9:07 AM General Meeting
CALL TO ORDER President Karyn Buchheit -
Please turn off your cell phones
ROLL CALL Secretary, Roberta (Philip) Claudson
Officers: All present
Appointed officers: All present
Delegates not present: Tualatin Valley had an alternate delegate, Deb Mandeville
INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Lorri McIntosh
FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Gary Clark
MINUTES Secretary, Roberta (Philip) - Marilyn Schmit moved to accept. Tim Keck seconded. Zola Jones requested to have pages numbered, bold print on name of speaker or topic. Minutes were passed.
Changes to the Agenda--
Special visitors introduced. Don and Cheryl Pruitt, General Chairmen of the 69th National Square Dance Convention, to be held in Spokane, WA. They thanked the Oregon Federation for the support they are receiving. They stated that there are just under 2000 registrations, 500 are from WA and OR. The national executive committee is running the convention, (not the state of Washington) since no other group stepped up to bid to host the convention. They hope to have 2500 to 3000 attendees. They are looking for a great time. Thank you for allowing us to come over and talk to you. We can register on line or in the vendor hall today.
PRESIDENT: Karyn (Matt) Buchheit -
Thank you all for being here today. Let us please take a moment to remember those of our dance world who are no longer with us.
Thank you to our Mid-Winter Festival chairs and their committee for all of their work putting on our fun festival this weekend.
As we move through this year, please remind your clubs and the experienced dancers that you come into contact with to support and encourage our newer dancers. Remember that we can all have an "off" evening or tip where we make mistakes so be extra encouraging when a newer dancer has difficulty.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Gary (Joyce) Clark -
Once again it's time to give a big thanks to the MWF Officers and the Festival Committee for a fantastic Festival. We all had fun and this will be one to remember. Thanks for all your hard work.
As one of my duties I attended a couple of the MWF meetings and was made aware of the strong leadership in this Festival. Not only that, but I saw a lot of the past Chairpersons are still involved and this makes for strong continuity. This Festival can't fail as it keeps getting better year after year.
I look forward to more involvement in this Federation and the sharing of duties to continue to make square dancing fun for all.
2020 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Aaron and Linda Gibbens -- Invited Tami Helms and Tim Keck to come into the center of the room. They presented Tami with a tiara keeping with theme of this year's festival. A final tally has not been done, an estimated 900 dancers, the same as last year, but they know they are in the black. Ready to pass the torch to Bill and Lisa Coen
2020 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Sally and Mike Duyck -- Kay Rogers wanted to thank everyone for the cards in the passing of her beloved Jim. 2020 Summer Festival gave 25 flyers to each council. There are 50 reservations and 2 youth.
2021 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Lisa Kious, Bill & Lisa Coen -- We are under way. We have callers and cuers and the fairgrounds. We had some initial confusion with the fairgrounds as to the weekend but that is now sorted out and we are holding Mid-Winter 2021 on January 22-24. We are taking Pre registrations at the festival and hoping to get approximately 170 to come equal with 2020 preregistrations. We still have a few spots available on our committee if anyone would like to volunteer. Hope to see you all back here in January 2021!
OREGON FEDERATION NEWS: Tim (Kathy) Roberts -- The OFN mailing list is reaching 730 people every month, and many more look at it directly. I added a separate section for New Dancer Jamborees in the fall; when you add your dance flyer, look for the jamboree checkbox. I think I need to pull the OFN dance/flyer page out of state directory site; I think people get confused.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Tim Keck (Tami Helms) - I have reviewed the Directory document. I have identified changes that will occur including updating web links to the club sites, and adding new & removing folded clubs, changing & standardizing images, and tweaking the format so as to better fit the directory structure.
I have been discussing potential automation techniques with Tim Roberts so as to better synchronize the hard copy directory with the Federation site directory.
I have been working with Marilyn Schmit to finalize a selection for a replacement print service. Marilyn will report on this. Price sheet distributed two have averaged about $800 - $900. Marilyn moved that we use Salem Blueprint and Printing. Motion passed.
SECRETARY: Roberta (Philip) Claudson - Roberta is keeping busy learning the responsibilities of this position. She sent out 4 sympathy cards and one get well card. She needs to hear from other areas if additional cards should be sent.
