HOSTED BY: Rogue-Sis-Q Council
5 May 2019
Rogue Valley Square Dance Center
Medford, OR

9:00 AM General Meeting

CALL TO ORDER President, Lorri McIntosh - We did verify that there is definitely a quorum with the officers and delegates present. I have Ray Jones, Lois Muck, and Cheryl Hagey that will take the ballots from Tim Hagey, and if they'd be so kind as to count the ballots for us today while we're conducting the meeting.

Please turn off your cell phones

ROLL CALL Secretary, Tim (Cheryl) Hagey -

Officers: All present except: Patty Cooper, Membership

Appointed Officers: All present except:

Delegates not present: David Stutzman, Blue Mountain Council; Kippen Parrot, Central Oregon; Betty Chipps, PAC; Pat Cox, South Coast; and Goodwill Ambassadors Lee and Barbi Ashwill.

INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Kathy (Tim) Roberts

FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

MINUTES Secretary, Tim (Cheryl) Hagey - Cece Glidewell made a motion to accept, Gary Clark 2nd. All in favor



PRESIDENT: Lorri McIntosh - I have been putting out fires, but nothing I need to report on.

1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Karyn (Matt) Buchheit - no report.

2019 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: (Carol) Reetz - no report received. The profit was $2868.23.

2019 SUIMMER FESTIVAL: Kathy (Tim) Roberts - The pens and Post-A-Notes are a thank you from Tim and I for all of your work on our Summer Festival - working together, we are going to have a great festival. We've also given each of you a registration form. If you haven't had a chance to fill your registration form out yet, you can always use your new pen to complete it today. Please note that the end of the pen is a stylus. I have ribbon packets with me if anyone would like to check one out. Please talk to me during the break.

I emailed an update to our Festival summary a few days ago. Did everyone who wanted it receive it? If you need me to send it to you again, let me know. If you need more registration forms, please let me know and I'll mail them to you.

Our Summer Festival plans are coming along very well. Our Program Schedule is tentatively finished - there may be a few adjustments in the next 2 ½ months, but they should be minor. Thank you to Tim Keck, Tami Helms, Erin and Darrell Kalmbach, and Ken and Diane Pratt for putting together a great program with callers and cuers from all over the state. Please thank them when you see them. The Program Schedule can be accessed through the OFN, the Summer Festival Webpage, The Federations' Facebook page and the Summer Festival Facebook page. We also have our tentative Concessions Menu thanks to Karyn and her kids. The menu was attached to your Festival Summary and can also be found on-line at the same places of the schedule. If you know of someone who would like to be involved with summer festival, but has limited time - we can use volunteers during the festival. Please ask them to contact me so we can put their names on the list of volunteers available. It has been great watching how people and councils are supporting each other. Thank you.

Our next scheduled Festival event will be the Trail's End Dance on July 18 at the Salem Square Dance Center. The dance will be co-hosted by Capital Callers & Cuers Club and OFSRDC. Caller MC will be Chuck Simpkins from Rogue SisQ - with Cuer MC Leonard Snodgrass from Mid-Willamette. This dance is an open mic opportunity - please invite your callers and cuers to participate. Both Michael Kellogg and MaryAnn Callahan are planning on coming to dance and party with us. It will be the perfect opportunity for you to visit with them.

On Friday, July 19 from 10:30-12:30 PM We will be dancing on the Oregon Capitol Steps. Our caller will be Leonard Snodgrass (MWA). The dance will be Mainstream and will be held rain or shine. Remember the steps are cement, wear comfortable shoes and bright, colorful clothing.

The Festival will open Friday, July 19 at 2:00 pm at the Blanchet Catholic School. Please remember - NO cowboy boots or ladies spike high heels will be allowed on the wood floors in the Mainstream and Plus Halls.

Summer Festival State Quilt, "We Are One" is finished. Thank you to everyone who made a block. I think all of the councils did a great job creating a block to represent their areas. Thanks also to Janienne Alexander's mother who quilted the quilt for us. This is a unique quilt that is the perfect size at 48x55" to use while sitting in a chair or riding in the car on your way to a dance. The tickets are $1 each. The winning quilt will be drawn during Summer Festival on Sunday evening.

2020 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Aaron (Linda) Gibbens - They say if you want something done, give it to a busy person. It isn't always true.

