Teleconference - Zoom meeting
Sunday, May 16, 2021

9:00 AM General Meeting

CALL TO ORDER: President, Gary (Joyce) Clark

Please turn off your cell phones

ROLL CALL: Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Absent Committee Chairs: Licensing: Ralph Lambert, Youth Activities Coordinator: Thomas Buchheit,

Absent Delegates: Blue Mountains Delegate: David Stutzman, Umpqua Area Delegate: Gabriel Smith

Absent Active Goodwill Ambassadors: Rikki Lobato, Roger & Linda Putler

Guest: Bill Putnam, President of the Blue Mountain Council; Brooke Davison, Silver City Squares

INVOCATION: Immediate Past President, Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, George (Patty) Hermann

MINUTES: Secretary, Lorri McIntosh.

Karyn B. motioned to approve the minutes at written, Marilyn S. second the motion. Motion approved.



PRESIDENT - Gary (Joyce) Clark

Thanks everyone for hanging in there during this pandemic and attending this Zoom meeting. This is an excellent way to stay connected, conduct a meeting and get the business of the Federation taken care of. Once again, we are all in this together.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel and we are seeing things open up temporarily. Watch your county's status when you plan events and stay in compliance with the guidelines. Always check the Federation web site for updates on how to start up dancing again.

There is some talk about how to advertise to get class members for this fall's square dance classes. Social media seems to be the method of reaching the generation/age group we want to attract. If you have an interest in helping with this, speak up and let's have a conversation. If the Social Square Dance (SSD) program fits for your classes, let's be proactive and prepare for it now.

If your council is having a Zoom meeting, I'd be glad to log into your zoom and attend. Send the link and I will join if you like me to join.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - George (Patty) Hermann

I contacted a representative of the Digital Marketing Group about what it would take to advertise statewide about square dance lessons. I explained to her what our group does. She told me that what we are posting on Facebook is probably best for our group. She then sent me a quote for what THEY could do. It would be a contract for $500.00 a month or $150.00 for every event they did for us. I think working on Facebook or the Next-Door site if that is available in your area is the best way to get the word out when we all start dancing again.

I have been on several Zoom meetings about the dancing start up. CALLERLAB is proposing a new program for lessons. By the time of this meeting, they will have voted whether to accept it or not. I will give a verbal report on the result at the meeting. Basically, it involves combining the Basic and Mainstream as they are now into one program. It removes a few moves and is set up to get through classes in 12 weeks. That means instead of one 22-week class a year, a club could have two 12-week classes and would be able to get club members sooner. And the people that do the first class would not have to wait a full year to get their friends into a class. I know some clubs will not want to do this so that will have to be taken into account.

Question about what SSD means to square dance:

The voting result for SSD standalone from CALLERLAB is not out this time. This would mean currently we have mainstream, plus, and advanced. SSD would be added as another level that combines basic and mainstream. The focus on SSD is on classes since SSD shortens the lesson plans for teaching. Dave Cooper question: will the callers be calling SSD at Mid-Winter? Discussion has been under way to have SSD at Mid-Winter Festival.

2022 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

We are working on everything. Hotel blocks have been or are being arranged. The OFSRDC meeting on Sunday will be at the fairgrounds this year instead of at the hotel. We are getting registrations in - this is going slowly at this point, but that is normal. All of my "featureds" have passed their background checks. Website is still in limbo but is being worked on.

2022 SUMMER FESTIVAL - TBA: Council Delegates take this information back to your council. We need someone to step up and plan for 2022.


Hi all. We are here again in front of you to say we want to do this crazy thing all over again. This time God willing no global pandemic will have other ideas.

So, as we start this process over again, we start by coming to you and presenting our budget in hopes that you approve and would like to give us some money. And we also would like to put it out there that we need a co-chair again now, so if anyone knows of anyone that would like to help we would appreciate any names that you can slide our way. So please don't hesitate to send us an email, phone call or if you are tech savvy a text message. So, since you all have the budget in front of you are there any questions that we can answer? Thank you for your time and consideration.

Budget information is under New Business.


As your clubs start dancing again, please let me know. Back in the "before time", I used to automatically generate dance entries for your club's regular dance nights, but I haven't done that since the shutdown. I'm assuming most clubs will restart in September, but let me know otherwise.


Directory Project: I have conducted a review of the Oregon Federation database to determine the current status of our Clubs as to their election anniversary. As of the 4th of May, 18 Area Councils and Clubs have updated their information. 26 Area Councils and Clubs have passed their election Month and have yet to make an update. Since the pandemic has created a unique situation, I realize that many clubs may have chosen to stay with their current organization. If that is so, I ask that these Clubs go to the webpage https://squaredance.gen.or.us/ClubInfo/ go through the menu selections and click finished. That will update the information and let me know that the existing information is still current.

At the January meeting, I extended an offer to submit selections for Cover Art on the Cover page of the directory. Knowing that the Delegates forwarded this offer to the Clubs; I have received no submissions to date.

It would be helpful if the delegates asked for Ideas from the Councils & Clubs again.

