9:00 AM General Meeting
CALL TO ORDER President, Kathy (Tim) Roberts
Please turn off your cell phones
ROLL CALL Secretary, Tim (Cheryl) Hagey
INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Lorri McIntosh
MINUTES: Secretary, Tim (Cheryl) Hagey - Zola Jones asked for clarification regarding the TVC report "the clubs have been planning multi-club visitations". Does that mean that you're going to more than one visitation in one evening, or does that mean two clubs go together and visit? Answer was that multiple clubs visit one. TVC report says 5th Friday, when it should say 5th Saturday. Corrected. Minutes accepted as corrected.
PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts - Before we go any further, we hear that congratulations are in order - Bob Houston is the proud new grandparent of a healthy baby boy. Since Bob can not be here, I'd like to ask Gary Clark if he would be willing to come forward and assume 2nd Vice President at this time.
Parliamentarian reminded President that a motion is required. Lorri McIntosh made a motion to seat Gary in 2nd Vice President position in lieu of Bob Houston. Tim Hagey seconded. Motion passed.
President's Report: Thank you Mid?Willamette Area for hosting us this weekend. We had a great dance last night and have thoroughly enjoyed visiting with friends from all over Oregon. Thank you also to all of the officers, delegates & spouses who attended our training session yesterday - I hope everyone learned something new that will be helpful. If you have any questions about anything that was covered, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification from any of the presenters.
I had the honor of awarding our last two 2018 Educational Scholarships last night to Makayla Hutchison and Micaela Vallejo. Both young ladies are members of the Silver City Squares and are part of their competition squares. They are both involved in their club activities and will be attending local community colleges.
One of the privileges that an outgoing President has is to be able to appoint a Goodwill Ambassador Couple. Last night, I had the great honor of announcing that Lee and Barbi Ashwill will be our new Oregon Ambassadors for the next two years. Lee and Barbi are hard workers who have spent untold amount of hours working on National Conventions, in the NEC, the OFSRDC, their Council and their club. Whenever you need something done, ask Lee and Barbi. When looking at the qualifications for a Goodwill Ambassador, one qualification stands out - someone who can make you smile. Lee and Barbi, you warm my heart and make me smile!
As you know, today is my last meeting as your State Federation President and I'd like to say a few words of thanks. Thank you Marilyn for your guidance and attention to details this last year. Your dedication to square dancing is amazing. Lorri, it has been a pleasure working with you and getting to know you and your grandkids better. You are one of the most enthusiastic and positive people I have ever met and I know you will do a great job as president. Your love of square dancing shines through everything you do! Thank you for being my cohort in this adventure. I wish you smooth sailing with no waves during your term as president. For the board, thank you each and every one of you for your dedication, energy, and ideas for the promotion of square dancing. I have enjoyed working with all of you this year. I think we have had a successful year this year, and that is thanks to you! What a team! I am looking forward to continuing to work with you in my new role next year as Past President and Summer Festival Co?Coordinator. Please enjoy that jams and jellies that are in front of you as a thank you from Tim and me to you. For incoming officers and delegates - thank you for volunteering and welcome to this great group of people! I have a jar of jam for you, too.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Lorri McIntosh - Thank you for a wonderful dance last night. I have enjoyed carrying the flags and equipment, but, will be glad to turn it over to the new vice president. I would like to encourage everyone to join in and encourage your dancers to support our two festivals this next year, both MidWinter and Summer Festival. Remember there are youth funds to assist with getting them to the festivals, this can help offset the cost for families wanting to attend. I have spoken to many dancers who were not aware of this option when attending festivals, especially our newer dancers. Please make sure as delegates you take back the information from these meetings to your councils and clubs, you are their connection to the Federation.
2018 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Lorri McIntosh - We made a PROFIT, YAY. I have given 2 checks to Lane, one for the return of the loan and the other for the profits from the festival. Our check to the Federation for their 50% is $613.86. I would like to thank all those who supported the Southern Oregon Summer Festival and encourage everyone who could not to visit us sometime, it's not that far away. The bills are paid and the committee decided to divide the profits with all four clubs and the council, each entity received 20% of the profits after paying the Federation their portion.
2019 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Larry (Carol) Reetz - The summer has been relatively quiet. However, our round dance program committee and square dance program committee have been active. They have produced what I feel is an excellent program for 2019. We should have this on the web site and Facebook soon.
