HOSTED BY: Summer Festival
SUNDAY, July 17, 2022
9:00 AM General Meeting
Please turn off your cell phones
CALL TO ORDER President George (Patty) Hermann
ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Absent: Cece Glidewell; Summer festival; Sarge Glidewell substituting for Interstate Highlanders; Brooke Davison, Licensing; Karyn Buchheit, Youth Advisor; David Stutzman, Blue Mountains; Paul Ostrom substituting for Joyce Welton, Central Oregon; Connie Seamans substituting for Zola Jones, Emerald Empire; Roger & Linda Putzler, Goodwill Ambassador; Melissa James, Goodwill Ambassador.
INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Gary Clark
FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
MINUTES Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Two corrections to the May Minutes: Patty Hermann and Darrell Kalmbac. Gary Clark moved and Dave Cooper second to accept the minutes as corrected.
PRESIDENT - George (Patty) Hermann
Seems hard to believe that this will be my next to last report as president of the OFSRDC. This year has gone by a whole lot faster than I thought it would. Been an interesting year with some clubs starting up again, some clubs holding off and, sadly, two clubs deciding to fold. That was kind of expected, but still not a happy thought. Good news is that a new club has started in central Oregon. Maybe that will signal a re-birth of our activity.
Another "shot in the arm" (pun intended) is that clubs will be starting classes in September. Marketing will be key to drawing in new students. Delegates, please contact Gil Shoemaker about some new ways to market your club. He has some good ideas. USDA also has some great promotional products available from their website at USDA.ORG.
I was sorry to hear of the loss of Ray Jones, Bob Stutevoss, Joyce Brown and Royal Greenman. While I danced to and worked on the stage with both Bob and Joyce, I never had the chance to do so with Royal. Ray will be missed by many who worked with him at the club, council and state level. He and Zola were a force for our activity for many years. Please pray for the families and loved ones of the ones we have lost.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
Short and sweet. Not much to report. August was spent gearing for dancing and classes to start in September. Now, with the new mask mandates, things are s?ll up in the air. We will have to see how it affects the turnout to dances and classes.
For those clubs that have been doing some dancing, I have not heard of anyone contractng the COVID. Clubs are following the protocols for masks and hand sanitizers. We will hope that continues.
2022 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Cece (Sarge) Glidewell, Lorri McIntosh
We have been diligently working to complete last minute details. Lorri visited Beachcombers for their birthday dance. Ribbons have been sent out. Those that have not been sent are to be picked up at the registration desk when they arrive for Summer Festival at Blanchet School.
We had between 150-160 attend Summer Festival. We are hoping with the raffle sales, 50/50, the wood flags, and clothing sales we will be in the black. KC Curtis, Betty Chipps, Michelle G, and Bill won the flag plaques. We will have a full report for September.
We keep plugging along. Working on getting out and promoting our festival now that summer festival is over. We enjoyed the national convention and taking flyers there. It was also nice to get to dance to one of our features. There are flyers for each delegate to take back to their areas. If you need or want more, please let me know. Any questions?
Sold 8 registrations this weekend with 105 people registered for MWF 2023.
2023 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Available
2024 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Connie Seamans
Asking for seed money.
Currently, I have contracts for my callers and cuer. Have chosen a theme, "Mask"uerading as Square Dancers.
Contract with fairgrounds is signed.
I am looking for a co-chair, please let me know if you know someone who would be a good fit.
No report
Working on the Directory. We need the number of books councils and clubs want. We are getting closer to sending the information to the printer.
SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh
No Report
TREASURER - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The financials are done through the end of June and will be distributed at the meeting on Sunday instead of coming by email. I have submitted a tentative budget to Tim Keck for his review and will provide copies of that also at the meeting. I have paid the SESAC licensing bill that was forwarded to me from Brooke Davison. I have an outstanding check made out to the background check people. It was lost in the mail and I am unwilling to pay the stop payment fee. I issued a second check to pay for the lost one and it has been received and cashed.