It is time to get a tally for the number of hardcopy directories to be printed. Delegates; please forward this request to your Area Councils. Please have the final numbers available for the next meeting (previously at the Summer Festival). Last year the cost of a directory was $3.25 based on a run of 400 directories. The income from the directories ordered did not cover the printing costs. This year I am assuming that the order amount will be smaller now that we will be posting a digital copy available for download.

COVID Guidelines: In October of last year, I posted a document on the Oregon Federation Webpage and in the OFN that was intended to provide guidance for the Clubs to help decide when they may want to begin dancing again. I have updated that document several times as the State restrictions have changed. My most recent update was May 05, 2021.

I have attended several Area Council & Club meetings for the purpose of relaying information concerning the restrictions as they relate to dancing.

Committee Assignment: President Gary Clark requested that I discuss the involvement of Caller Run Clubs in the Oregon Federation. I will discuss this later in the meeting.

SECRETARY - Lori McIntosh

There has very little activity from the secretary. My granddaughter, Lily, and I spent almost 5 hours stuffing envelopes for ballots to be sent out. I was able to get volunteers to help count the ballots at the Josephine County Fairgrounds Square Dance Hall.

On a personal note: my house is hopefully going to be finished this year, I am told August. We hope to move in after we return from National's in Jackson, Mississippi unless there is another delay.

TREASURER - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

I have paid the Corporation renewal, the BMI renewal for the main bills received. There is no SESAC or ASCAP billing for the year. Since we have no Festivals this year, the organizations have waived the fees. I have the paper trail from Ralph to show why we did not have to pay.

There was a loss of $1,238.38 from the cancelled Mid-Winter and the remainder of the loan has been paid.


Dear Square Dance Club,

This instruction sheet will discuss the method of completing the Club Directory form online. These forms are to be filled out after your club has its election of officers. Using the computer go to www.squaredance.gen.or.us On the left is a listing for Membership forms. Under that listing is one for Club info. Choose that option and follow the instructions to complete the form. Please verify the accuracy of the information you enter.

The information your club provides will be used to create the State Directory and update the Where and When section of the Oregon Federation News (OFN). Remember the State Directory is printed and distributed in September and therefore, your information should reflect the officers that will be in effect at that time.

All councils and clubs are current with their registration with the secretary of the state.

Letters have been sent via email to all council and club delegates reminding them to get federation dues and information turned in by July 1. Several have already sent in their dues.

Council delegates remind Club delegates to send information to their Council delegate. The Council delegate will send the checks to the Federation Treasurer.


The fees for State are: Each club and council pay $20.00 State dues. Any council dues will vary and will be handled by the individual councils.) Please make check payable to your Area Council and send to your Area Delegate Before June 15th, 2021. Please DO NOT send directly to the Federation Treasurer or Federation Membership Chairman.

INSURANCE CHAIRMAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

-as of the writing of this report, we have 1,368 primary insured dancers, an increase of 17 since January. Looking forward to more members enrolling in their clubs as they get back to dancing. Just remember your Covid risk levels when you dance. By not following the rules, you could void your insurance coverage and that will affect more than just your dancers. When dancers start to rejoin your clubs, remember to send their insurance payment in.

PAST PRESIDENT - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

The Grant Committee has received 1 request at this time from Dan Houghton for assistance in attending the Cascade Callers School at Circle 8 Ranch. His request is for $500.00 to help with his total expected expenses of $785.00. The committee recommends granting the request.

Karyn moved, George Hermann second the motion to approve Dan Houghton a grant as requested.


PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

President Clark has some interesting proposals for changes in our meetings that will require P&P modifications. Stay tuned.


When we are ready to resume square dancing, if any club needs help creating or posting their flyers, please contact me. I will be happy to help. Remember, as the State Publicity person I can also write articles promoting special dances or activities for your club or council.

The Federation Facebook page is up to 591 members. We are starting to have more dance flyers posted. Unfortunately, we continue to have a few people who insist on using the Federation Facebook page as a place to air their personal grievances against the Covid safety protocols and anyone who follows them or has an opinion different than theirs. So far, I have just deleted their posts and remind people that our page is for the promotion of square dancing and that their personal opinions go on their own page. It is frustrating because they are rude and will not treat others with courtesy. Tim Keck: can we ban the people who continue to positive in a negative way? Kathy: yes, I have that option. I have chosen not to since these people are also the ones who would react in a negative way and would spread discord throughout the state. We will not be in a COVID situation forever, and once we resume dancing I hope they will settle down. I'd rather they approach the next step in our square dance journey in a positive manner instead of bashing the Federation to all who would listen.

Gary sent me the CALLERLAB's Square Dance Marketing Manual and asked me to review it for you. The 5-year-old document is 91 pages long and is well written. The charts are out of date, but a lot of the information will be helpful. If you'd like to scan or read the manual, it is located at: https://www.callerlab.org/wp-content/uploads/attachments/CALLERLAB-Square-D nce-Marketing-Manual-V1-2b.pdf.

A few of the items that caught my interest are:

" Instead of focusing on why square dancing is declining we should focus on what we can offer to new people. The document focused on emphasizing having fun.

" It discusses the Price/Value of square dancing - comparing the cost of a dance to a couple going to the movies and eating popcorn.

