such as, Pear Blossom Festival in Medford. This three-day festival is the second weekend in April, held on the same weekend as the city-wide Pear Blossom celebration. The dancers can watch the parade, and foot races. All four council clubs are represented on the committee.

The Circle N Squares in Yreka continue to grow their club membership. The members accompany their students to the student level dances in Medford. Their big dance is held the third Saturday in June, Gold Diggers Day.

The Rogue Squares will be holding just two dances this next year, but both of them will be student level: one in July and the other one will be their Pajama Rama in January.

The Charlie Browns are busy with last minute preparations for their annual Boatnik Festival over Memorial Day weekend. The City of Grants Pass sponsors a parade and the famous boat races on the Rogue River. They are starting their dances 30 minutes earlier than usual. 1.e. 7:00 for prerounds and squares at 7:30. This experiment seems to be working well.

The Star Promenaders of Medford are preparing for the Diamond Lake Festival which is held the 4th weekend in July. The club graduated 11 dancers this month, three of the graduates are children. There is an ongoing class which started in January. This class has four children, two adults and two returning dancers. As you can see they are putting a lot of emphasis on getting the young people involved. Their club caller, Wayne Weaver, is resigning in August. There is a "Thank You" dance and party planned for the second Saturday in August. Wayne has been calling for over 50 years.

As reported in January, both the Rogue Squares and the Charlie Browns are without a club caller. They have been bringing in out of the area callers to call their dances. Another resignation is the Rogues cuer, Mary Nutt.

In July we are having our third annual Youth Dance under the leadership of Lorri McIntosh.


Dave & Patty Cooper

In the 3 months since our Mid-Winter meeting we have been busy visiting dances and spreading the goodwill around the state of Oregon. We enjoyed a trip to Rickreal to dance with the Independence Wagon Wheelers in March. We also traveled four separate times to Central Oregon for dances with the Red Rocks, Sagebrush Shufflers and Sundown Round Dance Club. We joined a group from the South Coast for a visitation to Roseburg and had a great time in the newly spiffed up Buckeroo Barn.

We are so happy to see our Goodwill Assistant Rocky Yellow Rock back in his hometown. He has been having lots of adventures on his own. I think his next stop is the Teen Competition next weekend while we will be heading out on Tuesday for our RV trip to Alabama for my grandson's high school graduation and on to North Carolina to see Dave's sister Diane for a long overdue visit. We are already planning to drop in on a dance with the Dothan Alabama Do-Si-Doers and hope to find more clubs along the way. We will not be back by Summer Festival but will send a report. Have fun until we see you later this Summer.

Dale & Kathy Worthington (not present)

We apologize for not being able to attend this meeting because of a commitment we made last year prior to our knowing that the Meeting was changed from May to April. The USDA Winter Meeting, which was being hosted by us, went very well. We were not able to attend the Mid-Winter Festival. However L Paul, the USDA President was able to organize a group to go down to the Mid-Winter Festival Saturday afternoon. Kathy and I took the remainder of the group on a tour of Fort Vancouver, Washington. The next day Kathy and I drove down to Albany to attend the Oregon Federation Mid-Winter Meeting. Three days later we were on a plane going to Mazatlan, Mexico. Eleven days into our 2-week vacation we got word that Kathy's 96 year old father was in the hospital. When we arrived home we took time to wash clothes, repack, and drove down to Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Shortly after arriving Norm, Kathy's father, took a turn for the worse but they were able to stabilize him and he started looking better. After being in Lake Havasu City for about 10 days, Norm was looking good so we decided to return home. Two days after arriving home, we got a call around 10 pm that Norm had passed away. We packed up the car again and returned to Lake Havasu City to make the funeral arrangements. We were there for about a week before again returning home to Warrenton. We were home for about 2 weeks before we left again. We drove down to Lake Havasu City to pick up the Death Certificates and then headed over to Albuquerque, New Mexico. In Albuquerque we attended the CALLERLAB Conference as representatives of the USDA. It was very informative and we attended several seminars dealing with subject other than calling. One class was on the CALLERLAB Marketing Manual. We are looking forward to bringing the Manual to the OFSRDC Meeting. After the conference we returned to Lake Havasu City for a couple of days and then went up to Las Vegas, Nevada. We enjoyed ourselves for a week before coming back home. Since being home we have been working on the Seaside Sashay Festival and arranging for our 66th Anniversary Dance in May. Also on May 17th we will be celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary. We won't be home long before it is off to the National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri.


Baker City Spring Fling -- Two years ago we were ready to close and stop running the festival. Last year we had 56 people -- this year we had 46. The majority of the dancers were from Idaho. Friday night we have an open floor for callers and cuers, and we're asking people to become callers/cuers, so that would be an excellent time for them to get some mic time, and a nice time for Western Oregonians to go East and see what a beautiful place it is. Held the second weekend in April.

Open Mic -- Festivals have gotten away from "open mic" night. All these callers bring their dancers, so if the callers are invited, they'll bring their dancers.

Summer Fest 2018 will have open mic on Thursday. Jamboree style calling for any callers who wish to participate.

State Meeting start time - reminder that the meeting starts at 9:00 am.

Summer Festival -- Please support this year's Summer Festival. Our next meeting will be during Summer Festival in Grants Pass on June 24th at 9:00 am. Please purchase your ribbons as soon as possible and encourage other dancers in your area to attend Summer Festival, too.

Thank you for voting to support Summer Festival 2019. Working together I know we will have a great festival. We will send you updated information as soon as we have confirmation on the date, location, caller and cuer. If you would like to make a festival outfit, we have chosen a Novelty Fabric from JoAnns called Multi-Color Puzzle Pieces #15567845. It is regular priced $9.99 per yard. It can be paired with any solid color and made in a style of your choice.

Thank you to the following Council Delegates or representatives for signing up for a 2019 Summer Festival Committee:

  1. Facilities - Lee Ashwill Coordinator/MWA
  2. Social Media & Advertising - South Coast
  3. Registration and help desk during the Festival - Tim Roberts Coordinator/TVC
  4. RV's - wagon master - orphaned - will be available for adoption at the end of the June 24 OFSRC meeting if the 10th council does not sign up for it.
  5. Split the Pot & Basket Raffle - David & Sally Stutzman Coordinators/Blue Mountains (every committee will be asked for a basket from their council)
  6. Hospitality - Cece Glidewell Coordinator/Interstate Highlanders (the board will be asked to bring cookies or something to share)
  7. Vendors - Larry Reetz Coordinator/Emerald Empire
  8. Decorations - Umpqua
  9. Signage - Rogue Siskiyou
  10. Caller & Cuer Hosts - PAC

Publications (Program Books and Daily Schedules) has been removed from the Committee list. Tim Roberts agreed to create them for the festival.

Douglas County Fair, Aug 7 - Dave Cooper will be lead caller & cuer. No charge if you show up in Square Dance attire.


Sunday, June 24, 2018, 9:00 AM
Josephine County Fairgrounds
Grants Pass, OR

ADJOURN: MOTION TO ADJOURN Pat Cox made a motion to adjourn, Cece Glidewell 2nd. Adjourned at 1154.