9:00 General Meeting
CALL TO ORDER President Lorri McIntosh
A motion to seat Marilyn Schmit as Secretary Pro Tem and Tim Keck as 2nd Vice President Pro Tem was made by CeCe Glidewell and the second by Lane Clem. The motion carried.
Lorri appointed Barbi Ashwill, Kathy Worthington and Lisa Kious to count the ballots regarding the "line dancing" addition to the constitution.
Please turn off your cell phones.
ROLL CALL Secretary Pro-Tem Marilyn Schmit
Officers: all present except: Secretary, Tim Hagey, 2nd Vice President, Gary Clark.
Appointed Officers: all present except: Caller Liaison, Janienne Alexander
Delegates not present: David Stutzman, Blue Mountains Council, Kippen Parret, Central Oregon Council, Roberta Claudson, Rogue Sis Q Council. Joyce Welton was in for Kippen and Blake Smith is the new delegate from Rogue Sis Q. Deb Mandeville was the substitute delegate for Josie Rosenbury, Tualatin Valley Council.
INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Kathy (Tim) Roberts
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
MINUTES: Secretary, Pro Tem, Marilyn Schmit - corrections to the May minutes include under the Secretary's report to correct CeCe's last name to Glidewell; correct the spelling in the first paragraph of the Rogue Sis Q report to Orford; and add to the Mid-Willamette Area report that Yesena Vallejo-Mourer placed second in Junior Calling. The motion to approve as corrected was made by Karyn Buchheit and the second by Pat Cox. The motion carried. THIS MEETING IS BEING RECORDED
PRESIDENT - Lorri McIntosh
I want to thank everyone for helping this weekend with Summer festival. It has been a lot of work and I especially want to thank Kathy Roberts for heading this festival and coordinating all the festivities, schedules, water for the halls, contact information so we can notify each other of any concerns, and basically doing a great job to make Summer festival happen this year.
I want to tell you what a great time I had at the National Square Dance Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. My three grandchildren and I drove, yes drove to Atlanta and back. The driving was good family time, the kids saw devastation in Iowa and Nebraska from the flooding, herds of Antelope, and even a moose walking alongside the road. What a great family experience we had, all because of square dancing. I met old friends, the kids made new friends. The youth had a fantastic program, with a separate hall to dance it, and after parties that adults could join in with the youth. The national callers were wonderful to dance to and very energetic. I encourage any of you that have the opportunity to go next year, register and go, have fun and meet people from around the world. Next year Nationals will be held close enough that several from the Northwest can attend, in Spokane, Washington. You will not regret it.
Just an FYI, Rogue Sis Q Council has put out a challenge to all out there in the dancing community. We are having a Raise the Roof Benefit dance for Beachcombers in Port Orford. We are donating ALL proceeds from this three-day event, the first weekend in August, to Beachcombers to help repair their roof. If any of you have danced at Beachcombers hall, it's wonderful. The wood floors are wonderful to dance on, and the beautiful coast line has multiple site to visit while there. Battle Rock weekend is Labor Day every year, where we dance in the surf on Saturday morning, camp out at the hall on a beautiful grassy area, play cards in the hall during non-dancing times, and have fun with fellow dancers. The Sunday morning breakfast is restaurant style, site down and be served. Rogue Sis Q Council would like to help them keep their hall going and are challenging anyone and everyone to have a benefit dance to help a club in need.
My family, grandsons, are becoming more involved as you will see my oldest grandson, Blake, sitting as the Rogue Sis Q delegate this month. Blake will be leaving Summer festival today and heading to Diamond Lake tomorrow to help set up for the next festival up there. He is the concessions chairman and is in charge of all concessions at Diamond Lake festival. If you have never been to Diamond Lake, I encourage you to go and enjoy the lake, which we swim in, the dancing next to the lake and potlucks on Friday and Saturday. Check out the flyers for next year.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
Due to receiving inquiries/phone, I have been reading P&P's and driving the rest of the executive board crazy. Hopefully, this has been worked out prior to this meeting.