" It discusses advertising and recommends merchandising. Where you dance also follows under Merchandising- are your bathrooms and stage clean, do you decorate, is the entrance well lit? You get only one chance to make a first impression.

" It also discusses Personal Selling - there are a lot of ways to say "Friendship Set to Music". Let's make sure we are always helpful and friendly, smiling and cheerful, and proud of our activity.

" When getting ready to start advertising, you need to decide who your target audience will be then come up with a list of 3-5 items as to what are the features and benefits that your target audience will want (pg. 16).

" Do not mention anything that might be considered negative, for example - don't mention how long lessons will take. No one wants to stop and think, "gee, I can't start dancing immediately?"

" Another thing that I noticed was they said that you should never try to advertise to a target audience that is more than 10 years younger than your club's average age. The younger generations do not want to dance with their parents or grandparents. Advertise to 10 years and less. When they join, it drops your average age in your club - then you can advertise to 10 years younger and eventually you should be able to grow your club by younger people.

" Branding of square dancing - our brand is what the public perceives square dancing to be, not what we believe it to be. It takes time to develop a brand recognizable to the general public (pg 23).

" Be positive, have action items. CALLERLAB suggests using the theme of "Live, Lively, Square Dance" since it suggests action (pg 24).

" Unless you are advertising to 55-70 year olds, they recommend not including anyone over 55 in your photos or videos. Find young, energetic callers and dancers to promote. Don't mention health (heart) in your advertisements

" Sign up with www.you2candance.com. It is a national information site.

" One of the most interesting and helpful sections was the Generational Advertising. They researched to find out how to appeal to different age groups. This is quite detailed. They broke the groups into the following ages: 60-70, 50-60, 40-50, 30-40 and 20-30. You can find the information starting with page 30.

" Throughout the manual, it emphasizes FUN. Be positive or be silent!

" Using Social Media starts on page 51 - remember # data is out of date.

Low cost advertising using "print tactics" starts on page 58

" Car signage

" Banner - Several clubs have had success with this.

" Bulletin Board

" Personalized cards/invites

" Business Cards - these work, Toes have used these to promote lessons & our dances and they don't cost a lot to print.

" Poster/flyer/banners

" I would also like to add postcards which are colorful and inexpensive to print

" Merchandise

Movie/Video page 63

The rest of the Manual has more information on other types of advertising, web presences, and management structures, fundraising, and more.

A great quote from page 84: "NEVER GIVE UP"

I was also asked to checkout advertising through Facebook. Facebook advertising is not straight forward. In October there were 2.70 billion users with 9 million advertisers. Due to the extremely competitive nature of advertising, if you decide you would like to place an ad, you need to contact their Ad Manager. First thing they will want to know is how much are you willing to pay per day? You chose whether you will pay per click, views, likes, or downloads of your ad. Then they will want to know who you are targeting. They can help you create your ad or you can present your own ad. Once Facebook decides you have a viable ad, they place your bid, action rates (how much you will pay to advertise), and ad quality into an auction. If you win the bid, you get to advertise on Facebook up to the limit of the $ amount you indicated you were willing to spend per day. Once your limit is reached, they withdraw your ad until the next day. If they determine your ad is not generating enough revenue, they pull your ad. According to a study performed by AdEspresso average costs to advertise on Facebook is $.97 per advertising click (CPC), $7.10 per 1000 impressions (CPM), $1.07 per like (CPL), and/or $5.47 per download (CPA).

Instead of paying to advertise on Facebook, consider creating a Facebook page for your club. Pages are for businesses and are free. Pages are visible to the public and are searchable. According to Facebook, "creating a Facebook Page allows more than 2 billion people on Facebook to discover your business - think of your Page as a digital storefront." Posts on Pages can be "boosted" or sent to a target group for as little as a $1 per day.

During Mid-Winter 2020 I presented a seminar on Social Media and Facebook Basics which included information on creating your personal profile, Pages, and Groups. The seminar was published in the March 2020 OFN (webpage ofn.club issue March 2020). If you have trouble finding the seminar in the March 2020 issue, let me know and I'll send you a copy.

Other Publicity comments: Brooke Davison (Silver City Squares): you should do your research on your target advertising and tailor your advertising to them. Gary Clark: It all boils down to the club level. Take the information back and distribute to your clubs. As we start advertising, Kathy Roberts is one of your information sources. One on one invitations continue to be the best way to recruit dancers, but we also need to use the advertising options available to us.

HISTORIAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

I was notified that I will be receiving some photos from Cory Martin, Genevieve Churchill's daughter that she found in some boxes. Should be interesting to see what I get. Gary Clark will also be sending Marilyn historical items someone is sending to him from the Barn Owls.


LICENSING - Ralph Lambert

No report, everything is current for this year.

YOUTH ACTIVITIES - Thomas Buchheit

Received one scholarship application. The committee is in the process of reviewing it.

ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)

April 27, 1921 was our first meeting in over a year. Thanks to Sandy Harris it was also our first zoom meeting. We were happily surprised at the participation with 22 members that's over ˝ our club.