At this point we're being busy behind the curtains until Summer Festival turns out their lights. Our dance program chairs are contacting the local talent and establishing their list of candidates to fill the festival with awesome music. The program book is starting to fill up and it won't be long until we knock on the door of our printers. The committee positions are filling up and ribbon packets have been handed out. Along the way I left out the introduction of our assistants, who are busy making plans for 2021. Our co-chairs for 2020 are Lisa Kious and Bill and Lisa Coen. They are bringing a lot of energy to the preparations and keeping me on my toes by asking good questions. I know they will do a terrific job leading the committee next year.

OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - We continue to hover around 700 names on our notification mailing list. We have a consistent list of club and council reports, photo submissions, and advertisers. Please tell your area editors to keep up the good work.

2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Gary (Joyce) Clark - It's time for another meeting and may the business of the Federation be handled professionally and with the dancers and clubs in mind. I want to thank Marilyn Schmit for her willingness to take on and complete the State Directory. If you need any help, I would be willing to do what is necessary. Thanks to the Rogue Sis-Q Council for hosting the Pot Luck and Federation Dance last night. It was good food and a lot of fun at the dance.

SECRETARY: Tim (Cheryl) Hagey - no report, but read a thank you card from Cece Glidew

TREASURER: Lane (Marie) Clem - report provided to all delegates. We receive money from ODOT for the specialized Square Dancing license plates. That money is designated for the President to give to a charity fund. I don't think Kathy Roberts designated a charity. Neither did Marilyn Schmit. $608.00 to donate to a charity. Lori, Kathy, and Marilyn will decide how to split the charitable funds.

MEMBERSHIP: Patty (Dave) Cooper - no report

INSURANCE: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit - The Insurance bank account has been set up at US Bank with Marilyn Schmit, Insurance Chair, as the signor of the account. When a club has a new member, they go to the Federation website, enter the information and the report comes to me. Once I receive the report and the money, then I do the report to USDA and a new roster is generated and forwarded back to the club. Usually the same day.

The new system is easier and done locally and generated back within two days for certificates of insurance and additional insureds. USDA will be getting a new Insurance Coordinator at the June Annual Meeting in Atlanta. I know the couple, and they know me, so things should change over fairly easy.

Encourage your club to look over the current certificates of insurance and additional insureds and make sure they are correct. The new system will have them entered already and I can delete those not needed in the future.

I have received the final funds from the insurance account in St. Helen's. Kay has closed out her account and is totally done in that compacity. Thanks Kay.

PAST PRESIDENT: Kathy (Tim) Roberts - Thank you Rogue SisQ for a great weekend. The dinner was yummy and the dancing was fun! We really enjoyed dancing to Lilly Smith's calling last night, too.

We have received three grant requests. Before we discuss the requests, I want to commend callers and cuers who seek to improve their skills by attending continuing education workshops. It doesn't matter how long someone has been calling or cueing, there is always something new to be learned. I am thrilled that people are investigating ways of helping them improve or learn the skills that will help to keep square dancing alive and growing.

Our 1st Grant Request is from Terry Halley - Terry is a club caller who feels that receiving additional continuing education will help not only himself but his club. In his request he stated that he has reached a plateau in his calling and feels that in order to benefit his club and dancers he needs additional training with a new perspective. Terry has decided to attend Mike Sikorsky's Caller School in Roseburg, Oregon, June 12-15, 2019. Mike is a Callerlab Accredited Caller Instructor. This is Terry's first request for financial assistance to attend Caller training. He has estimated his total costs to be (Class $217, Lodging $320, Travel $85, Meals $100) $722. The Grant Committee recommends granting Terry Halley $500 to attend Mike Sikorsky's Caller School. Therefore, I would like to make a motion that we give Terry Halley a $500 Grant to attend Mike Sikorsky's Caller School in June. Cece Glidewell 2nd. Unanimous.

Our 2nd Grant Request is from Rikki Lobato - Rikki has been cueing for about 18 months. She has not attended a cuer school or seminar before. Rikki will be attending the Circle 8 Cuer workshop the end of June in Cle Elum. She is hoping to increase her knowledge of the business side of cueing and to be able to teach beginners how to round dance. She has calculated that her expenses (Travel $150, Food $50, Lodging $70, Seminar $40) will be $310. She has asked for a grant for $300. The Grant Committee recommends awarding Rikki the requested amount of $300. Therefore, I would like to make a motion that we give Rikki Lobato a $300 Grant to attend the Circle 8's Cuer Workshop in June. Tim Hagey second. Unanimous.