TREASURER: Marilyn Schmit - A hard copy of the Treasurer's report has been provided to all delegates. More copies can be provided, if needed. The treasury has received two deposits from Washington Federal for interest income for the third and fourth quarter of 2019 and a deposit from the Oregon Department of Transportation for license plate renewals that we get money from. The Federation sound equipment and treasurer's computer policy has been paid as has the Federation Dishonesty Bond. Mid-Winter has a rider on the Inland Marine policy for Festival owned equipment that is insured all year and a special rider for borrowed equipment for just the weekend. I receive email billings from the background company and those are paid when received. I have forwarded money to Mid-Winter from the Youth Activities fund to support 12 youth to attend Mid-Winter. The BMI/ASCAP bills have been paid so they will be in effect by Mid-Winter. The check that was issued to Misha Case to attend a caller school has been returned and will be reissued closer to the date she will attend during the summer. As of the writing of this report, Summer Festival 2019 has not issued a profit check to the Federation for our half of the profits. Hopefully it will be received at this meeting. If there are any questions on the reports distributed, I will do my best to answer them.
MEMBERSHIP: Denny Fullerton - All clubs are current with their registrations with the State of Oregon Corporation Division.
INSURANCE: Marilyn Schmit - All of the clubs have been insured as of January 10. One club is in arrears for the new members they acquired in 2019. Currently we have 1625 primary dancers in the 60 clubs that insure through Oregon. There are 255 dancers that insure through the Washington Federation but also belong to the Oregon Federation. That is a total of 1880 dancers in 65 clubs. I look forward to getting reports of new members joining various clubs as the new students graduate soon. The fees must be paid when doing the report. The clubs will receive a new roster when the students become members. I have backup copies of all the rosters and the certificates of insurance on file and they are saved to my computer so I can email again if needed.
PAST PRESIDENT: Lorri McIntosh - Randall Award recipients for 2020 are Tami Helms and Tim Keck. They received their personal plaques and bars for their badges. I have given everyone a nomination form to take back and fill out. We had a great turnout this last year for nominations. Please take the time to look at your members and decide who is going above and beyond to promote square and round dancing.
The Nomination committee met January 25th identifying the following candidates:
1st Vice President: Currently has no one running
2nd Vice President: Tim Keck
Secretary: Roberta Claudson
There were no nominations from the floor at the Federation meeting.
The grant committee met yesterday and discussed 3 different grant requests that we feel should move forward with approval from the board.
1) Sagebrush Shufflers are requesting $240, 1/3 of the total needed to conduct beginner classes. They have requested 1/3 from their council and the club is taking responsibility of 1/3. They have already started the classes and have 11 students. I am making a motion to approve the $240 grants request from Sagebrush Shufflers to grow their club. Passed.
2) Dann Houghton is requesting $500 to attend the Cascade Caller School held at Circle 8 in Cle Elum, Washington. He has been working to improve his calling skills and participated in the open mic on Friday. I move to approve the grant request of $500 for Dann Houghton. Patrick Cox seconded. The motion passed.
3) Janet Geiger is requesting $500 to attend the Caller school held at Circle 8 in Cle Elum, Washington. She has been working to improve her calling at open mics and amateur night. She called during open mic on Friday. Lorri moved to approve the grant, Patrick seconded. The motion passed.
4) Misha Case is no longer a member of any federated club, so we cannot reissue the check toward expenses for her to attend caller school.
Lorri went on to explain the process the grant committee goes through when they get a request. She was asked if the Federation gave grants to someone who wants to use the grant to buy equipment. She said that was a grey area and needs to be discussed more as there are no specific guidelines that address that kind of request. She went on to say that anyone can put in a request for a grant. Once a grant is received, lots of research is done, to determine if the grant will benefit their skills as a caller or cuer.
The Randall Award nominations need to be sponsored by a council. She has passed out nomination forms for this next year's contest. Lorri reminded us that the delegates from each council are the ones who vote.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - How many of you actually use your printed P&Ps? Our procedures currently require us to print copies for every officer, and two for every delegate, but that's a fair expense if people don't really want the paper. It is time to reprint. There was a suggestion to send it on a thumb drive. There are procedures in P & P's to how to bid for a festival. Tim takes great pride in the development of the P&Ps and makes him sad when they are not followed.
EDUCATION/PUBLICITY: Kathy (Tim) Roberts -
The OFSRDC Facebook page is up to 509 members.