We are looking for help in the following areas.
Ticket Booth: We need to have the booth manned with a minimum of two people during all open hours. We have two couples that have stepped forward and I am looking for 4 more people. This will allow for a good rotation without overworking any pair.
Last year we came up very short with very little help to lay out the flooring. So, we need several to help starting at 8 a.m. on Thursday morning and again at 8 a.m. on Friday morning to turn the floor and tape it down.
Resale clothing begins their set up process at 8 a.m. Thursday. Then starts accepting consignments in the afternoon. They can always use an extra hand or two.
We are really promoting Mid-Winter ribbons. We have distributed some posters to those willing to take them around as they visit different clubs.
Zola Jones is actively compiling materials for the program book. The book should be complete by the 3rd week of November for distribution.
Thank you all for the continued support you provide. For those of us that have been Chairman we are always so thankful for the time volunteers bring to produce each Mid-Winter Festival.
2019 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Kathy (Tim) Roberts - Our next Summer Festival meeting will be immediately after this meeting today. Since our last meeting,
we have added a few events:
- Mid?Winter After?Party, Saturday, January 26, 2019 - 10:30?11:15 pm. During the 45 minutes, we will have a couple tips with Caller KC Curtis and Cuer Dave Cooper and a couple activities. Remember to continue looking for the other 11 dancers who have the puzzle pieces you need to complete your puzzle of golden dangles. You'll have to attend the After?Party to find out what you will get if you find all of the pieces
- Trails End Dance: July 18, 2019 - 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Co?hosted by Capital Callers & Cuers Club and OFSRDC.
Expenses and Profits will be split 50/50. The OFSRDC's share of profits will be distributed after Summer Festival with the Festival profits.
Caller MC will be Chuck Simpkins, Rogue Sis?Q (south) with Cuer MC Leonard Snodgrass, Mid?Willamette (north) at the Salem Square Dance Center. Please invite your callers and cuers to contact Chuck & Leonard for a spot on the program. This is a 3-hour dance to showcase all of our great Oregon Callers & Cuers.
- Dancing on the Oregon Capitol Steps: July 19, 2019 - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm with Leonard Snodgrass (MWA) - wear comfortable shoes and bright colorful clothing.
- Summer Festival opens Friday, July 19th, 2:00 pm at Blanchet Catholic School. Featured Caller will be Michael Kellogg from Northridge, CA with Featured Cuer aryAnn Callahan from West Sacramento, CA.
Casual clothing during the day, Square Dance Attire appreciated for evening dances.
No cowboy boots or high heels will be allowed in the Mainstream or Plus Halls - these are gym floors. You can wear your boots or heels in the Advanced Hall and Round Hall - these are tile floors and will be not damaged by your boots or heels.
2020 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Aaron (Linda) Gibbens - no report.
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - We have about 700 names on our mailing list. Some of the councils are submitting fewer and fewer news items; apparently, they feel that no one reads the club news, because Facebook is more timely. I'd like to get some feedback about whether people are actually reading the OFN; if they're not, maybe it is time for a change.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Bob (Kathy) Houston
SECRETARY: Tim (Cheryl) Hagey -- I got busy this year and completely forgot that I was supposed to order the badges and bars. I will have them ordered this weekend and will mail them to you as soon as I receive them.
TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem - Lane made a motion that, in addition to paying the $100.00 dues to USDA, that we also include a $50.00 donation to the USDA Youth Scholarship Fund and a $50.00 donation to the USDA Handicapable Fund. Kippen Parret seconded. Motion passed.
MEMBERSHIP: Patty (Dave) Cooper - All clubs and councils are current and up to date with their corporation filings. Central Oregon Council's check for State dues arrived on Friday and will be passed to Treasurer Lane Clem today. That completes our annual marathon to collect State dues. I'm hopeful next year we will meet our on-time deadline. A new club is applying for membership in the Federation and has all paperwork completed pending acceptance into the Emerald Empire Council at their meeting tomorrow night. Cast-A-Shadow Advanced Club is excited to become part of our group and is anxious to complete the process with our vote to accept them. Patty made a motion to accept Cast-A-Shadow. Tim Hagey seconded. Motion passed.
INSURANCE: Kay (Jim) Rogers - I handed out packets yesterday. Please see they get to your clubs as soon as possible. If you have questions, I will be available this year to help Marilyn Schmit.
