9:07 AM General Meetings
CALL TO ORDER President Karyn Buchheit -
ROLL CALL Secretary, Roberta (Philip) Claudson (Tim Keck hosted the roll call)
Appointed officers: All present
Delegates not present: Patrick Cox and Mark McDonald
INVOCATION - Immediate Past President, Lorri McIntosh
FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Gary (Joyce) Clark.
We were asked to salute a flag, in our own vicinity.
MINUTES Secretary, Roberta (Philip) Claudson. Lorri McIntosh moved, Cece Glidewell seconded to accept the minutes as corrected.
PRESIDENT: Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
This has been a difficult spring for our activity and looks to be difficult for possibly quite a while longer. Please make sure that your councils and clubs are contacting their members regularly – especially if you know someone lives alone or doesn’t have family close by.
We have received an offer from the United Square Dancers of America to be able to have the Federation have 501(c)(3) status under them. This has been discussed in the past and decided against. As we already have a 501 non-profit status and do not gain anything by going with this, recommendation is to ignore the offer.
Due to the current situation and a dislike of having to reinvent the wheel in future situations, as president I’m appointing a committee to research and come up with P&P’s to deal with Federation meetings where we find ourselves in similar circumstances. Gary Clark & Tim Keck have agreed to co-chair this committee. They will recruit other committee members.
1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Gary (Joyce) Clark
These are different times we are in with being self-quarantined. I hope each and every square dancer in the State is safe. If you can, check on your club’s older members from time to time. We are all in this together and we will get through it.
It’s sad that Summer Festival was cancelled as a lot of effort went into putting it on already. Our State isn’t ready for big gatherings like that yet.
We must look ahead and plan for next year and be ready to have fun. There will be club dances and festivals again. Let’s all stay positive.
Recently I had the pleasure to be on the committee for the 2020 Youth Scholarship Program. It was amazing to read the 5 applications. These youth are doing a lot for square dancing as well as in their community and school or college. Keep it up kids. I just wish we had more money to give out.
With this conference call meeting we will still be taking care of business and move ahead with the decisions that have to be made. We also need to plan for the next two meetings, the one that would have been during Summer Festival and the September meeting for Change of State Officers. We can all work together to make this happen one way or the other.
2020 SUMMER FESTIVAL: Kay Rogers -
Summer Festival 2020 committee is ready to go. Presently there are 112 registered dancers. There will be Mainstream, Plus, Rounds and Line dancing. The more people who register the more we can offer. Don’t forget Daryl Clendenin’s caller school. There are a couple of groups ready to perform, Heritage Dancers from San Diego, CA. and our own River City Riders. We are going to wait until July 6th to evaluate where we are with the virus. Join us in praying for our country and our festival.
Additional Note: The Summer Festival has been canceled since this post.
2021 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Lisa Kious -
Mid-Winter Festival has finalized all the hotel contracts and has started setting the website up. We have also been in contact with our program chairs and they will be starting to put together our program. At this point we are going to proceed as if we will get to hold our festival and are starting to make alternate arrangements just in case the Covid scare has not lifted and the festival is unable to be held. But we are all thinking good thoughts.
2020 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL: Karyn Buchheit
No report.
The May issue of the OFN was perhaps the saddest issue yet. No one has any dances this month. If your club has started a "keep in touch" newsletter, I'd love to hear about that.
2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Tim Keck (Tami Helms) -
Directory project:
In March sent out a request for ideas to the entire membership for the cover art that will be on the Directory. I have received one response.
In April, I made contact with the printers that we chose for printing the directory: “Salem Printing & Blue Print”. I requested an updated estimate based on the currently revised directory. The original estimate of $829.00 made on October 31, 2019 has been revised to be $1,272.00 as of April 12, 2020, an increase of $443.00 for 400 books (final price $3.18 /book) with the file submitted in its final format. They offered to make any corrections to the formatting if needed for an additional $33.00 for all format corrections.
I have been able to access the Federation database with the database manager’s permission (Tim Roberts). I am now able to make updates to the club information in the directory at any time by checking for the latest updates to the database.
I have been testing the accuracy of the club information in the directory. I have contacted all of the presidents of the Area Councils and the Clubs within each council. I requested confirmation of their club information. To date, I have received responses from the majority of the contacts, with some club elections still pending as of this date. I will be sending a request for directory orders to the Area Councils shortly.
Marilyn Schmit has agreed to assist me with preparations of the directory as needed.
Committee assignment:
At the president’s request, I and Gary Clark have agreed to chair a committee to revise the P&P’s to include a process for the use of electronic methods to conduct an Oregon Federation meeting when an in-person meeting has been deemed impossible. Gary & I need to have one delegate volunteer to assist us with this task. We will be contacting all delegates for a response shortly.
SECRETARY: Roberta Claudson -
Our area is surviving the corona virus extremely well. No deaths and only 40 positive cases and all have recovered.