Our 3rd Grant Request is from Melissa James. Melissa has received encouragement from the dancers in her clubs to pursue learning how to call. She loves square dancing and is anxious to try calling. The school Melissa is planning on attending is the Iowa Square Dance Academy, May 26-30. She will receive 12 hours a day of training from a team of accredited square dance callers. Melissa estimates that her cost to attend the school will be (Class $400, Flight $600, Hotel $475, Rental Car and gas $500, Food $300) $2200 plus all of her starting out equipment. This is Melissa's first time to request financial assistance for caller training. She will also be seeking assistance from Callerlab, Washington Federation, and her own club. The Grant Committee recommends awarding Melissa $500 to attend caller school. Therefore, I would like to make a motion that we give Melissa James $500 to attend the Iowa Square Dance Academy. Lane Clem second. Unanimous.


PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - As a parliamentary reminder today, if the vote to amend the constitution passes today, the proposition will be sent out to the clubs for ratification.

EDUCATION/PUBLICITY: Kathy (Tim) Roberts - Publicity - Mid February we were contacted by downtown Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square. They were interested in celebrating their 35th Anniversary with a square dance demo with a couple teaching sessions. During the next 1 ½ months, I worked with them on planning the party. Leonard Snodgrass was our caller - we had about 50 dancers from Oregon and Washington. We had a great time and it was a wonderful publicity opportunity for square dancing. The Square was so thrilled with the Square Dance in the Square that they are possibly considering making this an annual Anniversary event. Everyone had a great time in our liquid rain - thank you to everyone who came out to support the dance. KGW filmed most of the event and has created a short video reminiscence of the day which can be viewed at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhUKbTixlPU

Several meetings ago Dale Worthington approached the Federation with a proposal to create a Directory with all of the clubs in the Federation, contact information and special dances. I would like to turn the microphone over to Dale for status update.

In the event the Federation would like to continue updating this booklet or create other information, we would like to request that there be a $200 Publicity line item included on the budget in the future. 300 copies cost $172.00 ($.57 each).

Education - Our Summer Festival Educational Seminar will be on How to keep a Club's nonprofit status healthy. It will cover the A-Z's of nonprofit clubs - from startup to operating.

HISTORIAN: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit - There is not much activity in this position any more. I have with me a stack of records that belong in the estate of Dick and Marge Pentecost that I was given to share with everyone. There are pictures on each side and they are hooked together with leather straps to look like a scrapbook. They are fun to look at and a glimpse into the history of dancing with the Pentecost's.


BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert (not present) - I now have the License Agreement from SESAC as was approved at the Mid-Winter Festival meeting. I have updated the form that I provide to the Chairs of the upcoming State Festival, in this case the Chairs for the 2019 Summer Square Dance Festival in Salem.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Karyn (Matt) Buchheit - I received three scholarship applications and they will be forwarded out to my committee members after I get home from today's meeting.

Silver City Squares youth will be running the concession stand at Summer Festival as a fundraising activity for Teen Festival competition. They have asked that I pass on a request that they would like everyone to stop by and purchase a 2020 Teen Festival pin from them.

Printing costs for the Teen Festival programs this year was $124.14. This was because Bethany Charter School agreed to allow use of their copier at cost ($0.01/side) and the Silver City Squares youth helped put together and staple the programs. Would the Federation consider covering the cost of printing the programs again this year? Kathy Roberts made a motion to pay the printing costs, Tim Hagey seconded. Unanimous with the exception of Karyn Buchheit, who abstained due to a potential conflict of interest.

ORDTA: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) (not present)- We have finished updating our associate members to full membership.

Summer Festival was discussed, reminding all Cuers they will have a ribbon but spouse or partner will need to be purchase a ribbon. Open Mic sessions are available to Cuers If they are not on the cueing program.

An amendment to the ORDTA By-Laws extending the term of office for board members was discussed. Details will be available at the next ORDTA meeting.

Our annual financial audit is due by Sept 1 2019. Dianne Pratt is in charge and asking for volunteers.