14 people attended our Social media and Facebook Basics Education class yesterday afternoon. They were given a 22-page handout with pictures and descriptions. We briefly talked about 3 popular social media sites Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter. We spent the rest of the time talking about how to set up accounts on Facebook, create posts, Pages, Groups, and how to edit Facebook. We also briefly discussed how to change Word and Publisher files into .jpgs. She will have a link put up so people can get a copy.
We also discussed the difference between Screenshots (Apple devices) and Print screen (Windows). I will send a link to the information in the OFN and Facebook. I will be switching the pinned post at the top of our Facebook page to featuring Summer Festival 2020. The post will be the first thing you see every time you enter OFSRDC Facebook page. Pinning this post to the top of the page will make it easy to find information about the festival. Summer Festival, please send me .jpgs of all of your flyers, special events, and anything you would include.
Festivals, please send me .jpgs of all of your flyers, special events, and anything you would include.
Remember to take advantage of free advertising in the OFN and on Facebook.
HISTORIAN: Marilyn Schmit - A display has been put up in the Foyer of the Linn County Fairgrounds for the Randall Award plaques and the Chairman's Award and the Wood Award for Summer Festival. It is my goal to get the Chairman's Award updated and reprinted by Summer Festival this year. The current one has a combination of both awards listed on it and that needs to be fixed. Pictures that would have been submitted to the Historian in prior years are currently showing up on Facebook, and the OFN.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert - Everything has been followed for licenses at the festival. A question has come up about piggy backing. The current policy is that both the caller and cuer will have a current BMI/ASCAP license to perform at a dance. Anyone playing the music must have a license.
Comments such as "the sponsor of the dance is responsible; what about amateur nights; we will have a licensed caller or cuer on the stage playing the music so we shall be all right. Ralph Lambert repeatedly said that is one interpretation.
Tim Roberts said at the Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals, we get a Festival license that covers anyone who cues, so non licensed callers and cuers performing at those festivals are covered.
Ralph Lambert summarized the questions and comments: Yes, the clubs should make a copy of the license of both the caller and the cuer. The licensing contract goes from March 1 to Feb. 29. So you need to both get and keep a copy annually effective March 1 and attach it to their contract.
The license is good in all states and there is no difference in costs between the states.
YOUTH ACTIVITY ADVISOR: Thomas Buchheit - I have received and approved of 12 Mid-Winter ribbon scholarships. In attendance at Mid-Winter this year was 28 and there were 50 at the Friday and Saturday youth after parties, respectively. Lastly, just a reminder that if there are any youth (high school seniors and college freshmen) in your council, let them know of the State Federation square dance scholarship. Several youth came for the line dancing on Saturday afternoon. The deadline for the scholarship from USDA is February 1, 2020.
ORDTA: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) -
Teleconferencing - Tim Keck did a demonstration with teleconferencing using a speaker with microphones. It has a phone number to dial into, plus an access code, and then a pin number. The host of the teleconference will connect to the teleconference site. The people not at the meeting will call in.
Vote Amending the Bylaws - #1 - Term of Office - Amend Section IV.C. of the ORDTA Bylaws to list the responsibilities for easier reading, to permit an election by acclamation, and to extend the term of office from one year to two years. The motion carried to pass as it was written.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) -
December 2019 OROM chosen by Interstate Highlanders
"Summertime Blues" by Alan Jackson TWO STEP Phase 2 +2 Suzie Q &
Fishtail Choreo, Birgit & Richard Maguire
January 2020 OROM chosen by Mid-Willamette
"You Can Do Magic" by America TWO STEP Phase 2 Choreo, Jack and Christa
Gail Pointer
February 2020 OROM chosen by Portland Area Council
"My Boy Elvis" by Janis Martin TWO STEP Phase 2 + 2 Fishtail &
Strolling Vine Choreo, Regine Anderson
CALLER LIAISON: Terry Halley (Betty Chipps) - No report
WEBMASTER: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No report
STATE FAIR: Marilyn Schmit - There has been no activity since the Fair in September. Upcoming activity will include the letter in early April stating our wish to dance for three days this coming summer. One day for youth on September 5, a round dance day and a mainstream day. There will be no dancing on Labor Day since the one club that supported dancing that day no longer wishes to come down that specific day.
