9:05 AM General Meeting
Please turn off your cell phones
CALL TO ORDER President Gary Clark
Gary called for a moment of silence to reflect on 9/11 and everything that is going on in the world.
Patrick Cox was appointed to fill in as 2nd Vice President for the meeting.
ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Absent: Karyn Buchheit: 2022 Mid-Winter Festival, Past President, Tim Keck: Second Vice-President, Ralph Lambert: Licensing, David Stutzman: Blue Mountain Council, Gabriel Smith: Umpqua Area Council, Roger & Linda Putzler: Goodwill Ambassador
Guest: Cherie Cox, South Coast's substitute delegate for the meeting
INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Karyn (Matt) Buchheit. George Hermann filled in for Karyn Buchheit
FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, George (Patty) Hermann
MINUTES Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Motion to accept the meetings from the last Zoom meeting was made by Julia Buchheit. 2nd by Zola Jones. Motion passed
PRESIDENT - Gary Clark
Thanks to all for what you have done to keep the spirit of square and round dancing going in your councils. You are the link to the Federation, and I know you kept things positive. Keep on with positive attitudes during this coming year and we will all be having fun again. There will be some hurdles, but we will make it happen.
This is my last meeting as President of the Federation. Let's all support the new Officers and make it a good year.
Once again, I thank you for attendance at the Zoom meetings and it's good to see you all in person again. Stay safe and have fun.
Thank you to Mid-Willamette, Julia Buchheit, and Marilyn Schmitt for the meeting space, dance last night with George and Patty Hermann.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - George (Patty) Hermann
For those clubs that have been doing some dancing, I have not heard of anyone contracting the COVID. Clubs are following the protocols for masks and hand sanitizers. We will hope that continues.
2022 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
Things are progressing.
Registrations are coming in slowly. Please continue to encourage people to pre-register for Mid-Winter. Also, make sure that people are aware that the 2022 Ribbons are available. I had some calls this past week - people didn't think that we have 2022 ribbons yet.
Please pass on to your clubs, councils and festivals - if you want to have part of a table for display purposes, you need to contact either Roy Houtz or myself BY January 1, 2022. If we have not received a request by then - you will be limited to flyers only.
2022 SUMMER FESTIVAL - will be discussed under New Business
We have finally confirmed our dates! Mid-winter 2023 will be held January 27th-29th 2023. Now we are in the process of contacting our callers and cuers and seeing if this is an available date for them. We are searching for a clogging cuer since our previous one is coming in 2022. So, if anyone knows of a great clogging cuer.... we would love suggestions. Otherwise, we have been trying to help Karyn and navigate the never-ending changes in policies.
Our September issue was packed with good stuff, including a couple of articles from Daryl Clendenin. I had hoped the issue would be filled with good news about restarting square dancing, but alas those hopes were dashed. It looks like some clubs have forgotten the procedures for getting dances and flyers in the OFN over the last 18 months, so I may need to publish a reminder.
Directory Project:
The directories have been printed and will be distributed at this meeting. The number of directories printed this year were limited to the numbers requested at the last meeting. If additional printed directories are desired (10 more so far), please let me know by September 18th as I will be placing a 2nd order on that date. The digital version of the directory will be posted to the Oregon Federation website soon after details of the posting are worked out with the webmaster. Patrick Cox will be managing the directory for the 2021-2022 year.
Final Thoughts: My goal as 2nd Vice President of the Oregon Federation was to offer advice and guidance when requested to facilitate the operation of their organizations. Throughout the year, I have made contacts with several Area Councils & Clubs and hopefully made some positive contributions. Our purpose as stated in our Constitution and repeated in the P&P's Says: "To further the common good and general welfare of the people of its communities and to bring about civic betterment and social improvements in the education, promotion and encouragement of square dancing and its related activities, without regard to race, creed, sex, age, national origin, or religion." I believe the responsibility of everyone who holds a position on the Oregon Federation of Square & Round Dance Clubs to do their best to ensure that we are abiding by this purpose as we are the leaders of our organization. Please consider your strengths and share those strengths with others in our organization so that we may continue serve our purpose.