Teleconferencing Meetings was discussed to see if we could get more participation from our membership. We will be checking on cost to be further discussed at the next meeting.

ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) (not present) - Round of the Month---the April round is "Puttin' on the Ritz" chosen by Portland Area Council. It was choreographed by Sharon and Casey Parker.

May 2019 round chosen By Rogue Sis Q is a Waltz "Return To Moon River"

By Shawn & Wendy Cavness Song Name: Moon River (Waltz) Artist: Chacra Music

CD: Ballroom Dancing Under the Stars - 50 Dance Classics

Track: 15 Download from ITunes

June 2019 is being selected by SOUTH COAST.

Rikki Lobato and Cheri Cox have been submitting suggestions for future ROM selections.

CALLER LIAISON: Janienne Alexander (not present) - no report

WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No report

STATE FAIR: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit - The letter asking for three days of dancing for the State Fair has been sent and Acknowledged. We will hear something probably late June or early July. I asked for one day of mainstream for the youth on the second Saturday of the fair. One day for round dancing during the full week of the fair and for Labor Day Monday for those who still work and cannot dance during the week.

BACKGROUND CHECK: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - We've run one more name through the background check, and the process continues to run smoothly.

DELEGATE MEETING: Roberta (Phil) Claudson - when we met yesterday, we discussed three different items - line dancing, which was unanimously approved by the delegates; we discussed the benefit dance that the Rogue Sis-Q Council is going to be putting on in August, and it's a challenge to all the other clubs and councils that they help the Beachcombers with their roof problems; and changing the meeting date to the first Saturday in September.


  1. Tabled motion to amend constitution to accept line dance clubs for membership. Tim Roberts read: The text of Article 3 of our Constitution says:

    MEMBERSHIP: Membership in the Oregon Federation shall be open to any organized square dance club, round dance club, contra club, clogging club, cuer's association, or caller's association, each being a non-profit organization having duly elected officers, and making application to the State Executive Board in the prescribed manner.

    The change here would be to add "Line Dance Club" to our Federation Membership. Clubs are NOT required to offer line dancing as part of their dances. This simply adds Line Dance clubs to the Federation. Lorri in favor of adding Line Dance Clubs to the constitution of the federation. Motion carried. The secretary will mail out ballots to all clubs within 15 days. In order to pass, 2/3 of the returned ballots must say "yes".

  2. Election of Officers. 1st Vice President - Gary Clark, 2nd Vice President - Tim Keck, Secretary - Robert Claudson, Treasurer - Marilyn Schmit. We can't announce Membership at this time, because it came out a tie. Tim Roberts, Parliamentarian, informed us that our constitution has a method of dealing with that. In case of a tie, the President, First Vice President, and immediate Past President can cast a ballot. They did so, and Denny Fullerton won.

    Karyn Buchheit made a motion to destroy the ballots, Frank Schuchard seconded. Tim Hagey will take home and destroy.





BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL: David (Sally) Stutzman (not present) - The Spring Fling Weekend was a success again last month with five squares in attendance Saturday night. The Club voted to continue festival again next year with a change in date due to a conflict with Easter. The festival is being moved to the fifth weekend of May for 2020.

Muddy Frogs dance to records Sunday afternoon and on the 4th Sunday they have a guest caller for the dance followed by a potluck.

CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL: Joyce Welton (not present) - No report

EMERALD EMPIRE COUNCIL: Zola (Ray) Jones - Our Winter session of New Dancer lessons, sponsored by three area clubs, graduated 12 New Dancers on April 9, and 6 New Dancers also graduated on April 11 from a caller-run lessons. Many have already joined clubs, as all three clubs had dances at new dancer level in February and March.

Our area council's annual Benefit Dance on March 30 was for recipient "Camp Alma", owned by local 'Veteran's Legacy', to help Veterans in our area who are homeless or struggle with PTSD. The dance was well attended with dancers from all our local clubs, we raised over $2,000.00 and we appreciate everyone's support and generosity!

Some of our clubs go DARK in July and August; so if anyone is going to be in our area and wants to come to a dance-contact a club to be sure they are dancing.

We look forward to seeing everyone again in July at Summer Festival. Until then you all stay safe and well.

INTERSTATE-HIGHLANDERS: Cece (Sarge) Glidewell - The Interstate Highlanders: It is time to elect new officers. A council dance will be planned later this year.

