Minutes from Teleconference
September 20, 2020
9:06 AM General Meeting
CALL TO ORDER President Karyn Buchheit

Gary Clark moved to seat Lorri McIntosh as Secretary. Tim Keck seconded the motion. Motion carried.

ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Elected Officers: All Present

Appointed Officers: Not Present for meeting: BMI/ASCAP/SESAC- Ralph Lambert, Youth Activities Coordinator- Thomas Buchheit

Festival Chairmen: Present

Delegates: Sitting in for Umpqua Area Council Delegate: Lois Muck

Good Will Ambassadors: Not Present

INVOCATION - Immediate Past President, Lorri McIntosh

FLAG SALUTE - 1st Vice President, Gary (Joyce) Clark

MINUTES - Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Zola Jones- correction on pg. 12, last line needs to include day of the month. Zola moved to accept minutes as corrected, Marilyn Schmidt second the motion. Motion carried.



PRESIDENT - Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit

Roberta Claudsen has stepped down from her position as our State Secretary; I am appointing Lorri McIntosh to finish out her term through the first part of today's meeting.

I want to thank all of the officers and delegates who have served with me through this year. This has been a very unusually year for Oregon in our dancing world as we finished out 2019 with many losses of friends and fellow dancers; we have had clubs, lessons, special dances and festivals cancelled due to the pandemic; and in the last few weeks we along with the rest of Oregon have seen wildfires hit large portions of our state.

We have learned as clubs, councils and state officers to keep in contact by unusual ways for us with teleconferences, video conferences and a whole lot more emails.

I want to give a special thank you to Gary Clark, Tim Keck and Tim Roberts who have been essential to me as my sounding board and helping with charting our course through the uncharted waters we have been experiencing this year. Having a strong team to back me up was a blessing.

Gary I wish you good luck as incoming president along with the hope and prayer that your term goes a whole lot easier!

I would also like to announce that I have appointed Roger and Linda Putzler as my Goodwill Ambassadors. And a big thank you to Lee and Barbi Ashwill for their time as Goodwill Ambassadors.


See new business, New President's Report


We had a wonderful socially distanced picnic in August and then our September meeting was canceled due to the fairgrounds being a staging location for all the fires. We are still on hold with regards to our festival being held or not. A final decision will not be made until October. Hope everyone is doing well.

Lisa Kious, Bill and Lisa Coen

Tim Keck recommended moving MidWinter to mid-summer. The committee will discuss this possibility.

2021 SUMMER FESTIVAL - available

Cece Glidewell suggested allowing Klamath Falls have the Federation meeting there and have a long dance weekend. They would not be able to put on a full festival. Federation to consider after MidWinter makes a decision.

2022 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Karyn Buchheit

I have contracts for both of my featured callers. Am in contact with my featured cuers to get their contract. Am waiting to hear about the featured clogging cuer.

I have ordered ribbons.

Still working on filling out my committee roster and getting co-chairs lined up.

Attached is my proposed budget for those who missed seeing it last meeting.

Contracts for both callers and cuer have been received.


Thanks to those of you who keep sending in club and council reports. Again, if your club has started a "keep in touch" newsletter, let us know about that.


Directory Project

The books have been printed and they have been distributed. The approximate printed cost per book calculated $3.18 for a run of 400 books. We had requests for approximately 350 books this year. The final cost will be $3.25 per book.

Change in the Board Organization

I have two proposals that I believe will improve the efficiency of our Organization.

OFN Advisory Committee: Proposal to Sunset the committee

Past Officers of The Oregon Federation (P.O.O.F.S): Proposal to Sunset the committee

Rationale: The purpose that was used to establish the above committees is no longer relevant. Any activities that the committees addressed can be undertaken informally. The current president can establish an 'Ad Hoc' committee to address upcoming issues that were previously addressed by these committees if the need arises.

Status for the resumption of Square & Round Dancing.

I prepared a separate document that lists the State rules & guidance for our activities that fall within the bounds of the State of Emergency concerning the Pandemic. I have also included statements from Our organizations that provide insurance for our activities. I have provided some examples of waivers that may be used to protect our Venue Operators, Club officers, and our Callers & Cuers from legal action should that issue arise as a result of and incident during a dance activity. This is intended to be the Oregon Federations' advice & guidance to the Area Councils and Clubs as they prepare to restart their dance activities.

SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh

As secretary I sent a sympathy card to Dennis Smith (Cuer) for the loss of his wife. I am picking up on how to complete the minutes. Personally- I am volunteering to prepare meals for local firefighters in Gabriel's crew, about 40-50 persons, and assisting with any medical needs and referrals. These firefighters are tired when they come in from fighting fires all day (16+hours) and do not feel like preparing a meal or stopping to buy fast food, if the place is open. When it all started there were so many fires in the Medford area (Medford, Phoenix, Talent, Eagle Point, Shady Cove, Butte Falls, Hwy 140, Central Point, Gold Hill, and more) that there was no place to stop and eat. We were going to try to get my 2 young grandsons this weekend, only to find out all roads from Grants Pass to Crescent City are closed (Hwy 199 and 3) due to fire. I know there have been several fires all over Oregon. Please be safe and wear your mask, not just for COVID but now for smoke.

TREASURER - Marilyn Schmit

I have finished the data entry for the end of year financials. Just need to do the actual financials now. I have filed the Form 990N for the Federation.

Bills paid since the last meeting, include the printing of the state directory and the bill for the new badges/bars for the new dance year. Upcoming bills to pay include the Officer Bond policy with State Farm, and the equipment policy, also with State Farm. Another bill to pay will be the USDA dues.

The proposed budget was distributed at the last teleconference meeting. The mileage and hotel amounts will change during the year due to the meetings not being held in person. With no Summer Festival profit to use, the next budget for George Hermann will be much different than what is shown for Gary Clark. We have money in Certificates of deposit so we will survive. No problem.

After receiving one check from Kay Rogers, 2020 Summer Festival it bounced. She sent another one. Our loss for 2020 Summer Festival was $500.


All clubs are current with their state registration. All except one council is current. Due to the current fire situation the council has not been reminded to pay their fee.


All the 2021 renewal packets have been distributed except for two. Emerald Empire Area Council will get theirs in the mail due to the cancellation of the Mid-Winter Festival meeting on September 13. Mid-Willamette Area will get theirs on September 21 at the council meeting. I mailed six councils, two were picked up at the Square Dance Center, and I am delivering the last two. There are 1723 primary insured dancers at this time.

I have no update from USDA for the 2021 price as of yet. I anticipate hearing in the next 2-3 weeks. I will be clearing out the 3-ring binders of the 2020 paperwork and getting them ready to fill up with 2021 papers. I think that I can shred the 2017 papers since the history of insurance can be kept for four years.

Update, insurance history needs to be kept for 4 years.


These past few months have been difficult for all with little to no socializing, no dancing, no reunions, and NO SCHOOL for the kids. We need to find other ways to socialize with internet sites. I have found Facebook to be an excellent site to keep up with what everyone is doing. My grandchildren have other sites on social media that are foreign to me, but they keep up with their friends. My heart goes out to all affected by the wildfires in Oregon, Washington, and California. The air quality and closed roads has added another stumbling block to our lives. We see Gabriel every couple weeks when he has R&R from fighting fires. He works both the ground crew and the fire engines. He's working hard, but enjoys what he's doing. And the good part is, school is giving him credit for working. He was excited: "you mean I get credit for working". Please pray for ALL the firefighters and first responders putting their life on the line selflessly.

I hope everyone can find Joy and Peace with all the chaos and change.


PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

Nothing New

Zola Jones questioned when new P&P's would be given out. Tim Roberts will be finishing them up and send in the mail when completely update.


I'd like to say thank you to Karyn Buchheit for being our OFSRDC President during this very stressful and uncertain year. Thank you also to your entire Board. I know this year has not turned out the way any of us could have possibly imagined. A big thank you to Gary Clark and your entire Board for being brave enough to step forward and continue leading through these murky times. We appreciate all of you!

My new 2020-2021 OFSDRC Delegate and Office Training Guide has been finished and emailed out to the Federation Mail List. If you hear of someone that has not received their copy, please forward them a copy and then ask them to contact Lorri McIntosh (nursylady1976@yahoo.com) and Tim Roberts (timr@probo.com) with their email address. Normally, it takes about 1 ½ hours to orally share the information that has been included in the Training Guide. The Guide is 30 pages long, including a Table of Contents, Basic Timeline, and Contact List. I have tried to include all of the information that would normally be shared during the meeting. I would like to thank Karyn Buchheit, Gary Clark, Tim Keck, Tim Roberts, Lorri McIntosh, Marilyn Schmit and Lane Clem for their contributions. I am hoping everyone will read the Guide prior to this meeting so I can answer any questions they may have after our State Meeting. If you feel that this has been a helpful document and would like it updated next September, please let me know. If I have left anything out or if there are errors, the errors are mine and I apologize for them.