Thank you for allowing me to be your 2nd Vice President.
SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh
If you know of anyone who should receive a sympathy or get well card, please send me their name & address. WE are here to help support them if they need it. Even if it is just for prayers.
TREASURER - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The financials have been completed for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2021. I have paid two billings, SESAC, and ASCAP for 2022. BMI will be due sometime in January. I will have my records ready for audit whenever someone is appointed to do so. I have a billing to pay for the Fidelity Bond ($85) and it is due in October as are the dues for United Square Dancers of America ($100). Gary: for the record, George will pick someone when he takes over to review the books.
All clubs are current with their annual registration with the Secretary of State. However, one council is a little past due. The president and area delegate have been reminded of the situation.
All councils and clubs are current with registration for membership. The state is slow at entering information.
INSURANCE CHAIRMAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
We have had an increase of seven dancers since the last report for a total of primary dancers to 1,412. I will be asking for number of dancers in the Washington Federation soon to get the number insured through the five clubs that insure with them. The insurance packets have been made up and are ready for distribution to the council delegates at the orientation meeting on Saturday, September 11, at 2 pm. The price per person has not been determined yet, so stay tuned for the email alerting every one of the new price.
PAST PRESIDENT - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit- No report
PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No report
Thank you to the 25 delegates, officers, and visitors who attended Saturday's OFSRDC Training Session. Thank you to our speakers Gary Clark, George Hermann, Tim Roberts, Lorri McIntosh, and Marilyn Schmit. Thank you also Marilyn Schmit for setting up our Training Session seating. A lot of information was shared yesterday and hopefully people feel like they are ready for the new year. During the meeting, I distributed an updated OFSRDC Training Guide, a list of ideas on how to promote your clubs, and a list of all of the OFSRDC Clubs who are holding lessons through 2022.
A few days ago, I emailed a list of the OFSRDC Clubs who are offering lessons through 2022. Please forward the lesson list to your council officers, clubs, friends and anyone else who might be interested in taking lessons. I would like to keep this list updated through the end of the year. Delegates please go back to your clubs and ask them to send me their lesson details as lessons are scheduled or changed.
During each Festival, we hold an Educational Seminar. After our discussion about BMI/ASCAP & SESAC during yesterday's training session, Tim Roberts suggested that we hold a discussion on licensing for clubs, callers, and cuers during Mid-Winter. Would this be something you would like to see offered? If anyone has a suggestion for a seminar that you would like to see, please talk to me during the break.
The Federation Facebook page is up to 605 members. Please remind your clubs to post their lesson and dance flyers on Facebook and in the OFN. These sites are viewed world wide - what a great way to promote your club.
HISTORIAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit- No report
LICENSING - Ralph Lambert
The billing for 2022 for SESAC and ASCAP have been paid and we know how much to charge Mid-Winter and any tentative Summer Festival. The BMI is so much per person and the billing for that was received earlier in the year. A billing will be prepared to give to Mid-Winter 2022.
YOUTH ADVISOR - Thomas Buchheit
We had 29 dancers at the youth dance at State Fair on September 4th.
Our scholarship recipient received the scholarship at last night's dance. Recipient was Patrina Buchheit.
ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck) - No Report
ROUND DANCE SCREENING - Tami Helms (Tim Keck) - No Report
CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps) - No report
WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No report
STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
We had three dates to dance: August 31 for rounds (we had five couples dancing), September 2 for mainstream (we had 12 dancers show for dancing), and September 4 for youth and young at heart (we had 29 out of 46 show up). Leonard Snodgrass did the cueing for the rounds; Phil Ramey did the mainstream calling and Thomas Buchheit did the calling for the Youth section. Kathy Roberts brought a listing of advertised lessons to distribute to interested spectators. Nine were handed out during the demonstrations.
BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts- no report
Gave Zola numbers she requested for the Mid-Winter Program Books. The delegates suggested that since nominations for the Randall award are not being submitted that we could use nominations from the last 3 years for this year's Randall Award. Discussion on dancing with COVID: Do's and don'ts for dancing.
Tim Roberts checked into several sites for on-line voting. He set up a sample vote using Google Forms. It worked well. There are other options that are expensive. Tim recommended trying the voting in 2022 with Google Forms.
Motion: Betty Chipps moved to have the 2022-2023 voting online with Google Forms. Cece Glidewell seconded the motion. Eugene Ivy was concerned about voter fraud with online voting. Clubs and the person voting will be identified with each ballot; only one person will see who sees the voter is. Gil Shoemaker- asked about a password. Tim: not at this time. Gary Clark: Can this be used for the Randell award? Tim R. "it could". Lorri: please tell your clubs to make sure we have the current officer information on the website. Motion carried.
Motion: Cece Glidewell moved to have Rogue Sis Q and Interstate Highlanders host 2022 Summer Festival at Blanchet School, the 3rd weekend in July. Marilyn Schmit second the motion. Motion carried. July 15, 16, 17, 2022.
a. Motion: Joyce Welton moved to approve the budget, Blake Smith 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
a. Motion: Marilyn Schmit moved to have the OFSRDC donate $1,000 to the USDA Scholarship Program. Betty Chipps second the motion. Marilyn discussed several Oregon youths that have received scholarships from USDA. Motion carried.
a. During the Delegate's Meeting, they held a discussion about how few Randall Award nominations are being submitted. This year, there was 1 nomination. They proposed rolling over previous nominations who did not received the Randall Award in the last 3 years. Betty Chipps: added as long as the nominees are not deceased. Zola Jones: when 3-4 people running with a close vote to have the person that came in second. Tami Helms: I think it's a good idea to have previous nominees resubmitted. Kathy Roberts: all ballots are destroyed so we wouldn't know who came in second. The discussion included going back 2 years, due to COVID, go back 3 years this year.
Motion: Cece moved that we go back 3 years of Randall Award nominations who did not win to be nominated during the current year. Marilyn 2nd the motion. Joyce Welton: is this for just this year or forever? This would be going forward, not just this year. Do we want to use the old nomination form for each person or just update the current? Josie: some may be trying to do this as a surprise and may not have all the current information. Gary Clark: We need to get permission of the nominee, take it to the council, get the updated information, and present a good nomination. Gil Shoemake: make the nominees ongoing for 3 years. Cece Glidewell: the original idea came from there is only one nomination this year, and there would no harm in renominating the people from the last 3 years for this year.
Motion carried.
a. Feedback is requested from other clubs about how clubs are preceding forward to dance.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman- No report
With the recent increases in Covid cases, our area dances have been cancelled thru September. I believe that with school starting, we may still see increases until the majority of people get vaccinated. Our local hospitals are overwhelmed and there are no beds available in ICU at this time. Of course, "fingers crossed" that Covid will decline, and we get back to dancing.
The High Desert Dancers had scheduled lessons to begin in September. Those lessons are postponed until further notice.
Thank You to Mid-Willamette for this weekend's activities.
All clubs in our Area are looking forward to getting back to their regular dance schedules, and also having New Dancer, and other lessons, as soon as possible Upcoming information should appear on the State Federation on-line locations.
Caller, Roger Putzler is going to do lessons at the Emerald Square Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda St., Springfield, OR., on Tuesdays; hoping to start October 5. New Dancers on the Social Square Dance (SSD) program at 7:00 p.m., and Plus level at 8:30 p.m. A 'Flyer', with attachment, for this has been distributed here in person at your tables. Dancers must be vaccinated.
Our next Council Meeting is on the 3rd Monday, September 20; where we will hand out the State Directories and the Insurance 'packets' to the clubs--and emphasize how important it is that the insurance 'Instructions' be read and followed so the 'forms', to be returned, will be completed correctly.