The KC squares are continuing with workshops as long as there are enough dancers for at least a square. The April birthday dance was called by Phil Ramey and cued by Sarge Glidewell. They had a nice turn out from the Rogue Sis-Q area including the Federation President, Lori McIntosh, and their area delegate, Roberta & Phil Claudson. Phil Ramey even got the KCs new dancers up for a couple tips. One of our callers, Cece Glidewell, is back from caller school and Caller Lab in Richmond, VA. She will be implementing technique she learned in our workshops.

The club will be dark for July and August. They are planning to have a new dancer class this fall and will use the down time to plan and launch their advertising campaign

MID-WILLAMETTE AREA: Julia Buchheit - We held an Alzheimer's Research Benefit Dance on March 24, 2019. We had 55 callers, cuers and dancers in attendance and raised $665 for Oregon Health Sciences University's Alzheimer's Research Program.

Lessons have ended and students graduated in the MWA Council and we are enjoying the new dancers coming out to dances.

We are working on setting up a "passport" for MWA birthday/anniversary dances with a chance to earn a bar/dangle for attending a majority of these within a year.

The Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival was at Silverton High School, Silverton Oregon the past 2 days (May 3rd & 4th) for its 70th year. If you didn't make it, you missed a great competition. There were 137 youth ages 8-21 registered for competition this year with 6 clubs represented: Delta Sundancers and Wesburn Wranglers from Canada; Jacks & Jills, Young Bunch and Yakima Gateswingers from Washington and our own Silver City Squares from Oregon. Competition was in squares, rounds, calling and cueing.

Silver City Squares had 2 squares competing - one at Junior Level and one at Senior Level; 4 callers - 2 at Junior Level, one at Pre-Teen Novice Level and one at Novice Level; 1 cuer at Junior Level and 1 round couple at Basic Level. We also had the opportunity for our youth to sing the USA national anthem and 5 of our youth volunteered to do so. What we won:

Silver Dragons (Senior Level square) - 2nd Place
Petrina Buchheit (Junior Level caller) - Best Patter and 3rd Place
Jasmine Mauro (Pre-Teen Level caller) - 1st Place
Julia Buchheit (Junior Level cuer) - 2nd Place
Petrina Buchheit/Julia Buchheit (Basic Level rounds) - 2nd Place
Other awards - Tied 2nd Place for Coordinator's Choice Award

The Festival moves to Auburn Washington next year.

PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL: Betty Chipps - Trailer Wrangler Report

The single-tongue Dance Trailer, was transferred to Silverton on February 2, 2019 and now is property of Silver City Squares.

Portland Area Council (PAC) has retained the DUAL-TONGUE Dance Trailer, which can be reserved in 2019 (Cert. of Indemnity required-limits set by venue) by contacting Betty Chipps via email: chippsbetty@gmail.com

Portland Area Council (PAC) News

PAC meeting was held April 7, 2019. Guests: Mike St.clair, TVC President, Judy Schnase and Julie Stiers joined PAC to discuss joint-sponsorship responsibilities at the May 19th ALZHEIMERS BENEFIT dance from 2-5pm. Club Baskets and Baked Goods will be raffled. (See FLYER in the MAY-OFN)

The Council's important Vice-President position awaits a Federated dancer to fill the duties and assist our President, Keith Miles. A new Secretary, Eileen Petticrew, will be introduced June 17 at our annual potluck, 6pm, at North Clackamas Park, in Milwaukie. Join us and meet the Officers.

Kathy Roberts-Education Chair: accepting requests for Caller/Cuers GRANTS for workshops and training sessions. Applications are only voted on each MidWinter, May, Summer Fest., and September STATE meetings.

INFO: Cle Elum, WA upcoming instruction dates:

1. ) June 28-30, for the CUER Conference/Training, 2.) Caller's Workshop with Daryl Clendenin, Jerry Junck and Doug Davis is July 4-7 at Circle 8 Ranch and 3.) July 12-14 is the 51st Education & Leadership Seminar.

It was great to see four squares at the Portland Area Council (PAC) dance on March 29th were Don Hart, a caller retread, was introduced and Lonnie Sycks cued a "Western Theme" (complete with jail). Oh and Beary Potter (traveling mascot) and Bearniece (partner) were presented their diapered "baby" bear … this was a 'once-in-a-lifetime' happening and a fun dance!