Additional Treasurers Report
After the Summer Festival meeting and shortly before the September meeting, Tim Keck, Karyn Buchheit, George Hermann and Marilyn Schmit will meet at a Key Bank to get new signatures for the 2022-2023 dance year for the checking, savings, and two CD accounts. Gary Clark will be removed as past President. This is a yearly request by the bank to have this information and the results of the election in the minutes for their records.
Sorry to report "Toe Draggers" has had their last dance. The club that gave so much to helping new dancers get comfortable. Thank You K C Curtis.
We also lost the Tumbleweeds.
From talking with the "Tri-squares' President, they will be moving to the Kinton Grange in the future. Their caller is Terry Halley. Visit them in their new location.
New club Rockin Outlaws in Bend Oregon. We are happy to accept them and get them on the rolls.
I do not have the exact numbers for all the clubs and membership, but they are available. Marilyn is working with me to update membership numbers.
INSURANCE CHAIRMAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
We now have a total of 1388 primary dancers in the Federation. An increase of 76 dancers from the May meeting. Good job everyone in getting new or re-enrolled members on the books. September will bring the paperwork for the renewals for 2023. We are supposed to get the amount due much earlier this year. The discussion about the renewals will take place at the training session on Saturday afternoon in Aurora.
At this time my responsibility is for receiving the Randall Award nominations at this meeting. So far, I have received one nomination and I thank Josie Rosenbury from the TVC. That is for Tom and Janice Sminia from the Sunset Promenaders in Hillsboro. Are there any Delegates in attendance today that have a nomination coming for this Award? I will give you one more month to get them in by August 17th, 2022. At the September meeting I'll make copies of the nominations along with a ballot. This ballot must be turned into the Past President by November 1st, 2022.
Marilyn Schmit: Mid-Willamette is working on a Randall Award submission.
PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Today, we have the second reading of the two by-laws amendments to revise our election procedures and the terms of office. Assuming they pass here, we'll need to mail ballots to the clubs to get their approval.
We ordered 1,000 copies of Erin Byar's tri-fold on the benefit of square dancing that was presented at the last meeting. I have 15 copies for any club or council who would like to use these to promote square dancing in your areas. Tim Roberts ordered them from his on-line source (docucopies.com) for 21 cents each. They came printed and folded. Delegates, please let me know during the break how many packets you would like.
The Federation Facebook page is up to 693 members.
Our semi-annual Education seminar was presented yesterday. Following are the highlights from the seminar:
2022-07-16 OFSRDC Summer Festival Educational Seminar
This year's Summer Festival Education Seminar, "How can the OFSDRC and USDA help the clubs and dancers" had 3 guests (Karyn Buchheit, Neal & Doris Koozer). Thank you to our presenters Tim Roberts (OFSRDC), Marilyn Schmit (USDA and OFSRDC), LPaul & Sally Schmidt (USDA Western Region VP), and Kathy Roberts (Moderator). We shared information and answered a few questions.
What is the OFSRDC?
The OFSRDC is the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs. Its membership also includes clubs which Line Dance and Clog. The Federation was organized in 1956 and now includes 64 clubs and 10 councils. (https://squaredance.gen.or.us/)
One of the main functions of the OFSRDC is to provide a place where clubs through their councils can get together to discuss items that are important to all of the clubs and dancers. There are 4 meetings annually where we get together to discuss what works and doesn't work to help promote square dancing in the state.
The OFSRDC provides liability and 2ndary medical insurance for the clubs and their members for dance activities. The minimal insurance premium ($4.50) per dancer per year and allows clubs to hold dances knowing that not only are they protected from lawsuits up to a $1M but that dancers who belong to Federated clubs are also protected if they are injured while dancing around the world.
The OFRSDC also has scholarships and grants available to member dancers, callers and cuers.
The OFSRDC works with Callerlab, Rounalab, and Oregon Round Dance Teachers Association to help with the standardization of square and round dance basics and Round of the Month Programing.