Our Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Facebook page is up to 555 members. I still have not received any information from the 2021 Mid-Winter Committee for posting. Regardless of how the vote next month turns out on whether or not you will be moving forward with Mid-Winter, please be sure we have the updated information.

We've had a few people post pictures of their COVID projects on Facebook during the last couple months. I've left it open for these positive and colorful posts through the end of the year. Hopefully people will start to post their holidays projects soon. I really enjoy seeing how creative our dancers are.

4 people signed into Zoom play station to get acquainted with how it works. Thank you to Joyce's daughter and Tim Roberts for assisting people playing in the Zoom station.

HISTORIAN - Marilyn Schmit

No Report

BMI/ASCAP/SESAC - Ralph Lambert

Billing should be received soon. Waiting for renewal, no refund will be given.

Tim Keck- Round a Lab provided information using Zoom: Only BMI waved requirements to pay extra for Zoom cueing. Discussion is still in progress for ASCAP and SESAC.

YOUTH ADVISOR - Thomas Buchheit

The recipients of this year's scholarships were Atticus Wahl of Mavericks Round Dance and Beachcombers and Petrina Buchheit of Silver City Squares. The scholarship committee did report back to me that this was a difficult decision as the applicants were all very deserving and it was hard for them to narrow it down from the 5 applicants.

My committee has worked hard on reviewing and preparing an update to the P&P's concerning the Youth Coordinator and Scholarship Program. The updates are finished and are being submitted for approval with my report.

We received a note from Dave Cooper who presented Atticus her scholarship. Atticus was so surprised to get the scholarship and was close to tears when she got on the microphone to thank all of us and the Federation for all that she received. You couldn't have awarded the scholarship to a more deserving young lady! We thank you!

From Petrina Buchheit: Thank you very much for the scholarship. It will help a lot.

P&P updates:


Shall be responsible for visiting new and existing clubs that are reported to have youth dancers in

1. Their membership and welcoming these youth on behalf of the State Federation.

2. Provides teen dancers with information on youth activities in the State and elsewhere.

3. Shall act as a source of information. This position is not to be used as a means of controlling any function that is organized by any other person or group.

4. Shall be responsible for providing assistance and information to committees that have been designated for youth activities at any and all state functions. Such functions would be the Mid-Winter Festival, Summer Festival, State Fair Dancing, the Leadership Seminar and any other statewide festival or dance.

5. Administers the Federation Youth Dancer Scholarship Program.

6. Administers youth ribbon scholarships for Mid-Winter and Summer Festivals and/or other OFSRDC sponsored activities.

7. Must agree to a background check before beginning term of office. If the report has any red flags, the candidate will not be allowed to take office. No exceptions. See "Background Check Coordinator" in this section for the definition of "red flags".

8. Shall work with the Background Check Coordinator in requesting background checks for individuals who will be involved in paid or volunteer leadership capacity with youth at the Federation level. This includes Mid-Winter, Summer Festival, Youth Dances, and Youth Scholarship Benefit Dances.

Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs

Youth Dancer Scholarship Program


The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs will award at least one Educational Scholarship on the basis of merit to a youth dancer who meets the following guidelines.

Scholarship Application

The youth coordinator will review the scholarship application and instructions yearly and make any needed changes or updates.

Guidelines and Eligibility

The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs expects to award the scholarship(s) to a student(s) who

Grades will be a minor consideration. Financial need is not a consideration.

Nomination Procedures

The following items are required for each nominee:

  • A completed application;
  • One (1) Two (2) letters of recommendation that meets the following criteria:
  • Applicant's essay of not more than 250 words describing "How square dancing, round dancing, line dancing or clogging has impacted my life".

    Application Deadline

    The completed application package must be postmarked by May 1, or received via e-mail by May 1, at the address specified on the application form.

