Minutes from Teleconference
July 12, 2020

9:00 AM General Meeting

CALL TO ORDER President Karyn Buchheit

ROLL CALL Secretary, Roberta (Philip) Claudson. Tim Keck hosted the roll call as the tele-communication host.

Elected Officers: all present. Incoming 1st Vice President George Hermann was also present.

Appointed Officers: all present except: BMI/ASCAP Ralph Lambert; and Youth Activities, Thomas Buchheit.

Festival Chairmen: all present except: Summer Festival, Kay Rogers

Delegates: all present except Blue Mountains Council, David (Sally Stutzman) and Central Oregon Mark (Bobbi) McDonald.

Good Will Ambassadors: absent

INVOCATION - Immediate Past President, Lorri McIntosh

FLAG SALUTE - 1st Vice President, Gary (Joyce) Clark

MINUTES - Secretary, Roberta (Philip) Claudson

Zola Jones, Delegate from Emerald Empire requested following corrections from May 17, 2020 meeting: 1) Elected Officers attendance needs to be added to the Roll Call, 2) on Page 8 at the top of the page above the Delegate's Report first line, on 2nd VP - "Tim Heck" should be "Tim Keck", 3) Pages need to be numbered.

Lisa Kious, 2021 Mid-Winter Festival, we did not receive notice of today's meeting. Need to check her address in the email list - kiouslm09@gmail.com.

Motion made by Lorri McIntosh to accept minutes as amended. Marilyn Schmit seconded the motion. Motion passed.



PRESIDENT - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

While it is a bit harder to accomplish what is needed only by remote access, we are managing.

Please make sure that you are still checking in with various club members.

Since most of us are not able to get together to dance, what are people doing instead of dancing? Please take a picture of what you have been doing - gardening, quilting, art work, etc. - and send it in to Tim & Kathy Roberts for posting on the OFSRDC Facebook and OFN.


Once again, we can't meet as a Federation group. This teleconference phone call will get the job done until we can. I hope we are all checking on our club dancers and keeping in touch one way or the other. Life goes on and we are all in this together.

Stay positive and safe during this time. We will be on the dance floor again soon.

2020 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Kay Rogers

2020 Summer Festival committee thanks you, OFSRDC, for your support. Unfortunately, we were not able to host that festival.

We will be issuing a check for the balance of the $3,000 loan. I am still waiting for a couple of stragglers to cash their refund checks. At this point I am guesstimating that the balance will be well over $2500. Much of our cost was covered by donations from our dancers. What a wonderful group of people, my committee.


We are sad that we could not have this meeting in person. We miss seeing everybody. At this point, we are proceeding forward as if we will be allowed to have our festival. We are working on setting up a schedule and all of our featureds are excited to still be coming. We are way down on advertising because no one has been open so we are exploring alternate options to having a Program Book this year. Let's hope that we start getting registrations and actually have a fabulous weekend.

2021 SUMMER FESTIVAL - available

2022 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Karyn Buchheit

The proposed budget has been approved by the Emerald Empire. The budget has been mailed out for your review by Marilyn Schmit. EEC has issued their loan for 2022.

I have a contract from one of my featured callers and am waiting on the other caller and the cuers.

Plans are in progress, still working on committee chairs and co-chair.


I appreciate those of you who continue to send in reports each month, although advertising is, of course, way down. If your club has started a "keep in touch" newsletter, I'd love to hear about that.


Directory project: In May I sent out a request to the Area Council Presidents for a tally of directories that they would like for their clubs. To date, all clubs have responded. Currently we have 350 directories requested. The Directory is just about ready to go. I've gone through it many times and I am going to have Marilyn do a proof on it. We are ready to start the negotiations to get the printing done. Last year we ordered 400 directories, should we order that many again? The 350 includes all that have been ordered by the councils, the 38 we order for Officers, Delegates, and Goodwill Ambassadors. Marilyn usually ordered 10-15 extra. She has about 5 left from last year.

In June, I received the final cover art for the book, I have updated the images for the Officers that have responded to my request for a current image. All but eight clubs have submitted updated information. The book is almost ready for final proofing.

