Hosted by Mid-Willamette Area Council
SUNDAY, May 22, 2022
Zoom Teleconference
9:06 AM General Meeting
Please turn off your cell phones
CALL TO ORDER President George Hermann
ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Absent: Gil Shoemaker: Membership, Angie Sue: Umpqua Council, Roger & Linda Putzler: Goodwill Ambassador
INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Gary Clark
FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
MINUTES Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Motion to accept the meetings from the last meeting was made by Marilyn Schmit, seconded by Tim Keck. Motion passed.
PRESIDENT - George (Patty) Hermann
Good morning and thank you everyone for attending this Zoom meeting. I have found over the past two years that Zoom meetings are very effective.
Not much to report from my end since Mid-Winter. A lot of clubs have started dancing again. They are drawing small crowds (two to three) squares because a lot of folks are still not comfortable coming out and dancing. Maybe as more people get their booster shot (if wanted) and we see the virus recede, this will change. At least, I hope the virus will recede.
Now is the time for clubs to start thinking about advertising for fall classes. We cannot wait until August, it must start by next month to get flyers out, start talking to your friends and neighbors, contact local papers, radio stations or even TV stations. Most media will run spots as public service announcements and may charge little or nothing to do that. As delegates, please go back to the clubs in your area and, if they are not thinking of starting to advertise, impress upon them the importance of starting NOW.
Patti and I went to Oaky Doaks last night and participation was poor for an anniversary dance. We had a good time.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
Short and sweet. Not much to report. August was spent gearing for dancing and classes to start in September. Now, with the new mask mandates, things are s?ll up in the air. We will have to see how it affects the turnout to dances and classes.
For those clubs that have been doing some dancing, I have not heard of anyone contractng the COVID. Clubs are following the protocols for masks and hand sanitizers. We will hope that continues.
Action Items:
I had a discussion with the Historian about the extent of our historical documentation.
I have begun to work on re-creating the contents of our motion book. So far there has been no success in finding an existing hard copy. I will keep looking. I can always re-create it from the minutes that we have posted. The purpose of the motion book is to keep track of our decisions. There have been instances of decisions made but not implemented and also of recent motions that discuss a previously decided motion.
I have been receiving the meeting minutes from some but not all Area Councils. I find it helpful to have a copy of the minutes helpful as it gives me insight into the goings on of the clubs.
I have prepared a proposal to modify the term limits of the elected officers and a proposal to accept by acclamation candidates in an uncontested race. Those will be discussed under old business.
I have prepared a proposal for a replacement of the Federation Banner to be discussed under old Business.
Zola: page 2, 2nd paragraph concerning term of officers, should it say of the Federation. Tim K. The report does not need to be that specific.
2022 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
We had 440 register/attend Mid-Winter this year.
Total income $39,044.70 Total expenses $41,496.26 Net loss of $2,451.56. The loss to be split between the Oregon Federation and the Emerald Empire Area. This resulted in a check being issued to each organization in the amount of $4,774.72 for the repayment of the loan. The checks have been written and turned in to the treasurers for the OFSRDC and Emerald Empire. This loss was less than we had predicted, but was more than we wanted. We did have some large invoices turned in to the MWF in February that should have been turned in prior to MWF.
We asked for and received feedback from the MWF committee both good and bad with recommendations. These have all been gone over by the chairs for 2022, 2023 and 2024.
Dancers were very happy that MWF happened this year.
2022 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Cece (Sarge) Glidewell, Lorri McIntosh
The Festival Chairs want to thank the following Callers and Cuers for their support of this festival:
Callers: | Cuers: |
Craig Abercrombie | Cherie Cox |
Cherie & Pat Cox | Dave Cooper |
Ian Craig | Sarge Glidewell |
KC Curtis | Sandy Harris |
Anthony Egan | Cathy Houston |
Terry Halley | Neil Koozer |
Sandy Harris | Stephanie Lozano |
Darrell Kalmback | Sherri Milling |
Mike Kious | Judy Russell |
Bruce Lowther | Julie Stiers |
Chuck Simpkins | |
Scott Zinser |
The schedule has been sent to publicity chair for publication on the 2022 Summer Festival Website.
Festival Statistics:
As of May 14, 2022, we have 47 preregistrations including the 1 attendee who won the free admission at Mid-Winter
RV Parking Requests: (6)
Sarge & Cece Glidewell; Pat & Cherie Cox; Sherri Milling; Dale & Kathy Worthington; Fran Delozier/ Bill Combs; Bob & Carolyn Bosch
Vendors: Sqdini; Goldheart Nails; River City Dancers-Used Clothing Sale
Donations Received to date for silent auction:
$50 cash from Hoedowners Club; $30 Dutch Bros Gift Card from Toe Draggers Club; Basket from Chaps & Petticoats Club; 2 baskets from Bachelors & Bachelorettes Club
Raffle Items:
4 wood flags (1 for each dance hall) received $15 in ticket sales from Mid-Winter to date.
We've received a few more registrations. USAWest is going to have a table and has sent in their registrations.
We still need a Color Guard.
Lorri: We need help. We still need someone to be in charge of facilities and helpers. Since both Cece and I live in the south, it would be very helpful if someone who lives in the northern part of the state could work with Blanton.
Lorri will mail the rest of the ribbons that have been purchased.