BACKGROUND CHECK: Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No report
Teleconferencing: Since ensuring that communication can be heard at our meetings is my responsibility. I am proposing that we strive to include the federation members that are not able to physically attend our meetings. What I believe may work is to institute a teleconferencing option for our meetings.
Term Limits: After a review of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Principles and Practices, I find no mention of term limits for any of the offices on the Board for the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. Although this is currently or historically, for that matter, has not been a problem, I feel that we should address the issue. I propose that we investigate the topic of term limits for the Board for the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.
BLUE MOUNTAINS: David (Sally) Stutzman - There has not been much activity in Eastern Oregon.
The Muddy Frogs have a guest caller once a month. Sally and I attended their Christmas Dance and potluck in December. Jim Swanson was the guest caller and he entertained us with Sicilian circles.
The Elkhorn Swingers of Baker City are having their annual Spring Fling in May this year. The caller is Darin Keith of Boise, Idaho and cuer is Debbie Taylor of Cle Elm, Wash. The event is on the 5th weekend in May: the 29th, 30th, & 31st.
The Star Promenaders are not having any dance activities.
CENTRAL OREGON: Mark (Bobbi) McDonald - Mark reported that the Swingin' Mountaineers and the Bachelor Beauts have combined their clubs and changed their name to High Desert Dancers of Oregon, effective January 1, 2020. They dance four times a month, two plus and two mainstream and will have some afternoon dances. Joyce Brown is now cancer free and looks good.
EMERALD EMPIRE: Zola (Ray) Jones - New Dancer Lessons, on Tuesday evenings, by caller, Roger Putzler are going very well with many 'Angels' from three of our area clubs helping, and 15 dancers are scheduled to graduate on February 25. Caller, Mike Kious has recently started New Dancer Lessons on Saturday's, 2:00 to 4:00p.m. In the Emerald Square Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda St., Springfield; 14 new dancers came to his first class and Saturday, February 1 is the last 'open' class. 'Angels' from the same three clubs also come and help with these lessons.
Election of Council Officers is coming up at our next meeting on March 16, they serve a
2-year term and we have a 'full' slate of nominees already, which were announced at our recent January meeting. We changed our term for council officers to two years a lot of years ago, and it worked out very well for our area; as in some of the offices a person just gets to the point of feeling comfortable in the position, and a one-year term ends.
Our Council's annual Benefit Dance this year, always on a 5th Saturday, will be on May 30. At our January 20 meeting we received the names of six local deserving organizations from our area clubs, and club delegates chose "Food for Lane County" as the recipient.
INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS: Cece (Sarge) Glidewell - The Interstate Highlanders: There was a council dance hosted by the KC Squares on December 21. Our 5th Saturday Council meeting and dances for 2020 are scheduled for February 29, May 30, August 29, and October 31. The usual suspects will be calling and cuing these dances.
The KC Squares: They started with six new dancers on October 24. Two new dancers stopped attending after Halloween and two more after Thanksgiving. The workshop is continuing for the remaining two dancers. The next session is scheduled to begin March 5. Officers were elected in December and take office in January.
MID-WILLAMETTE: Julia Buchheit - The clubs in Mid-Willamette Area have either just graduated students or will be doing so shortly. Several of the graduates have joined the clubs. The clubs reported varying numbers of students. We had 13 students earn their MWA New Dancer Ambassador bar by attending 7out of 9 of the council clubs' new dancer dances. We are also working on attending council clubs' birthday/anniversary dances to earn a bar/dangle at the end of the year.
MWA will be holding an Alzheimer's Research benefit dance again this year, scheduled for March 29th. Flyer will be coming out soon.
Silver City Squares will be taking youth to Auburn, Washington in May for this year's Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival. They have a fundraiser dance on March 22nd and are selling pins and raffle tickets.
PORTLAND AREA: Betty Chipps - Portland Area Council (PAC) was saddened and shocked at the sudden passing of Gail Domine on December 12th. She contributed MUCH to the Square Dance world (see January 2020-OFN Obituary) and her presence is missed.
The loss of a friend and a prominent northern Oregon Cuer, Ken Pratt, is greatly felt. His passing leaves a hole in our Cuer World.
The PAC Nominating Committee is accepting nominations (among PAC Clubs) through February for these positions: President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, PAC State Delegate and Alternate PAC State Delegate. Ballots will be distributed March 16th.