As usual the Emerald Empire Area Council hosts the State Federation Meeting during Mid-Winter Festival; so the next state meeting will be on Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 9:00 a.m., in the Conference Rooms of the Willamette Building, at the Linn County Fairgrounds. A reminder will be sent out by the webmaster, Tim Roberts.
The Council had a meeting on August 11, 2021. The meeting was held at the Glidewell residence with some members via conference call. The election of officers was confirmed. Cece Glidwell, President-Secretary and Area Delegate; Sandy Marks, VP; Donna Krossman-Darling, Treasurer. The board of directors are Sarge Glidewell, Wade & Tina Millett and Julius Halmos.
Club News:
The club held a new dancer recruitment event at the August 19, 2021. Third Thursday in Klamath Falls downtown. The event was a success as they got 8 signatures from people interested in lessons. They also gave out about 10 business cards to people who were interested in more information at a later date. The club is now in the process of seeking a new dance hall.
We are happy that we were able to host the OFSRDC meetings this weekend. Thank you to the Independence Wagon Wheelers for hosting last night's dance.
Most of our clubs are starting to dance this fall with many of them also doing lessons. There are some of our clubs who are unable to dance due to their halls not being open yet.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)
The Portland Area Council (PAC) was Dark in August - next meeting will be Monday, SEPT 20th, 7:30pm at the Oak Grove Community Center.
On July 30th, PAC and Country Cut-ups hosted the Fifth-Friday dance outdoors at the Boring Barn. It was indeed a 'Starry Night,' outdoor snacks were served, Scott Zinser called and Tami Helms cued. Most tips included three squares dancing and the outdoor floor was great for Round dancing too.
Fifth-Friday PAC dances will resume in 2022 (providing COVID mandates
? April 29th (TBA)
? July 29th (TBA)
? September 30th - Tri-Council Dance - PAC hosts with Evergreen Council
and TVC.
? December 30th - PAC decided not to host a dance this night.
Late June our COVID mandates were released, indoor mask restrictions returned in July and now indoor/outdoor public settings require masks worn by unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals. In the Portland area, most clubs have plans to return to dancing this month - it will be a wait and see how the venues respond to health mandates to know if we can open our halls. That being said, below are our PAC club opening plans.
" Bachelor & Bachelorettes (Abernethy Grange, Oregon City)
Have been dancing every Wednesday since June 16, 2021 (except for some high-temp weeks). B & B; s will offer Square Dance Lessons 6:30 - 7:30pm beginning SEPT 8th.
" Buzzin' Bees dance venue, Hazel Dell Grange, in Vancouver, WA is closing! The Bees have an alternate location, though it is a wait and see. Next meeting is SEPT 18th.
" Chaps & Petticoats (Maplewood Grange, Aurora)
Will offer 2-FREE nights of INTRO to Square on SEPT 12 and SEPT 19 from 5 - 7 PM. Every Third Sunday a Dance will follow the Lessons - beginning SEPT 19 at 7 - 9 PM.
Regular Dance nights will be 1st & 3rd Fridays beginning SEPT 17 at 7:30-10:00 PM.
" Country Cut-Ups - Own their venue: the Boring Barn, (complete w/outdoor stage).
A FREE night to Learn Sq. Dance will be Thursdays from 7:30 - 9:30 PM on SEPT 16th, Thursday night lessons will continue on SEPT 23 & 30th with $5 at the door. Cut-Ups regular dance nights are 1st and 4th Saturdays with PLUS at 7PM and MS after. Every Fifth Saturdays is a PLUS dance night from 7-10 PM.
" Happy Hoppers (Washington Grange, Vancouver, WA) … Proof of vaccination required.
PLUS Lessons begin SEPT 13 at 6:30 PM, followed by Basic at 7:30 PM. Their regular dance nights are 1st and 3rd Saturdays beginning SEPT 18th Pre-Rounds 7:30 PM, PLUS 8:00 - 9:45 PM.