A discussion on Covid-19 regulations and how different areas in the state are handling them. It seems to be a roller coaster ride with county's changing from extreme to high weekly. The possibility of having dances with invitation only for vaccinated dancers and the problems and after effects for clubs when they resume unlimited dancing. Check on the Oregon Federation web page for Covid updates. Tim Keck is trying to stay ahead of all changes and posting them.

Mid-Winter 2022 needs our support since attendance may be down because of pandemic. Cuer invites will be sent out this month.


OROM April 2021 South Coast
"Knee Deep" Zac Brown Band
Album: You Get What You Give Trk 2
Choreo: Jim & Kathie Kline
Two Step Phase II

OROM May 2021Tualatin Valley Council
"Thinkin' of a Rendezvous"
Ron & Georgine Woolcock
Columbia Nashville
CD "The Essential Johnny Duncan" TRK 12
Two Step Phase II + 1 strolling vine

Thank you, Dennis Smith, for posting the cue sheets each month on our web page.

CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)

Social Square Dance (SSD): is a technique or method to dramatically increase Club membership quicker than USUAL.

Major Benefits of SSD

1. Reduction of time and moves from beginning to Dancing-at-Club-Level.

2. Emphasizes FUN over technique.

3. Puts the FUN back into ?-dancing.

Quite Simply: Teach 50 Calls in 12-Weeks, then 'graduate and dance'! (combination of 50 calls: Basic & Mainstream) THEN start another Class right away … and REPEAT the process with these New Dancers as 'Angels' in your 'new class'.

Moves not used in SSD from the BASIC and MAINSTREAM List


Do Paso, Allemande Thar, Walk-around-the-Corner / SeeSaw, Shoot-the-Star, Slip-the-Clutch.

MAINSTREAM: Dixie Style to a Wave, Spin the Top, Walk & Dodge, Cloverleaf, Eight-Chain Thru, Pass to the Center, Spin-Chain Thru.


In 2012, Robin Ragen of Ottumwa, Iowa (working with Tom Manning) was asked to teach a new group in nearby Fairfield. He chose not to worry about the full MAINSTREAM list - instead he taught for a couple of months, held some Dances then repeated the method. It was a success!

It so happens that Fairfield was Jerry Story's hometown. Jerry and his Wife returned from Texas and realized 'THIS' is what we've all been missing! Well Jerry starts promoting THIS program; recruiting others from across the Nation and formalizing the approach.

Bob Asp, a Caller, tries it in Chicago, Illinois . . . Word Spreads, because of his success, other Clubs try it too.

Most Clubs that tried THIS approach DOUBLED their membership in 2-3 years. One Club TRIPLED their membership - then COVID-19 hit. We as an activity are still trying to recover. Some people say that when we open back up, we could lose as much as 50% of our former-dancers due to fear, age or other reasons. Our numbers were going down before … SO since everyone will be "rusty," including Callers, this would be an opportunity to get everybody on the "same page" to start fresh with SSD, a 'new approach.'

My OPINION: I can see SSD working for "MAINSTREAM" Clubs, though not sure how you could fit it in a "PLUS" Club. Maybe the Caller would have to hold another class to introduce the missing "MS" and the "PLUS" moves. My Club, Tri-Squares, seems enthused to give it a go; and I would support that opinion.

WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts- No Report

Tim Keck: I received comments about the pages on the Webpages that need updated. Tim Roberts has made most of the changes on the Webpage for broken links.

STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

The email went to Eric Marcuse at the State Fair, expressing interest in dancing at the Fair this fall. Eric said that most plans will not be made until June, when they know more about how the virus is doing in Oregon. We should know more then. I asked for the Saturday of Labor Day weekend for the youth, and a Tuesday for the round dancers and a possible Thursday before Labor Day for the mainstream dancers.

BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

All of the talent for Mid-Winter 2022 has been cleared.


  1. Announce 2021-22 Officers: 1st Vice President: Tim Keck, 2nd Vice President: Patrick Cox, Secretary: Lorri McIntosh, Treasurer: Marilyn Schmit, Membership: Gil Shoemaker. Marilyn S. moved, George H. second a motion to destroy the ballots. Motion approved. George Hermann becomes President automatically.



  1. Motion by George H to have non-Festival meetings always be by videoconference. Blake Smith seconded the motion. Lorri recommended having video conference when face to face is not necessary. Kathy Roberts discussed the importance of visiting other council to support these councils. Zola Jones: September meeting is important due to the instillation of officers; also they have meetings the day before the Sunday meeting for information and help to succeed at the Federation meetings. Dave Cooper agrees with having meetings in the councils so local dancers can see they have people looking out for them. Wants to keep the meeting at various councils. Phil Ramey: remembers when the meeting was in Medford and it was a joy to see everyone, I think it will be very beneficial for square dancing. Tim Keck: it's beneficial; we do have the option to include Zoom at the meetings for those that cannot travel. Betty Chipps: we should Zoom as well as physical meeting. As host for the meetings, there is a lot of work that goes into the meetings. It helps the dancers to see the work that goes into having at meeting at the councils that gives satisfaction for everyone. Have Zoom meeting for September, Marilyn reports everything is already arranged for the Zoom meeting in the Mid-Willamette Council in September. Gary Clark: we can be flexible with Zoom meetings, in person, and hybrid meetings. Tim Roberts: we already have the flexibility to do this. The best to do is vote this motion down and continue as we have been. Motion failed.
  2. Proposing July 2021 meeting date: July 17 or 18:

    George Hermann had an afternoon meeting. Lorri Mc, Blake Smith, and Gabriel Smith are not available on July 18 due to Diamond Lake.