PAC has adopted the successful TVC model for Co-Hosted dances: sharing profit and responsibilities with the shared host at our 5th-Friday dances.
Planning a trip to the Portland Area? Please join PAC on these dance nights - format: 7-7:30 Plus w/R-I, 7:30-9:30 MS w/R (except for JUNE 7th dance):
" JAN 31 (FRI) "Super Bowl" dance, Milwaukie Comm. Ctr., dual-hosted by PAC and River City Dancers, Caller/Cuer: Darrell Kalmbach/Tami Helms
(Note: 81 dancers attended.)
" MAY 29 (FRI) - features "Girls Night Out" ladies group calling/cueing at Oak Grove Comm. Ctr., Oak Grove - hosted by PAC and Rosetown Ramblers
" JUNE 7 (SUN, 2-5pm) - ALZHEIMER's Benefit Dance and Basket Raffle, at Abernethy Grange, Oregon City, Caller/Cuer: MC's Dan Nordbye/Julie Stiers sponsored by TRI-Councils: Evergreen, PAC and Tualatin Valley Council; also features Callers & Cuers from the floor at this dance.
" JULY 31 (FRI) - "Starry Night" outside-dance at Boring Barn in Boring, Caller/Cuer: Scott Zinser/Tami Helms, hosted by PAC & Country Cut-Ups
" OCT 30 (FRI) - "Halloween" dance, Abernethy Grange, Oregon City, Caller/Cuer: Darrell Kalmbach/Tami Helms, hosted by PAC & Bachelor & Bachelorettes.
ROGUE-SIS-Q: Blake Smith - Our council held its 2nd annual Pajamarama Student level dance with Richard Lane calling and Rikki Lobato cueing. The turnout of dancers was great, from advanced to beginner level dancers. Richard challenged all levels of square dancers, and Rikki cued all levels of round dancing making this a true dance for all levels of dancers. Hope you can come to the next Pajamarama dance in January 2021.
Our next dance is January 31 in Medford at Rogue Valley Square Dance Center. See flyer in the OFN. Our next meeting for the Rogue Sis Q Council is February 4th at 4:30pm, at Round Table Pizza in Medford.
Charlie Brown Squares: Classes have been going well!! January 9th, our September students celebrated their 3rd Plateau; and they are on schedule to graduate February 6th. A few of the classes started on the 7th and we started out with 18 new students. Weather kept some dancers home and the 2nd week of classes we had 8 students.
Starting Thursday, February 20th, we will have a Mainstream Funshop from 6:00-7:15pm and a new Plus class & Funshop from 7:15 to 8:30pm.
Thanks to everyone who bought raffle tickets for the quilt that was donated with the proceeds going to Lorri McIntosh and the kids. The winner will be drawn at our February 1st dance. Our February dances will be a great time and we hope you join us. February 1st is our annual Tailgate Party & Chili Cook Off. Chili is served at 6pm and dancing kicks off at 7pm with Pre Rounds by Rikki Lobato. Mainstream/Plus tips from 730-10pm. February 15th is our Precious Heart dance; come celebrate with your sweetheart. A-1 Tips at 6pm with Chuck Simpkins and Pre Rounds start at 7pm with Bob Dingman. There will be alternating Plus & Mainstream tips from 730-10pm. March dancing has Phi Ramey & Sarge Glidewell on the 7th & Richard Lane & Bob Dingman on the 21st. April we have 1 dance on the 18th w/Chuck & Elaine Funk. Please plan a visit to see us. We have a lot of fun!!
We are busy getting ready for Boatnik Memorial Weekend and hope to see everyone there. We have the fabulous talent of Bronc Wise & Peter (Chama) Gomez and are so excited to welcome everyone to the party. Get your ribbons!!
We hope to see visitors throughout the year and are looking forward to attending various festivals!!!!
SOUTH COAST: Patrick (Cherie) Cox - Our council hasn't had a meeting in over a year. Beachcombers lost their Matriarch. Clubs are getting a few new dancers. One club offers lessons year round. They do demo dancing at Shore Acres. He encouraged dancers to go Shore Acres to see all the lights.