Committee assignment: Remote meeting project: Gary Clark, Tim Roberts, Josie Rosenbury and myself have prepared a draft document outlining the Procedures to use for conducting an electronic meeting. We have done preliminary reviews for using videoconferencing applications. We intend to test out some of our choices and present our recommendations soon. I have included a copy of the draft procedures in this document. Josie sent Tim a comment about adding information to the purpose part. She asked if Delegates should be included as participants in this method. Tim asked for feedback, and did not receive any.

As this remote meeting procedure is written up it includes email, teleconference, and video conferencing. They had two methods of attack - one to get the document ready for the P&P's and the second was to go out and look at and test other sites before recommending which one will work best. Patrick Cox and Lorri McIntosh both recommended looking into using Zoom.


(version 1.1 July 03, 2020)


The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for conducting an Oregon Federation meeting through the use of electronic media, such as email, teleconferencing or videoconferencing hereinafter referred to as Remote meetings. Remote meetings may be used when circumstances will prevent the convening of a regularly scheduled meeting and no option exists to reschedule the meeting within a reasonable timeframe. Executive meetings may also be conducted remotely at the discretion of the President. Additionally, individual members who may not be able to attend the regular meeting in person may have the option to attend the meeting remotely.


In 2017 the State of Oregon enacted ORS 192.670, "Meetings by means of telephone or electronic communication", which authorizes the use of remote meetings.

All those who participate in a Remote Meeting shall adhere to the guidelines outlined in this section.

Motions made at the meeting must receive a majority vote from the eligible voting members present at the meeting in order to pass.

An action passed in the Remote Meetings carry the same value as an action passed at a regular meeting of the Oregon Federation and is to be implemented in the same manner.


President: The President's responsibilities with respect to conducting a remote meeting shall be the same as with a regularly held meeting.

In addition, the President shall exercise the option to hold an executive meeting remotely when it is not possible or timely to wait until the regularly scheduled meeting. Issues of a non-controversial nature or actions where a unanimous vote is expected would be a reason for a meeting of this type.

If an email meeting is used, the president begins the meeting by stating the motion, the second and begins the discussion phase. One week (7 days) will be allowed for discussion. If during that time, the responses received do not constitute a quorum of the executive board, then the motion will fail. The Issue then can be taken up at the next regularly scheduled meeting if desired.

Appoint a host to manage the technical portion of the remote meeting.

Secretary: The Secretary's responsibilities with respect to conducting a Remote Meeting shall be the same as with a regularly held meeting. In addition, the Secretary shall:

" Request Reports from the Officers and Delegates prior to the meeting.

" Compile all submitted reports into one document to be sent to the Oregon Federation Officers and Board for review at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled Remote Meeting.

" Track the voting and maintain the official record of the votes of each Board member.

" Submit for approval the minutes of all actions taken by the email meeting and have on hand at the meeting an accounting by member of all votes taken.

" Request items of new business for the agenda prior to the meeting to the extent possible.

" Forward to the Website Chair for publication on the Oregon federation website the approved minutes of the Electronic Board Meeting.

Topics Discussed: Discussions concerning the motions and discussions not resulting in motions will not be included in the minutes.

Officers and Delegates: The Officers and Delegates responsibilities with respect to conducting a remote meeting shall be the same as with a regularly held meeting. In addition, the Officers and Delegates shall:

" Prepare and submit their reports to the Secretary upon request. Reports submitted by the Officers and Delegates will not be read in their entirety during the meeting, however highlights may be noted by the President with a request for questions & comments from those in attendance.


The methods of conducting a remote meeting may be by email, teleconferencing or by videoconferencing.

A remote meeting may be held for the entire Federation Board, the Executive Board consisting of the Officers and delegates, the elected Officers only or as a method for individuals of the board to attend a regularly scheduled meeting when they are not able to be there in person.

Rules of Conduct:

The meeting Host as appointed by the President will be responsible for establishing contact for the participants notifying them of the meeting and to provide contact information for attending the meeting. Establish connections for remote participants during a regular meeting.


The President has the role as facilitator.

The President has control over who speaks and when they speak. Please wait to be recognized by the president before speaking.