    Selection Procedures

    A committee will examine all nominations and will select up to two (three?) recipients on the basis of the information submitted and the essay. Up to 2(3?) recipients will each be awarded $500 to be funded from the General Fund. An additional scholarship may be given based on available funds in the Youth Scholarship Fund. supplemented by no more than $250 from the General Fund.

    Selection Committee

    The selection committee will should be comprised of the following members:

    Additional committee members may be added by the State Youth Activities Coordinator at their discretion. An odd number of committee members is recommended in order to avoid a tie vote.

    Selection Announcement

    The recipient(s) will should be announced at the June Summer State Meeting. Certificate and check will be presented to recipient(s) prior to the fall term start date listed on the scholarship application. The decisions of the Selection Committee are final.

    ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck) I didn't want to just say no report although since we have not had a meeting there is not much new if anything.

    Condolences to Dennis Smith who lost his wife Elaine very suddenly.

    ROUND DANCE SCREENING - Tami Helms (Tim Keck) Thank You to Cherie Cox and Rikki Lobato for always helping with new music selection.

    Central Oregon Area Council Selected:
    "Bing Bang Boom" by Highway 101 album Bing Bang Boom
    written by Barry and Bobbie Bartlette
    Download Amazon, I Tunes, or similar 2.34 @ 44 RPM
    Two Step Phase II

    Emerald Empire Area has chosen Oct 2020 OROM
    "Don't We All Have The Right"
    Ricky Van Shelton (various albums)
    I Tunes 2:33 50 RPM
    Choreo: Diana & Jake Ring
    Waltz Phase ll + Hover

    CALLER LIASION - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)

    No Report

    WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

    No Report

    STATE FAIR - Marilyn Schmit

    No Report

    BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

    No Report


    1. 2021 Summer Festival status

      Discussion about moving MidWinter, Committee will discuss. Cece Glidewell requested Klamath Falls be back-up if MidWinter is cancelled and unable to move to summer months.

    2. Remote meeting procedures committee report

      Tim Keck reports no changes since last meeting to the remote meeting for P&P's. Joyce Weldon moved to accept changes to the P&P's for remote meetings. Cece Glidewell second the motion. Motion carried.

    3. Motion to add additional scholarships.

      Gary Clark moved to have the Federation add one more youth scholarship, for a total of 3, 500.00 youth scholarships annually. Tim Keck second the motion, motion carried.

    4. Watercolor from Lane Clem

      Lane Clem donated a water color for the front page of the Directory. There has been a recommendation to have online auction on Federation website and Facebook page with the revenue from auction to go towards the youth scholarships. Bids for watercolor will open October 1st and end October 15th. Tim Roberts will set up and monitor Federation website, Kathy Roberts will set up and monitor Facebook. Zola Jones asked about the size of the watercolor print: 14"x20".


    Installation of New Officers:

    Gary Clark was installed as Federation president. Karyn Buchheit turned meeting over to Gary.

    New President Gary Clark, report

    As we all look forward to getting back to dancing, we have many hurdles to get over first. There will be some changes in how we do things and I think we are all flexible enough to accept these challenges. Many festivals and weekend events will be cancelled or rescheduled. Speaking of rescheduling, if you have a festival coming up in your area and the timing is not right to hold it, think about rescheduling it at a later date if the logistics can be worked out. We will need those dancing opportunities once the green light is turned on that we are now safe and don't have social distancing guidelines anymore.

    Keep a connection with your club to make sure all members that you don't see are safe and in good health. Texting, emails and phone calls are all good to keep connected. Social media is also good.

    I have picked a theme of "Swing Your Partner". We all miss that as it was taken for granted when we were dancing all the time. Do it in your home often to keep in practice. Then do virtual swings with others you are close to. Send a virtual hug once in a while.

    These are sure changing times and we will get through this together and our dancing community will have a different look as long as we can accept any changes.

    "Swing Your Partner"


    1. Motion by Karyn Buchheit to approve appointment of Lorri McIntosh as Secretary for 2020-21, Dave Cooper second the motion. Motion carried.
    2. Motion by Karyn Buchheit to approve 2020-21 budget, George Hermann second the motion. Motion carried.
    3. Motion by Tim Keck to sunset the OFN Advisory Committee. Tim Keck moved to sunset the OFN advisory committee. George Hermann seconded the motion. Motion carried.
    4. Motion by Tim Keck to eliminate the POOFs.

      Tim Keck moved to eliminate POOF and sunset the committee. George Hermann seconded the motion. Motion carried.