    Meeting will be Saturday, July 17th, 2021 at 9:00 am.

  3. Restarting Square Dancing: Information is being updated on the website by Tim Keck as the governor makes changes.
  4. Should we consider online voting for officers? Lorri made a motion to have online voting for officers each year. Cece Glidewell 2nd the motion. Tim R states there are more secure methods for voting. Blake S. would this as secure as mail in ballots, Tim R. yes, the security purposes. Zola asked about having the club answer for receiving the ballots. Kathy recommended the Tim R. and Lorri look into on-line voting services for next year instead of using email. Tim K. did a hybrid of this with hard copy and email, agrees with Kathy R. about using a voting service instead of email. Gary recommended to table this motion until Tim R. and Lorri can research this for online voting.

    George H. moved and Zola Jones seconded the motion to table this motion at this time. Motion was tabled until next meeting.

  5. Gary Clark: Can Caller run clubs be admitted to the Federation. Tim K.: read the purpose for the Oregon Federation SRDC constitution. Clubs must be incorporated and nonprofit to join OFSRDC. Should we allow clubs to simplify the organization, such as caller run club, that is run by one person or a couple. This would allow them to continue with Federation membership and support. Tim R. suggested that clubs could also hire someone to run one or more clubs, ie a caller or a dancer/couple. Dave Cooper: Beachcombers is currently ran by Dave and Patty Cooper. If a caller or Cuer wish to continue running the club this is possible. Zola Jones requested information be sent out to present to the clubs. Tim K. will put something together and send to the delegates.
  6. Lorri moved to accept the financial report for Mid-Winter 2023, Joyce Welton second the motion. Motion carried.
  7. Mid-Winter 2023 Festival Budget:

    Kious & Coen 2023
    Ordinary Income/Expense
    Comercial Booth Rental1,500.00
    Raffle (Baskets)1,100.00
    Split the pot600.00
    Used Clothing Sales (gross Sale7,000.00
    Miscellaneous Revenue
    EEAC LOAN6,000.00
    OFSRDC LOAN6,000.00
    Total Miscellaneous Revenue12,000.00
    Total REGISTRATION INCOME37,000.00
    Total Income61,200.00
    Gross Profit61,200.00
    Advertising Expense - Misc.200.00
    Badges and Bars315.00
    Caller Expenses (airfare & food)1,200.00
    Caller Expenses #2(airfare food1,200.00
    Caller Fees1,200.00
    Caller Fees #21,200.00
    Clogging Cuer Expenses (Airfare1,000.00
    Clogging Cuer Fees1,000.00
    Cuers Expenses (Airfare & Food)1,000.00
    Cuers Fees1,200.00
    Dance Program Incidentals100.00
    Information (IT)150.00
    Media Arts (Signs)150.00
    Facilities and Equipment
    Facilities Expenses400.00
    Flooring Expense500.00
    Storage of MWF Supplies200.00
    Total Facilities and Equipment1,100.00
    WRAP UP DINNER500.00
    Registration Expense (postage, s250.00
    Total OFFICE EXPENSES1,100.00
    Total OFFICER BONDING200.00
    Total Operations22,500.00
    Total REFUNDS600.00
    Total SOUND EQUIPMENT500.00
    Total Expense59,940.00
    Net Ordinary Income1,260.00


BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman

Blue Mountain Council is down to eight dancers in one club - Muddy Frogs- are awaiting permission from the city to use our meeting hall. We also lost a number of our dancers during this pandemic. We hope to increase our membership.


What's on the mind of most dancers is when will we get back to dancing? In March, the High Desert Dancers (HDD), along with the Red Rock Squares and Sagebrush Shufflers, developed a questionnaire to ask our dancers what was important to them and under what circumstances would they feel comfortable dancing again. I've attached the Questionnaire (4 pages) and the responses and analyses (18 pages) is available if you'd like to get the details. Of course, it's May and it's becoming more and more clear that getting vaccinated is the key to returning to the dance floor along with many workshop opportunities. As of today, about half of Central Oregon's eligible population in Crook, Jefferson & Deschutes counties have received a shot; not a great record.

Our County just experienced another surge (extreme risk rating), however, it was just announced that later this week, we'll return to High Risk rating. Because of these uncertainties, our Central Oregon Round Up, normally held the second weekend in August, has decided to cancel again this year. Bummer! We have simply asked Ray Brendzy and Dave Cooper to call/cue for us next year.

Back to the clubs…one of their main problems is a location to dance. The local Granges (where 3 clubs dance) are closed with no indication of when they will open. One club found a Moose Lodge that was willing to rent to them. They still have to limit the attendance but it's workable.