Ask for thoughts from participants who are being silent.


A meeting participant has the responsibility of logging in to the meeting in a timely manner prior to the beginning of the meeting so as to prevent a delay in the meeting.

Test your equipment; internet, camera, microphone beforehand. If you are unfamiliar with how to do this, the host will be able to help (before the meeting).

Plan to be present for the entire meeting. If you cannot do this, then notify the host beforehand.

During Audio or Video Meetings:

Meeting Participants shall conduct themselves as they would during a face to face meeting. Identify yourself when speaking, to facilitate the preparation of the minutes by the Secretary.

Mute your device when not speaking so as to minimize distractions that may disrupt the meeting.

Use the chat function to ask a question or to discuss with another participant. The facilitator will monitor questions and present them to the president for discussion.

During Video meetings:

Stay focused, remember everyone can see you.

Please consider your appearance. Dress as you would for a regular meeting.

Consider what will be viewed behind you.

SECRETARY - Roberta (Philip) Claudson

I have been busy attempting to understand how to download and save the different versions used by senders of reports. When you send your reports to me for the next meeting, please use: Robertasquaredance@gmail.com.

Kathy Roberts offered to assist me with the minutes of this meeting and the September meeting.

TREASURER - Marilyn Schmit

There was only one check written since our last meeting and that was for a background check. There has been a deposit for ODOT funds and there are Membership dues checks and an interest check from Washington Federal to deposit.

It is time to put in writing the annual listing, for the bank request, to show who is able to sign checks for the Federation account. According to the P&P's, the following people can sign on the account. Treasurer, President, 1st Vice President, and Past President.

Lorri McIntosh will be removed and George Hermann will be added to the account.

The Federation has not received a final check from the cancelled Summer Festival. It should be a $3000 check minus the loss that we were warned of earlier in the year. I look forward to getting that account cleared out and ready for whoever hosts the 2021 Summer Festival.

The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss as of June 30, 2020 has been emailed to the Secretary to include in the reports to be disbursed before the meeting.

The proposed budget for Gary's year as President has also been emailed to the Secretary for everyone to look at. Questions will be answered and the budget will be voted on at the September meeting.

Question from Zola Jones on the Profit & Loss, page 1 - on the Background Check expense of $140. Is that due to the incoming officers? This fee is for all of the new officers from September through April. There is no monthly fee on the Background Check, it is a per application check.

Question from George Hermann - ODOT Income and Charity. This is the fee we received from the ODOT for the Square Dance License Plate Renewal. The Charity is chosen by the President to receive the fees from the Federation.


One council is listed by the state as inactive; a reminder of this situation has been sent.

One club is late in their registration with the Oregon Secretary of State, a reminder has been sent. As of the date of this meeting, the council has been brought up to date.

As of July 7, fourteen clubs and one council had not updated their information, 2 clubs had not paid state dues, reminders have been sent. As of this meeting, the council is now current, however we still have 2 clubs who have not paid their state dues.


There are 1714 dancers insured as primary dancers at the current time. With the addition of the Washington insured dancers, we have approximately 1960 dancers insured in Oregon federated clubs.

I will be putting together the insurance packets for distribution in August for disbursement at the September meeting. If we do the teleconference meeting, I may deliver those that I can to the delegate and train individually. I am still trying to envision the training via the teleconference and the picture is not really what I think it should be.

I have asked for the paperwork from State Farm to add George Hermann to the officer bond policy. Lorri McIntosh will be removed as of the installation and George will be added. The officer bond covers those who have signature privileges on the Federation checking account.

We gained about 30 dancers from the spring classes that made it through to the end. Hope all the clubs have enrolled all of their new members since January. It seems to me that the clubs have done a better job of getting names submitted.

There was an email submitted to me from the USDA insurance person that I sent to the Area Delegates to share with their clubs. It was a document that had answers to frequently asked questions during the COVID crisis. No rate for 2021 has been given yet and it won't normally be ready until late September or early October. The delegates will be notified when I receive it.