The OFSRDC also works with councils to put on 2 festivals each year. The Mid-Winter Festival in January is with the Emerald Empire; the summer festival is with different councils/clubs during the summer. The OFSRDC loans starting funds to each festival and shares in the profit and loss of each festival. The OFSRDC provides advice and or help where needed to put on a festival. During each festival, the OFSRDC also provides an Educational Seminar where topics of interest are explored - in the dance world and the world in general.
The OFSRDC provides educational material to keep the clubs, callers, and cuers up to date. Licensing requirements and updates are discussed each meeting; IRS updates are communicated; and any other details that come up during the year are transmitted.
The OFSRDC provides advertising opportunities to the clubs, callers and cuers through the OFN, a monthly publication for members. The OFN (https://ofn.club/) has been on-line since 2014 allowing the advertising to be seen throughout the world. The OFSRDC also has a Facebook page which posts are shared throughout the world.
What is the USDA?
The USDA is the United Square Dancers of America. It was formed in 1981 and is the world's largest square dance organization. It is the only national dancer's association organized by dancers for dancers and is operated by dancers. (https://www.usda.org/)
The OFSRDC is a member of the USDA.
The USDA represents square dancers within the broader square dance community by serving on the Alliance of Round, Traditional, and Square Dance (ARTS-Dance) Governing Board.
The USDA believes strongly in youth participation in square dancing. They provide educational materials designed to appeal to the youth. They award continuing educational scholarships to assist and encourage youth square dancers to continue their education in the amount of $500, $750 and $1000. They are in the process of updating their scholarships to include vocational programs and will be offering a $2,500 scholarship.
The USDA offers a discount prescription, vision, and hearing program to all - not just dancers. In some cases pet medications may also be discounted.
The USDA provides educational pamphlets and brochures to information clubs and dancers. These free educational materials can be ordered from www.usda.org -click on the Publication's link. The materials are not copyrighted so you may copy and distribute to other dancers. You may either print them yourself or contact USDA if you are looking multiple copies. USDA will send you the printed publications for free. Publications include information on recruitment and retention of dancers, how to set up a club, how to create club newsletters, parliamentarian procedures, officer duties, youth programs, and more. For a complete list of available pamphlets, visit the website.
During Covid, the USDA also started hosting an informational Webinar, "Beyond the Dance Floor". The seminar is usually held monthly at 11:00 on a Saturday. If you are interested in attending, you can check the website and click on the Webinar Link or request email notification by contacting Bonnie Abrahamson at Education@USDA.org. Some topics have included Scholarships, Insurance, SSD, Recruiting Youth Callers and Cuers, and Marketing.
In addition, the Schmit's let us know that the USA West Policy Board also offers scholarships for callers and cuers who would like to attend caller or cuer schools.
HISTORIAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
I am prepared to get an estimate for engraving a new plate for the Chairman's Award now that I have a listing that is current and correct. Still looking for the extension for the Wood Award that is out and around the Federation somewhere. Once that is found, the engraving for that can be brought up to date.
Wood Award plaque has an extension that needs to be found, if clubs would look for it to find it, or we can have another extension plaque made with the dates and winners of the award.
LICENSING - Brooke Davison
No Report
YOUTH ADVISOR - Karyn Buchheit
I didn't have anyone apply for scholarships for Summer Festival. Looking forward to youth dancing at state fair.
ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)
We will be having a meeting at Summer Festival July 17, 2022, 9am. I will issue a new report at the State meeting if anything was discussed we need to report on to the State.
South Coast Council July 2022 OROM
"Hold On Forever II" by Rob Thomas
ALBUM: The Great Unknown Amazon 3:34 Speed as Download
Choreographer: Zena & Ernie Beaulieu
Two Step Phase II
Emerald Empire Council has chosen
August 2022 Oregon Round of the Month
"Nickajack River", I Tunes Download 2:53 45 RPM
Choreographer: Tami Helms &Tim Keck
Two Step Phase II
CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)
No report
WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
No Report
At this time, we the committee, myself, Marilyn Schmit and Tim Keck have met on one application by Rikki Lobato for $500 to attend a RoundALab Minilab in Spokane, Washington. We will let you know our decision at this time.