" Heads-to-the-Center (Thursdays @ Milwaukie Grange and 2nd-Saturdays @ OGCC)
Offer Advanced and Challenge Sq. dancing to taped music on Thursdays 7:30-9:30 PM at the Milwaukie Grange - call to confirm: (503) 808-7381. Second-Saturday is a monthly dance from 4:30-6:30 at Oak Grove Community Center (OGCC), Oak Grove.
" Oaky Doaks (Oak Grove Community Center, Oak Grove)
Offer Mainstream Lessons beginning Thursday, SEPT 9 at 7:00 - 9:00 PM. Regular dances are 1st & 3rd Saturdays beginning with Pre-Rounds at 7:00 PM, MS from 7:30 - 9:30 PM.
" River City Dancers (Milwaukie Community Center, Milwaukie)
Regular dance nights are 2nd & 3rd Saturdays with MS and Rounds at 7:30 - 9:30 PM.
" Rosetown Ramblers (Wednesdays @ Bridgeport United Church of Christ,
- Proof of Vaccination and Mask/face covering are mandatory.
Offer two series of Lessons each year: JAN to MAY and SEPT to DEC. Next Lessons will be Social Sq. Dance (SSD) level starting Wednesdays SEPT 15 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM at Bridgeport United Church of Christ in Portland. Second-Saturdays is a social dance night at Oak Grove Community Center, Portland with alternating MS and Plus from 7:30 - 9:30 PM.
Rogue Sis Q Council is having a 5th Friday dance in October (unless COVID stops us again). Come dance with us October 29th at the Josephine County Fairgrounds in Grants Pass. Chuck Simpkins calling, Rikki Lobato cueing. We lost another dancer in August, Allen Roberts was the Star Promenader delegate to the council and active with Diamond Lake Festival.
Pear Blossom Festival is moving forward with the festival for 2022. Mike Hayworth calling and Rikki Lobato cueing.
Charlie Browns - Lessons start October 5th at 6:30pm-8:30pm at Josephine County Fairgrounds. Mainstream Funshop on Thursday's from 6:30pm-8pm followed by New Plus Class/FunShop Combo at 8-930pm. Masks required for all dance activities.
Circle N Squares - Dark for September
Star Promenaders- Diamond Lake was a huge success with a profit of $4500 for this year. Non-dancers helped the club to lay the floors down on Monday before the festival and then pick it up and store it after the festival. Classes will not start until at least October, dances are cancelled for September. Workshops continue on Monday and Thursday nights.
South Coast shut down during COVID. David Cooper will be starting lesson in October. Cherie and Pat started lessons and they were shut down. We do not have a hall right now, dancing in the Cox shop is being done.
Sets N Orders have cancelled all dances due to COVID.
Battlerock was cancelled, but they did have a casual dance.
We have all seen a lot of plans up in the air for various gatherings that we have looked forward to attending and little by little received disappointing news of canceled events. We just about had this behind us and started planning once again for our dances, special programs, lessons, picnics and in person meetings only to find ourselves semi shut down again and seeing the cancelations trickle in again. We are going through some unprecedented disappointments in not only our dance activities but our other individual personal activities as well and need to encourage each other so we have a better chance of getting through this setback. There are some dances still on my calendar to share, but just keep in mind you have to double check beforehand and make sure the events are actually going to happen as things change so quickly these days.
Currently there is a Tri-Council dance hosted by the TVC, planned for Saturday, October 30th to be held at the Kinton Grange. It will be called by Darrell Kalmbach and K.C. Curtis and cued by Tami Helms and Julie Stiers.
Updates on most of our clubs:
Columbia River Dancers are dancing now Plus/MS 1st and 3rd Fridays. Check the OFN for dates and location before attending. Jim Hattrick is the club caller and cuer.
Eager Beavers dance Plus every Monday in the early afternoons at the Aloha Grange. They added some new Eager Beavers to their club recently! They have a variety of callers and cuers so check the OFN for details for each dance. Bring proof of vaccination.