    5. Randall Award

      We received 3 nominations for the Randall award: Gary & Joyce Clark, Gary & Norma Sohn, and Wayne Weaver.

    6. Changes to Youth By-Laws

      See information under Youth Activities Coordinator report. Karyn Buchheit moved to accept the changes as requested from Youth Activities report. Cece Glidewell seconded the motion, Tim Roberts reports this is updating the document to coordinate what we have been doing and add the 3rd scholarship. Applications will also need 2 letters of recommendation. Youth Coordinator will be double checking membership of applicant, and the membership is better defined. Motion carried.

    7. Report sent out from Tim Keck last night on guidance to restart square dancing.

      The document is 20 pages long. The top 3 pages provide information on what the states want in order to hold activities and whether or not you need waivers. Round dancing is currently happening and approved. Mass meetings can happen AFTER a vaccine is approved- not all dancers will be required to have the vaccine. The document gives guidance and guidelines for clubs and councils to have dances in Oregon. To start square dancing, 8 people would be considered a party. They would social distance from other groups through the evening. Masks or shields must be worn. Tim Roberts will provide the document on the OFSRDC website.



    No Report

    CENTRAL OREGON - Mark (Bobbi) McDonald

    The Council met in July for the ?rst time since the lockdown. We met on our patio observing all the appropriate procedures. They con?rmed the new Council o?cers for 2020-21: Joyce Welton, Pres., Sharon Schaedler, V.P., Paul Ostrom, Treasurer, and Renea Sedlacek, Secretary.

    The Council was going to sponsor a Halloween Dance on October 31st. However, due to COVID-19, it has been cancelled.

    There haven't been any dances or gatherings in our area. Lesson schedules for the clubs is on hold pending the State's direction. The Red Rocks usually begin their lessons in January so there's still a chance they may be able to start. Let's hope.

    Our Council is hosting the May Federation Meeting. Plans are progressing: i.e. location selected, the list of hotels and RV parks is complete, and each club assignments regarding refreshments has been made.

    Information packets will be available by Mid-Winter. If, due to the pandemic, we aren't able to have the Mid-Winter Festival, then I'll mail the packets.

    Prepared by Joyce Welton, Delegate

    EMERALD EMPIRE AREA - Zola (Ray) Jones

    Our upcoming area council meeting will be Monday, September 21st, where we will be installing new council officers for 2020-2022, and we will be hearing how our clubs are doing in this time of No Dancing in our area. Some clubs have been keeping in touch; by meeting in a parking lot-sitting in their cars 8ft away from other cars with masks on, windows down, to visit and keep in touch. At this meeting I will be handing out the Liability Insurance packets to all the club delegates, for them to return the completed forms back to me at our October Council meeting.

    There will be no new dancer lessons at the dance hall in Springfield.

    As is the Coronavirus situation isn't bad enough; then we are having the terrible wildfires in Western Oregon. Some of our area dancers have had to evacuate their homes up the McKenzie River, east of Springfield, but we have not heard of any of them losing their homes-so far they have been spared. Past state president, Floyd and Jill Bard had a beautiful vacation log home in the small town of Blue River and they lost it as the whole town was burned out.

    What a year this has been so far; Makes you wonder- "What Next?" I'm looking forward to 2021 already; it has got to be better.

    The State Directory lists the 2019-2020 Council officers instead of this year's officers. Zola will be continuing as the State Delegate.

    Everyone, please keep staying safe and well.

    INTERSTATE HIGHLANDERS - Cece (Sarge) Glidewell

    Council/Club News:

    The Council and Club had a joint meeting on August 15, 2020. Not to worry, they met at a local park for a - bring your own sack lunch and practiced social distancing. Some much needed business was completed. The club decided to cancel the October Potato Festival due to pandemic concerns.

    Donna Krossman-Darling, the former Lakeview-Tall Town Travelers caller, attended the August 15 council/club meeting. She is back in Lakeview and has been asked by some former members to start workshops again once the pandemic is no longer an issue. The IH council looks forward to restoring their membership so that they will no longer be a one club council.