Dave Cooper: are some of the callers and cuers included in the number of ribbons sold? Cece: Yes. When invitations were originally mailed, callers and cuers were notified that they would receive a half priced ribbon if they caller or cued more than 3 times. Some of the callers and cuers paid before receiving their scheduled times. Due to the low number of callers & cuers, everyone who has signed up will be calling or cueing 3 times or more. Cece will be contacting the callers and cuers who have paid to ask if they would like a refund or if they will donate their ribbon cost to the festival.
Hi all. We are getting this festival underway. We just mailed out packets of flyers to all of our features to pass out in their dancing areas. We also just handed out packets and boards so that our visitation people can start getting the word out. We will have flyers for all of the Delegates at the July in person meeting. We are so excited to be having a festival again. For those that haven't heard yet it is January 27th -29th, 2023 and we have Justin Russell and Steve Edlund as our featured callers, Deb & Tim Vogt our featured cuers and Shane Gruber our featured clogging cuer. We currently have a little over 100 registrations so we are happy to have this as a start. We also have signed contracts with 4 of the area hotels so you can start booking your rooms now. The hotels are Comfort suites, Holiday Inn Express, Best Western, and Quality Inn. If anyone knows of a website person we are still in need. Any questions?
2023 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Available
It's nice to see the club reports and the dance flyers picking up again. Remember that the OFN is a source of free advertising.
The sound equipment is here and still does not work. Tim Keck and I are working on it. We are going to Summer Festival and Diamond Lake.
Dave Cooper: when does the information for directories need to be in? Patrick: I need to talk to my wife about this. She will be putting the information together.
SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh
We have been dancing in southern Oregon. Blake, Lily, and Myself are excited to travel to Evansville, Indiana for the National Square Dance Convention. Gabriel is undecided since he is going to work as a wildland fire fighter again this year. We enjoy driving; there is so much to see on the way to and from the convention. Even with gas prices.
Letter sent April 13th, 2022, from Misha Case after her caller school experience:
To the OFSRD Scholarship Grants Committee,
I will be honest; I am still digesting most of the information that was in the 2 day Women In Calling Institute. But there are a few things that I will be focusing on now that I have the right tools to understand what I have been trying to do on my own.
The first thing I will be focusing on is formation awareness, and actually knowing what the formations are called. I know the most common formations, but the more uncommon formations I struggle with remembering what they're called. This will help me with identifying the rest of the components I need to successfully sight resolve using any method of my choosing. I will also be learning different flow modules and where to apply said modules to enhance dancer experience. This last point goes hand in hand with formation awareness. I struggle with typical modules that every new caller learns, mostly because memory calling is very rigid and can be hard to recover from if a mistake is made.
The second thing I will be focusing on is teaching using a method, or several methods, that will help all types of learners not just the visual, auditory and kinetic learners. I want to make learning how to square dance as easy as possible for all seven types of learners. This point will be something that I will constantly be working on to make the student experience rival the best dance you have ever gone to.
The third and last thing I will be focusing on is sounding like a caller. There is a calling technique called chanting that you hear the more experienced callers do that just sounds pleasing to the ear. I already do it when I perform my singing calls, I am now going to apply it to my patter calling. This technique goes hand in hand with song selection for patter calling, which I was struggling to improve on before attending the school. Now that I know what I need to look for in a patter song, I can start to call sounding as good as Daryl Clendenin or Roger Putzler. This will ultimately improve dancer experience, which will encourage dancers to come back and bring friends.
There are other little things I will also be focusing on while working on these three major points. Things such as breathe control, tone inflection, and timing. These little things I will be working on for a very long time and look forward to being able to master them.
I want to sincerely thank the Committee from the bottom of my heart for the grant that helped me go to this school. I made lasting friendships with my fellow students, all of the caller coaches, the callers who came in for the Callerlab Convention and the local dancers that came to help out in the school. This was an experience that I would have never been able to get without your help. THANK YOU!
Mauricia "Misha" Case
TREASURER - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The financials are done through the end of April. The loss and balance of the $6000 loan from Mid-Winter has been posted along with the money for the youth dance help. Some background checks were paid for and the Corporation dues have been paid.
I will be working on putting together some numbers for the proposed budget for Tim Keck. I will get together with him after I return from Evansville, IN at the end of June.
See the financial statement, Attachment 1.
Post office lost the February check for the background checks so she will send a replacement check.
I have received a packet of forms from a new originating group in Central Oregon. They wish to be called "Kountry Rhythm Rockin' Outlaws". The forms look to be complete and it seems that they are in order, I have had a couple of conversations with Jan Steele. Also, I had a conversation with the Central Oregon Council President and George Hermann, OFSRDC State President. I am in favor of this group becoming one of Oregon State Federation's clubs. I hope we all will approve of them becoming a square dance club in our state federation.
The Rocking Outlaws have completed all documents and process for joining the Federation. MOTION: Dave Cooper moved and Zola Jones 2nd to accept the club into the Federation as a new club.
INSURANCE CHAIRMAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
We have gained 90 more dancers since the Mid-Winter report. We are up to 1326 primary dancers now. I send in names about once or twice a month to get the new listings insured. An additional 12 dancers have been added from Jim Steele's new club. We now have almost 1,350 members.
At our Federation meeting at Mid-Winter the Scholarship Committee voted to provide a Scholarship Grant for Misha Case. It was a Two-Day Women in Calling Institute. I'm happy to report a very good recap letter was received from Misha after her attendance. The Federation Secretary will provide it in correspondence.