TUALATIN VALLE: Deb Mandeville - Many of our clubs started mainstream lessons in the fall and have or will be soon graduating their students and adding new members to their clubs. A good number of these students are attending the festival this weekend and some students claim to be feeling confident enough to venture into the mainstream hall with their angels. We have a couple of clubs beginning Mainstream lessons in January and February as well as a couple of clubs offering Plus lessons. Some of our clubs have very successful turnouts for lessons with more than 15 students sticking with it to the end, and so their clubs are growing.
The TVC will be continuing this year with a policy of reimbursing its clubs for square dance lesson promotional expenses up to $200 per year. The TVC offers this extra benefit especially to help its smaller clubs who may not be able to do much advertising otherwise. Reimbursements cover such things as ads in newspapers, flyers, yard signs and business cards. The TVC does what it can to support the clubs.
The TVC continues to encourage our clubs to support the anniversary dances and new dancer jamborees. The anniversary dances are across the board well attended, while some of our jamborees unfortunately have not had as many visitors.
The Tualatin Timber Squares, who danced at the Winona Grange and formerly called by Jeanine Alexander, disbanded at the end of the year. There are now 13 clubs in the TVC.
The TVC will hold our annual President's Potluck and meeting on Monday, January 27th. All TVC club presidents, vice presidents and past presidents are invited and encouraged to come. An invitation to this event was also extended to the Federation President. The TVC President will present a special recognition award at this event, much like the Randall award, to an individual or couple who have contributed significantly to square and/or round dancing on behalf of the TVC. Last year the honor was extended to Judy Schnase for her efforts in all the many things she has done over numerous years to further square dancing. The recipient of this special recognition award is not revealed until it is presented at this meeting.
We have a TVC dance coming up on 5th Saturday, February 29th to Celebrate Winter Ending. It features Adam Christman as Caller and Joyce Hooper as Cuer. This dance will be held at the Aloha Grange beginning at 7:30 with pre-rounds. There is an upcoming Tri-Council dance scheduled for May 30th that will be held at the Kinton Grange in Beaverton.
Our clubs support good causes evidenced by some of the themes of their dances, such as toy and non-perishable food drives and school supply collections. The TVC continues to promote benefit dances as well. The TVC will reach out to the Tri-Council in hopes to co-sponsor a special Alzheimer benefit dance on Sunday afternoon, June 7th. The TVC hosted this benefit dance last year with most of our clubs donating beautiful baskets for raffle. Once again Dan Nordbye and Julie Stiers have volunteered to be the caller and cuer MC's for this special Sunday afternoon dance in Portland area. The Hoedowners and Eager Beavers are hard at work on Summer Festival 2020. We are advised to look for the 'green team' at our dances.The TVC is hosting the September 19th meeting at Kinton Grange in Beaverton and are busy working on those details to put on a great dance Saturday night.
Our hearts are very saddened by the passing of Ken Pratt. He was such an important part of our round dance community, as well as good friend to many and will be greatly missed. He was the club cuer for the Sunset Promenaders, Promenaders Plus and the Valley River Dancers as well as guest cuer in the greater Portland area for clubs and special dances. His contributions to round dancing over the years are numerous. His obituary has been posted in the February issue of the Oregon Federation News.
There is a special dance in honor of Ken to be held at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro on Sunday, February 9th beginning at 2 p.m. Darrell Kalmbach and Mike Stout will be Calling the dance and Julie Stout and Tami Helms will be MC Cueing. Please remember Dianne in your prayers.
We extend a warm thank you to the Mid-Winter Festival Committee for their efforts that helped make this a fun and successful weekend we all looked forward to attending.
UMPQUA AREA: Gabriel Smith - Umpqua Council is having a battle of the New Callers on February 29th with Phil Ramey MC'ing.
Buckaroos: In December the Buckaroos wreath sales went well and the Holiday Craft Bazaar was a growing event with 13 vendors present this year. In January new dancers were invited to join the club, gaining 9 new members, 3 of which are youth and 6 adult dancers joined the Buckaroos. Up-coming event is the Buckaroo Round-up June 12 and 13, with Wildlife Safari following on June 14. There has been road construction in front of the barn, this is wrapping up with a new driveway poured by the construction workers.
Dancing Friends is starting a beginning Rumba and 2 Step Class Tuesday, January 28th at 6:30 PM. These classes are for the brand new dancer. Dancing Friends has a new instructor Rikki Lobato, from Grants Pass. She's a very good instructor and loves to teach the dance steps correctly with current music. Timber 8s- finished plus class and has moved into workshop thru February.