With Lane's major assistance, a proposed budget for next year is finished and in your folders.
I have been contacting appointed position holders and many of the current position holders are continuing in their positions. There are changes - Thomas Buchheit has agreed to take the position of Youth Advisor, and Terry Halley has agreed to take the position of Caller Liaison and their information has already been sent in for the directory.
2019 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Kathy (Tim) Roberts
Kathy thanked all who attended the festival and those who helped. Coming into the weekend we had sold about130 ribbons and ended up having an attendance of 304 dancers. There were 16 baskets donated for the raffle from clubs, councils and individuals. There were also two quilts donated by master quilter, Doris Koozer. Plus, the "We Are One" quilt with the ten blocks from the councils, one block for Summer Festival and one block representing the Federation. Please thank those that contributed to making the quilt and thank everyone who bought a ticket for the raffle.
Kathy thanked the talents of Michael Kellogg and Mary Ann Callahan for their contribution to the calling and cueing as featured artists for the weekend. Great job. They promoted everywhere they went in California, Oregon and Washington. She was also thankful for the 18 callers and 17 cuers who also shared their talents on stage.
Kathy thanked Lee and Barbi Ashwill for the job of Facilities chair,
Tami Helms, Tim Keck, Ken Pratt, Erin & Darrell Kalmbach for the dance program that was put together. She also thanked CeCe and Sarge Glidewell for their work in the Hospitality room. Lane Clem was thanked for keeping the records in good order and putting up with the bank and all their requests. Tim Roberts was thanked for his work with Registration. The Decoration committee, Doris Koozer and Rita Schuchard, was thanked for the multitude of hours spent on the quilts (Ping Pong Circulate and the Square). The chicken feeder flowers were actually pine cones. The jams on the tables are a thank you from Kathy and Tim for all the help provided.
Kathy broke down in tears as she thanked Lorri for being her co-chair and working with her with all the ups and downs as they went along.
The preliminary figures are in and show that the Trails In dance made a profit of $175 after expenses with half ($87.50) going to the co-hosts, Capital Callers & Cuers Association. There were some callers and a cuer who had been to callers or cuer school and were on stage to show what they learned. The ballpark figure for the entire Festival will show about $4000 profit with two bills left to pay. Half will go to the Federation and the other half will be split between the 10 councils.
MID-WINTER FESTIVAL 2020 - Aaron & Linda Gibbens
Getting ready to party at Summer Festival. Preparations are proceeding at a quick pace and our program is close to being finalized. We have a meeting later this month and we will have more details at that time. Midwinterfestival.com is now active and available to be found on the Internet for more information.
SUMMER FESTIVAL 2020 - Kay (Jim) Rogers
Thank you for the great table space and opportunity to promote our festival.
You should have seen our registration forms by now. We gave each of you forms to take home. Our hope is that you will put these up in your halls and share at your council meetings. We have plenty of them if you would like more. Contact me any time for more. We will be supplying them again at Mid-Winter.
Daryl's three free caller school sessions are a real bonus for callers who would like to brush up and share caller skills. One will be for Introduction to Calling, one for more experienced calling and one for Sight Calling. Daryl has collected thousands of records through the years. We have separated them into boxes of 100-200 records, a variety of singing calls and hoedowns. Those records will be given away to callers who attend the school sessions or bring dancers with them to the festival.
Most of you are familiar with the Seaside Convention Center. Mainstream, plus, and rounds will be in the main hall. There are other events yet to be planned.
Registration special for this weekend is $35. Have you bought your raffle tickets for the money tree? It is guaranteed to be at least $100, maybe more. Time will tell.
We know registering for Mid-Winter takes precedence this time of year, but we hope to see 2020 ribbons on your badges at Mid-Winter or before.
Lisa came to request the $6000 loan from the Federation for the Festival. It was not granted as the budget has not been received. When it has been received by the Board, then the check can be mailed to the Festival treasurer.