The Nomination Committee provided a full slate of Federation Officers at the Mid-Winter meeting. They will be voted on under Old Business.
PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No Report
I compiled a list of all of the OFSRDC clubs with 2-4 day festivals scheduled for 2022-2023. The schedule has been posted on Facebook and in the June OFN.
I created a Facebook page for Summer Festival and have been promoting the festival. I asked Tim Roberts to create their webpage. Both sites are up and current. Please check them out and consider buying your ribbons as soon as possible to support our state festival.
The Education Seminar during Summer Festival will be led by Tim Roberts, OFSRDC Parliamentarian and hopefully a USDA Representative. We will be discussing what the OFSRDC and USDA organizations are and how they can help clubs and dancers. Marilyn Schmit has the USDA publication display rack and will make it available for any interested dancer. The seminar will be on Saturday afternoon at 4:00 pm in the Round Dance Hall. The seminar will be in the Round Dance Hall on Saturday at 4:00 pm.
Our Facebook page is now up to 680 members. Many of our club and Festival posts are being picked up and shared by organizations across the United States. Facebook is a great way to promote your clubs
HISTORIAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
Working on cataloging some of the photograph albums. They have been moved from two or three containers in the garage to a big container in the family room. While doing that, I am working on getting more info on Chairman and Wood award listings for the missing years that we don't have any winners listed. Almost ready to re-engrave the wood and chairman's award and the holes will be filled.
LICENSING - Brooke Davison
I previously reported that our balance with BMI was $10 and I would coordinate with Marilyn for payment. Not long after the last meeting our account with BMI showed they wrote off that $10, so no additional payment is required this time. I communicated that information to Marilyn.
Provided Marilyn check and documentation from Mid Winter 2022 for Federation reimbursement of licensing fees.
The annual payment for SESAC licensing fees will be due in July, I will coordinate with Marilyn to get paid.
I will be contacting the Summer Festival chairperson in mid to late June with a memo for licensing fees due to the Federation for Summer Festival 2022.
Kindly change the link associated with my name on the Federation website, it is still showing my work email. This should be changed to davison.brooke.77@gmail.com
Included with my report is a copy of suggested revisions to the Licensing policy to bring the language to current practice
Obtained copies of BMI, ASCAP and SESAC Agreements
George Hermann asked about amount to BMI as a lump sum. Brooke: I had an attachment for the changes to the P&Ps to update it. The attachment was not sent with reports. I will bring up at next meeting.
As promised during the meeting this morning, here is the suggested revisions for the Music Licensing P&P. These were missed in Lorri's meeting report and not included. Track changes is on in the Word Document so you can see what additions and deletions I am suggesting. These revisions are to update the P&P to more current practices as the P&P hadn't been updated in over 10 years. I encourage you to review these revisions and welcome feedback. I'd be happy answer any questions you have ahead of the next meeting. I will not be able to attend the meeting at Summer Festival as I will be out of the country.
YOUTH ADVISOR - Karyn Buchheit
I did not receive any scholarship applications this year.
I would like to ask for the state to consider allowing those in apprentice/journeyman programs to be able to apply for the scholarship. These are different than vocational/trade schools as they are often through a company itself and the kids are learning on the job from a mentor/master. In this case, their needs are different than normal schools in that they are looking to finance tools/equipment/job travel.
I am asking this as I did have a couple of kids in this type of program who felt that as they were not in "school" that they couldn't apply for the scholarship - even after I told them that they would be considered eligible by the scholarship committee.
This next bit falls partly under Youth and partly under MWA Delegate, so I am covering my part.
Silver City Squares has managed a breakthrough with getting greater numbers of youth. This is through a contact with some church groups with high youth numbers, a contact with a home school group and a contact with an "Old English Country Dance" group. This has also caused a formation of a "parent corner" at lessons - several of whom have indicated that they will join the fall lessons at the club. The parents are seeing the fun that the kids are having, and their own kids are encouraging them to try it.
Discussion about apprentice/journeyman- jobs through a company as paid employee that must pay for their supplies and vocational school. This would be for square dancers who request assistance for any education whether it be in college or vocational programs.
Betty: I can see where the journeyman scholarship would lead to into the square dance world. Karyn has students in welding and carpentry programs that did not apply because they did not feel it was ethical to apply since it's not listed on the scholarship. Tim R.: there is an experience with college learning that a person would not have with journeyman or apprenticeships.
Zola: do the youth need to be a member of a Federated club? Yes
Motion: Gary Clark made a motion to allow apprentice/ journeyman to apply for the youth scholarship, Tim K second the motion. Tami voiced not everyone can go to college due to cost or other matters, apprenticeship or journeyman advance their job employability. Motion carried unanimously.
ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck) - No Report
ROUND DANCE SCREENING - Tami Helms (Tim Keck) - No Report
CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps) - No report
WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
There have been two recent changes. First, I found minutes for meeting that I had been missing from the early 1990s. I am now missing 1978 through 1992, and for some reason the year 2000. These are now present on our web site. Second, I found the Parliamentarian's "Motion Book" from the 1990s. I also scanned this. Third, Marilyn has located almost all of the club names that were missing from the Wood Award. I think there are only 3 years now that we don't know.
Tim K. asked if the motion book is also on the Federation website. Tim R. will add a link for the motion page.
No grant requests received.
STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The letter to the state fair person I make contact with has been sent via email. I asked for three different days to dance in the afternoons. One for mainstream, one for round dance and the final Saturday of the fair week for the youth dancers. I probably won't hear back until late June for more details. Stay tuned.
BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
I believe we are all caught up.
a. Tim Keck read below to members present:
Officers shall be elected in the following manner:
The nominating committee shall consist of five members: the immediate Past President as Chairman, two appointed by the President, one each appointed by the 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents. This committee shall be appointed by the September meeting by the incoming board. This committee shall annually nominate from the member clubs at least two candidates for each office, with the exception of President and Treasurer. The office of President will automatically be filled by the current 1st Vice President. In the event the current 1st Vice President is unwilling or unable to hold the office of President, then nominations for President will be acquired by the nominating committee. The office of Treasurer shall be elected on a biennial basis every even numbered year. The nominating committee shall file a report of nominees with the Secretary10 not later than February 1st11. Within ten days the Secretary shall mail a ballot to the secretary of each member club. Each member may cast a ballot for one of the candidates for each office or may propose an additional candidate by writing in such name in the space provided. These ballots shall be returned by the member club and must be postmarked not later than May 1st. Any candidate who receives a plurality of votes cast will be declared elected.
In the event of a tie vote for any office, the current President, current 1st Vice President and immediate Past President shall cast ballots.
The By-Laws may be amended at any regularly scheduled meeting of the State Executive Board at which a quorum is present and by a two-thirds majority of those voting, provided that the amendment has been read at the previous meeting of the State Executive Board. A quorum in this case shall be considered as a simple majority of the acting State Executive Board members. If the State Executive Board approves the proposed amendment, it will be sent to the member clubs for final approval. The proposed amendment and a ballot will be sent to all member clubs within 15 days of the State Executive Board's approval. The amendment will be ratified by two-thirds majority vote from the ballots that are returned to the Secretary prior to the next regularly scheduled State Executive Board meeting.
Current Practices & Procedures:
2 (Term: 1 year)
2 (Term: 1 year)
2 (Term: 2 years)
2 (Term: 1 year)
Section V, Elected Officers
4. The State Nominating Committee is to review the applications that have been submitted. If sufficient applications have not been received to provide at least two candidates for the elected office of 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Membership Chairman, the committee will obtain other nominees by asking persons whom they know to be interested and capable officer candidates. The office of Treasurer is to be elected biennially. The Nominating Committee presents their slate of candidates for elected offices at the Mid-Winter Festival Nominating Committee meeting.
1 Elected Officer And Delegate Duties (Section V-4)
2 1. Elected Officers are elected per Article 7 of the By-Laws. They are elected for a term of one year, with the exception of the 1st Vice President and Treasurer. Elected Officers and Delegates are the only members that have a vote. They shall prepare a detailed written report for each State meeting.
Proposed Changes:
By-Laws, Article 7, Election of Federation Officers
Change from: This committee shall annually nominate from the member clubs at least two candidates for each office, with the exception of President and Treasurer.
Change to: This committee shall seek nominations from the member clubs, candidates for each office except for President.
Delete: The office of Treasurer shall be elected on a biennial basis every even numbered year.
Modify from: Within ten days the Secretary shall mail a ballot to the secretary of each member club.
Modify to: Within ten days the Secretary shall deliver a ballot to the secretary of each member club.
Add: If there are no contested races, a motion to elect by acclamation may be requested. If the motion passes, the Board of Officers will be elected by acclamation. The election by ballot vote will not be held.
Practices & Procedures
For the 2nd Vice President, Secretary, and Membership chair,
Change: the term from 1 year to 2 years
Section V, Elected Officers
Delete: The office of Treasurer is to be elected biennially.45
Elected Officers and Delegate Duties (section V-4)
Delete: They are elected for a term of one year, with the exception of the 1st Vice President and Treasurer.
b. Zola Jones: Article 7, 3rd line from the bottom, each member club may cast a ballot. Tim K. this change can be made. If the elected officers and delegates approve the motion, then it will be sent to the member clubs.
c. Zola: question, article 7, first paragraph: "each member may cast". Should insert the word "club" between member and may. Tim R. Federation members are clubs, not dancers. Tim K. thinks that this is an Administrative change and doesn't need to be voted on.
d. First Reading has been finished.
a. First Reading - Tim Keck
i. Refer to his attachment
b. Under the proposed changes to the By-Laws, if there are no uncontested race, election by ballot will not be held if the races are uncontested.
c. First Reading has been finished.
1st Vice: President: Karyn Buchheit
2nd Vice President: Patrick Cox
Secretary: Lorri McIntosh
Membership: Gil Shoemaker
Treasurer: Marilyn Schmit remains for another year
Motion: Gary Clark moved to elect officers by acclamation for the 2022-2023 year. Betty Chipps seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Request to have year (1957) and improve image of dancers on the banner. Discussion on whether to have the logos or not on the banner. The varying colors make a difference to the appeal of the banner. Colors are currently green and white. Zola made the comment that the Federation's colors are green and white when we have represented at the National Convention. Joyce asked where the banner would be used? The banner is used at Grand Marches, OFSRDC meetings, and at the National Convention. Gary requested the banner be reduced in size because currently it's too wide to conveniently carry. A vinyl banner might be more rigid and not wrinkle as much. Vinyl might be easier to carry. Patrick Cox recommended having 2 banners, a smaller one to carry and a larger one to display at meetings and festivals.