PAC will donate a "Lazy Days of Summer" themed Basket for Summer Festival Silent Auction.

- Club News - All PAC Officers and Rep's were in favor of amending the STATE Constitution to include Line-Dancing clubs in the Federation.

BACHELOR and BACHELORETTES (B & B's) 54th Anniversary dance on April 10th was a hoot - Dan Nordbye and Tami Helms were caller/cuer - dancers filled the floor. Former B & B Callers and Cuers were honored and pictures taken.

A PAC visitation was planned to BUZZIN' BEES 61st Anniversary, on April 20th. Terry Halley, called and Lonnie Sycks was cuer. A little more than three squares attended. KC (& Linda) Curtis, who lost their 38 year-old son on APR 16, due to kidney failure, did make a surprise appearance. Terry and KC called a tip with a couple of their favorite "Wildcard" songs. KC and Linda received "much-needed hugs and TLC" from their square dance friends.

CHAPS and PETTICOATS ask: Can we interest you in maybe Cha, Two-Step or Waltz lessons each Sunday (time 4-5:30pm), beginning SEPT. 15th? Cast your vote for enrollment by contacting Betty Chipps (503) 806-5654.

CHAPS will be DARK on May 3rd to support the Pacific NW Teen Sq.Dance Festival (PNTSDF) at Silverton High School; May 4 Silverton youth will compete with clubs from Canada and Washington in Caller, Cuer, Round and Square challenges - hope you bought your teen badge (only $2 in advance) to get in the door for this event.

On Friday, May 17th Caller and Cuer, Putzler and Pratt, will honor those who served this country (a parade of flags), and Friday, June 7th will be Scott Zinser.calling and Dave Cooper cueing as we just "Let the Fun Begin."

The COUNTRY CUT-UPS, have been busy with unique promotions. Their themed March play and dance, "Pirates and Princess in a Pickle" earned the needed funds for maintenance to open their outside dance floor. Also, they can pay their Boring Barn property taxes after a successful April 12-13 Barn Sale (netted only a little less than last year). Three MONDAY's beginning May 1 th, Dan Nordbye will call high-energy MS dances at the Barn from 7-9pm. Care to attend a dance on SUN, Father's Day? Come dance with Adam Christman on June 16th from 1-5pm.

HAPPY HOPPERS started lessons with Jim Hattrick in March - 35 students (MS and PLUS count) turned out. They will celebrate their 60th Anniversary, at the Washington Grange in Vancouver, WA - their theme: "MAY the 4th Be With You" tells the date and Rounds start at 7:30pm, MS at 8pm.

Ever dance to 'taped' music? HEADS-TO-THE-CENTER offers a variety of 'taped' Caller - ADVANCE dance instruction each THURS in MAY at the Milwaukie Grange from 7:30-9:30pm (call ahead to confirm). ADVANCE dances held from 4:30-6:30 at the Oak Grove Community Center.

OAK DOAKS has chosen a Club Caller, Don Hart. On MAY 18th, for their 59th Anniversary, Julie Stiers cues Pre-Rounds at 7pm, and two callers, Don and Janienne Alexander, will share a little "Fun in the Sun" MS 7:30-9:30.

ROSETOWN RAMBLERS graduate 10 MS students on May 11th with Ian Craig, calling "Mad-Plaid Grad" at the Oak Grove Community Club.

TUMBLEWEEDS dance every FRIDAY from 11am-2pm. FLYERS for the 49th National Dance-A-Rama,

August 30-Sept.1 in Hoover, AL were circulated (early registration ends AUG 1st.- special room rate $119 + tax).

Upcoming PAC Events

" SAT, MAY 11 - TEDDY BEAR PARADE, Oregon City (dance trailer will be decorated with Bears)

Check-in at 9:00am (10th/Main), Bring a Teddy Bear donation (or other animal), PARADE begins at 10:30am.

ROGUE-SIS-Q COUNCIL: Roberta (Phil) Claudson - Welcome to our part of Oregon. Thank you for coming. Our council is challenging all the other councils and clubs to have a benefit dance for the roof at the dance hall in Port Offord. We plan to have a weekend of fun August 2 -4. Instead of dancing in the ocean, we will have a sprinkler dance.

