Minutes from Teleconference
January 24, 2021

9:01 AM General Meeting

CALL TO ORDER President Gary (Joyce) Clark

Please turn off your cell phones


APPOINTED OFFICERS: Not present for meeting: Mid-Winter Festival 2021 & Mid-Winter Festival 2023: Lisa Kious; Licensing: Ralph Lambert; Youth Activities Coordinator: Thomas Buchheit

GUESTS: Patrick Cox, South Coast Council; Kathy Worthington, TVC and USDA

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Karyn Buchheit

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President George Hermann

MINUTES: Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Correction to the September 2020 Minutes: Last page - Motion to adjourn was seconded by Joyce Welton, not Weldon.



PRESIDENT - Gary (Joyce) Clark

Thanks to everyone taking time out of your Sunday to attend this Zoom meeting. We will conduct the business of the Federation expeditiously so you can have the rest of your Sunday for family or whatever.

One thing I want you all to know is how we will operate when a motion is voted on. Based on input from Parliamentarian Tim Roberts I will do the following:

It is hard to come up with a good way to do voting on motions in that environment, with part of the group visible but muted and part of the group listening but with no picture. In these remote meetings, I think we might want to make more use of unanimous consent. You'd say, "if there is no objection, the motion will pass." Then you pause, which gives people time to unmute and say something. If no one says anything, then "the motion passes" and we move on. If someone objects, we take a vote.

We would want to make sure people understand that they have the right to object if they think there is a question. Roberts points out that "unanimous consent" does not mean "unanimously approved" -- it merely means those few who were opposed did not think it worth the trouble to vote.

Past President Karyn used this during her term, and I want to use it for this meeting for the reasons Tim Roberts pointed out.

On January 16th I was on a Zoom webinar, along with other Federations' executives, put on by the United Square Dance Association (USDA). It was full of good information on the publications that the USDA has. These can all be viewed on their web site at usda.org.

Check it out and when you write your delegate reports, mention it to your Council so the clubs will have this information.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - George (Patty) Hermann

I have been involved in several Zoom meetings regarding the restarting of square dancing. We have discussed possible start dates (probably not until fall) and ways of starting. Callerlab is recommending a shortened call list to get folks dancing in a shorter time. We have also discussed setting up an Oregon Callers group so all callers in the state are doing the same program. Bear in mind, these are only discussions at this time. Lot to resolve BEFORE we get on the floor.


Festival Cancelled. Still working on the books for Federation money to be returned, have 2 more checks to be resolved before books can be closed.

2022 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

We had our first official committee meeting earlier this month. Most of the spots on the committee are filled. Festival dates are January 28, 29, 30, 2022. Theme this year is "These Boots Were Made For Dancing". Colors are denim and bandana print (no specific color for either and no specific print style).

Features are: callers - Ray Gallagher and Brent Mawdsley; cuers - Randy & Marie Preskitt; clogging cuer - Andy Howard.

Registration forms are being worked on and will be available soon.



Moving entertainment from 2021 to 2023. Tami H. reported: May need to check in with cuer when it gets closed, that person may not be available D/T having COVID.


I appreciate the council editors who keep sending in club and council reports. President Gary Clark asked a couple of callers to submit information about their remote dancing for this month's issue. Check it out.


Directory project:

The 2020-2021 directories have been published and distributed. I have received several corrections. The corrections have been listed and published in the November OFN. To date, no additional corrections have been identified. If you have a correction that needs to be addressed, please contact your Area Delegate or any State Officer. We currently have approximately 30 directories available for distribution. If you are interested in obtaining a directory, I can be contacted at tjkeck@outlook.com . for a quick response, please mention Oregon Federation Directory in the subject line.

It has been tradition that the Cover Art for the directory is to be chosen by the incoming president. Last year, our President chose to open the selection of the Cover Art to any current Federation member that wished to submit an idea. This year the incoming president has expressed his desire to do the same. The offer will be open until the 1st of May 2021. Please submit your ideas to tjkeck@outlook.com .

Thank you to all who have recently updated their club information on the Federation website.

For those who have not, updates to the directory can be easily completed online using the 'Club Info Form' under Membership forms, https://squaredance.gen.or.us/ClubInfo/. This can be accomplished at any time, usually after the clubs have concluded their election of officers. This can be repeated as changes occur. It is my primary source of information for updates; however, I will make email contacts and possibly a phone contacts as necessary to confirm the accuracy of the information as warranted. I will notify those of you who will have photos in the directory and may ask for updated photos if needed.

SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh

I have sent several cards since the last meeting. I cannot find the entire list. But, every time I get an email with or without an address I send a card. It would make it easier if you could include an address.

TREASURER - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

Treasurer-I will be reissuing the 2019-2020-year end financials. I did not classify the Summer Festival loss correctly. It has been weighing on my mind that it was wrong, and it needed to be fixed and reissued. Still one minor issue to be dealt with, but it will be fixed by month end.