Only about half the clubs submit news articles, and even fewer submit photos and articles. Remember, this is a source of free publicity. You'll reach about 700 dancers around the state. The August issue was on the website on Saturday.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT - Gary (Joyce) Clark
I have no report as I am out of state for the summer. The sound system has been passed on to Tim Keck for the meeting. Hope the Festival is a good one.
SECRETARY - Tim (Cheryl) Hagey (absent)
No report.
TREASURER - Lane (Marie) Clem
Printed report was presented. He has more if someone did not receive one. The back of page one shows year to date profit/loss. We are within $388 of the budget projection. The second page of the Balance Sheet shows we have assets of $117,890.79 as of the end of June.
MEMBERSHIP - Patty (Dave) Cooper
The membership is current and up to date with corporation dues. The state dues are all paid with the exception of the TVC council and that check will be written on Monday evening at their council meeting.
The Oak Hills Squares are applying for membership in the Federation at this meeting. Patty has received the paperwork (in triplicate) and it will be forwarded to USDA for the insurance coverage. Patty made the motion to accept the Oak Hills Squares as members of the Federation. Lane made the second. The motion carried.
Patty also thanked those that donated to the Beachcomber roof fund.
They have two foster granddaughters, Summer and Autumn, and hopefully you were able to meet them.
INSURANCE - Marilyn Schmit
I am preparing for the September education seminar by getting rosters printed, and getting the certificates of insurance printed for deletion, changes or to stay as they are. The seminar will be mandatory for the delegates to attend since there have been so many changes from last year.
I am still receiving new members and get them entered as they come in after the money comes with them. When I see big differences in membership on the club info forms and the insurance count, I am sending emails to find out why. The number of members should be the same as the insurance count or really close.
PAST PRESIDENT - Kathy (Tim) Roberts
The Randall Award nominations were due at this meeting. As of now, only one has been received. Kathy is extending the deadline to August 15th to give time for more to be received. The qualifications are in section VII-19 in the Practices and Procedures.
A grant request was received from the Beachcombers to help with the roof repair in Port Orford. The grant request does not fall within the scope of the rules that have been set. It is to be used for caller/cuer schools and advertising. It cannot be used for rent or maintenance. The club is 1/3 of the way toward what they need. We were all encouraged to go to our clubs and figure a way to help out. A Go Fund Me account has been set up.
A thank you note was received from Melissa James for the grant she received to help get her to a caller school. Kathy has also received a verbal thank you from Terry Halley and Rikki Lobato for their assistance that was received. Lane and CeCe were able to get on stage during Open Mic session.
PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Nothing interesting today. He will have updates at the next meeting.
She thanked the 12 people who attended the Education seminar. Tim led an informative session on how to create a legally healthy club and maintain it. We also had input from Lane Clem, Dale & Kathy Worthington, Larry Reetz and Ralph Lambert. There will be a report in the OFN. Subjects included various forms that need to be filled out annually and BMI/ASCAP/SESAC regulations.
HISTORIAN - Marilyn Schmit
I was given a table at Summer Festival and I brought scrapbooks from previous Summer Festivals to put on the table. Hope you enjoyed them if you took a chance to look at them.
BMI/ASCAP/SESAC - Ralph Lambert
Everything is current with all three of the organizations. The forms have been provided to the Chairs of this 2019 Summer Square Dance Festival.
YOUTH ADVISOR - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
My committee agreed to scholarship the 8 ribbon requests that we received for summer festival.
There were 3 scholarship applicants turned in. I sent them to my committee shortly after May 1st and had the committee do all discussion and decisions without me due to a conflict of interest on my part since one applicant was one of my daughters and the other 2 have been part of my competition teams. The committee decided to award scholarships to all 3 and two were presented last night to: Blake Smith, and Julia Buchheit. Yesenia Vallejo-Mourer had family commitments and was unable to attend. She should be at the meeting today at some point in time.
Also presented last night was a scholarship from the United Square Dancers of America for $1,000.00 to Julia Buchheit. Yesenia Vallejo-Mourer also received one for $500 and it will be delivered today also. Marilyn Schmit accepted for the girls at National Convention. Marilyn was asked to do this by me at the request of the girls, since they both know her well and they are also members of Silver City Squares and Mid-Willamette Area Council.