Tim Keck- the grant committee proposes to grant $300.00 to Rikki Lobato for the RoundALab Minilab in Spokane, Washington. Motion was seconded by Connie Seamans.
Discussion- Lorri asked how the decision to recommend granting $300 instead of the requested $500 was made. Tim K: with Rikki's current status as a professional cuer and cueing at festivals, holding classes and cueing in clubs the recommendation was to grant $300. Tami Helms recommended she not be granted any funds as her status because of her cueing at multiple festivals and being a featured cueing. Rikki has not been in the category for requesting a mentor from Oregon Cuers. Tim Keck - Since Rikki doesn't have an Oregon mentor, the committee felt that $300 was appropriate. Tami H - Oregon has a mentor program through ORDTA. If she needs a mentor, she can ask ORDA for help. Rikki has a mentor from California. Per Lorri she had an Oregon mentor but he is retired and is in his 80's. Question was called for on the motion to approve $300.
Motion approved, Passed 10-4 in favor of approving of grants funds.
STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
State Fair dancing will be Tuesday August 29, Thursday 31, and Saturday September 2. Youth will have September 2nd. One of the others will be for Rounds other for Squares. They were going to be assigned 10:00 am dance time; she asked for 1:00 pm since it is state dance and no one will be there at 10:00 am. According to the Fair, the Entertainment person will come on board this week and make contact with me then. So as far as I am concerned, get your dancers informed that we are dancing at the fair and I will announce times as soon as I get them.
BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
I believe we are all caught up.
Discussion: Dave Cooper - if this passes, when does this take affect? Tim Roberts - if it passes today, the motion needs to be mailed to the clubs for a vote. Two thirds of the clubs have to approve the motion. If it passes, then it takes affect the next election. Gary Clark - discussed the motion with Tim and Marilyn, the mechanics are somewhat in question when a 2nd VP can possibility run 2 terms. When 1st VP moves up it leaves a hole if the 2nd VP doesn't move up. Have to elect a 1st VP without experience. Discussed making 1st VP, President, and Past President 2 years also. Gary Clark moved to amend the motion to have all officers' terms be extended to a 2-year term. Gil Shoemaker seconded the motion. Tim Roberts: these amendments to a motion tend to confuse people. We need to vote to approve the amendment first. It was moved to approve the Amendment to the motion Amendment passed. A motion to approve the original motion as amended was made and seconded. The motion passed.
Connie Seamans made the motion to accept the motion to accept by acclamation when only one person is running for an office, Marilyn Schmit second the motion to vote by acclimation. Motion passed.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman
The Muddy Frogs are dancing again on a semi regular basis and hope to give lessons in the fall.
The Blue Mountains Council is ordering 5 directories.
CENTRAL OREGON COUNCIL - Joyce (Mike) Welton - Paul Ostrom substitute.
The High Desert Dancers held a graduation dance for their 13 new dancers and the local dance community came out to welcome them. They're scheduling another "community" dance in August to begin promoting new dance lessons for the Fall.
At their regular dances they are seeing a slow increase in attendance and hoping that by fall their numbers will be back to normal.
Red Rock Squares also graduated 9 dancers recently. Both clubs have scheduled several "extra" dances that cater to new dancers to give them encouragement and help them assimilate into their clubs.
June 18th was a social picnic put on by Red Rocks and High Desert Dancers for all dancers in Central Oregon. The clubs provided the Hot Dogs and fixin's. It was well attended.
Sagebrush Shufflers graduated 8 students and they've scheduled a couple of dances in local parks to help promote square dancing.