To date, we have only received one Randall Award nomination. Randall Awards normally would be accepted until Summer Festival which would have been in August. Since we only have one submission, I will be extending the submission time and send out a letter to the Delegates with the extended date. Randall Award nominations go through the Council. If a club or individual would like to nominate someone, they give the nomination to their Council. The Council Delegate will submit the nomination to the Past President during Summer Festival. A ballot will be given to the Delegate at the September meeting. The Council Delegate votes for the Randall Award Recipient.


PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

Tim had planned on handing the flash drives with the P&P's out during Summer Festival or September meeting. If we do not meet in person for the September meeting, they will be mailed.


The OFSRDC Facebook page is up to 545 members. Mid-Winter 2021, please start sending me your registration form, fliers and information that you would like pinned to the top of our Facebook page. The more information you send me, the better I can help promote your festival.

During the last month, I have had to delete threads and posts on the Federation's Facebook page due to name calling, derogative political or angry comments, and hate messages being posted under reasonable questions or comments. I've posted three reminders that the OFSRDC Facebook page is for the promotion of dance - not for political grievances. I've also warned people that I will be deleting their negative comments. In an effort to keep the page positive, I've invited dancers to post pictures of their projects while we are in the non-dancing phase. We had a few people post pictures the first week it was opened up. We will continue to accept pictures of non-square dance activities until Aug. 15.

We usually have an Education Seminar for Officers and Delegates in September. Due to the Covid restrictions, I will be creating a document for all of the new officers and delegates instead of leading a live seminar. It will include information from the people that I usually ask to talk to the new officers and delegates. I will plan on sending the document out prior to the September meeting so that everyone has a chance to read it before our phone call meeting. During our phone call meeting, we can answer questions individuals may have.

Remember to take advantage of free advertising in the OFN and on Facebook.

HISTORIAN - Marilyn Schmit

No report

BMI/ASCAP - Ralph Lambert

No report

YOUTH ADVISOR - Thomas Buchheit

No report

ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)

No report


July ROM was chosen by Umpqua Area is "All His Children", a phase II Waltz by Karen & Ed Gloodt.

CALLER LIASION - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)

No report

WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

No report

STATE FAIR - Marilyn Schmit

No report

BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

All incoming officers who require checks have been checked.



    PAC report indicates that PAC will not be hosting Summer Festival 2021. Summer Festival 2021 is open for bids. If you would like to host the festival go to the P&P's and check out what you have to do. Submit a bid by the September meeting.

  2. Karyn - September Meeting will be September 20. At this time we will be moving it to a tele-conference or trying Zoom.

    Zola Jones - we need to have a live meeting in September for the training session. Tim Roberts - Right now, with the current restrictions we will not be able to hold a meeting with over 10 people. Kathy Roberts - Toe Draggers were originally scheduled to hold this meeting in the Kinton Grange. With the size limitation and having to place everyone 6' away from each other, it would not have been possible to hold the meeting. Zola Jones - would the Square Dance Hall in Salem be available? Per Marilyn, they can space it out to be 2 people per bench. They have 29 benches. Zola would like us to consider having the meeting on a Saturday since we are not dancing. It would be better to have the opportunity to have the training sessions face to face. It would also be easier to distribute materials and the flash drives. Kathy Roberts - can we consider having the meeting outside where everyone brings their own chairs and sack lunch? Zola Jones would like to have the meeting start later in the day and maybe on a Saturday, around 10 am if we hold the Training Sessions and OFSRDC State Meeting on the same day. Karyn will talk with the Executive Board and try to come up with a meeting possibility.

    Roberta Claudson - badges for the new people. Will officers be passing on their badges or should Roberta order new badges? The George and Patty Hermann will need the Oregon Badge and bars as well as the new Delegates. The only new Delegates will be Dave and Patty Cooper and they have the Oregon badges, they will just need the name bars.



  1. USDA Meeting

    " Marilyn and Ron Schmit drove to Grants Pass to Lorri McIntosh's home to attend the Zoom meeting conducted by United Square Dancers of America. That way all four of the Oregon Delegates could be in one place. The delegates for this year are Ron, Marilyn, Lorri and her grandson Blake Smith.