With the date and time for the youth time for state fair, I'm working on getting a caller for the time slot. Please encourage youth dancers to join us for that day if they are able to do so. Their names can be given either to me or to Marilyn.
ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)
Teen Festival will be held in Washington next year. We feel proud and honored to have had it in Silverton the last 2 years.
Our youth callers and cuers did a wonderful job, we are so proud of them. If you're interested in the final scores the Mid-Willamette State meeting report covered everything.
Members will be presented the amendment changes which will need to be voted on at a future meeting. The amendments are changing term limits of the board and assigning the current Roberts of Rules Order as current meeting process.
OROM JUNE 2019 Phase II Waltz chosen by South Coast Council
"Green Waves" Ballroom Orchestra & Singers by Mary & Bob Townsend
JULY 2019 Phase II Two Step chosen by Tualatin Valley Council
"Codigo" George Strait by Ron & Georgine Woolcock.
CALLER LIAISON - Janienne Alexander
Absent, no report received.
WEBMASTER Tim (Kathy) Roberts
No report
STATE FAIR - Marilyn Schmit
I have heard from the Fair and have received times of day and confirmation of the days I asked for in my request from March. Everything has been confirmed, the email and Facebook post was sent out and I can start collecting names for the various times. Deadline is August 15th.
BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
The process continues to run smoothly.
The results of the balloting were positive and passed. A motion to destroy the ballots was made by Marilyn Schmit and the second by Lane Clem. The motion carried. They will be destroyed by Marilyn Schmit.
Motion reads as follows: I move that the Background Check section of the Practices and Procedures be modified by deleting the word "youth" from page VII-29 line 3 and page VII-30 line 6. This clarifies that the hired talent of ALL Federation-sponsored dances must be checked, as was intended. The motion was made by Karyn Buchheit and the second was made by Kathy Roberts. The mic was then turned over to Tim to provide more explanation for the motion. The original writing had Youth dances and it needs to read ALL Federation sponsored dances. The motion carried.
Zola Jones raised a question about the proposed budget submitted by Karyn Buchheit. It is to be taken home and it will be voted on at the September Federation meeting.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman
Muddy Frogs dance to records on Sunday afternoons. On the 3rd Sunday of every month they have a guest caller and the dance is followed by a potluck. For up-to-date information contact Merri Anne at "merrianneh@charter.net".
Dale Counsell has retired from calling and Don Berry has retired from cueing.
I was hoping to provide flyers for the 2020 Elkhorn Swingers Spring Fling in Baker City. Usually Spring Fling is held the second weekend of April but due to Easter falling on that weekend in 2020 the date has been changed to May 29, 30, 31. The program will remain the same.
Due to a BAD fall on the cement floating dock at Arlington Park I have been ordered by the doctor to rest (do nothing physically or mentally) for two weeks. I am sorry I didn't make it to Summer Festival this weekend.
CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL - Joyce Welton for Kippen Parret
Our council held their "Summer's Here" dance June 29th. We had a very successful night with 7+ squares. We enjoyed the calling of Randy Dibble and Mark McDonald cued. We had a few out-of-area couples who joined us too.
The Sagebrush Shuf?ers just ?nished their lessons graduating two couples. One of the issues we've dealt with at Council is the complaint that area clubs don't coordinate their lessons - sometimes overlapping. Consequently, the Council has developed a "master calendar" of lessons that will be shared with all presidents.
The Bachelor Beauts graduated 10 students from their Spring MS sessions on 4/20. Seven of those signed up as new club members. In an effort to present as many opportunities as possible for these new dancers to get ?oor time, they are having free new dancer ?oor time BEFORE their regular dances.