PAST PRESIDENT: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit - Two nominations for the Randall Award were received on time. I accepted two more after the due date. There is still one more in the works and it will be submitted for next year. The ballots were given to the council delegates at the training seminar. They were informed of the due date of November 1st, and to read each one and vote on quality and quantity of the activity of the nominated person/s received. Not their favorite or best known.
The Grant Committee received a request from CeCe Glidewell to attend the "Women in Calling" school in Virginia in April 2019. There was also a request to get assistance to attend Callerlab. That request will not be honored since grants are for housing and/or tuition assistance at a calling or cueing school. CeCe has been accepted into the 22 student caller school, and it is the recommendation from the Grant committee that the maximum amount of $500 be given to CeCe to attend with receipts to be given to the Treasurer once they are received.
The directory was delivered to Eugene on August 14th. I had a first proof back four days later. After reviewing it four separate times, 415 copies were printed. If everyone pays on time, my bill will be paid in advance. I picked up the directory on September 18, 2019.
I started working on the directory shortly after the Federation elections were done and made updates whenever another club/council submitted their updates on the club info form. I sent out fewer emails this year for corrections and only had to remind one council of their late submissions. Got the last club on the day before I took the directory to the printer. Other than that, the directory was fairly easy this time. Not many changes but lots of retirements of callers and cuers. Sad to see.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - I have distributed a large update to the P&Ps with accumulated changes over the year. Now, there's an issue that you may have noticed, if you are paying attention. The P&Ps are designed to be printed so that each section's header is on a right-hand page, like starting a new chapter in a book. Because the table of contents changed size, the big print I did last September had all of the lefts and rights wrong. This reprint is starting to correct that, so do your best. Remember, delegates, that you have two copies of the update: one for you, one for your council. Also remember that your copy of the P&Ps goes with the position; if you are leaving your chair today, please leave the P&Ps for your replacement. As always, the latest full copy is available on the Federation's web site.
EDUCATION/PUBLICITY: Kathy (Tim) Roberts - Mid?Winter Festival will be January 25?27, 2019, at the Linn County Fairgrounds. If you haven't already purchased your ribbon, please consider purchasing it as soon as you can to help promote the festival and to help them with their operating budget. Several of us have Mid?Winter ribbons with us if you'd like to purchase your ribbons today.
This year's Mid-Winter Educational Seminar will be, "Working Together, Helping Each Other". The seminar will be a lively 'Round Table' discussion on how we can work together to help each other's dances, lessons, festivals and special dances. A couple of the ideas we will look at is how has the TVC Anniversary visitations become so successful where the average attendance is over 100 people and how 4 clubs in the Evergreen combined to hold lessons ? was it successful or not? Come and listen to new ideas and share your ideas. Working together, we can help each other be successful. Watch for more information to be delivered to your mailboxes.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit - No report
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert - Everything is current with BMI and ASCAP. I will be sending out my one-page memo of instructions to the 2019 Mid-Winter Festival Chair.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Karyn (Matt) Buchheit - We had 35 people - youth and adults participate in the youth dance at the state fair this year. Caller was Terry Halley. We did have difficulty with the time given to the youth as this was the same weekend as the FFA/4H were showing at fair and we had youth and adult dancers not available to us because they were required to be in the barns.
I did get coordinator of the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival again this year and they have agreed to Oregon. I am in contact with Silverton High about using the school again. Festival dates are May 3 & 4, 2019. Please pass word on to the clubs in your councils - if they have youth dancers who are interested in joining us for competition, please let me know. We can do remote practices/training if needed and work them into a square. Current Silver City youth can also teach other youth some of their styling at Mid-Winter if we know someone wants to compete.
ORDTA: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) - Ralph Lambert a long-time member of ORDTA and ROUNDALAB was recognized at the July RAL convention in Tulsa OK as having been a RAL member for 50 years. A big thanks to Ralph for all his contributions to both round and square dancing.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) - The August round of the month is: 'The Moon Is Still Over Her Shoulder' by Steve and Lori Harris, Music by Michael Johnson, on the album 'Then and Now' Track: 5
The September round of the Moth is: 'Da Do Ron Ron' by Terri & Tim Wilaby,
Music by Shaun Cassidy, Greatest Hits, Track 1
Listings of and cue sheets for all of the rounds of the month can be found on the ORDTA website: https://dennisismithllc.com/ordta/OROM.php
CALLER LIAISON: Janienne Alexander - A list of Advance callers has been sent to the Federation reps (Tim and Kathy Roberts) for distribution as needed.
WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts - Please remember, if you are new at this meeting, get me your name and email address so I can update the Federation's email list.
STATE FAIR: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit - We were originally given four days to dance but I gave one back due to no sign ups. There were 35 youth and chaperones for the youth day on August 25th. There were 14 people attending for the round dance day on August 28th, and there were 20 people in attendance for the mainstream dance on August 30th.
Terry Halley called the youth dance, Ken Pratt cued the round dance, and Don Hart called the mainstream dance. All three enjoyed their time on stage and enjoyed the fair afterwards.
The fair's customer service was lacking this year. When I turned back the one day, they eliminated the wrong day on the schedule. There was no check in list at the gate so it was a good thing I had mine to work from at the gate. The stage area was filled with band equipment so our dancing area was diminished. The area held two squares in a tight fit.
I am going to ask for our Labor Day Saturday back and the Monday so more dancers who are still employed, can participate. The first Saturday of the fair is not good when it comes to the youth attending. Several belong to 4H/FFA and are showing animals at the dance time.
They will also hear about the schedule mess up that made it difficult for the gate attendant if I was not there to help with my list. My list of names was submitted approximately on August 13th and some names were added as they became known to me. I was allowed to add names at the gate if they showed up.
BACKGROUND CHECK: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - Our account with the background check company has finally been established, and we've run our first background check (me). We'll be running Kathy and Lorri through there to firm up the process, but you can now tell your clubs that they can run checks through us. Remember that clubs will be responsible to pay the fee.
DELEGATE MEETING: Julia Buchheit: We held the following discussions.
- Summer Festival 2020. Discussion included location, dates and future summer festivals.
- What do council delegates do to get insurance packets and other information out to their clubs?
- Motions scheduled for Sunday's meeting.
Conducted by Roberta Claudson.
MID-WILLAMETTE AREA: Julia Buchheit - The clubs that were dark for the summer are back to dancing. Lessons have started or will be starting soon.
We have had council officer installation earlier this month. There were not very many changes in officers for us.
Two of our clubs have special partnerships with lessons this year. Corvallis Squares have partnered with Linn-Benton Community College to do lessons over 2 college terms. Independence Wagon Wheelers have partnered with Salem Hospital. The hospital has donated space for the lessons and did some advertising for them in exchange they are not charging for lessons this year.
Silver City Squares has reported that the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival is under Karyn Buchheit as coordinator again this year. It will be in Oregon. Mom (Karyn Buchheit) is in the process of reserving Silverton High for the competition.
Trailer Wrangler Report: At the June 24, 2018 State meeting PAC reported that we no longer needed two trailers (no longer pulling trailers in the Portland Star Light Parade) and the Single-tongue Dance trailer was available (be advised some floor and supply box repairs/replacements are needed). We had two inquiries since last State meeting, from Silver City Squares and Valley River Dancers. Newberg was OK to just reserve the dual-tongue dance trailer, when needed. Silverton was energized at the possibility of having a dance trailer to pull in the Homer Davenport Days Parade, that they participate in yearly. PAC voted at their Sept. 17th meeting to donate, as is, the Single-tongue Dance Trailer to the Silverton city Squares. A Transfer of Ownership agreement is being prepared.
The council expressed great appreciation to Janet Bellcoff for being PAC's Representative to State, over the last two (or three years) of service.
Tri-council Dance (PAC, TVC and Evergreen Councils): Saturday, Sept. 29th, at the Oak Grove Community Center (flyer on OFN website). The PAC Council will host the dance, Stephen Cole (WA) will call and Ken Pratt PAC will cue - please join us.
Buzzin' Bees: Dorothy Lowder has retired as their cuer. Their new club Cuer is Lonnie Sycks (WA).
Country Cut-Ups: They have built an outside dance floor at their Boring Barn location. It was initiated in August and five squares danced on the floor.
Happy Hoppers: Moving from the Clark County Square Dance Center to the Washington Grange #82 at 7701 NE Ward Rd, Vancouver, WA.