Sunset Promenaders are dancing 1st and 3rd Saturdays and beginning in September Mike and Julie Stout will start calling/cueing the Saturday dances. They dance Plus on 1st and 3rdThursday nights and Darrell Kalmbach and Tami Helms will continue to call/cue these dances. October 2nd is their anniversary dance. As you know Seaside Sashay had to be canceled.
Hoedowners are dancing the 2nd and 4th Saturdays with guest callers and Randy Lewis cueing. They also have two step lessons in progress with Connie Clark instructing.
Oak Hills Squares are dancing MS Monday evenings at the Oak Hills Rec Center. Callers Lane Clem and Renee Ruud alternate Mondays, and Lane also cues.
The Toe Draggers first dance will be their anniversary dance on 3rd Friday, September 18th. The callers will be Darrell Kalmbach, K.C. Curtis and the cuer is Connie Clark.
The Tri-Squares will be starting refresher lessons for 8 weeks beginning on Sunday, September 12th. They may begin round dance refresher lessons as well on October 3rd. Their first dance is Friday, Oct 8th with Terry Halley calling and Sandra Pinion cueing.
Valley Squares will dance MS/Plus at the Aloha Grange on Saturday, September 18th with Scott Zinser calling and Connie Clark cueing. The previous Tuesday evening, September 14th, there will be a casual refresher dance with Craig Abercrombie calling and Connie Clark cueing at the Aloha Grange.
The following TVC clubs are postponing their plans to dance until October or until the mask mandates are lifted: Valley River Dancers, R Square D and Mix N Mingle. If inquiring about dancing with the Wave Steppers or Hayshakers be sure and call before traveling to check the latest dance details.
The TVC printed updated directories for its clubs this year to help members stay in touch. The TVC has made a decision not to meet in person for a while longer which makes the transfer of insurance paperwork and directories more challenging. We really wish the complete insurance process could be revamped to be electronically transferred cutting back on all this paperwork and in some cases additional postage. It was also suggested that it made more sense if clubs obtained club insurance rather than individual members needing to be verified and insurance specifically purchased for individual dancers. It sure would make this process easier if that was at all an option. It's very possible someone has already looked into this possibility and found it not to be doable, but if they haven't the TVC votes to see if there is an easier way to do insurance.
The TVC specifically discussed the future Summer Festival situation and voted that they would be most happy with having Summer Festival every other year (the odd years) with the Federation hosting Summer Festival in Salem at the school (even if they can't wear cowboy boots) and each Council contributes volunteers to work areas slotted to them.
Not sure whether we will actually be meeting in person or if this will be another Zoom meeting without a dance, but even so want to be sure and thank the Mid-Willamette Council--and specifically Julia Buchheit and Marilyn Schmit--for the plans they made for hosting us. Also a big thank you for those responsible for getting us delegates trained. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in putting those lessons together for us.
Buckaroo's are having a Back to School Barn Sale on September 10 & 11. Dancing starts at 6pm.
Beginning Round Dance lessons start Tuesday, September 13 with Rikki Lobato.
Plus Lesson's Sundays with Phil Ramey.
Square Dance lessons will be on Saturday at 2pm, with dancing to follow at 6pm.
Dancing Friends are dancing Advanced on Monday from 11am-1pm.
The regular Plus dance is Tuesday's 6-9pm.
Roger & Linda Putzler- No Report
Gary Clark announced the newest Good Will Ambassador is Melissa James. Melissa dances with Columbia River dancers in Vancouver and B N B's in Oregon City.
Marilyn Schmit: Paul Swenson will be 100 years old next Wednesday. Paul and Dottie Swenson started the Eager Beavers in 1973. Dottie was their caller at that time.
Tami Helms: if you need more directories, there are no more. Let Tim know if you need more directories. He will be ordering more.
Sunday, January 30, 2022, 9:00 AM
Linn County Fairgrounds
Albany, OR
ADJOURN: Motion: Gil Shoemaker moved and Cece 2nd the motion to adjourn.