The next Beauts lessons scheduled are in August. In an effort to "think out of the box" they are beginning with three Introduction to Square Dancing sessions thru Bend Park and Rec Dept. Park & Rec advertise the lessons, sign people up, and collect the money. After the three sessions, then those participating will, hopefully, transition to the Beauts lessons which will continue at their normal location - Pine Forest Grange. Those lessons will begin August 26 and end October 30th (Thursdays and Sundays, 6-8 pm). In addition to the Park & Rec three sessions, the club is holding three Community Dances advertised in local newspapers, public bulletin boards and senior center.
The Beauts also held a special afternoon dance on June 15 at a local Alpaca Ranch followed by a barbecue and, of course, a tour of the facility with new babies only a few days old.
Swinging Mountaineers Plus Club will hold lessons this August. It's been awhile since this had happened so it is very welcomed. Also this club coordinates a major fundraiser at the Sisters Rodeo every year staf?ng two snack bars serving hot dogs and hamburgers. The dancers do all the work including the grill work and frying up French fries. There's even a competition between the snack bars for the most tips! This year, total tips were over $1200. A total of 47 dancers participated. Swinging Mountaineers receive a share of the pro?t (after the Rodeo takes a chunk) and other clubs receive money for their shifts worked. It's a WIN WIN for area dancers.
The biggest news is an exploratory committee consisting of all board members of Bachelor Beauts (Mainstream) and Swinging Mountaineers (Plus) has been formed to research the possibility of merging the two clubs. This is a work in progress but tentatively it appears that this may happen. It was getting harder and harder to get people to serve on the boards. Having one board governing both clubs seems like a solution. More info to follow.
The Lessons Committee for Fall Lessons, again sponsored by three clubs, is making their final plans. There will be an "open" Community Dance on Friday evening, September 20 with calling by Jim Hattrick to introduce square dancing to the public. Then beginner lessons will start on Tuesday October 1 at 7:00 p.m. and taught by Roger Putzler. This is all at the Emerald Square Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda St., Springfield, OR. Advertising for lessons will be on Facebook, distribution of flyers, and the small, special 'cards'. Facebook created a lot of responses last year.
This past spring a long-time Caller in our area, Larry Dupray passed away due to complications recovering from surgery due to illness. He helped start, and was the caller for the "Wolf Pack" club, and was the main person who held the club together. He is certainly missed. A Memorial Service for Larry is going to be held on Saturday, August 17; 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Emerald Park in Springfield, OR, and will also include a pot-luck picnic.
Some of our area clubs go DARK in July and August; so if anyone is in our area and would like to come to a dance-please contact the club first to be sure they are dancing.
We hope everyone stays safe and well, and enjoys the rest of the summer.
And-we will see you again the first weekend in September at the next meeting.
Zola would like information on restaurants and lodging in the area for the September state meeting and directions to the hall.
The council will have a brief meeting on August 17 for the area delegate report from Summer Festival.
The KC squares:
The club had a float in the Klamath Falls July 4th parade. There was low turnout of dancers due to vacations, but the few of us who were there had a great time waving at the spectators. They will be dark for July and August for dances but will have the club picnic on August 17 at noon. They are also planning to have a new dancer class this fall.
Not a lot happening over the summer for Mid-Willamette. We have some clubs dark for the summer. Those that are dancing over the summer are doing so in air conditioned halls.
Some of the clubs have parades or demos scheduled over the summer.
Advertising and planning for lessons starting in September is going on. Ralph Lambert will be holding 2-step lessons starting on September 22nd at 5:00pm at the Salem Square Dance Center. ReVuNQ has put together plans for fall lessons with review of Cha and Waltz to start and Rumba lessons later in the same evening starting on September 12th. IWW will be having lessons at the Salem Hospital again starting in September.
Capital Callers and Cuers were the co-host for the Trails In Dance.
MWA Fall Festival is scheduled for Sunday, September 29, 2019 this year.
We have had our officer elections with minor changes. Georgette Hagerman will be President and Karyn Buchheit will be Vice-President. Barbi Ashwill will be Treasurer. All other offices will remain the same.