On a positive note, all the clubs are moving in the direction of dancing this summer. The High Desert Dancers are hoping to begin this month with members-only weekly "review" dances complying with COVID guidelines and reservations will be required because of group size limits. The three clubs are discussing how SSD lessons can be provided. Everyone's coordinating their lesson schedules for the benefit of all area dancers.

Several special dances have been planned for later this year, called "double-down" where two clubs collaborate having the same caller Friday and Saturday with a workshop on Saturday morning/afternoon. A discount is given if you attend both events. The first of these Double Down events is scheduled for June; HDD's Friday Plus dance on the 18th and Saturday morning workshop (19th) will be at the Moose Lodge, Saturday night's Red Rocks Mainstream dance will be at the American Legion Park in Redmond. Adam Christman is the caller.

Another event is scheduled for October 29-30 this year. The HDD will hold a Friday Plus dance and a Saturday morning workshop then the Council will have their dance Saturday evening. Our caller will be Dan Preedy from Washington.

Deciding to Dance Again Questionnaire

Dear Central Oregon dancers,

It's been way too long since we were together on the dance floor. The Red Rocks, Sagebrush Shufflers and High Desert Dancers are anxious to get our dances safely started again. We wish we could name the date. Covid is still a real threat though, and there are restrictions that we must be patient about. 1) We must have the OK from the state of Oregon that our clubs can hit the dance floor, and 2) we must be able to rent space. Currently granges are closed to us as are other possible rental spaces. After these restrictions go away we want to know when you'll be ready to square up again.

Your responses to this short questionnaire will help our club boards make important decisions about how and when we return to dancing. If you don't feel comfortable answering some of the questions it is absolutely OK. Any feedback you offer is extremely helpful. And, please be assured that your answers are anonymous.

1. Once groups are allowed to officially gather again and our clubs can rent space for dances, what other requirements are important to get you back on the dance floor? Check all answers that truly make a difference to your decision to begin dancing again. Select one or more answers.

____No additional requirements needed for me. Open the doors, and I'll be there.

____No hugging or handshakes until Covid is an ugly memory.

____Use of hand sanitizer required before and after every tip.

____Face mask or shield required throughout dance events.

____No hand touching during tips.

____Correct cash or check required to avoid money exchange at the door.

____No shared refreshments or beverages.

____Herd immunity as determined by the state or Center for Disease Control must be reached.

____All attending have shown proof of Covid vaccination.

____Dance with the same square members throughout the event to limit possible Covid spread.

____Due to Covid concerns I might attend but just to round dance with my partner.

____Even if most or all of these precautions are in place, I likely will not be able to return to dancing in 2021. Other thoughts

2. You're not alone if you are concerned about how much you'll remember when you get on the dance floor again. Which of the following would you support with your attendance as we return to dancing? Select one or more answers.

_____Offer new student lessons as soon as possible and I will angel.

_____Weekly refresher lessons for experienced dancers

_____Intensive weekend refresher workshops

_____Dances in which the caller stops to review a move immediately if squares are breaking down

_____Dances that keep tips simple and limited to basic moves.

_____Dances that combine easy tips alternating with 10-minute workshop practice sessions for reviewing more challenging moves.

_____Shorter dances for a while as I regain physical stamina.

_____Eliminate plus tips at mainstream dances temporarily in order to focus on basic and mainstream calls.

_____No refresher options needed. I am confident that my dance skills are good.

Other thoughts

3. Social square dancing is an idea being discussed within the state to rebuild square dancing. SSD is a list of the 50 easiest calls we learned in mainstream lessons. A primary advantage of SSD dancing is that dancers do not have to remember the full 67-move basic/ mainstream list that a caller uses at a normal mainstream dance. Proponents say that SSD is also a better way to recruit and retain new dancers. The lessons commitment is not as lengthy, and when SSD dance opportunities are offered regularly following lessons, new dancers can build skill before learning the remaining 17 calls needed for mainstream dances. We would like your input as our clubs discuss the pros and cons of implementing SSD as part of our offerings.

First, does the SSD program make sense for Central Oregon square dancing? Select one or more answers.

_____Yes, I like the idea of simpler tips as I get used to dancing again.

_____Yes, I like the idea of simpler tips for myself indefinitely. I think I might like it better than dancing mainstream tips.

_____Yes, SSD makes sense as a simpler lessons format Instead of mainstream lessons as the only option.

_____No, we don't need to offer SSD as an additional part of the dancing opportunities in Central Oregon.

Other thoughts

4. If you answered yes to the previous question, here's a follow-up.

Select one or more answers.

_____If my club was to offer regularly scheduled SSD squares only dances on an afternoon or night separate from our regularly scheduled mainstream dances, I would attend.

_____I like the idea of the SSD level, but I am not interested in attending SSD only dances.

_____I would be in favor of the club offering SSD tips at a mainstream dance instead of plus tips temporarily as dancers begin dancing again.

_____I would support substituting one of our monthly mainstream dances for an SSD only dance.

_____I think SSD is a good idea for lessons and new dancers, and I would regularly attend SSD only dances in order to offer support and angel.