I have paid the Fidelity Bond and the Equipment insurance with State Farm, issued the Mid-Winter 2022 loan for $6000, and paid the annual dues to USDA. The directory bill was paid and to date there are still 30 left to sell. The bottom line was that we did not break even this year on the directory sales. Dann Houghton has paid back his grant to attend the caller school since it was cancelled. Janet Geiger still has her $500 to attend and should not receive any more until she actually does attend a clinic.

I know of a bill coming from Tim Roberts for the thumb drives and postage that was spent in sending the Constitution, Practices and Procedures, and By-Laws to everyone. I have also paid SqDini for the Randall Award engraving.

Joyce Welton question: under the year profit/Loss miscellaneous income for youth? The income was the $600 Gary Clark paid for the art work by Lane Clem for the directory.


All clubs and councils are current with the Oregon Secretary of State.

Zola J.- we had a club (Boots n Sandals) disband in September. Denny did not receive a letter so Zola will make sure Denny receives a letter concerning the club disbanding.

INSURANCE CHAIRMAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

Insurance-the data entry was completed about December 20th and the last of the money has been sent in and all the clubs have received their 2021 insurance papers back in emails. The completion was done about two weeks earlier than last year. The head count at the end of the renewal is 1352 primary dancers and 205 that are insured in the Washington insurance. Several of the Washington dancers belong to more than one club, so not sure of how many are primary only. The count will grow as the clubs get back to dancing and members rejoin their clubs. I have copies of all the paperwork in case a club needs something, and I can double check for dual membership. I did quite a lot of that and issued a few refunds checks once the discrepancy was figured out between the clubs.

PAST PRESIDENT - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

The Randall Award nominees were Gary & Joyce Clark, Gary & Norma Sohn and Wayne Weaver. The winner is Gary and Norma Sohn. I have the plaque and badge bars for the winner and will get them to the winner after this weekend. Tami H. will get the plaque engraved and give to Karyn so she can deliver it and their bars.


PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

You all should have received flash drives with the Practices & Procedures as of January 1. Let me know whether this actually makes sense, or if online delivery through the web site is enough. There 135 pages to the new P&P's that can be obtained from the Federation website.


Our Federation Facebook page is up to 573 members. I have been posting flyers for Virtual Couples Square Dancing from around the world when I come across them on my personal feed. If you know of a Virtual Dance, please post information. Thanks to the virtual world, you can dance to callers and cuers anywhere in the world.

When we are ready to resume square dancing, if any club needs help creating or posting their flyers, please contact me. I will be happy to help. Remember, as the State Publicity person I can also write articles promoting special dances or activities for your club or council.

Mid-Winter 2022, please remember to send me your registration form and any other promotional information you would like put on Facebook. I will be anchoring Mid-Winter 2022 information to the top of our page so all visitors will be able to see your information each time they visit.

HISTORIAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- No Report


LICENSING - Ralph Lambert

Waiting to finalize BMI/ASCAP until he receives final information as to whether any amounts will be waived or reduced D/T COVID. The bill for BMI is $160+, he is waiting to see if Summer festival is a go.

YOUTH ADVISOR - Thomas Buchheit

Revised youth scholarship information and sent to Tim R for the website. Remind youth to apply for scholarship to apply by February 1 for USDA and May 1 for Oregon state scholarship.

Zola mentioned that the Pacific NW Teen festival has been cancelled.

ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)

No meeting, no report


Even though we haven't had any group dancing because of the COVID restrictions we are still proceeding as usual with the Councils selecting the Round of the Month as best, they can.

Mid-Willamette Area December 2020 "You're Like an Angel to Me" by Bouke Scholten Choreo: by Connie Ritchie Waltz Phase II +1 Interrupted Box

Portland Area Council January 2021 "Take Me Away" by George Strait Choreo: Cherie & Patrick Cox Two Step Phase II + 1 Strolling Vine

ROGUE SIS Q February 2021 "A Guy Is A Guy" by Doris Day Choreo : Stella and Paul Tennant Two Step Phase II

Gary C. asked when we are not dancing how are the Rounds of the Month selected? Answer: each Council picks an advisor to select their ROM. Preferably the advisor can go to a Council meeting to work with the Council to pick their round. If they cannot go to the meeting due to COVID, according to their P&P's the council advisor can pick the dance for their council. Most advisors try to get together with dancers to pick their song.

CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)

No report

WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

No Report

STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

A letter will be sent to the Fair in March/April to get our name on the entertainment list. Probably won't hear back until June or so.

BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

Part of the "talent" for Mid-Winter 2022 has passed background checks. I will need to follow up with the rest.