    The council/club would like to propose hosting a State meeting and dance in lieu of the 2021 Summer Festival if no other areas have prepared or submitted a bid. The proposed dates are July 16-18 just prior to the Diamond Lake Festival. The details are basically the same as what was passed out at the 2020 Mid-Winter Festival for hosting the April 2020 meeting that was canceled due to the pandemic. This would not be a full fledge Summer Festival due to the lack of time and manpower to plan the event. However, some dance times could/would be added along with an open mic session for any visiting callers and cuers with Cece and Sarge Glidewell acting as mc's. Thursday July 15, 2021 the club could/would have a trails through (to Diamond Lake) dance in lieu of their normal workshop to give it a festival feel.


    Clubs are mostly still dark for both dances and lessons. Unknown at this time of when things will start up again. The exception at this time is Re-Vu-N-Q who are round dancing again with certain restrictions in place.

    Club meetings and contacts are mostly via phone or email; but our clubs are doing a good job of keeping in contact with their club members. Club members and council members are checking up on fire evacuees and situations and trying to keep others updated.


    PAC has canceled 5th Friday dances.

    ROGUE SIS Q COUNCIL- Blake Smith

    SOUTH COAST COUNCIL - Dave (Patti Cooper)

    Beachcombers will open the field for anyone wanting to camp and escape the smoke.

    Saints "N" Aints

    Pat and Cherie have been doing round dances in our shop every Saturday evening. Staying safe and having fun keeping the activity going. We also have been giving lessons on Sundays for rounds. Cathy Houston has been doing lines and Rounds on Thursdays.

    Sets in Order

    We of course have NO SQUARE DANCING right now BUT. We are having Round dances thanks to our local dance Judi Arellno. She has worked with our Community Center and we are allowed to dance outside behind it. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.



    On 2nd and 4th Saturdays the place to be is the Aloha grange from 7-9 pm. Randy Lewis is rocking the house with phase II and III choreographed ballroom music selections. The Hoedowners are the hosts for this dance activity. The dance will cost you $9 and require contract tracing paperwork, masks and social distancing at all times to include no swapping of partners, as well as taking and recording temperatures. They have been dancing since July and it's working very well.

    The Valley River Dancers started phase II waltz lessons just recently in Newberg. Leonard Snodgrass is teaching this fun class. This club also is carefully following social distancing rules. Leonard will be teaching another class starting soon on Wednesday evenings, also in Newberg, (probably cha cha). The club hopes to have 8 couples (no singles, sorry) commit for this lively class. Visit the club Facebook page to send a message for information or Call Leonard for more details or to reserve a spot. A flyer and more information to come.

    The TVC clubs have been working on updating their member lists and have been sent their insurance packets.

    Many of the TVC clubs are being very creative in their ways of reaching out to each other during this pandemic, and we are thankful for those that are willing to keep in touch as it is so important. Stay encouraged.

    UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL - Gabriel Smith

    The majority of dancing activity has been cancelled. Dancing Friends had a round dance last night, September 19, 2020. They followed all COVID-19 guidelines.


    Lee and Barbara Ashwill - No report

    Rikki Lobato/Rob Keene- No report


    I would like to announce that Julia Buchheit received a $1,000.00 scholarship, from United Square Dancers of America, this is her second time. The second award of $500.00 scholarship went to her sister, Petrina Bucheit, this is her first time. Keep up the good work. You can apply for the scholarships twice, once as a Senior in high school and as a Freshman in college. When we can get together again we can present the Certificate of Achievement. The money has already been sent to their school of choice.

    Dale and Kathy Worthington, past Vice Presidents for the Western Region for USDA.

    Gary Clark: we have had 2 deaths recently - Elaine Smith (round dancer) and Ted Young. Keep them in your thoughts

    Joyce Welton: our clubs are having trouble having their members renew their membership. We have started to pay for their insurance. Are clubs paying for members who haven't renewed or just letting them drop? Marilyn recommended only listing those dancers who are members now. If the dropped people come back, enroll them when they come back and pay for their insurance after they join again. Central Oregon reduced their dues by half - and they are still having people drop. Kathy Roberts: The Toe Draggers suspended dues and have let people know they can make donations in lieu of dues. There have no changes to the Toe's membership so far.

    NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: Sunday, January 24, 2021, 9:00 AM Conference room at festival facility hosted by Emerald Empire


    Dave Cooper moved to adjourn meeting at 10:39. Joyce Weldon second the motion, motion carried.

    Respectfully submitted,
    Lorri Jo McIntosh
    Secretary for OFSRDC