Kountry Rhythm Rockin Outlaws club is dark for June and July. Their next dance will be a round dance with Dave Cooper cueing on August 7th, 2:00-4:30 pm. Their next BIG event will be Country Fever Dance/Campout Weekend, October 7th to 9th. Jet Roberts calling with Dave Cooper cueing. It will be held at Powell Butte Community Hall with RV spots in the parking lot. They're planning on a Cowboy dinners and Cowboy Breakfasts so everyone will be well fed. Contact Jan Steele for more info 541-279-3678 or RockinOutlaws@gmail.com
The C O Council will hold their Halloween Dance on Saturday, October 29th, and enjoy the Calling and Cueing of Adam Christman at the Redmond Grange from 7-9:30. Of course, costumes are encouraged.
EMERALD EMPIRE AREA - Zola (Ray) Jones - Connie Seamans substitute due to the passing of Ray Jones.
Starting in September, all of our Area Clubs are supposed to be back to dancing on their regular schedules.
'New Dancer' lessons will begin Tuesday, October 4, 7:00 p.m. at the Emerald Square Dance Center, 2095 Yolanda Ave., Springfield, OR. Contact 541-926-0051 or email:
caller@youdontask.com 'Flyers' are online at the same email, and also being distributed.
Some of our clubs go DARK in July and August, or are dancing just once a month; if anyone is in our area and wants to dance, please contact the club.
Our next Emerald Empire Area Council meeting is on Monday, July 18, 7:00 p.m. at the Emerald Square Dance Center.
Everyone keep staying safe and well, and I will see you in September.
No Report
Tim Keck needs a copy of your last council meeting minutes.
We have turned in the dues from Mid-Willamette Area.
We want 58 state directories this year.
Some of our clubs are dancing, some are dark for summer. There are still a couple of clubs working on locations for dancing. All are hoping to be back to dancing come September.
Several clubs are working on setting up lessons for fall.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)
PAC went DARK for the months of June and July. The next PAC meeting will be Monday, August 15th at the Oak Grove Community Center.
There are nine clubs in the PAC Council. This summer, four clubs are DARK, four are dancing and one club, the Oaky Doaks, is struggling - they will meet on July 23rd to determine their options.
PAC and River City Dancers will co-host the 5th Friday dance on JULY 29 at the Milwaukie Community Center. The PAC "Fun in the Sun dance" will feature Darrell Kalmbach, Caller and Tami Helms, Cuer - dancing 7:30-9:30pm, casual attire welcome.
PAC has been busy making preparations to Host the OFSRDC September meetings & State dance at Maplewood Grange, in Aurora, OR on SEPT 17-18, 2022 - see Flyer in the OFN. NOTE: For RV dry-camping reservations (only 4 free spaces) call: Dan Keeley, Maplewood Grange Master, at (503) 508-7807.
CHAPS and PETTICOATS are DARK during July and August. Our first dance of the new season, is the "Trails-In" dance on Friday, September 16 and precedes the September STATE Federation meetings. Caller, Darrell Kalmbach opens Pre-PLUS at 7:30, MS 8-10pm and Rounds, between tips, with Julie Stiers.
Round A Lab gave Elaine Funk a 50-year thank you for your contributions. She received a plaque and clock.
Charlie Brown Squares are Dark for August due to Josephine County Fair.
Star Promenaders are dancing the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. The club is getting ready for Diamond Lake Square Dance Festival on July 20-23. There will be dancing in the moonlight by the lake, a crazy hat contest on Saturday, and dancing in the lake Saturday afternoon. Friday afternoon the Star's are having a Taco bar potluck, everyone is invited, bring your favorite side dish. Star's will be providing meat and flour/corn tortillas and corn chips for the taco bar. On Saturday Pear Blossom Committee are sponsoring a potluck, everyone is invited to bring the favorite dish. Pear Blossom Committee will be providing sandwich supplies (Breads-including gluten free and pita bread, lunch meats, cheeses, and sandwich condiments).
Circle N Squares remain dark for now.