Trailer Wrangler Report
Did you get to see TV footage of the June 1st - Rose Festival "Starlight Parade?" The Country Cut-Ups, a (not-so) Boring Barn club, and the Happy Hoppers of Vancouver, WA danced on the Portland Area Council's flatbed Dance Trailer in the parade.
Thank you to the Cut-Ups and the Hoppers who took charge and performed the floor (divots) repair, and secured or replaced the nuts/bolts to the railings. Kudos!!
To reserve the Dance Trailer, contact Betty Chipps via email: chippsbetty@gmail.com
Portland Area Council (PAC) News
The following PAC organizations are "DARK" for the Summer months of July (and maybe August - call to confirm)::
The Country Cut-Ups served a Hot Dog Picnic on July 6th - Clubs danced on the only outside dance floor in the Portland/Vancouver area. Weather was hot/muggy, and stars were out - it was a great night.
PAC's next 5th Friday Dance will be August 30th at the Oak Grove Community Club - features Daryl Clendenin and Sherri Clark as Caller and Cuer. Yes, this dance kicks off the Labor Day weekend - join us.
PAC State Delegate Report
State Federation Meeting (& Dance) will be hosted by PAC on September 7-8th at the Maplewood Grange in Aurora, OR. The Planning Committee met June 10th to review the timeline beginning Thursday Sept. 5th (organizing/cleaning day) through Sept. 8th (State Mtg), and assign tasks to PAC members, Clubs, Grange members, Chaps and Petticoats and various other individuals.
The following decisions were made:
Summer Festival - Responsibilities
PAC was asked to assist Interstate Highlanders Council in filling the volunteer slots needed to greet Caller/Cuers and stock snacks/supplies in the Crash Room (where Caller/Cuers kick-back between gigs). Even though the number of pre-registered PAC members attending Summer Festival is few, out of 18 open volunteer slots, PAC filled ten.
PAC is Hospitality Host to the Summer Festival Featured Caller/Cuer - starting with their PDX arrival on July 18th through July 21st departure - it's all about transport of people and equipment. Regrettably NO one stepped up within PAC to mirror our National guests. A cry for help was placed to Kathy and Lorri - my goodness their resources are vast. Thank you, Kathy, Lorri, Blake, Gabe and Cheryl Hagey for your expertise in running the show and getting things done. Along with Terry Halley and myself, the job was fulfilled.
Raffle Basket requests went out to all the Councils to rally their clubs and for each Council to provide a Basket. With a "Lazy Days of Summer" theme, PAC dancers stocked our Basket full (some nice treasures will be enjoyed). Thank you, PAC dancers.
Club Info Forms and Directories
The Club Info Form is the online report that Clubs need to complete so State Directories information is current. For some Clubs, this is an easy task: they order the same quantity each year, Officers are re-elected … easy! Thank you to Marilyn Schmit for keeping all the Councils on task, one that takes a whole quarter to complete. PAC has placed an order for 74 Directories.
I breathe a sigh of relief that Summer Festival will soon be enjoyed, and shall now focus on the PAC hosted State Meeting - which kicks off the September dance season.
A question received at the meeting wondering about handicapable access to the hall in Aurora. The backdoor has a ramp to the downstairs and there is a ramp at the front door of the Grange to access the dance floor.
See you in a square!
ROGUE SIS Q COUNCIL - Blake Smith for Roberta Claudson
Charlie Brown Squares
In the month of May, the Charlie Brown Squares' "Boatnik Festival" was a rousing success. In late June, the Charlie Brown Squares graduated 18 new dancers most of which is under the age of 25. Tuesday evenings has transitioned from beginner class to mainstream workshop. In June Charlie Brown Squares started a Thursday evening "Square dancing 101" class as an abbreviated introduction to square dancing. The Charlie Brown Squares typically have enough dancers for 3 or more squares. During Josephine County Fair, (14 - 17 August 2019), Charlie Brown Squares are planning an informational booth and Square Dance Demonstrations. With the exception of the Josephine County Fair, Charlie Brown Squares is dark during the month of August. They will resume in September with classes starting on Thursday September 5th and one dance on September 7th. They will be dark for the 3rd Saturday of September to help celebrate Circle 'n Squares birthday dance in Yreka, the Caller will be Eric Henerlau and Cuer Rikki Lobato.