ROGUE-SIS-Q COUNCIL: Roberta (Phil) Claudson - Diamond Lake was put on by the Star Promenaders. Many, many square dancers helped get electricity, floor, caller booth and registration building ready for dancers. Hunter Keller was the caller with Maryann Callahan cueing. A terrifically great time was had by all. The smoke wasn't nearly as bad as feared, and definitely better than down in the valleys. This festival was the last one the Weavers will be on the program. I expect they will continue to help, since this is in their blood. Wayne Weaver retired officially in August, but by popular demand, he will conduct A classes this fall and winter if he is in town. He conducted a workshop this past Wednesday to some very rusty A dancers. The Stars have hired Phil Ramey as their new caller, and he is on the program for the Diamond Lake Festival next year. All clubs have started the basic/mainstream classes, and the angels are enthusiastic. Like Phil Ramey says, it is up to the caller to teach, and up to the club to keep the students involved.
The Yreka club, Circle & Squares, celebrated their 62th birthday this month, and up to four squares attended with Dean Black calling and Rikki Lobato cueing.
The Charlie Browns from Grants Pass have a full schedule of classes this fall. A, Plus, Workshops and Mainstream keep their members busy. Their birthday dance is always the first Saturday in December, and they've been using guest callers for about a year now.
The Rogue-Sis-Q Council sponsored a youth dance on a Friday afternoon/evening in July. We had four squares, most of whom were youth. Even Lorri's two youngest grandsons, who are pre-school age, danced. All the youth received a door-prize, so everyone went home happy and excited to continue learning how to dance.
Beachcombers: Beachcombers Battle Rock Festival was super successful this past Labor Day weekend. Over 8 squares filling the dance floor every night and 33 RVs camping on site made for a family reunion atmosphere with lots of attendees already pre-paying for next year. KC Curtis and Dave Cooper kept things hopping and 2 squares even made a surprise midnight visit to KC and Linda's B and B living room to dance a couple of tips. Lessons have started with beginning waltz and squares. Our high school dancer Atticus brought some of her friends and we enjoy seeing some really youthful faces at lessons. They are having a ball.
Mavericks continue to dance every 2nd Friday night in Port Orford. We are gearing up for our 8th Annual Autumn Camp Out at Rainbow on the McKenzie River. 31 couples and 3 solo dancers are registered for the weekend as of this report. It all happens next weekend so you still have time to join in the fun. Jim Steele is calling and Dave Cooper will cue. Mavericks plan to sponsor another Jive Weekend Teach and Phase 3-4 Waltz and Fox Trot Events in the coming months.
TUALATIN VALLEY COUNCIL: Mary Schneider - The TVC tried a new format for the 5th Saturday dance. It was very successful with attendance in the high 80's. The format was:
- One hour of mainstream followed by
- 15 minutes of a plus workshop followed by 45 minutes of plus tips then
- 15 of an advanced workshop followed by 45 minutes of advanced tips.
We continue to have very successful anniversary dances.
The Wave Steppers had 64 dancers drive over to the coasts to celebrate with them.
The Toe Draggers has 106 dancers fill their grange.
Our clubs continue to find creative ways to attract new students.
The R Square D joined the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber distributes regular dance flyers twice a week at their events. Special weekend event flyers are distributed once a week. In addition, the dances are advertised in weekly news letters and emails.
The TVC continues to support medical research with benefit dances.
The Toe Draggers annual Man Enough To Wear Pink Dance is October 7th at 2-5 pm. They also raffle off baskets. The caller and grange time is donated so 100 % of the goes to the OHSU Knight Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.
At the request of Julie Stiers, the TVC and PAC are cosponsoring an Alzheimer's benefit dance on 5/19/2019.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL: Frank (Rita) Schuchard -
Buckeroo's: In late September the Buckeroos had their bi-annual Barn Sale which helped raise money for the barn taxes and expenses. They will be going DARK on their regular dance nights of October 20th and December lst so they can attend the Whirl-A-Way and Charlie Browns birthday dances. September 29 and September 30th will be our Double Down HoeDown with two days of back to back dancing. There will be 5th Saturday evening dance and then on Sunday the caller will have an afternoon Camp DB Plus and Advanced session. (Mike Kellogg will be calling both events.) There are currently 22 students in the new September class of students with six of those returning dancers who danced between 10 and 40 years ago.
Dancing Friends has started their fall lessons and are currently introducing beginning West Coast Swing and Waltz.