  1. Nominations for 2021-22 officers

    1st Vice President: Tim Keck (Tami Helms) - member of the Portland Area Council (River City Dancers)

    2nd Vice President: Patrick (Cherie) Cox - member of South Coast (Saints 'N' Aints)

    Secretary: Lorri McIntosh - member of the Rogue Sis Q Council (Charlie Browns)

    Treasurer: Marilyn (Ron) Schmit-member of Mid-Willamette Council (Independence Wagon Wheelers)

    Paul Ostrom- member of Central Oregon (High Desert Dancers)

    Membership Chair: Gil Shoemaker- member Portland Area Council (Happy Hoppers)

    Nominations will be closed February 1st. After they close Lorri McIntosh will work with Tim Roberts to get ballots ready to go.

    Tim K. will contact Patrick Cox to explain requirements of 2nd Vice President.

    Zola J. questioned the deadline for the ballots-the postal service has been slow. Can we go by the postmark date for ballots? Lorri will work with Tim R. to get post mark date.

  2. Motion (Tim Keck) to consider online directory as well as printed- George Hermann seconded the motion.

    Discussion: Zola: Will sales go down if we go to online? Tim: the directories pay for themselves. Betty: what will be the policing of information if the information is online? Will our information be protected? Tim R. all information in the directories is public information already. Tim K.: anyone can omit information they do not wish to have in the directory. Marilyn: we did not break even with directories but would like to continue with paper. Blake S.: it will be more economic if it was online only. People can print their own copy.

    Motion passed with no objections.

  3. How can the state help with advertising classes when we start up?

    Discussion: George has been on Zoom meetings with various callers for startup of new classes. The callers are meeting and asking how they can get the state involved with generic advertising when square dancing starts again. Discussion about social media for advertising of square dance start up. Kathy R. is willing to do whatever needs to be done to promote square dance. Publicity will look at a possible budget for advertisement.


BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman

There is nothing to report from Blue Mountains Council


Our council has not met since September. There simply hasn't been a reason to do so. Everyone is ready to get back to dancing but are realistic that it won't happen until well into 2021 (fingers crossed). The new combined club (formerly Bachelor Beauts/Swinging Mountaineers), High Desert Dancers, have held a Zoom meeting every other month and one Zoom general members' meeting. Their club, in lieu of a Bears & Books dance, had members donate snacks and school supplies for the Boys and Girls Club of Bend. They also sent out Christmas cards to members as a way of staying in touch. Some board members attended the State-wide Zoom meetings focusing on how and when we can start dancing again. The Prineville club, Sagebrush Shufflers, had scheduled their callers/cuers for 2021 to stay positive. The Redmond club, Red Rocks Squares, have been communicating thru emails to their members; recognizing birthdays and anniversaries. They had one quick, socially distant, and masked Board meeting in October. Their club normally holds a food drive (November) to contribute canned goods to NeighborImpact for less fortunate in our area. This time they voted for the club to contribute $75 and then invited members to make a personal donation if interested. The total donation was over $200 and NeighborImpact were very appreciative of the donation. Sadly, we lost two dancers from our area this past month; Mark Winger from a brain tumor and Pete Ribble from COVID due to underlying conditions.

Question: When we begin dancing, thanks to the vaccinations, how will be handle those that chose not to be vaccinated?

****(Question about the vaccination about people who are not vaccinated? Some dancers do not want to dance with unvaccinated dancers. This discussion will be added to the next agenda.)*** Kathy asked about getting a card to verify immunization. Answer: yes. Information about immunization: people under 17 cannot be vaccinated at this time, also it is not recommended for anyone with multiple allergies. We will need to discuss what will occur.

Gary will put this on the Agenda for a discussion during our next meeting.


The total number of insured club's members in our Area for 2020 was down by 15; the majority due to one club, the Boots & Sandals, disbanding.

At our recent council meeting on January 18; there is still no clubs dancing. Some have social gatherings--to "keep in touch", spaced apart and wearing masks. Most clubs have executive board meetings, using the same precautions, or by email and phone. The Emerald Square Dance Center hall has executive board meetings with spacing and masks.

Also at our January 18 meeting the council voted to cancel our annual Benefit Dance again for this year.

Our next council meeting will be on Monday, March 15, 7:00 p.m. in Hall 'B', at the Emerald Square Dance Center.

"Happy New Year" everyone, and it is going to be a much better one--and I hope a lot happier one!

Keep staying safe and well.


No dancing in the area. Club meeting to be scheduled next month. Currently, all of their business is discussed by phone.


All of our clubs are tired of not dancing. They are keeping in touch with club members via phone, email and Zoom. Some clubs are holding meetings via Zoom.

Silver City Squares did report that the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival has been cancelled for 2021.

PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)

The Portland Area Council met on Sunday, January 18th, via Zoom. Seven Clubs were represented, three were absent.

Club activity within the Portland Area has been quiet -

Club Reports: