Hosted by Mid-Willamette Area Council

SUNDAY, May 22, 2022

Zoom Teleconference

9:06 AM General Meeting

Please turn off your cell phones

CALL TO ORDER President George Hermann

ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Absent: Gil Shoemaker: Membership, Angie Sue: Umpqua Council, Roger & Linda Putzler: Goodwill Ambassador

INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Gary Clark

FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Tim Keck (Tami Helms)

MINUTES Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Motion to accept the meetings from the last meeting was made by Marilyn Schmit, seconded by Tim Keck. Motion passed.



PRESIDENT - George (Patty) Hermann

Good morning and thank you everyone for attending this Zoom meeting. I have found over the past two years that Zoom meetings are very effective.

Not much to report from my end since Mid-Winter. A lot of clubs have started dancing again. They are drawing small crowds (two to three) squares because a lot of folks are still not comfortable coming out and dancing. Maybe as more people get their booster shot (if wanted) and we see the virus recede, this will change. At least, I hope the virus will recede.

Now is the time for clubs to start thinking about advertising for fall classes. We cannot wait until August, it must start by next month to get flyers out, start talking to your friends and neighbors, contact local papers, radio stations or even TV stations. Most media will run spots as public service announcements and may charge little or nothing to do that. As delegates, please go back to the clubs in your area and, if they are not thinking of starting to advertise, impress upon them the importance of starting NOW.

Patti and I went to Oaky Doaks last night and participation was poor for an anniversary dance. We had a good time.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - Tim Keck (Tami Helms)

Short and sweet. Not much to report. August was spent gearing for dancing and classes to start in September. Now, with the new mask mandates, things are s?ll up in the air. We will have to see how it affects the turnout to dances and classes.

For those clubs that have been doing some dancing, I have not heard of anyone contractng the COVID. Clubs are following the protocols for masks and hand sanitizers. We will hope that continues.

Action Items:

I had a discussion with the Historian about the extent of our historical documentation.

I have begun to work on re-creating the contents of our motion book. So far there has been no success in finding an existing hard copy. I will keep looking. I can always re-create it from the minutes that we have posted. The purpose of the motion book is to keep track of our decisions. There have been instances of decisions made but not implemented and also of recent motions that discuss a previously decided motion.

I have been receiving the meeting minutes from some but not all Area Councils. I find it helpful to have a copy of the minutes helpful as it gives me insight into the goings on of the clubs.

I have prepared a proposal to modify the term limits of the elected officers and a proposal to accept by acclamation candidates in an uncontested race. Those will be discussed under old business.

I have prepared a proposal for a replacement of the Federation Banner to be discussed under old Business.

Zola: page 2, 2nd paragraph concerning term of officers, should it say of the Federation. Tim K. The report does not need to be that specific.

2022 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

We had 440 register/attend Mid-Winter this year.

Total income $39,044.70 Total expenses $41,496.26 Net loss of $2,451.56. The loss to be split between the Oregon Federation and the Emerald Empire Area. This resulted in a check being issued to each organization in the amount of $4,774.72 for the repayment of the loan. The checks have been written and turned in to the treasurers for the OFSRDC and Emerald Empire. This loss was less than we had predicted, but was more than we wanted. We did have some large invoices turned in to the MWF in February that should have been turned in prior to MWF.

We asked for and received feedback from the MWF committee both good and bad with recommendations. These have all been gone over by the chairs for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Dancers were very happy that MWF happened this year.

2022 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Cece (Sarge) Glidewell, Lorri McIntosh