Timber 8's (Plus) No report but they have resumed their fall schedule.
Umpqua Area Council: We are planning on walking in the Veterans Day Parade again. All dancers are invited to meet on Veterans Day behind the Douglas County Court house at 10:30 and join us walking the parade route.
Our annual new dancer dance will be held Sunday, January 13, 2018 in the afternoon. MARK YOUR CALENDARS if you are within driving distance and we invite and encourage clubs to come and visit and dance with us that day with their regular and new dancers. All calls will be at the new dancer level.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL: David (Sally) Stutzman - The La Grande Star Promenader members got together for a barbecue in August. There were not enough for dancing but everyone enjoyed the meal and visiting. The club members agreed to get together for another dinner in October.
The Muddy Frogs have lost their caller and cuer. Bill and Neva Reid have retired from calling and cueing due to health issues. The club is continuing to dance on Sundays with guest callers. They are looking for a caller to conduct lessons. Without the Reids the Wallowa Mountain Rendezvous weekend was not held this year.
Of note, the Reids departure leaves Eastern Oregon without a caller or a cuer.
There has been no activity with the Elkhorn Swingers since their Spring Fling dance last April. The club will hold this dance again next year the second weekend in April.
CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL: Kippen Parret - The following report is being submitted on behalf of the Central Oregon Clubs
BACHELOR BEAUTS: Yard signs are available for club members to check out, to plant in yards/etc. to see if we can advertise lessons for all clubs. Each club has 33 signs to use, and Lisa Holloway created a check out system for these. We had some great fundraising events this summer, and plan to do the same ones next year. We continue to look for other events that will bring in funds for the club. The Beauts co-hosted the Community Grange Dance, which was a great success.
Club members also worked on the Grange clean up, and removed things from the attic that were a potential fire hazard. The items saved are currently being stored at Marial Gertz's property while we investigate options for a storage facility on site. The next lesson class will start on September 9th, 2018. Ron Bell-Roemer confirmed that he would be teaching lessons from 9/9/2018 - 10/28/2018, on Sundays and Thursdays from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm. The club will again offer the Sampler of 3 lessons for $20, with the balance of lessons priced at $75. The format will be Mainstream, not Club 50 or any other format. The Round Up was a great collaboration of C.O. clubs, as always. The Beauts coordinated a very successful auction thanks largely to Lisa Holloway; new this year was the "buy it now" idea, which dancers seemed to like. It was also good to have different items out Friday and Saturday to keep buyer interest. The auction cleared just under $1600, an all-time high! Bingo Ball - It's ready for the September debut! This is a new membership reward, with a cash start from club funds to seed the "pot". The "pot" rolls over and the club will add $5 each time/dance if nobody wins. Club members must be present to win, with the hope that this will be an incentive to get members to attend dances and stay until the bingo ball drawing! The Grange will be paving the parking lot during the week of September 24 and we can't have cars drive on it during that week. Those coming for lessons on September 27 will park on the side street and walk across the parking lot to the grange (foot traffic is OK). We've had an invitation for a Community dance demo on October 24 at Mill View Memory Care, during their weekly activity time. We've had a couple of board members RSVP to participate, and we will open the invitation up to all Beauts and area dancers as well as work to secure a caller. Board member vacancy-Julie Thompson has stepped aside as club secretary, and our club VP, Layne Milowe, has offered to fill in as needed. Of greater importance is that Barbry Hogue, club president, has announced that she will be moving from Bend at a date still TBD, and that will leave the club without a president.
REDMOND REDROCKS: The RedRocks were dark in July but enjoyed some fun dances in August with Roger Putzler and Tom Klug and a Back to School dance with Dan Nordby and Julie Stiers. Our club teamed up with the Shufflers to provide Hospitality for the Central Oregon RoundUp, which was a great success. September dances featured Jim Steele & Cathy Houston and this week Mark McDonald and Debbie Klug will team up.
Some of our members participated in a fun demo dance at the Painted Hills Festival in Mitchell on September 1st with Jim Steele and Sandy Harris calling for us.
Our upcoming dances for the rest of the year feature many fun callers including Mark McDonald, Debbie Klug, Jim Hattrick, Darrell Kalmbach, Leonard Snodgrass and Jim Steele. Cuers include Jim Hattrick, Mark McDonald and Tom Klug.