Other thoughts

5. The August Central Oregon Round Up is a tradition in our dance community. If we are able to have Round Up this summer what are your thoughts?

_____I will likely attend.

_____It is likely I will not attend due to Covid concerns.

_____I might attend. It depends on if I am able to get my vaccine enough in advance.

_____I haven't attended regularly in some time due to other summer plans.

Other thoughts

6. The June Sisters Rodeo is also a tradition as an important club fundraiser. The rodeo folks are hoping to have the rodeo this summer, and they want us to again staff their concession booths. If the rodeo takes place will you volunteer?

_____I will likely volunteer to help if asked.

_____I might volunteer. It depends on if I am able to get my vaccine enough in advance.

_____It is likely I will not be able to volunteer this year due to Covid concerns.

_____I never volunteer to work at the rodeo.

Other thoughts

7. Given the current need for social distancing, we might be able to have social events before we are able to dance. Is that of interest to you? Select one or more answers.

_____Yes please! We are going nuts. Just name the place and time.

_____Yes, especially if we can get together outdoors.

_____Unfortunately, I am stuck at home till we get a Covid all clear.

Other thoughts

8. Round dancers, what are your thoughts about dancing again? Select one or more answers.

_____I would like to attend round dance refresher workshops ASAP.

_____As we return to dancing, I would like for pre-rounds to be replaced with refresher workshop time.

_____During rounds at dances, I would like for the cuer to workshop moves during the rounds time if needed.

_____I am uncomfortable returning to round dancing in 2021 because I do not have a regular round dance partner.

Other thoughts

9. Thank you for your time. If you have ideas you'd like to share that would be good for all three mainstream clubs to consider please comment here. If you have thoughts better shared with just your club, your club president would love to hear from you.


Emerald Empire Area Council is having meetings every 2 months at the hall in Springfield, and our next meeting is the 3rd Monday, May 17 at 7:00 p.m. We do spacing with 8 ft. tables, 6 to 8 feet apart, with one or two persons at the end of the tables. The next council meeting after this is on July 17.

Our council does not have election of officers this year, as officers' terms are for 2 years, thus the next council election will be in March 2022.

Single Trees are having a special dance on Friday evening, May 14, and this is the first dance in the hall in Springfield in over a year. They had almost 4 square as, with Scot Zinser called and Joyce

Clubs are hoping to have Square Dance lessons this Fall, beginning in October. Roger Putzler, caller and delegate from Cascade Callers & Cuers Association, presented information on Social Square Dancing; and favorable discussion followed with the possibility of using SSD in the New Dancer Lessons.

It's such a great feeling to finish our Covid vaccinations, and hopefully all our Oregon dancers will be vaccination completed by mid-Summer!

Everyone keep staying safe and well.

Single Tress dance had almost


Council News:

The Council had a meeting on February 13. Their next meeting is May 15. The meeting will be held at the Glidewell residence with some members via conference call since we are on lockdown again. It is officer election time but given the current circumstance we may have to combine positions and or reduce the number of required board members. We are currently reviewing the council bylaws for needed updates.

Club News:

The KC's have not danced or workshopped since March 12, 2020. They have lost their current dance hall at Triad School. Triad and Hosanna Christian schools are combining into one school and will be located at the Hosanna facility. The club will be contacting the principal at the newly combined Christian school and see if they are willing to rent to the square dancers. The city school district was not able to sell the building currently used by Triad school. They have secured another tenant for the building. The club will make contact with the new tenant to see if they will rent to the square dancers if the Christian school declines our request. The club members hope to resume workshops sometime this fall. However, the October Potato Festival is cancelled again for 2021.

The club vote to continue with same officers. Trying to get council to do their voting, have not been successful at this time. Club is down to 8 members, 2 of which are Cece and Sarge Glidewell.


A few of our clubs have been dancing off and on for the past few months depending on restriction levels. All of our clubs are in the planning process for lessons and reopening come fall.

We are working on getting our clubs to update information on club memberships and to get dues for OFERDC and MWA in. We are also getting counts on the number of directories our clubs want to get this year.

PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)

Effective Friday, 5/07/2021, the COVID-19 Risk Level for Portland Area Clubs (in Marion and Clackamas Counties) moved from Extreme Risk to High Risk Level - for square dance - it is a good time to start reopening plans (again).

Last month, Portland Area Council (PAC) met, via ZOOM, on April 19th. PAC discussed COVID (Moderate Risk) conditions for "hosting" our first 5th-Friday dance event since March 2020 when COVID-19 quarantine began). PAC was excited: a PAC Flyer advertising a ROUNDS-only dance on April 30th had been placed on Facebook and was soon to be out in the OFN. THE VERY NEXT WEEK Governor Brown moved our Moderate Risk conditions to EXTREME - on April 28th we cancelled the ROUNDS dance!

Our next PAC ZOOM-meeting will be May 19th. Clubs will share reopening plans, first lesson dates & Social Square Dance (SSD) considerations, what Clubs will be DARK for the Summer and once again plan for PAC's next potential 5th-Friday (possible) dance opportunity:

" JULY 30 (FRI) - "Starry Night" outside-dance at Boring Barn in Boring, jointly hosted by PAC & Country Cut-Ups - Caller/Cuer: TBA.


