HOSTED BY: ReVuN’Q Round Dance Club
July 16, 2023
9:06 AM General Meeting called to order
Please turn off your cell phones
CALL TO ORDER: President Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
ROLL CALL: Secretary Lorri McIntosh
Absent: David Stutzman, Blue Mountain Council
Substitutes: Elaine Funk for Blake Smith, Rogue Sis-Q Council; Kathy Roberts for Dave Cooper, South Coast Council
INVOCATION: Past President, George Hermann
FLAG SALUTE: 1st Vice President, Karyn Buchheit
MINUTES: Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Corrections: Zola Jones noted a spelling error on page 5, paragraph 2, line 2- the word should be spam not “spanâ€.
Motion: George Hermann moved, Patrick Cox seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion passed.
PRESIDENT – Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
Here is what I have been involved with for the past 2.5 months concerning Federation business.
Communication. I want to thank all the delegates and standing committee members who shared their reports with me ahead of the May meeting. Doing so allowed me to identify potential issues to address and to see what successes that we have had in keeping our dancing organization healthy. With that information, I can ensure that the meetings that we have will be productive.
Dancer Conduct. We had three incidents reported to me concerning dancer conduct at club dances. I investigated the issues and discussed possible solutions with the affected parties.
Promoting Dancing. At the last meeting, a motion was made to prepare a public release announcement promoting our dancing activity. The motion failed. The Publicity & Education Chair requested consideration to use existing promotional media for a public release announcement promoting our dancing activity. I requested that a proposal be made and presented at the next meeting (July 16, 2023). Cherie Cox agreed to prepare the proposal.
Updating the Federation Web Page. I made considerations of who might be the best suited to accomplish this project. I believe that the involvement of the President, 1st Vice President, Past President, Webmaster, and a subject matter expert with expertise in web design would be suitable to accomplish this project.
I made several contacts identifying subject matter experts that I believe may have the potential to handle the technical aspects of webpage revision.
I identified the steps that I believe are needed to complete this project. The first step is to have a comprehensive review of the web page. I made a comprehensive review of the webpage. The review accomplished two things. The first was to identify organizational and content issues that may need to be updated: This is the primary intent for the review. The other part of the review identified technical discrepancies. these can be corrected at any time.
I shared the results of the review with the 1st Vice President, Past President, and Webmaster, and I have had subsequent conversations concerning the review.
This effort will likely involve a long period of time to accomplish, and it may cost money if we are not able to find a person(s) within our organization who has coding skills and graphic artist skills willing to donate their time to this task.
Goal Status. At the beginning of my time as 1st Vice President, I stated that one my goals was to have a current Motion Book. Currently, I have been able to build a list of motions made by the Federation for the last 26 years. Another one of my goals was to ensure that our history of the organization is documented. Our current historian has made progress in this area. I want to thank her for all her efforts.
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT – Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit
My proposed budget is ready with Marilyn Schmit’s assistance. A copy was put in your folders.
I have been working on my appointed officers and have most of the positions filled. They will all be filled by the end of July and the necessary information and pictures will be sent to the 2nd Vice for the directories.
2024 MIDWINTER FESTIVAL- Connie (Paul) Seamans
We are on track.
2025 MIDWINTER FESTIVAL- Julia Buchheit
In the process of getting contracts for the featured. Working on the committee. A request was made and granted for the $3,000 loan from the Federation. The 2025 Mid-Winter budget was submitted previously.
The OFN continues to go along pretty smoothly. We hover just below 800 subscribers.
We went to Washington for their state festival, went on a cruise, and met a lot of people.
TREASURER -Â Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The annual billing for the SESAC dues came via email from Brooke. With the short turn-around time, I was able to pay the bill online and save any late fee. A copy of the receipt was mailed and emailed to Brooke. So, all the licenses, BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC are paid. The financials were done during the holiday week and an Excel sheet for the proposed budget was sent to Karyn for her to look over and ask any questions before she presents it to the Federation at the July meeting.
MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN – Cherie (Patrick) Cox
Went over club information forms and revised them. With Wolf pack removed, there are 45 clubs, including the Washington clubs. There are 15 clubs without callers and 23 clubs without cuers. Silver City Squares has the most members.
INSURANCE CHAIRMAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
Primary insurance count is 1,395 as of June 30. I am all caught up with enrollments, certificates of insurance, etc. I attended the Insurance Seminar at the National Convention, and we are doing well. We are one of the larger affiliates according to Elizabeth. She clarified that you are insured anywhere in the United States if the sponsoring club or organization is also insured with USDA. The USDA insurance does not cover outside of the United States. I have flyers for each club to have for reference. The forms that you fill out on the Federation website are good and the ones that come to me are also good. I will show Tim what I got from Elizabeth and see if he wants to change anything on the insurance part of the Federation website.
In the delegate packets is information from the USDA concerning insurance.
Lorri informed the group that Washington dancers are not covered when traveling outside of their state. Discussion about Washington dancers and when injury occurs, what happens to the dancers and medical coverage. What about dancers/clubs belonging to Oregon club and are Washington dancers. The members were informed that the Washington dancers must prove insurance coverage to the Oregon Federation. Councils with clubs in Washington are insured in Washington and not outside of Washington. Tim Roberts stated that there are two parts to the insurance: health insurance and liability insurance. Anyone can sue you and your club if they are injured, your club’s insurance will pay. Marilyn – they can file a claim which is sent to the insurance company.
Tim Roberts: stated that there are two parts to the insurance: health insurance and liability insurance. Anyone can sue you and your club if they are injured, your club’s insurance will pay.
Marilyn: they can file a claim which is sent to the insurance company.
PAST PRESIDENT – George (Patty) Hermann
Not much to report from the Past President. Been a lazy spring. A request has been received from Melissa James for a scholarship. That request will be addressed in the Grant Fund Committee report. On behalf of Patty and myself, thank you Marilyn and the committee for being honored at the dance last night.
PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
No Report
I posted the updated OFSRDC Festival Flyer in the OFN with a brief article and on Facebook. Melissa James volunteered to make and take copies of the updated flyer to the Washington State Festival. She has submitted her printing receipt to Marillyn for reimbursement. Thank you, Melissa.
During our May meeting, I asked the delegates to have their clubs send me information on their lessons and jamborees so I can create flyers for distribution at the State Fair and for posting. Currently, I have not received any information. Delegates, if you haven’t asked your clubs for their lesson and jamboree information, please contact them asap and ask for the following information:
• Lessons: where the lessons will be (venue name and address), the start date, type of lessons, teacher, start/end time, and contact information.
• Jamborees: Where the jamboree will be (venue address), date, time, type (square, square with rounds, rounds), the level of each jamboree, who will be calling/cueing the jamboree, and contact information.
Facebook is up to 948 members. Remember that the OFN and Facebook are excellent sources of free advertising for your clubs and events. If you don’t have someone in your club who can post for you, be sure to suggest to your clubs that they should ask club members’ children or grandchildren for help. They can also contact me for help with advertising. I am continuing to delete spam and ban people who post spam. If you post spam, you are automatically deleted from the Facebook page. I have deleted and banned 12 accounts. There are no more warnings, they are automatically banned.
Tim Keck: who is the administrator of Facebook page? Kathy: It is under my name as it must be associated with an individual account. There are three administrators. Tim Roberts deleted his first spam recently.
Tim Keck: September 16th is National Dance Day, has anything been done? Kathy: nothing has been done yet since you just sent me the information yesterday.
HISTORIAN -Â Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
I am in receipt of five boxes of stuff from Mike Odell, a prior Financial Advisor. I have gone through three of them and still have two more to look at. There were OFN’s from the 90’s and 2000’s. They are in a separate box. There is a notebook with the filings of incorporation for the clubs in the Federation. I will keep them also because of the information included. If a club is interested in knowing more about their club, they can contact me and I will look and give them the information that they ask for.
LICENSING – Brooke Davison
I coordinated payment for the 2023/2024 SESAC fees. I also consulted with Mid-Winter regarding licensing for the Heritage Mall dance held in conjunction with Mid-Winter.
YOUTH ADVISOR -Â Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit
We did not have any scholarship applications turned in this year. I am seeing a trend of youth who are further along in high school/college when they start lessons which puts them past our current limits when they are eligible to apply by length of time dancing. I would like to propose extending the scholarship availability for youth to be able to apply from their high school senior year through entering their senior year of college with the limit of being able to receive a maximum of 2 scholarships from the OFSRDC. No youth scholarships were requested this year. I will have a motion under New Business to propose changes to the application requirements.