Debbie Klug will continue to host an EZ Mainstream dance at the Redmond Grange every 3rd Thursday of the month for new dancers to practice their skills. Our lessons will begin in January with Debbie Klug teaching
SWINGING MOUNTAINEERS: The Swinging Mountaineers installed officers in June with Marilyn Waak as President, Mary Stadler as Vice-President, Joyce Welton as Secretary and Ron Ricketts as Treasurer.
The Swinging Mountaineers Plus Club enjoyed dancing with Roger Putzler & Rikki Lobato and Kippen Parret & Steve Murphy in July, Craig Abercrombie calling & cueing in August and our first dance in September with Dan Nordbye & Julie Stiers; we also "porked out" a little with yummy ice cream sundaes at the September 14th "Sundaes on Friday" dance.
We completed the club's big & only fund-raising event of the year by again operating the food concession booths at the Sisters Rodeo on the second weekend in June. We were fortunate to have 43 hard-working volunteers from all of the Central Oregon square and round dance clubs filling 114 shifts in the two booths over 4 days! We can't express our gratitude enough to everyone who gave of their time and helped out! Once again it was a successful fund-raising effort that will help the club meet its' expenses for the coming year and continue to bring in great callers and cuers at all of our dances. We are pleased to again share the proceeds from this annual fundraiser with the other clubs in Central Oregon.
We've got some great dances, that you won't want to miss, coming up in the near future - Jim Hattrick calling & cuing on September 28th, Roger Putzler & Tom Klug on October 12th, Craig Abercrombie calling & cueing and big ol' fat hot dogs 'til they're gone on "Halloweenie Night" October 26th and Scott Zinser & Mark McDonald on November 9th.
Indian Summer and Fall are just around the corner. We encourage all of our Central Oregon dancers to join us for some great Plus dances with really fantastic callers & cuers in the coming months.
SAGEBRUSH SHUFFLERS: Club members received yard signs in July and a few were placed around town. As of yet we have not heard back of any local interest. Beginning dance lessons were discussed at the Aug. club meeting. There is not enough interest in the Prineville area but Jim Steele may offer to do them in Redmond this fall if enough sign up. Our Aug. 25th dance was a flop. The caller forgot to show up but the cure Mark McDonald was there and 6 dancers that whooped up 6 rounds then all went home. Shufflers are hopeful upcoming October Halloween and November Veterans dances to be advertised will draw folks to come and dance with us.
All of our summer dances had low attendance.
EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Zola (Ray) Jones - Fall New Dancer lessons have started; again sponsored by 4 area clubs with one Caller, on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 p.m., at the Emerald Square Dance Center in Springfield. Advertising was done on Facebook, in the Newspaper, by 'Flyers', and the special 2-sided 3" X 5" cards-of which I had distributed at the June state meeting. There was a special 'open' dance on Friday, September 7; where 11 new people came and along with dancers from all 4 clubs-made 7 squares on the floor. At the first lesson on September 11 there were 13 New Dancers, and with 'Angels' again 7 squares. Then at the second lesson on September 18 there were 21 New Dancers, (the 13 from the first lesson brought more with them!), for over 8 squares on the floor.
Two of our area clubs are planning on joining together to go on visitations outside of our area.
This Summer our area lost a very special member; Kirby Goode passed away due to a long illness of a heart condition. He was a Caller for many years, and he helped his wife, Christina Corelli, teach Round Dancing. They were very active in our local Callers & Cuers Assoc., always helping in our area events, and active in the Round dance family state-wide, and they also did the Square and Round Dance schedules for Mid-Winter Festival for several years. We all miss Kirby a lot.
Tomorrow evening, Monday, September 24, at our area council meeting we will install our newly elected officers for a 2-year term.
Always our wishes for healthy and happy Holiday Seasons coming up, and we'll see all of you again in January at Mid-Winter Festival
Interstate Highlanders - Cece (Sarge) Glidewell - Not much has changed since the last meeting for the Interstate Highlander Council. However, the KCs now have co-callers, Roy Morgan and Cece Glidewell. Roy Morgan has a demanding job that interferes with his availability to teach squares and call on party nights. Cece Glidewell has joined Caller Lab and is going to teach for the KC's. The club is optimistic about new dancer recruitment this fall and having co-callers working together to grow the club membership.