Lee and Barbara Ashwill - No report
Rikki Lobato/Rob Keene - Rikki and Rob were absent and their report was read into the minutes by Lorri McIntosh.
1st of all - we would like to thank Lorri for giving us this opportunity. We are excited to keep doing what we do. Rikki is the main traveler - and she drags Rob along when he has some free time. We are sorry we couldn't attend the Sunday meeting in September; but we were glad that it worked out to make the dance for a little bit. We are preparing for our 1st Demo when Rikki cues at Diamond Lake this year - so we getting some lessons to make sure we do a great job!
September: Rikki started teaching Jive classes on Sundays; and finishing out the Two Step for the month of September before teaching Rumba starting in October. As co-1st VP for the Charlie Brown Squares, she kept busy scheduling callers/cuers and making flyers as well as attending local dances and classes when she could. Rikki attended the new festival Rogue Valley Rendezvous' held in Medford with national callers Tony O, Charlie R and Don Wood as well as Marie Wood - cuer. Saturday night she had to leave to head to Yreka as she was cueing the Circle N Square birthday dance with Eric Henerlau. What a fun dance. This year's event will feature Charlie Robertson/Hunter Keller/Don Wood as callers and cuer will be Marie Wood & Rikki - what a great opportunity!!!
October was a busy month - attending ORDTA meeting & cueing in Roseburg the 1st weekend. Then the following Friday cued in Bend; and returning the same night to be able to attend the Round Dance Weekend put on by MaryAnn Callahan & Craig Cowan in Medford. The following weekend was 2 dances cued in Bend; and grateful for friends The Welton's to stay with for the weekend. Then I traveled down to Yuba City to attend the always fun Harvest Hoedown with Jet Roberts/Kip Garvey/Eric Henerlau & Dan Nordbye and cuers Sharon (Casey) Parker & MaryAnn Callahan
November Rob & I attended Royal Romp - which is always a wonderful time spent dancing and visiting with friends; old & new! We also hosted Camp DBD on the 17th with Mike Sikorsky. November 30th Rikki & Hunter Keller held our annual dance in Portland. Always a great time; and fun to enjoy the company of good friends.
December - 1st Saturday Birthday Dance in Grants Pass for Charlie Browns. Rikki cued with the Mike Haworth from Southern CA - great caller!
New Years was spent in Carson City, NV - attending New Year's Eve dance as well as 1st time walking thru Virginia City & Lake Tahoe.
Jan - Cued in Bend the 1st weekend in Bend; and cued the Council Pajamarama dance w/Richard Lane the following weekend. Rob and I attended The Rosetown Ramblers Black & White Ball in Portland, which is always a great time; and Rikki finished out January by cueing the Charlie Brown Squares dance on the 18th. We are sorry we couldn't attend Mid-Winter this year. I know it will be a great time - and look forward to hearing all about it!! 2020 doesn't slow down with Rikki traveling and cueing and Rob will be traveling a few times - including our 1st National Square Dance Convention - very excited about that!! We will be attending for the 1st time; and Rikki will also be cueing for the 1st time at Nationals.
I've (Rikki) been trying really hard to announce as many events as possible when I go somewhere - although it may not seem true - I am a pretty reserved person - so sometimes I might miss the opportunity on the mic to share -but I am always talking up Oregon dancing wherever I go. Please let me know if you have any events or flyers you would like me to share. You could give to Lorri or Blake and I will pick up from them - or email to rikkisrounds73@gmail.com and I am happy to print out copies.
Kathy Roberts - Youth dancers and the young at heart are invited to participate in the 2020 National Square Dance Convention Fashion Show in Spokane. We are going to have a good time. We are hoping to have many of our youth in positions of leadership during the Fashion Show as well on the runaway modeling their own fashions or donated ones. Please let me know if you know some interested youth.
Tim Roberts - Tim reported that Corporations require a meeting at least once yearly. There must also be at least two-three people in the offices. One person cannot hold more than two offices.
The memorial dance for Ken Pratt is February 9 at the Hillsboro IOOF Hall from 2-5 p.m.
An invitation to attend the Seaside Sashay was extended to the attendees.
April 25-26, 2020
Klamath Falls
See your packets for details of lodging and location of the weekend events.
Respectfully submitted,
Roberta Claudson, Secretary