Blake Smith volunteered to work on a new design.
Once the banner has been replaced, Dave Cooper from the Beachcombers has requested the old banner be given to their club. They will proudly display the banner in their hall where it will be protected and visible for all visitors to see.
Motion failed.
Kathy asked if any club or council is going to have Summer Festival 2023. Dave Cooper recommended to have someone bring a proposal for Summer Festival 2023 to Summer Festival 2022. Cece commented that she thought the Federation was going to hold Summer Festival 2023. We will research this.
Tim Roberts received information with a glossy trifold brochure with their information. Tim R. put a copy on the Federation website. Can the state purchase the flyers for clubs to distribute and clubs can put their information on each flyer? Kathy Roberts: would like a budget to print the flyers up and provide to clubs and councils, possibly 10 flyers per club. There is $300 in Publicity's budget Kathy will determine the number of flyers that should be ordered. The pamphlets will be available during Summer Festival for clubs, councils and individuals to pick up. If clubs or councils do not pick up their share, an email will be sent out asking how many they would like.
A copy of the 2024 Midwinter Budget was sent to members of the Federation. Connie requested to receive advance at Summer Festival. Motion: Betty Chipps motioned to approve the 2024 Midwinter advanced of $6,000, Joyce Welton second the motion. Motion passed.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman - No Report
At the Council meeting on May 10th, Council reviewed the Federation Application for Membership for the Kountry Rhythm Rockin' Outlaws. The Council enthusiastically approved their application. The appropriate documents were then mailed to the Membership Chair and Treasurer in accordance with the P&P's.
High Desert Dancers (formally Bachelor Beauts & Swinging Mountaineers) returned to a regular dance schedule on February 19th. They have a full dance schedule through the end of 2022 and are beginning scheduling for 2023. Mainstream lessons began on May 2nd and will continue on Mondays and Thursdays through June 27th. A graduation dance is scheduled for Thursday, June 30th at Pine Forest Grange.
As a reminder, High Desert Dancers is a Mainstream & Plus Club; a total of 4 dances are scheduled per month. Mainstream is 1st & 3rd Saturdays; Plus is 2nd & 4th Fridays.
Red Rock Squares began their regular dances on March 4th. On March 18-19, they held their first "Double Down-Triple Up" dance with Adam Christman. These "Double Down-Triple Up" dances are in conjunction with the High Desert Dancers (HDD). Friday's dance is put on by Red Rocks in Redmond, a workshop is scheduled either in Bend or Redmond on Saturday morning (10-noon), and lastly a Saturday night dance in Bend at the HDD Club. Dancers can get a reduced admission for all three events (or two evening dances) by purchasing the package at Friday's dance. This has been a very successful event for both clubs by encouraging participation at both clubs.
One such event was scheduled in June; however, it was cancelled because of caller conflict. Therefore, the two clubs decided to work together to hold a Picnic in the Park on Saturday, June 18th. The two clubs will provide the hot dogs & buns, and then have a potluck for everyone's enjoyment. There will be lawn games and perhaps a bit of dancing but the emphasis will be on having a social gathering.
Sagebrush Shufflers began their lessons on April 3rd and will continue thru June. They have 8 students and are encouraged that with these students joining their club, they will be able to continue dancing as a club. They dance in Prineville and Caller Kippen Parret is working with them to help the club survive.
All clubs in our Area are finally back to dancing!
Wolf Pack is having New Dancer Lessons on Saturdays, at 4:30 p.m., which they started in February.
Sweet Home Squarenaders are doing a special dance as a 'Memorial' to their recent president, Dan Allen. This is on Saturday, June l8, from 1-3pm at the Brownsville Pioneer Hall in the Brownsville City Park. Dan and Ginger Allen were also past Chairman of the Mid-Winter Festival.
Some of our area clubs go DARK in July and August, so if anyone is in our area and wants to come to a dance, contact the club to be sure they are dancing.
Our council, at our recent meeting on May 16; voted approval of an update to our Practices & Procedures, with needed changes, as presented by a committee who had been working on this.
Our next Council Meeting will be on July 18, the 3rd Monday, at 7:00 p.m
The Council will have the same officers for the next 2 years.
The club and council are still struggling with finding a dance hall in which to hold workshops and dances. We had one lined up for a possible April start but that deal fell through. We will wait until after Summer Festival to begin a new search and are hopeful that we can start lessons this fall. The Potato Festival has been canceled again for this year.
More of our clubs got back to some level of dancing during the spring, however several of the clubs are entering their "dark" season. Some of the clubs that didn't manage to have fall lessons were able to have winter/spring lessons and have graduated students. Please watch for club flyers for their summer events as there are some changes from usual locations and days/times.
Re-Vu-N-Q just finished Jive lessons. Cherry City Cloggers graduated 8 who joined the club. Independence Wagon Wheelers will have some dance dates at the Salem Square Dance Center. Lebanon's Strawberry Festival will be only 1 day this year - the first Saturday in June.
We are looking forward to be closer to "normal" for most if not all of our clubs come September.
Silver City Squares did a second set of lessons this year as the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival was cancelled. They ended up with 29 students, 3 of which were adults and are looking at a final graduation number of about 27 at the end of May. They had 38 come try during their "open weeks". This was from kids inviting kids and from kids getting their parents interested in trying. The club has reported having a "parent" corner instead of needing childcare - though that was offered.
They also hosted a Teen Square Up dance the first weekend in May and had over 3 squares of youth in attendance for Friday night and all-day Saturday. 2 squares earned "Running Bear". There was some competition in calling, round dancing and we tried to get someone besides Julia for cueing, but she ended up competing against herself. We had 3 kids learn singing calls; several kids try the mic out with patter; Thomas Buchheit did a teach on Rainbow Stroll and Julia did dances, hash and cold cueing. Julie Stiers also tried the cold cueing.
Silver City youth will be handling the concession stand at summer festival - please stop by and say Hello to the youth. They would be delighted if you also bought something. They are fundraising for a lockdown overnight dance on New Year's Eve (watch for info later in the year) and for either their normal competition next year or another Teen Square Up weekend or both.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)
The PAC 5th Friday dance on April 29th, was co-hosted by Bachelor and Bachelorettes at the Abernethy Grange. The caller and cuer were CeCe and Sarge Glidewell from Klamath Falls - despite the rain, it was a well-attended dance with three squares on the floor (and another square sitting). Thank you to the Glidewells for making the rainy, long journey - the squares had lots of fun!
The Portland Area Council (PAC) met on May 16, 2022 at the Oak Grove Community Center.
PAC is preparing to Host the next OFSRDC meetings & State dance at Maplewood Grange, in Aurora, OR on Sept 17-18, 2022 the Flyer and the Hotels/Motels reservation list will appear in June's OFN.
A potluck/picnic is planned for PAC's June 20th meeting - park location to be advised.
Future PAC Fifth-Friday Dances planned:
? July 29, 2022 co-hosted by River City Dancers at the Milwaukie Community Center will feature Caller/Cuer: Darrell Kalmback and Tami Helms.
? September 30th - PAC will host solely.
? December 30th - PAC decided not to host a dance this night.
Bachelor n' Bachelorettes (Abernethy Grange, Oregon City.
B n B's dance every 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays (see Flyer in the May + June OFN).
June 29th is a 5th-WED dance featuring Scott Zinser and Tami Helms.
Buzzin' Bees new location is: Messiah Lutheran Church, 905 NW 94th St., Vancouver, WA. Celebrating 64th years of dancing (1st and 3rd Saturdays) happens 7:00 - 8:45pm. Our caller is KC Curtis. Please come join us!
Chaps & Petticoats (Maplewood Grange, Aurora)
MAY 20nd is our 'Flags of Valor' dance, honoring those who serve(d), with Caller/Cuer: Darrell Kalmbach and Dave Cooper … (see OFN for Flyer).
Our remaining regular dance nights, this season, will be:
- June 3rd, Plus 7:30, MS 8-10pm with Scott Zinser and Julia Buchheit, cueing.
- June 17th dance will be dark for a visitation to the Toe Draggers.
Regular Dance nights reopen on 1st & 3rd Fridays beginning SEPT 17 at 7:30-10pm.
Country Cut-Ups - Own their venue: the Boring Barn, (complete w/outdoor stage) ...that means taxes. To help fundraise, donated treasures (stored since COVID closures) can be found at our annual Barn Sale on May 20-21, 2022 happening 9:00am - 4:00pm…please, come explore.
The Cut-Ups offer a vast variety of Lessons: Line-Dancing, Cowboy Two-step, Rounds, Mainstream (see Flyers in the OFN). Cut-Ups regular dance nights are 1st and 4th Saturdays (Plus 7pm, MS 7:30-10pm). Every Fifth-Saturday is a PLUS dance night from 7-10 PM.
Happy Hoppers (Washington Grange, Vancouver, WA)
Beginner Lessons began Monday, MAY 23, 7:30-9 PM (first night is FREE, $5 thereafter). Regular dance nights are 1st and 3rd Saturdays: Pre-Rounds 7:00 PM, PLUS is 7:30 - 9:30pm.
Heads-to-the-Center (Thursdays @ Milwaukie Grange and 2nd-Saturdays @ OGCC)
Offer Advanced and Challenge Sq. dancing to taped music on Thursdays 7:30-9:30 PM at the Milwaukie Grange - call to confirm: (503) 808-7361. Second-Saturday is a monthly dance ($5/dancer) from 4:30-6:30 at Oak Grove Community Center (OGCC), Oak Grove.
Oaky Doaks (Oak Grove Community Center, Oak Grove)
Regular dances are 1st & 3rd Saturdays beginning with Pre-Rounds at 7:00 PM, MS from 7:30 - 9:30 PM. Call to confirm: (503) 310-5672
River City Dancers (Milwaukie Community Center, Milwaukie)
Regular dance nights are 2nd & 4th Saturdays with PLUS at 7:00 PM, MS and Rounds at 7:30 - 9:30 PM. June 11, 2022, will remain open for the season.
Rosetown Ramblers (Wednesdays @ Bridgeport United Church of Christ,
- Vaccination and Mask/face-coverings are mandatory.
Offer two series of Lessons each year: JAN to MAY and SEPT to DEC. Next Lessons will be Social Sq. Dance (SSD) level starting in SEPT at Bridgeport United Church of Christ in Portland. Second-Saturdays is a social dance night at Oak Grove Community Center, Portland with alternating MS and Plus from 7:30 - 9:30 PM.
Rogue Sis Q Council dance at Rogue Valley Square Dance Hall with Phil Ramey Calling and Elain Fink Cueing. The dancers had a great time getting back on the floor and dancing.