Dale & Kathy Worthington - We are sorry that we were not able to attend the Summer Festival. Spring time was a happy, sad, and busy time for us. At the beginning of March, Kathy's father passed away so we were back in Arizona. We left Lake Havasu City, AZ, the 25th of March for the CALLERLAB Convention in Albuquerque, NM. As the representatives for the USDA we were given VIP status and very warmly welcomed. We had expected the seminars at the Convention to be all about callers and calling. To our surprise we found many informative and interesting Breakout Sessions ranging from "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing - In Perfect Harmony" to "Dealing with Difficult People". The one session we took the most from was Mike Hogan's presentation of the CALLERLAB Marketing Manual. Upon returning home, we, along with other club members read through the manual to see if we could use it to help our struggling club. If it works out, which we feel it will, we want to encourage the members of the Federations to review it to see how it might work for them. The Manual can be found on the USDA and CALLERLAB website.
Summer started off fast for us. Within no time we had the 5th wheel hitched to the truck and was heading for the 67th National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. We had a great time dancing, visiting with others, attending seminars and meetings, and touring around Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas. In August we packed the car up and headed to USA West in Reno, Nevada. There we enjoyed dancing, touring, meeting with friends, and a little playing on the slot machines (lost about $6.00). Again, shortly after returning home, we loaded up the 5th wheel and headed to Port Orford to attend the Battle Rock Weekend. There we danced on the beach, without electric power, to KC Curtis calling very loud and trying to keep the beat. Later that day we moved the dance to Ray's Place, a grocery store, and danced in the parking lot, with power. There was a great BBQ, making pies to auction off, a great Sunday morning breakfast and overall just a fantastic time. We were only home for about a week when we took off to Napa and San Francisco, California, where we hope to get in a little dancing. But that is just the beginning of another story.
Dave & Patty Cooper: As we complete our two years as Good Will Ambassadors we would like to thank the Federation for giving us this honor. We have enjoyed representing square dancers all over Oregon and across the United States. It has been an easy job for us because we do truly believe in this fantastic activity we all love. We will continue to support, advertise and promote everything from club recruitment and lessons to State and National festivals. We love seeing old friends and making new ones where ever we go so onward and upward.....we will see you in a square!!
Introduction of new Goodwill Ambassador -- Lee & Barbi Ashwill: Lee - I love Kathy. I really do. I'd like to be able to say thank you for this, but I'm not gonna, because I don't feel thankful for it, to get to come to these meetings again. We have downsized our obligations because of some family issues - one of them being our son who had a massive stroke two and a half years ago, so we have some obligations for him. So I'm not sure how much traveling we'll do - we'll try to get to Silverton, and Rickreall, and Dallas maybe, but we'll do the best we can. Barbi - first of all, I would like to thank Kathy for this honor, and for your faith in us, and we will do our very best to represent the state of Oregon wherever we travel. We are making long-distance plans - hopefully they'll come to fruition that we be can be in Atlanta next year for the national convention. In the meantime, we try to make summer festivals and mid-winter festival, and as many other dances with our club - mystery bus trips; whatever, visiting wherever we can. We are going to Rainbow next weekend, so if either summer festival or mid-winter festival has any flyers they'd like for us to take with us, we'd be glad to do that, and start promoting. So, we thank you again, so much - I'm excited to see how this new team works together, and I already heard things today that made me very proud, and that is looking at what's best for the dancers and the dancing communities. Keep up the good work.
Kathy Roberts:
- Thank you to Marilyn for assembling the State director. I want to direct your attention to page 16 - that this page is designed by our new president. "the goal for this year is working together to unite for the success of our organization." She also designed the front cover - "Together, united, working to grow as a whole - no longer North, South, East, or West, just one state, one organization." We need to remember we're all together to support this great activity called square dancing, and we need to be kind and use nice words.
- I have officer nomination forms for next year. When you're out talking to your friends in your clubs and your councils and you see someone who's kinda organized and really enjoying themselves, ask if they would like to be a part of this organization, and ask them to fill out a nomination form. Nominations should be brought to the mid-winter meeting. Ballots will be sent out in March and returned to the federation so they can be counted at the May meeting.
Cece Glidewell: Thank you for the grant to attend Caller school.
Sunday, January 27, 2019, 9:00 AM
Holiday Inn Express
Albany, OR
Cece Glidewell made motion to adjourn, seconded by Tim Hagey. Motion passed - meeting adjourned.