Connie Seamans: I have a check for $50 to present to the Youth Fund from the Single Trees in memory of Jim Hattrick.
ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)
We held our April 29th meeting on Zoom and feel we had a good attendance of 15 members.
A committee was formed to check on the availability and location for a round dance weekend. The committee has not met but we have checked the cost of the Emerald Square Dance Center. We would like to have at least 2 halls.
We are looking forward to the state meeting and dance at the Salem Square Dance Center on July 15 & 16th.
The ORDTA meeting was on July 15th, 2023, at 10am.
Salem Square Dance Center.
I want to thank all councils for their quick responses and replies to the selection of the Rounds of the Month.
June OROM: Central Oregon Council
“Life Is A Slow Dance With You: Michael Peterson
Erin & Scot Byars
Waltz Phase II
July OROM Emerald Empire Council
“Mexican Wind†Jane Browne
Tami Helms & Tim Keck
Waltz phase II
August OROM Interstate Highlanders
“Jukebox Jump†Si Cranstoun
Bev Oren
Two Step Phase II
CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)
No Report
Tim Keck. asked about Daryl’s caller class. Terry: I have not heard anything.
Brooke Davison: Daryl is having a dance to allow new callers a chance to call in front of dancers.
WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts - No Report
Investigation has begun into revitalizing the Federation web site. There are a lot of things to consider. BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts- No Report
We're all caught up through 2024.
GRANT FUND COMMITTEE - George (Patty) Hermann
Melissa James sent in a request for a scholarship to attend Tony Oxendine’s caller school in Spokane at the end of August. After a couple of e-mails, the Grant Fund Committee agreed to allow the maximum of $500.00 to Melissa. We are now asking the Federation to approve this request.
STATE FAIR -Â Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
I just heard from the state fair, and I have dates, but not times as of yet. That may change by the time the meeting happens. August 29 & 31, and September 2. The youth have already requested September 2. I will schedule rounds and squares once I get a consensus of which day is preferable. Start recruiting your dancers and then let me know which day you want for squares and rounds.
I’m in the process of collecting names that want to dance at the state fair.
What is the due date for turning in names? Marilyn: I need to confirm the new rules and let everyone know.
USDA DELEGATES - Marilyn Schmit
Marilyn Schmit. Lorri McIntosh, Garrett (Blake) Smith attended the annual meeting of United Square Dancers of America. A fourth delegate was not listed, so we were there to represent. We have a new Western Region Vice President, Nina Grigsby, from Southern Arizona.
Lorri went through the Leadership Certification Program and completed the requirements in one convention to attain her dangle and certificate. I was on the convention committee and spent a majority of my time in the Showcase of Ideas which was in the Live Band Hall. Heard some good stuff while there.
I learned quite a lot of information about retainment of dancers, Insurance, USDA Festivals, Making Square Dance FUN and JOYFUL, improving flyers, and how to improve leadership in the square dance community.
I was able to attend dancing in the park, but due to the heat and humidity could only attend one park. It was only in the 100+ temperature at 10am.
Dancing at the National Convention is an experience I wish everyone could attend. With so many National callers and cuers it’s hard to decide if you stay in the mainstream hall, or venture to one of the other 6-7 dance halls.
We were excited to hear that Waco, Texas will hold the 75th USDA Convention. There were several Texans at the convention. The bid session (which was part of the leader requirements) was quite an experience with representatives from Waco and the Mayor giving their input on having the National Convention in their fine city. It was eye opening to see how well they presented the information and hear the questions presented: handicap accessibility, parking fees, transportation to and from lodging, cat walks from the motel to convention center and many more questions.
The Fashion Show featured dancing through the ages, starting with pre- and post-civil war era and ladies’ dresses in hoop skirt dresses, poodle skirts and sock hops, pioneers in covered wagons and current day dance apparel.
I think we need to consider a state outfit for the Parade of States. There were so many dancers and visitors in attendance that the workers needed to get additional chairs.
Over 2,220 dancers registered for the National Square Dance Convention. Next Years convention will be in Milwaukie, Wisconsin.
Last May a motion was made to review and decide a process to update our website.
Tim Keck has spoken to people about website design and assessed interest for working on the webpage project which will take time to do.
Tim Roberts: I have done a lot of meditation and writing notes. I have not called a meeting of the committee. By September I should have a meeting with the committee and have information at the September meeting.