Pear Blossom Festival was well attended, due to COVID restriction it was at the Buckaroo Barn in Roseburg this year.

Charlie Browns - No report. Boatnik Square Dance Festival is cancelled.

Circle N Squares - NO Report

Star Promenaders - The club is back to dancing with specific protocols, using masks, no sharing of treats, temperature at the door and the regular COVID stuff.

The Birthday Dance on April 24 was well attended. The featured caller/cuer was Jim Steele and Rikki Lobato.

Diamond Lake is planned for July 21-24. There are very few campsites and lodging available, so make your reservations quick. The featured caller/cuer is Ray Brendzi and Christina Corelli. If for some reason (COVID restrictions) Ray Brendzi is unable to attend, we have a huge back-up for the caller coming as a replacement. We are planning a Taco bar for Friday afternoon, meat and tortilla provided by Star's. We have volunteers bringing vegan and gluten free items for those on special diets. Saturday will be a bag lunch social sponsored by Pear Blossom, Drinks, chips, and dessert will be provided by Pear Blossom.

SOUTH COAST COUNCIL - Dave (Patty) Cooper

South Coast is beginning to come out of hibernation. Sets-In-Order held their 1st dance in over a year on May 8th. Two squares enjoyed dancing outside in Coquille.

Saints 'N Aints are not holding dances but Pat and Cherie Cox are still having dances and workshops in their shop.

Beachcombers are holding their first dance today, Sunday May16th at 2:00.

Battle Rock Festival is tentatively on for Labor Day Weekend. Final decision will be made by membership by June 1st and flyers will be forthcoming. Watch for them at a dance near you.


TVC meetings continue monthly via Zoom. Our slate of current TVC officers were unanimously approved to continue office for the following year. We've had several Social Square Dance (SSD) discussions at our last few meetings. A couple of our clubs are not in favor of changing their programs to add SSD and others are talking quite favorably about it. We also have discussed whether clubs could or should require vaccinations. These topics are currently without resolution, but will continue to be discussed at future meetings.

Clubs are working on updating the Federation website with their current officers, paying their council dues and deciding the number of directories they want if these are to be printed this year.

Round dances have been held on 2nd and 4th Saturdays at the Hoedowners in Aloha, (cued by Randy Lewis) and more recently for Sunset Promenader members (by invitation only) dancing 1st and 3rd Saturdays (cued by Tami Helms) during their regularly scheduled slot for square dances. We have not had any square dancing going on in the TVC for the past year, but the Hoedowners just announced they are planning to square dance (no rounds) Tuesday, May 18th, 7-9 pm at the Aloha Grange, called by Daryl Clendenin. Calling all new dancers and those who need a refresher! Dancers in our area are all wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, bringing their own water bottles and snacks. Some of the club dancers have stated they do not want to dance until masks are no longer required. We do not have information on when this restriction will be lifted.

The TVC clubs look ahead wondering if their special or anniversary dances will happen this year-plans are so tentative these days. The TVC is working on a directory to list these special dances and provide updated contact information for key people at each club. We are ready to dance or have lessons but in most cases we are waiting on dance venues to open up so most of our clubs are looking to hopefully start dancing and conduct lessons in September. Our clubs are staying in touch with newsletter emails, virtual social and business meetings, and even group walks. One of our clubs is planning an in-person June meeting.

The TVC is in the early planning stages for a social gathering and 'do it yourself' picnic, without dancing, for Sunday afternoon, August 15th at Noble Woods Park in Hillsboro.


Buckaroos are dancing since the risk level has moved to Moderate. They do have protocols for dancing at the barn such as face coverings (they have face shields if you need one), no sharing snacks, get your temperature at the door, dances are closed to all non-dancing spectators, wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer between tips.

The club is offering members into one free dance if you bring your vaccination card to a Buckaroo Dance. In addition to dancing there will be a there was a Spring Craft Fair on May 7th & 8th. On May 21st & 22nd is a Fundraising Barn Sale from donated merchandise. They are raising money with fund raisers to pay the bills at the Buckaroo barn, since there have been little to no activity, they have not had the income for the bills.

Buckaroo Round-Up is scheduled for June 11th & 12th, with the Wildlife Safari Dance on June 13th. Featured caller/Cuer is Dan Nordbye and Julie Stiers. Phil Ramey will be doing EZ Mainstream dance and the afterparty this year. Saturday night we are having a creative outfit competition. Wear your most creative outfit and win a prize for the best creation.

Timber 8's have had no activity.

Dancing Friends have added monthly Friday Evening Dance to their schedule. The club is looking to have a 4th Friday of the month as their regular dance night. The dance will begin at 6pm with an hour of Phase 4-5 dances, followed at 7pm with 2 hours of Phase 2-4 dancing.


Rikki Lobato/Rob Keene - No report

Roger & Linda Putzler - No report


Zola Jones - asks that when someone speaks their name when speaking.

Tami Helms - It would nice to talk about not raising the dance costs and leaving at $5/$6 pp, especially with the times and getting back to dancing.


July 17 at 9:00 AM