    " There was a quorum in attendance for the meeting with 32 of the 53 Affiliates checking in for the meeting.

    " The Youth Scholarships winners for 2020 are Julia Buchheit for the $1000 scholarship and Petrina Buchheit for the $500 scholarship. This is the second year in a row that Oregon has come home with the Scholarship winners.

    " Kathy and Dale Worthington are no longer Western Region Vice Presidents. They have the position of Education & Publications now and keep the pamphlets and booklets current on the USDA website, www.USDA.ORG.

    " There was a discussion on the 501c3 Non-Profit Group Exemption Program status. There were pages of proposed By-Laws and Standing Rules changes to allow a club that is already part of an Affiliate organization, to join as an Associate member, if they wish to change and adhere to the stipulations that the IRS and USDA have set up. There is a yearly fee, a yearly tax return to fill out, and changes to the fiscal year, the dissolution clause to be worded correctly, and application included in our delegate packets. The Associates would not be able to vote, but would be able to speak at an Annual meeting that is held at the National Convention each year. The proposed changes were approved.

    " The National Square Dance convention in 2024 will be held in Milwaukie, Wisconsin. 2021 is in Jackson, MS; 2022 is in Mobile, AL; 2023 is in Evansville, IN; and 2026 is in the bid process for southern California for #75. California has hosted #25, 50, and to continue in the count, want to host #75.

    Ron and I enjoyed the munchies provided by Lorri and family and gathered a bunch of needed hugs before we went on our way to Ashland to see a granddaughter.

    Marilyn Schmit
    USDA Delegate

  2. Donation of the Water Color painting by Lane Clem. Lane prepared the cover art for the Directory & donated the water color used for the cover (matted & framed) to the Federation to be used as appropriate. A request for ideas was proffered.
  3. The proposed budget for the Federation was discussed. Approval will be determined at the September meeting.



With the corona virus outbreak in La Grande we are being even more cautious with social dancing.

It seems as though the epidemic will be with us for quite a long time so the Elkhorn Swingers have decided that the annual Spring Fling Festival will be a casualty of the epidemic. As goes the festival, so goes the Club. Without the festival, the Club has no activities.

CENTRAL OREGON - Mark (Bobbi) McDonald

No activity to date, the next planned activity is to be in May of 2021.


We are having a council meeting on the third Monday, July 20; our first one in six months since January! So there will be a lot to discuss, including updates from Mid-Winter Festival. I also will be asking all our clubs to start updating their membership rosters to be ready for the insurance forms which will be coming in September.

I have no reply as yet of a nomination for the Randall Award.

Our area needs 51 State Directories for 2020-2021.

Our next area council meeting will be in September, where it will include the installation of new Officers for 2020-2022. We have not heard of anyone in our area getting the corona Virus; so far, so good. So - everyone keep staying safe and well!


The KC Squares and Interstate Highlanders have nothing to report at this time. In addition to this COVID nonsense I have a 38-year-old son with heart problems and he spent some time in the hospital so Federation business is not high on my priority list.


Most of our clubs remain dark either due to "normal" dark schedule or due to virus closure. Many halls are limiting activities allowed and are putting additional requirements in place.

Re-Vu-N-Q is up and dancing as it is easier for a round club to meet. They held a 44th birthday party on June 25 with 28 dancers and a cuer present. Nice to see smiles and happy dancers getting some floor time. A Saturday afternoon or evening dance is in the planning stages for August. Also, a possibility of sponsoring a two-step class in September. The details are being worked on with more information to follow.

Plans are being made for the State meeting for September 2021. Installation for George Hermann as Federation President will be the weekend of September 11-12. Meetings will be at the Salem Square Dance Center and the dance will be at the IWW second Saturday September dance. More plans/info to come.

Silver City youth report that plans are being made for the Teen Festival for May 2021 and that they will have pins available sometime in September.


The club activity within Portland Area Council has been quiet, no dancing, as we social distance.