Circle N Squares remain dark as they have not been able to secure a place to dance. They are working with a local native tribe for dancing classes and a place to dance.
Charlie Brown Squares: The club has been holding beginner classes on Tuesday evening, workshop/class on Thursday evening. The Second Friday of each month is SSD dance for new dancers. Dances have resumed on the first and third Saturday of each month.
Charlie Browns are busy working on Boatnik festival on Memorial Weekend (May 27-29) with Eric Henerlau calling and Dan Drumheller cueing. Along with dancing Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, The Charlie's will also have a float in the parade on Saturday morning and a jet boat trip adventure Monday morning. Check out the Charlie Brown website (charliebrownsquares.com) for more details on Boatnik weekend and other dancing opportunities.
Star Promenaders continue to dance the second and fourth Saturday of each month. The first Friday of each month is game night at the square dance hall. Dancers can bring a game or join with someone who has brought a game and have fun, no dancing on tis night. It has been a success to bring dancers together and socialize without dancing. The third Friday of each month is our SSD dance for new dancers. Beginner class is every Monday night from 6:30-8:30pm. Thursday night is Workshop with Phil, practicing mainstream and plus. We will be dark June 10 & 11 for Buckaroo Round Up and Wildlife Safari Benefit Dance.
Stars have been extremely busy getting ready for the 44th Diamond Lake Festival, July 21-23, with Don and Marie Wood calling and cueing. Come join the fun of dancing in the moonlight, sitting by the lake, even dancing in the lake on Saturday. Potluck on Friday after sponsored by Star Promenaders. Potluck on Saturday afternoon sponsored by Pear Blossom Committee.
Pear Blossom Festival held on April 8, 9, 10 at Rogue Valley Square Dance Center with Mike Haworth calling and Rikki Lobato cueing was a huge success.
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL - Dave (Patty) Cooper
BEACHCOMBERS graduated 11 students last Sunday. All are excited to join the dance community. Flyers are out and registrations are coming in for Battle Rock Festival scheduled for Labor Day Weekend as usual. Our 69th Birthday Celebration will be held July 2nd and 3rd. Flyers are around and also on our club website.
SAINTS 'N AINTS have a new beginner class going at this time. They held their 44th Birthday Dance at Coos Bays Old City Hall in April.
SETS-IN-ORDER are back dancing regularly in Coquille. Bob Houston is their new caller.
The TVC elections were held for all positions that are changing this year (except my replacement, which will be elected prior to the term of office starting in September). Ursula Kuhn is the new President replacing Mike StClair and K.C. and Linda Curtis are together elected as our Vice President replacing Jan Amerson.
Since the beginning of the year the TVC has been meeting monthly via Zoom and has been pleased to have George Hermann, Tim Keck and Tami Helms show their support by attending these meetings. If the majority wants to meet face to face later this year and offer Zoom as an option for those who cannot attend we may go back to meeting at a centrally located restaurant.
In recent meetings the TVC clubs were encouraged to check with their callers and cuers to be shown their annual evidence of updated licensing renewals for BMI/ASCAP and SESAC so they can legally play music at dances. Clubs are updating the Federation website with their new officer contact information in preparation of having up-to-date information for the new Federation directories. The clubs are also sending in their Dues. Reminders to enter students on the Federation website and to send insurance funds for any new members have been given to the delegates to take back to their clubs as well as the upcoming Randall Award deadline so they can be thinking about who they want to nominate.
The TVC had its first counsel dance in two years! The April 30th dance was held at the Kinton Grange and was hosted by the Toe Draggers where 44 energetic dancers attended! The TVC will host the Hahn Barn dance and potluck/picnic this year which is scheduled for Sunday, August 21st beginning at 3 pm. The TVC encourages club visitations to Anniversary and special dances to show support.
The TVC clubs have been reviewing their mask and vaccine requirements and some have lifted all mandates. In an effort to move towards a more social environment now clubs are offering cookies, snacks and beverages at the dances and some even have a scheduled break to encourage visiting.
The TVC now has 12 of our 13 clubs regularly dancing. The Wave Steppers in Garibaldi have lost members and have difficulty getting a square together and their lessons had to be postponed due to lack of participation. Here is a brief update on what is happening with the rest of the TVC Clubs:
Columbia River Dancers - no mandates (4 - 6 squares - successful MS lessons)
Dance 1st and 3rd Fridays at Manor Grange in Battleground, WA, 7-8 pm Plus, 8-10 MS
Eager Beavers - mandates lifted!
Mondays - Plus 1 - 3 pm - Had their 47th Anniversary Dance on 4/25 with 4 squares attending!
Hayshakers - no mandates
Dance 2nd and 4th Saturdays 7-9 - Lessons first and MS the last 30 mins.
Hoedowners - no mandates (6-8 squares!)
Dance the 2nd and 4th Saturdays 7-9:30 pm
Round Dance lessons, Tuesdays at 7 pm
Mix N Mingle - proof of vaccination required
Dance 1st and 3rd Saturday, 7:30 pre-rounds, 8-10:30 Plus Dancing during June, then dark for summer, starting again 9/17.