Rogue Sis Q Council will have a dance on July 29th, hosted by Charlie Brown Squares in Grants Pass Oregon at the Josephine County Fairgrounds. Chuck Simpkins will be calling, and Rikki Lobato will be cuing the dance. New officers were seated in June:
President: Lorri McIntosh
Vice-President- Gabriel Smith
Secretary- Dann Houghton
Treasurer- Frances Ramey
Rogue Sis Q Council meets the first Tuesday of every even month at the Star Promenader Hall in Medford. Our next meeting will be August 2 at 4:430.
Elaine Funk received a 50-year award (plaque and wood table clock) from Round A Lab for cueing dances and classes.
Tim Keck would like a copy of your council minutes from your last meeting.
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL - Dave (Patty) Cooper
Beachcombers had a very successful 69th Birthday Weekend July 2-4. Preparations for Battle Rock are progressing. Get registrations in before August 19th to get pre-event ribbon prices. Man pie competition is heating up already.
Coquille Sets-In-Order is dancing in Coos County Fair Parade at the end of July. Regular dances are 2nd Saturdays at 7:00 with Bob Houston calling and Denise Harris cueing.
Coos Bay Saints N Aints graduated 4 new dancers in June. Still dancing PLUS 2nd and 4th Fridays and Mainstream 1st and 3rd Saturdays at Patrick Cox's shop.
Their council has not had a meeting since September.
The TVC continues to meet monthly via Zoom with good club attendance. Our council has paid dues and registration is current. Our Federation Directory order count was turned into the Vice President for 55 booklets this year. The TVC also is putting together a council directory for 2022-2023 and is in the editing process. This booklet will include club anniversary dances as the TVC encourages club visitations. Reminders went out for the Randall Award deadline and the TVC has a very deserving couple to nominate this year. Summer Festival 2023 was discussed after our last Federation meeting and the TVC made a decision not to submit a bid.
The last Toe Dragger's dance on June 17th was super fun and had 140 in attendance! It was crowded with high energy much like TVC dances of the past. There were a number of TVC club Callers and Cuers present sharing their talents with the lively group onstage and contributing to the fun. The members of the TVC have many fond Toe Dragger dance memories. We hope each Toe Dragger dancer will find a new club home soon where they will feel welcomed.
The next TVC dance will be held at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro on July 30th (5th Saturday) with Scott Zinser calling and Connie Clark cueing. Also coming up next month will be the Annual and very fun Hahn Barn Picnic and Dance planned for Sunday, August 21st. This year bring your own meal and a dessert to share. Picnic down near the pond starts at 3 p.m.; Pre-rounds, cued by Tami Helms 4:30-5 p.m.; Mainstream, called by Darrell Kalmbach, is 5-7 p.m. with every 3rd tip Plus. See flyer for address/directions to the Hahn's out in Banks.
Several of our clubs have mentioned they are having difficulties breaking even at their dances. Our struggling clubs are hoping to increase attendance at dances in time to pull them out of decline. One such club, the Valley River Dancers, will hold its annual Dancing Under the Stars on 4th Friday, July 22, 7:30-10 p.m. at the Les Schwab Parking Lot in Newberg rather than the tennis courts this year. This is traditionally this club's biggest dance of the year and so they are counting on great attendance. Darrell Kalmbach will be calling and Leonard Snodgrass cueing. Another one of our struggling clubs is the Wave Steppers in Tillamook. The Wave Steppers now have a new caller-Lane Clem; and Terry Halley is the alternate. Dances are weekly on Tuesdays 5:30-7:30 upstairs at the Tillamook Elks Lodge. Call to confirm they are dancing before traveling to the coast.
Several TVC clubs go dark in the summer-Columbia River Dancers (although they continue with lessons on Sundays), Mix and Mingle and Tri-Squares.
The Tri-Squares are going to change venues from the Tigard Grange over to the Kinton Grange in Beaverton for their dances beginning in September, and also beginning in September their dance dates will change back to 2nd and 4th Fridays.