At the last meeting, it was agreed to have Cherie Cox look into possibilities. Her report was submitted for everyone to review. CALLERLAB has an entire manual for advertising and a website. They have contacts for each state and councils for people to contact about dancing.
Tami Helms: there is a need for marketing, one of our dancers made a presentation that was well presented.
The President offered the establishment of a committee to the Education/Publicity Chair. There was no commitment. He also emphasized that promoting our organization is an ongoing effort that needs to be done repeatedly.
Tim Keck- Kathy is this information that would be beneficial for you. Kathy stated she had a meeting about advertising and publicity and only 4 people attended the meeting.
Zola Jones- in my report in May I reported we have had community dances; the advertising went out on different Facebooks for the clubs. The Facebook advertisement went well with 19 new people at the first dance, 40 at the next dance.
Brooke Davison: it might be a good idea for the Facebook page and get the information out to the public.
Tami Helms: Washington has an education workshop, maybe we need to also.
Tim Roberts: A few years ago, this organization had 3 huge weekends, Midwinter, Summer Festival and a Leadership weekend.
Kathy: I have a list of educational information that has been given to councils. When advertising, have something unique to promote dances and lessons. Look at human interest stories for promotion.
Patrick Cox: I have a brochure from the hotel I stayed in last, every motel I have stayed in has these brochures. Maybe we should create brochures for advertising in hotels and other places visit.
Kathy Roberts: A few years ago Dale Worthington created a brochure listing all of the clubs in Oregon with their dance information. It was placed in Chamber of Commerce’s and other public areas.
Tim Keck: This is an ongoing project that we need to keep working on.
The Grant fund committee received a 2nd request from Melissa James to attend Tony Oxendine’s caller school August 27-30. Motion: George moved to grant Melissa James a $500 scholarship to attend caller school, Betty Chipps second the motion. Motion passed.
Lorri moved, Joyce Welton seconded to allow Lisa Kious, Lisa Coen, and Bill Coen to present their Summer Festival 2024 bid. Packets were provided to members present.
Items of note:
Kathy Roberts: Asked if the federation would receive 100% of the profits. The answer was yes. Also have you contacted area councils to sit on the committee positions? Answer: Offers to be on the committee have been made, however no commitments will be made until the bid is approved.
Brooke: will it be air conditioned? Yes.
Elaine Funk: Will you have a place SSD? No, we will not have a new dancer hall either.
Tim Keck: Are you having any workshops or teaches? Answer, yes, intro to advance, and round dance teaches. Is food going to be available? Answer. Yes, the youth will have a concession.
Tami H.: commented that Bev Oren (featured cuer) is very talented.
Lorri and Marilyn: commented Jason Raleigh (featured caller) is an excellent caller and he yodels.
George Hermann moved, Elaine Funk seconded the motion to accept the bid for the 2024 Summer Festival. Motion passed.
Motion Karyn: I move that the eligibility for the youth scholarship be changed from: “is a graduating high school senior or college freshmanâ€
To: “is a graduating high school senior or is in college as a freshman, sophomore or junior and to add any one person may only receive this scholarship twiceâ€. Cece Glidewell second the motion.
Dale Brabham. do you have any analysis of the financial liability this will make for the Federation. Karyn: This does not change anything currently. We currently offer two $500 scholarships. This extends the eligibility of those who apply for those scholarships.
Betty Chipps: commented that the scholarships are not always claimed.
Motion passed.
Motion Joyce Welton: “I move to have the travel reimbursement costs be reevaluated given today’s economyâ€. George Hermann seconded the motion. Joyce: we get $40 for hotels. We cannot find hotels for $40. It has been several years since the costs have been adjusted. The cost has increased, and the reimbursement has not. Tami Helms: many of the organizations we belong to have decided not to have reimbursement because of the impact on the budget. Tim Roberts: tricky to balance. A few years ago, the largest expense was reimbursing people to attend meetings. Dale Brabam: I agree that it is a big liability to increase it, but I’m concerned that we will have difficulty having people volunteer. Tami: we have Zoom as an alternative for meetings. Brooke: can Marilyn give us an accounting of the costs for reimbursement? Marilyn: it’s on the financial report: September & May meetings were $2,200 + 720 for hotel. Approximately $3,000 for 2 meetings. Tim Keck: On the advice of the Parliamentarian, I will send this to committee, an informational committee. The committee is charged come up with a proposal on what the change should be. Joyce will be the head of the committee. The committee will consist of Joyce and Marilyn Schmit.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman
No activity in the Blue Mountains Council.