This year, Portland Area Council (PAC) presented their 2020-2021 Ballot for Election of Officers, to area clubs via email. The Nomination Committee handled the tally of Ballots via 'snail' mail. Our 2020-2021 PAC Officers are: President: Robert Lumsden; VP, Tami Helms; and Officers re-elected were: Secretary, Eileen Pettigrew; Treasurer, Jeff Knapp; PAC State Delegate, Betty Chipps (and Alternate PAC State Delegate, Tami Helms). Keith Miles, completes our Board as Past President. PAC appreciates our volunteers and thanks Keith and Anthony Egan (past VP) for their past year of service.

PAC began our 2020 year with Co-Host sponsored dances: sharing profit and responsibilities with the shared host at our 5th-Friday dances. We had great success with our first dance, and sadly, had to cancel our dances through September. Watch the COVID-19 post on the Oregon Federation web page for the status of our OCT 30th dance.

JAN 31 (FRI) - "Super Bowl" dance, at Milwaukie Comm. Ctr., dual-hosted by PAC and River City Dancers, Caller/Cuer: Darrell Kalmbach/Tami Helms (81 dancers attended)

Cancelled - MAY 29 (FRI) - features "Girls Night Out" ladies group calling/cueing at Oak Grove Comm Ctr., Oak Grove - hosted by PAC and Rosetown Ramblers

Cancelled - JUNE 7 (SUN, 2-5pm) - ALZHEIMER's Benefit Dance and Basket Raffle, at Abernethy Grange, Oregon City, Caller/Cuer: MC's Dan Nordbye/Julie Stiers sponsored by TRI-Councils: Evergreen, PAC and Tualatin Valley Council; also features Callers & Cuers from the floor at this dance.

Cancelled - JULY 31 (FRI) - "Starry Night" outside-dance at Boring Barn in Boring, Caller/Cuer: Scott Zinser/Tami Helms, hosted by PAC & Country Cut-Ups

Status (pending) - OCT 30 (FRI) - "Halloween" dance, Abernethy Grange, Oregon City, Caller/Cuer: Darrell Kalmbach/Tami Helms, hosted by PAC & Bachelor & Bachelorettes

PAC has chosen to opt out of sponsorship and not bid on the 2021 Summer Festival, as present times are uncertain.


Their 5th Friday Council Dance was canceled.

The Star Promenaders canceled Diamond Lake Festival. They are going to host a dance and will supply face shields to all of the dancers as a way to mitigate the virus risk.

SOUTH COAST COUNCIL - Patrick (Cheri) Cox

The South Coast Council's last meeting was on Feb 20. There have been no square dances since the beginning of March 2020.

Sets in Order - are having a Round Dance on July 11, 2020

Saints-N-Aints - in June, Cathy Houston restarted teaching lines and cueing rounds weekly. Cherie Cox re-started teaching Rumba, and cueing a round dance weekly (4-5 couples only).

Beachcombers - no dances since March

Mavericks - no dances since March


The TVC has suspended all dances and meetings until further notice. Business is conducted when necessary via email.

The TVC considered options for hosting the September meeting and determined it just wasn't feasible in the Portland area, so the Federation was informed the TVC has canceled.

We miss our friends and look so forward to seeing everyone across a square as soon as it is safe.

The Hoedowners have held 3 round dances. They are dancing Phase 2 & 3 with Randy Lewis cueing on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 7:00-9:00 pm in the Aloha Grange. They are requiring masks, taking temperatures, and filling out Contact Tracing paperwork. They are insisting on the 6' distancing and only household partners may dance together. No food. They allow up to 12 couples. RSVP in advance is required since they have been close to the 12 couples attending.


We had a dance 2 weeks ago with 3 squares. We followed all of the COVID regulations.


Lee and Barbara Ashwill

Absent, no report

Rikki Lobato/Rob Keene

Absent, no report


Zola Jones: September meeting maybe should be in Albany. There is a big park close to the fairgrounds.

Gary Clark: his mother-in-law Ruth Canby passed on July 3rd. He will send an obituary to the OFN.

The next scheduled meeting is a teleconference meeting on Sunday, September 20th at 9:00 am.

ADJOURN: Motion made by Marilyn Schmit to adjourn the meeting at 10:39 am, seconded by Lori McIntosh. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,

Roberta Claudson