Circle N square
Circle N Squares have teamed up with the Karuk Tribe this summer and are having a dance 101 class starting Monday, June 24 at the Kahtishraam Wellness Center. The tribal members will get free admission and the facility will be no charge. The only charge will be for non-tribal members.
Star Promenaders
The Stars will be dark on the 4th full weekend of August to provide their hall and support to the Buckeroos. The Buckeroo's and the Star Promenaders are hosting a dance event on the 4th full weekend of August.
There will be a hot dog and hamburger potluck. Work is being put in to be published in the "what's happening" section of the local papers
Mavericks & Beachcombers-the clubs are working on fundraising for the roof and keeping new dancers fresh and dancing through the summer. Battle Rock is Labor Day weekend and the Mavericks Camp Out at Rainbow is the last weekend of August.
Thanks to all who have donated to our new roof fund.
Saint's-N-Aints-We are doing continuous lessons again this year. Our club is growing a little bit at a time. We have done several demos around our area. We try to portray a different image than the stereotype in people's minds. They are always surprised that we dance to more modern and current music. During the summer, our club caller, Sherm, is on vacation. We have new local callers call the dances.
Patrick and Cherie Cox attended the Callerlab convention in Richmond, VA and Cherie attended the first all-female caller school.
Sets In Order-We have had our Gay 90's parade float and now are planning for the Coos County Fair parade float. Summers keep us busy with floats!! We are also going to be dancing the last Saturday of July at the Fair at noon. It is always a good time to promote square dancing. If any of you are in our area that weekend, plan to join us.
TUALATIN VALLEY COUNCIL - Deb Mandeville forJosie Rosenbury
The 5th Saturday, June 29th TVC Barn Dance called by Scott Zinser and cued by Ken Pratt was well attended with most all TVC clubs represented and a number of dancers from PAC, and there were 10 squares. Before the dance down at the pond was a potluck picnic with lots of delicious food provided by the clubs.
The upcoming 5th Saturday dance, August 31st at the Aloha Grange has Daryl Clendenin calling, Connie Clark cueing and is co-hosted by the Valley Squares.
The TVC is working on new directories for all the TVC clubs with the council paying printing costs this year. The TVC voted recently to accept the Oak Hills Squares into the TVC which after Federation approval brings the number of clubs in the TVC to 14. Our new club dances on Monday evenings at the Oak Hills Recreation Center, 2400 NW 153rd Avenue, Beaverton, 6:30 to 7:30 for lessons and 7:35 to 8:30 Mainstream. On the 1st Monday of each month the 2nd hour is a dance with all singing calls. Lane Clem is their caller. This club just did a demonstration in the Oak Hills neighborhood on the 4th of July to show their community what they do. The TVC is so pleased to welcome the Oak Hills Squares to the Council!
September 19 & 20, 2020, the TVC is hosting a potluck and dance as well as the State Meeting at the Kinton Grange, 19015 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton, Oregon 97007.
We were informed by one of our clubs that long-time square dance caller, Ron Bliven passed away on July 19th. Ron and Terry founded the Saints n Aints Club in 1977. Condolences can be sent to 70106 Appaloosa Drive, Sisters, OR 97759.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL - Frank (Rita) Schuchard
Mark Wheeler will be the new club caller for the Buckeroo's. The annual Round Up in June was well attended and very successful. Hunter Keller called both the Round Up and the Sunday morning of the Safari Dance. The Wildlife Safari benefit dance netted $755.00 with all proceeds going to the Alligator Habitat. The big winners of Wildlife Safari donation were Jabba and Bayou, the two alligators that live in the habitat. The club has been active this summer visiting other clubs. There is a major road construction project on Hwy 99 impacting entrance to the Barn so if you are planning on visiting the Barn in the near future please call the Buckeroo club president to find out the best exit to take so you are the least impacted by the road work.