Oak Hills Squares - proof of vaccination required
Dance Mondays 6:30-7:30 Lessons (9 students), 7:30-8:30 pm MS
1st Monday themed dances 7:30-9pm
R Square D - no mandates
Dance Plus & MS 2nd and 4th Wednesday (from June-August) Casual dress. Ice-cream after all the dances! MS graduation in May; Plans to offer MS lessons again in September. Celebrated 69th Anniversary on 4/8 with many guests in attendance!
Sunset Promenaders - mandates completely lifted!
1st and 3rd Saturdays MS - (Often 3 squares)
MS graduation for 6 students in June.
Promenaders Plus - mandates completely lifted!
1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays for Plus - (3-4 squares)
Toe Draggers - Last dance will be June 17. The club is folding. Tim Roberts: due to the age and health of our club members. Kathy Roberts: our last dance on June 17 will be a free dance with KC Curtis and Darrell Kalmbach calling with Tami Helms cueing. We hope to have a big party! We will have one of our traditional Toe Draggers' break with food after the dance. We will also be giving away a lot of our decorations during the break to any club, group, or person who can use them.
Tri-Squares - masks required, but other mandates lifted!
Have been conducting refresher lessons during April and May. During month of June Club will dance 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoons 3-5 pm and then go dark for the summer. In September the club goes back to dancing 2nd and 4th Friday evenings.
Valley River Dancers - mandates completely lifted!
2nd Friday Plus 7:30-10:30 pm beginning with pre-rounds
4th Friday Mainstream 7:30-10:30 pm beginning with pre-Plus. MS Lessons were canceled and will resume in September. Round dance lessons (beginning waltz) start 5/24, Tuesdays 6:30-8 pm.
Valley Squares - no mandates
Dance 3rd Saturdays 7-9:30 pm MS every 3rd tip Plus - Celebrating 73rd Anniversary Dance 5/21.
Meets every month, hosts dances on 5th Saturdays throughout the year, hosting a special dance on July 8-9, Graffiti Sock Hop at the Buckeroo Barn in Roseburg.
Mainstream dances twice a month, 1st and 3rd Saturdays, w/Mark Wheeler or guest caller or/Neil Koozer.
Lessons ended in May due to lack of interest.
Buckeroo Roundup w/Michael Kellogg and MaryAnn Callahan, scheduled for June 10-11, 2022, Wildlife Safari Dance on June 12. Committee is Annette Reynolds and Laura Knotts.
Current officers:
President: Annette Reynolds
Vice President: Ray Blessing
Treasurer: Lois Muck
Secretary: unknown
Lessons/Membership: Laura Knotts
Rentals: Bruce Knotts
Timber 8s
Plus dances twice a month, 2nd and 4th Saturdays, with guest callers/Neil Koozer, DARK June until September 10, 2022.
Current officers:
President: Glen Nielsen
Vice President: Dan Jones
Treasurer: Doris Koozer
Secretary: Karla Choy
Dancing Friends Round Dance Club
Lessons/workshops ending May 31, 2022
Round Dance Party w/Neil Koozer, Cuer, moved from Friday to Tuesday nights for June, July, August 7-9 pm.
Current Officers:
President: Rod Skinner
Vice President: to be filled
Treasurer: Carolyn Skinner
Secretary: Denise Middleton
Publicity & Promotions: Angi Su
Roger & Linda Putzler
Linda and I have not been able do much visiting of square dance clubs in the last few months. We were able to spend an enjoyable night with the Timber 8's in Roseburg in January. February led us to help celebrate the Corvallis Squares Birthday dance. We were able to have some fun with the dancers of the Emerald Empire Council at a few dances in March and had a great couple of visits to the Silver City Dancers in Silverton.
Hope to see more faces of square dance friends in the coming months.
Melissa James
This is my second report as Goodwill Ambassador, beginning after Mid-Winter Festival.
I am encouraged by the growing number of dancers at dances I am able to attend. Folks are so happy to be back dancing again! While some clubs remain closed, or open to members only, some are beginning to thrive with lessons and dances being moderately attended. Some clubs are still not accepting non-vaccinated dancers, though most have dropped that requirement. Only a few clubs are serving refreshments, but cookies and finger foods served individually are making a comeback. I've heard from many dancers that it's time to have refreshment breaks again for the socializing factor.
Our callers and cuers are getting their legs back under them and I have to say that we, as a state, are blessed with the number and caliber of our callers and cuers. Special kudos go to Mike Kious and Terry Halley who did awesome at their first full dances back on the stage. And special recognition is due for Julia Buchheit who is doing a great job cueing.
Beginner dances are cropping up again and that's great for adding new dancers and ones that took lessons before the shutdown but maybe didn't get finished. It's also great as refreshers & warm ups for our dancers venturing back after 2 years or more.
Both the PAC and TVC dances were decently attended with many of our state officers in attendance.
Overall, I am optimistic about our beloved activity and look forward to many state and weekend festivals coming over the summer months. Kathy Roberts' comprehensive list posted in OFN and on Facebook is a wonderful tool for making plans. WA State Festival, OR Summer Festival and Diamond Lake will be great fun in our own back yard.
I visited Pear Blossom Festival in Medford.
Happy dancing and happy trails!
Marilyn: The Kountry Rhythm Rockin' Outlaws will be dancing the 2nd & 4th Sundays 2-430, Canal Blvd., Redmond, caller Jim Steele, cuer.
ADJOURN: Tim Keck moved and Blake 2nd to adjourn the meeting. Approved.
Meeting Adjourned at 11:22 am.
Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 9:00am
Summer Festival in Salem, Oregon