The ballots for electing new officers were mailed on March 4, 2020 to all club secretaries.
TREASURER: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit -
Since the January meeting, I have deposited the Summer Festival 2019 profit, and the Mid-Winter profit, and the loan repayment. We have received the 1st quarter interest from Washington Federal, the 1st quarter monies from the DMV for license plate renewals, and various payments for ads and Caller/Cuer availability slots in the OFN. The corporation renewal has been paid and Roberta Claudson has been reimbursed for her costs in mailing the ballots.
I will start putting together numbers for a proposed budget for Gary Clark to submit in August at Summer Festival. I will get together with him in July to go over it and get his feelings about it.
MEMBERSHIP: Denny Fullerton -
Area delegates have been sent emails with instructions on filing annual updates for the state directory.
Three clubs and one council are not current on their state registration.
INSURANCE: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit -
All the insurance that has been received is paid and sent on to USDA. I am sure there are some clubs who held lessons that have not reported new members and that needs to be done ASAP. They are not insured until they are reported and paid for to USDA. I verified club membership for Youth Scholarship nominees and will write checks once Thomas Buchheit informs me of the award winners.
PAST PRESIDENT: Lorri McIntosh -
as we move forward with the COVID-19 we should support each other through social media and phone calls. Many are staying indoors for the ordered social isolation. I know this is a challenge, especially if you have socially active teens and children. But,
keep the mind active with dancing at home, I've herd of dancing with two persons and two ghosts, it's a challenge but interesting. Or, just turn on the radio and dance. Keep active, maintain selfcare, and stay happy.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: Tim (Kathy) Roberts -
I have now acquired a set of 50 inexpensive USB flash drives. When we next meet, I'll distribute the P&Ps on those thumb drives.
Our procedures do not currently cover meetings, motions, and elections over email and teleconference. We're doing it this way through necessity, but we need to set up some procedures.
EDUCATION/PUBLICITY: Kathy (Tim) Roberts -
The OFSRDC Facebook page is up to 535 members. In February, I deleted the Mid-Winter 2020 information from the top of our Facebook page and replaced it with all of the Summer Festival 2020 flyers I could find. Even though Summer Festival has been canceled, I will leave the canceled status pinned to the top of the page until later this summer.
Mid-Winter 2021, please start sending me your fliers and information that you would like pinned to the top of our Facebook page. The more information you send me, the better I can help promote your festival.
Due to the Summer Festival cancellation, there will not be an Educational Seminar this5 of summer.
Remember to take advantage of free advertising in the OFN and on Facebook
HISTORIAN: Marilyn Schmit -
No report.
BMI/ASCAP: Ralph Lambert -
No report.
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Thomas Buchheit -
By midnight of May 1, I had received five scholarship applications for this year’s Youth Dance Scholarship. All of the applicants were verified for qualifications and then sent out to the committee for the final decision. I, as youth coordinator, and Karyn Buchheit,
as State president, have both abstained from the decision process due to conflict of interest. Gary Clark, as 1st vice president, has stepped in for Karyn.
I would also like to express my disappointment with the delegates this year as it took almost the entire year to fill out the delegate position on the committee. The committee had to consist of at least one elected officer, one delegate, and myself. From the delegates for this year, three were not eligible due to conflict of interest and three declined due to being “too busy”. The delegate who did accept had to unfortunately pull out. This was not an easy decision for them to make and would have like to stay on. This committee is to help and sponsor youth in square dancing, but this was not the impression I was given, especially when all of the decisions are made via email and all of the verifications of the applicants are done by the coordinator before being sent out to the committee.
ORDTA: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) -
Because of the restrictions of the corona virus our April meeting was canceled so there is no report.
ROUND DANCE SCREENING: Tami Helms (Tim Keck) -
The following have been chosen for the Round of the Month:
MARCH OROM Classic chosen by ORDTA
Terry Halley -
No report.
Tim (Kathy) Roberts
For those who worry about such things, the Federation's web site is now a
secure web site. The risk was really low before unless you were connecting
from an Internet café in China, but you should now see the little "lock"
symbol when you connect.
Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
NOTICE---the Oregon State Fair has been cancelled due to restrictions from
the governor. The email was received on May 7 at 5:15 pm.
Tim Roberts -
No report.
Results: 1st Vice President - George (Patty) Hermann, 2nd Vice President-
Tim Heck (Tami Helms), Secretary - Roberta (Philip) Claudson, Membership
Chairman- Denny Fullerton.
David Stutzman -
As of a week ago, the three counties in northeast Oregon had only 6
confirmed cases of corona-19 virus. Muddy Frogs are in the hot spot
between Umatilla County (85 cases) and Walla Walla County in Washington
(99) cases. All square dance activities are canceled in eastern Oregon
through the summer. This includes our Spring Fling Festival at the end of
May. We are discussing the possibility of holding the Festival in the
Spring of 2021.
Mark McDonald - No report.
Zola Jones -
All has been very quiet and inactive in our area these past 2 1/2 months;
as have been in the square dancing throughout Oregon.
We have not had a council meeting since January. Our March meeting was
postponed to April and then canceled. Normally our election of council
officers 2-year term is in March. This year we had our election via email,
ballots sent and returned by May 4. Our new council officers for 2020-2022
President - Roy Houtz of Sweethome Squarenaders, Vice President - Tim
Hagey of Spin Cycle Squares, Secretary - Cheryl Hagey of Spin Cycle
Squares, Treasurer - Connie Seamans of Single Trees, and State Delegate -
Zola Jones of Whirl-A-Ways. Maybe we can have a council meeting by July.
Our annual council Benefit Dance scheduled for 5th Saturday on May 30 has
been canceled. We might reschedule it for in the Fall, but that is a "wait
and see" like everything else!
New Dancer lessons that started in February, of course, were discontinued,
and hopefully we can re-start them in the Fall also.
So far, we have not heard of any dancers in our Area coming down with the
Virus, and hope it stays that way.
And we also hope that we will be able to have a real state Federation
meeting in September, and we can "see" everyone again! We really miss
being with all our friends in dancing.
The Council had a meeting and dance on February 29. Their next
meeting/dance is May 30 if the stay home/safe order is lifted and we are
permitted to use our usual facility. Otherwise the meeting will be held at
the Glidewell residence.
Club News:
The KC’s last workshop was March 12. They have two students who are two
lessons away from graduation. The plan is to provide the needed lessons as
soon as the club has access to a facility so the new dancers can graduate
and join the club.
RE: PO Box 1968:
This PO Box is shared by the council and the club. Club officers change
annually and the Federation directory is outdated as soon as the election
is completed in December. All correspondence should be addressed to either
the club or council but not specific names. Otherwise the mail will be
returned. If the sender feels compelled to provide a name to use in care
of the club or council as needed.
Julia Buchheit -
Council and clubs have been dark. They have been holding meetings via
email, teleconferencing and video. Plans are being made tentatively and
hopeful for fall dances and lessons.
Betty Chips -
PAC Election of Officers...(pending).
Portland Area monthly Council meeting of 5/18 has been canceled.
INFO: Though the Summer Festival 2021 Chairs have resigned, PAC's
obligation as sponsor is not dead - why? PAC must advise the Federation:
3a.) Does PAC also resign as sponsor? (or)
3b.) Will PAC proceed as Sponsor? Assume responsibility and 'choose' new
Chairs, decide on venue, date, location, etc.
Benefit dance, Tri-Council (PAC, TVC and Evergreen) supported:
The Alzheimer's Benefit Dance, June 7th has been canceled. Look to
squaredance.gen.or.us for more current updates.
Next PAC 5th Friday dance is July 31, 2020 - Boring Barn, outside dance.
Blake Smith -
All clubs are dark, festivals have been canceled: Pear Blossom, Boatnik,
council dances, EXCEPT, Diamond Lake is still a go. Star Promenaders are
still planning to have Diamond Lake Festival.
Patric Cox- No report.
Josie Rosenbury -
TVC elected new officers for the coming year. Remaining in their present
offices are: President Mike St. Clair, Secretary Andis Garuts, Past
President Dale Brabham and Area Delegate Josie Rosenbury. New officers to
the TVC this year are Vice President Jan Amerson and Treasurer Tammy
LeBlanc. The TVC acknowledges those leaving office thanking them for their
outstanding service--Vice President Judy Schnase, Treasurer Tom Sminia,
and Alternate State Delegate Deb Mandeville.
At the annual President’s Potluck in late January, the President on behalf
of the TVC awarded Ken and Dianne Pratt the President’s Recognition Award.
Dianne accepted the award, and this was a special, rather heartrending
The TVC has suspended all dances and meetings until word is received that
it is safe to get together again. Business is conducted when necessary via
email. We pray our friends are staying safe and encouraged as we wait this
Gabriel Smith -
All clubs in UAC are dark until further notice. Buckaroo Round-up and
Wildlife Safari Benefit Dance are canceled.
Lee & Barbi Ashwill - No Report
Rikki Lobato - No Report
July 12, 2020
Meeting was adjourned by President Karyn Buchheit at 11:30 am.
“Steal Away” Phil Coulter
Jim & Vonnie Spence Phase II Waltz
APRIL OROM chosen by Rogue Sis Q
“Alligator Stroll” Sandra Boynton’s frog Trouble
MAY OROM chosen by South Coast
Rock and Roll Music” Chuck Berry
Susan Healea Phase II Two Step
JUNE OROM chosen by Tualatin Valley Council
“Blue Roses” Hollywood Movie Strings
Bill and Beth Davenport Phase II Waltz