Dancing Friends
They have continued dancing weekly throughout most of the summer.
Timber 8s
Karla Choy resigned as treasurer of the club and Doris Koozer has graciously agreed to take over as treasurer.
All three clubs will begin lessons in September. We are planning on dancing at the Douglas County Fair again this year.
Big changes are happening on the UAC Board. We have 3 new officers who will be taking over September lst. Lois Muck will serve as President, Carmen Dowsett as V. President, and Carolyn Skinner will be our new treasurer. David Harman will continue as secretary. President Lois Muck nominated Gabriel Smith to be the new area delegate.
Dale/Kathy Worthington
After the January meeting we worked on the Special Dance/Festival Booklet and submitted it to the printers. We received the booklet back in time for the May meeting and gave copies to the Officers and Council Delegates. The rest of May we spent putting a new roof and other maintenance on our son's house.
On June 14 we left for the National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia taking approximately 50 booklets, for distribution at the Showcase of Ideas. Prior to our arrival at the National Convention, we spent a week at our property in Whisky Flats, Texas. At the National Convention we had about 20 booklets taken, probably that small number because Oregon is so far away from everywhere. While at the National Convention, we attended the Bid Session for upcoming National Conventions. Evansville, Indiana, received the bid for 2022. Mobile, Alabama, received the bid for 2023.
After leaving Atlanta, Georgia, we headed up to Troy, Michigan, for a week and then to Fort Riley, Kansas, for another week before returning home. In August we will be taking the booklets to USA West in Boise, Idaho. We are expecting to give out quite a few booklets there. Whatever remains will be available at the September meeting for distribution.
Lee/Barbi Ashwill
Our report will be very short as we have not been very active since Christmas morning 2018. We have tried to stay active in the Square Dance World by supporting our home Club in any way possible and working on this Summer Festival. Barbi has been active in the council also.
Our travels have been really limited and will continue to be so until we get Lee's medical issue resolved and hopefully there is a solution on the horizon. Until then we will be limited on what we can provide as Goodwill Ambassadors.
In Barbi's perspective, being an ambassador is promoting our activity wherever we go, whether it be local, state or nationwide in a positive manner.
State Directory - As of the writing of this report, there are 2 clubs that have yet to do their updates to the club information forms. I asked for them to be submitted before Summer Festival so I could have the directory pretty much done and ready to go to the printer. I have the cover, inside front cover and the back cover along with the Goals page from the incoming President. I have received a few counts from the councils but still need the rest for the amount of directories each council wishes to order.
Kathy Roberts-the scholarship certificate has arrived and was given to Yesenia for her Oregon education. Kathy is proud of the youth and wants us all to notice that two of the youth are now area delegates. It is good to have another club join the Federation after approaching the homeowners association to show another kind of activity for the residents. Any and all leftover paper goods will be given to Summer Festival 2020 for their use next year. The water products will be given to Central Oregon Round Up and also to Diamond Lake.
Kathy Worthington-USDA keeps asking them how to get kids to apply for the youth scholarships. They mentioned the youth competition, and the leadership that we have for the amount of scholarships that have been awarded in the past.
Dale Worthington-in reference to the roof repair in Port Orford. The Pacific Grange in Warrenton needed a new roof recently and a member contacted Malarkey Roofing for a donation of materials. After receiving the letter, the roofing company sent close to $5000 worth of roofing materials which equaled 300 squares of material.
Betty Chipps-has extra packets of information for the September state meeting if anyone would like one.
Kathy Roberts-asking if anyone had more ideas for the roof project in Port Orford. Kay Rogers asked by email if they could apply for a loan through the Federation to be paid back. That idea will be looked at.
Aaron Gibbens-has Mid-Winter ribbons and flyers with him for those who did not get one during the weekend. They are also able to take credit cards.
The next meeting is Sunday, September 8, at 9 a.m. at the Maplewood Grange in Aurora.
ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Schmit,
Secretary Pro-Tem