The R Square D will dance 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in July and August, and they revert back to their regular schedule of 2nd Fridays and 4th Saturdays beginning in September. Check out Octoberfest Weekend with the R Square D club October 14 and 15th up in Kelso at the new location, Catlin Grange. This annual festival features a German dinner and a garage sale caravan. Along with a performance by the River City Riders, onstage at the dance will also be Adam Christman as guest caller, and Craig Abercrombie, caller, and Susan Healea will be cueing. The price for the entire weekend is $35. The Registration form is posted in the OFN.
TVC clubs we know are planning lessons in the fall are the Hoedowners, Tri-Squares and Valley River Dancers. Columbia River Dancers are conducting phase 2 two-step lessons as well as mainstream throughout the summer. The Wave Steppers are also currently conducting mainstream lessons.
The Seaside Sashay is an upcoming special dance co-hosted by the Hayshakers and Sunset Promenaders. This annual festival will be held on October 21-22, at the Seaside Convention Center. Callers will be Steve Noseck and Randy Dibble; Debbie Taylor is the Cuer. The price for entire weekend: $20.00. Ribbons and booklets are available now. The Registration form is posted in the OFN.
The UAC Graffiti Happy Days Sock Hop July 8 & 9 was a big success, we made a little money, folks stopped in to say they were interested in lessons in the fall, and some free style dancers joined us on the dance floor.
We will be dancing at the Douglas County for three nights in August to promote square and round dancing.
We donated a BBQ themed basket to the Summer Festival.
Our next dance is planned for October with Roger Putzler calling, Cuer TBD.
Clubs are scheduling and promoting fall lessons: Rumba and Mainstream.
Tim Keck needs copies of your council minutes.
Roger & Linda Putzler
No Report
Melissa James
I regret that I will not be able to attend the Sunday meeting at the Or Sumer Festival.
I plan to attend the dancing Thursday- Saturday but have a family commitment the 17th.
Since my last report I have visited many dances in the greater Portland area and have been wearing my ambassador badge exclusively. It does attract attention and is a great conversation starter. Most of the dances are 2-3 squares which is a bit disappointing but the dancers that attend are really doing great with the calls after the long hiatus. The 2 special dances were very well attended and had a very lively party atmosphere.
I hosted my first dance as a caller for a fundraiser and there were about 65 people in attendance and together, we raised $3875 for breast cancer treatments. The few non-dancers that attended were quite impressed with our activity and wonderful dancing friends.
I was able to attend the Washington State Festival in Spokane June 16-18. There were about 440 registered dancers and so many great Caller's and Cuer's. I got permission from George and Marilyn to take some color copies of the poster Kathy Roberts designed for all our OR upcoming special event dances. I placed them on the display table along with all the others and got to talk to several folks about attending. Hopefully we draw in some WA state neighbor visitors.
I am looking forward to Summer Festival and seeing many of you there. If we just keep on keeping on & showing up, hopefully we can pick up steam as an activity and with lessons in the fall & gain some new dancers. Every club needs to really boost up promotion however they can.
Happy Trails!
Dale & Kathy Worthington- past presidents of OFSRDC and members of USDA, in the last meeting we decided to give out one scholarship for $2500 and trade schools will also be included for the scholarship.
Lorri encourages everyone to bring the news of the scholarship to students graduating from high school or freshman entering college. There were no applications for scholarships this year.
Kathy Roberts: I have distributed brochures to all the delegates, TVC and Central Oregon has asked for additional brochures. If no one request additional copies, I will distribute the brochures left to TVC and Central Oregon.
Summer Festival 2023- who is hosting? No one has stepped up to do the festival for 2023. Federation needs to look at hosting Summer Festival.
ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn: Dave Cooper motioned to adjourn the meeting, Gil Shoemaker seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:27 am.
Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 9:00am
Maplewood Grange, Aurora, Oregon