The Stars are having a benefit for Alzheimer's on June 2 at the RVSD center. The hall rent, cuers and callers are all donating their time.

Festivals are the name of the game here.

We had a very successful "Pear Blossom" festival the second weekend in April. Lois Muck and Lorri McIntosh always gather between 30 and 40 raffle items including ribbons for other festivals. This always adds monies to their coffers and fun for the dancers.

3 classes of new dancers have graduated since Midwinter. There are at least 3 classes on going, plus round dance lessons taught by our very capable instructors. The Star Promenaders graduated only I new dancer in April. Make that two. It was just before the graduation ceremony that it was announced that one of our members had not met all of the requirements for club membership - he had never graduated M/S although he dances at the advanced level. After he publically returned his membership badge, he went through the graduation ceremony that same evening with the student he had helped these last seven months.

We have several dancers learning to call, including Lily Smith who you heard calling a song last evening. She did a great job.

Star Promenaders put on the Diamond Lake Square Dance Festival the 4th weekend in July each year. This is an 8 day commitment from the committee with dancing Wednesday - Saturday. The floor , caller's stand , etc are stored at Diamond Lake each winter. The club members had completed the final stage of building the shed to cover the floor last fall, but the extra heavy snow accumulation this winter did quite a number on the shed. The caller shack and registration building will need major work before they can be used this summer.

The Circle and Squares from Yreka are looking for a new place to dance, since the building they have used all these many years was sold and is no longer available. They have a special dance called the Gold Diggers Dance in Yreka June 22.

Charlie Brown Squares have a 3 day weekend festival over Memorial Day. The town of Grants Pass goes all out with a parade and boat races, so lots to see and do.

We welcome with open arms all dancers to come and have fun and fellowship with us in Southern Oregon.


Sets in Order - We continue with our monthly dance with Coleeta calling and Denise cueing. We had to cancel our February dance because of bad weather, but we had a great "Clash Dance" in March.

Saints-N-Aints - We have kept busy these last 4 months. We continue to have our regular dances on the 1st and 3rd Saturday's. We participated in several dance demos for local fund raisers and had several people interested in taking lessons. Yay!!

We had a great Birthday dance in April, with dancers from all three South Coast Council clubs and a large group of Roseburg Buckaroos! The men were supposed to be cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs, but were too busy socializing. Two of our dancers recently got married and had their wedding reception right before our birthday dance. Patrick and Cherie Cox attended the Callerlab convention in Richmond Virginia and Cherie attended the first of its kind caller school for Women, taught by all women coaches. We met a lot of old friends and made a lot more.

TUALATIN VALLEY COUNCIL: Josie Rosenbury (TVC Representative for the State Meeting)

TVC installed new officers for the coming year. Remaining in their present offices are: President Mike St. Clair, Vice President Judy Schnase; Treasurer Joanne Switzer, Secretary Andis Garuts and Past President Dale Brabham. To fill vacant positions, the TVC President appointed Josie Rosenbury as TVC Representative for the State Meetings (formally taking office in September), and Deb Mandeville as Alternate State Delegate.

About 50 dancers from the TVC, Mid-Willamette Council and PAC gathered for a demo dance as part of the 35 year anniversary of the Pioneer Courthouse Square in downtown Portland. The free square dance, called by Leonard Snodgrass (MWC), was held during the day on a rainy April 5th under a giant tent. Audience participation was encouraged to provide an introduction to square dancing. The event was televised and the administration was pleased with the outcome and contemplating making this an annual event. Here is a short video clip of the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhUKbTixlPU.

At the annual President's Potluck the TVC surprised Judy Schnase by awarding her the President's Recognition Award, which is an honor similar to the Randall Award. Also Bob Allen from Wave Steppers was presented with another TVC Ambassador Badge.

More than half of our 13 clubs had Anniversary dances in the past 3 months and all were well attended as a result of the encouragement and enthusiastic challenge from the TVC leadership to once again this year come out and support these dances, as well as new dancer jamborees and special dances.

The TVC and PAC are co-sponsoring an Alzheimer's Association Benefit dance May 19th, 2-5 p.m. Dan Nordbye is caller MC and Julie Stiers is cuer MC (flyer provided). The hall, callers and cuers are donated so 100% of the dance proceeds go to Alzheimer's, and according to Stephanie Foster from the Alzheimer's Association who presented at our council meeting, 60% of the donation stays in Oregon, with the rest going to the national organization. The clubs are preparing baskets for raffle and baked goods will be sold. We are expecting over 20 baskets from the councils.

TVC Clubs are co-sponsoring our 5th Saturday dances giving clubs an opportunity to make some money. This was started by Kathy Roberts a couple of years ago and is working very well. The co-sponsoring club is responsible for setting up, providing any decorations, and kitchen duty--TVC covers door duty, and both the club and TVC bring food. The TVC and the clubs split the cost of the caller and cuers, unless the dance does not make money. If a profit is not made, the TVC covers the costs, and the club does not share in the loss. The TVC generally breaks even and the participating clubs are getting on average $200. Our March 5th Saturday, Spring Fling Dance, co-hosted by the Mix and Mingle, called by Randy Dibble and cued by Jeanine Norden, was well attended with many favorable comments, and the club made $225.

The next TVC 5th Saturday (June 29, 2019) is the Hahn Barn Dance and Picnic Scott Zinser calling, Ken Pratt cueing. Special upcoming events our clubs are planning include: Hayshaker Anniversary Dance on May 17th in Warrenton, Eager Beavers Plus Memorial Day Dance on May 27th (Aloha Grange), Valley River Dancers "Dance Under the Stars" in conjunction with Old Fashioned Festival outside in Newberg on July 26th, R Square D Oktoberfest Weekend in Kelso (Rose Valley Grange) October 11-12, and Hayshakers/Sunset Promenaders Seaside Sashay Festival October 25-26 (Convention Center). Flyers provided.

UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL: Frank (Rita) Schuchard

The Buckeroo's have been active with club visitations. Recently twenty dancers drove down to the Medford for the Pear Blossom Festival and eight dancers visited the Saints n' Aints for their birthday dance in April. We had 11 ½ squares at our April 6th Buckeroo Birthday dance. The Round Up is coming up soon and the committees are busy with final plans. It is the week end of June 7th with Hunter Keller and Randy Lewis headlining. We will wind up the week end with the Wildlife Safari Benefit Dance held out at the Wildlife Safari under the dome.

Dancing Friends Club - The intermediate lessons are held on Sundays and the beginner's lessons are on Thursdays so there are two nights of Round Dancing lessons at the Barn. Joel Brock tapes many of the moves taught during the class and emails them out to the dancer's right after the lesson so they can watch them again once they are home.

Timber 8's Club - Their birthday dance was held last Saturday night. Don Marshall was visiting in town so we had a special night of dancing with Don and Dale calling together.

UAC - Our 5th Saturday dance was held the last Saturday in March with a great turn out. The basket the council is making for the Summer Festival is "Summer Fun."


Dale & Kathy Worthington - On the 21st of January we flew out to Pittsburg, PA, to attend the USDA Mid-Winter Meeting. While there we were able to attend several museums to include the Heinz Museum. We were also able to attend a special square dance put on by the local round dance club. Great fun! On February 21st we hooked up the trailer and headed up North to Monroe, WA. There we did some touring around Seattle and visiting of family. When we got back home Dale and Sylvia started working on the Seaside Sashay for this year. March 10th the Hayshakers began square dance lessons with 7 students. We have been able to keep most of them, however the lessons have been moving slowly, but at least it is moving. The 18th, we took off again and drove down to San Diego, CA, stopping to visit Kings Canyon and Giant Sequoia National Forests. We stayed in San Diego a few days before heading for Las Vegas for a few more days then it was back to home. When we got home Dale started working on the Club Directory and Special Dances/Festivals Booklet. It is amazing how many clubs/councils don't respond to emails. We continued working with the square dance lessons and visiting the Wave Steppers in Garibaldi. On April 14th we received a call from Nancy, Dale's brother's wife, telling us that Dwight was declining very fast. On the 17th we flew out to Gainesville, Florida, to be with Dwight. When we arrived in Florida we found out that Dwight had passed away that afternoon. We departed Florida on the 24th flying back home. At home Dale was able to finish up on the Special Dance/Festival Booklet and submit it to the printers. We should have it back in time for the OFSRDC May meeting.

Lee & Barbi Ashwill - no report



Sunday, July 21, 2019, 9:00 AM

Blanchet Catholic School