We’ve had our first promo booth at Redmond’s Music on the Green twice monthly event that is very well attended. The Council along with the Redmond Club, Red Rocks, manned the booth which was decorated with yard signs and a banner promoting lessons in Redmond. We also had a laptop showing the two videos received from Charlie Browns. The Council paid the booth fee. We signed up 10 people who are interested in our activity and we also promoted round dancing as well. We handed out the, “Are you in a Rut†brochure provided by the Federation. Still waiting for the Bend and Prineville area clubs to recommend an event or Farmer’s Market at which our booth could be used.
The High Desert Dancers are organizing a local committee to develop policies & procedures for assessing new dancer readiness for mainstream dances and how best to support those who need extra help.
The Kountry Rhythm Rockin Outlaws Club has a modified schedule for this Summer. Jim Steele will be teaching SSD lessons over two long weekends in Roseburg this Fall. He’s hoping this will bring in more dancers and be a successful way to grow the area clubs. The Rockin Outlaws have decided to withdraw from Central Oregon Council as they do not feel supported by the area clubs. They plan to join the Rogue Sis-Q Council.
Sagebrush Shufflers will be having their summer dances in a park in Prineville. They struggle with finding a venue, but this change will also result in added exposure for their club and could result in more new dancers for their lessons.
Sundown Ridge Riders will continue dancing and holding lessons all summer. Mark is currently teaching Waltz and will do Foxtrot in August.
If you are visiting Central Oregon this summer, check out the centraloregoncouncil.org or squaredancefun.org website for up to date dance information. There’s a Dance Calendar that is very helpful and informative.
Whirl-A-Ways third Community Dance on June 17 had 80 attending: Visitors from 3 clubs out of our area, many Whirl-A-Ways, Single Trees, and 24 new people for 8 squares on the floor! It was also Whirl-A-Ways annual "Pie & Ice Cream dance. Everyone had a good time introducing square dancing to the new people, and a lot of pie and ice cream was consumed afterwards. There is another Community Dance being planned in late September, just before New Dancer Lessons start on Tuesday's, October 3rd and 10th, 7:00 p.m. at the Emerald Square Dance Center. 'Flyers' have been placed here today.
Some of our clubs to DARK in July and/or August, so please contact the club first if anyone is going to be in our area and wants to go to a dance.
The "Wolf Pack" club is no longer a member of the Emerald Empire Area Council, and we think is disbanding. The State Federation Membership Chairman has been notified.
The next meeting of the Oregon State Federation will be hosted by the Emerald Empire Area Council on September 9th and 10th at the Emerald Square Dance Center, and information 'Flyers' have been put out here today. We can now have overnight RV Parking at the Square Dance Center for the first time in many years!
Our next council meeting is Monday, July 17, where we will be finalizing our plans for your state meetings in September on Saturday and Sunday. We are looking forward to you all coming to our area. Any questions or more information---contact Zola Jones, State Delegate from Emerald Empire flyers were handed out to members present concerning the State meeting dates and information.
The Klamath Country Squares are still struggling with workshop and party night attendance. They are dark for July and August as far as use of the new dance facility on Greensprings Drive. However, they have some demos planned and some other recruitment ideas to work on over the “breakâ€.  They need 6 squares to break even. They have 1 square so far. The weather should be nice.
Tim Keck: please go back to your clubs and promote their spud festival.
Sarge and Cece Glidewell attended the Saturday night session of the Buckaroo Roundup in Roseburg. It was a fun dance, and they had a good time visiting with their square dance family who attended. The “Spud Fest†visitation committee have several visitations planned over the summer. Mark your calendars for the 3rd weekend of October 2023. This is the weekend before Harvest Hoedown in Yuba City. Stop by and dance with us on your way to Yuba City!
The Interstate Highlanders do not have any dances planned at this time, but they are supporting the club in their endeavors to recruit and retain new dancers.
Thank you to ReVuN’Q for hosting their dance event in conjunction with our meeting this weekend. Golden Squares has announced that they will be folding with their last dance to take place on Sunday, August 6th. We have several clubs who are dark over the summer. Clubs are planning and working on lessons to start in the fall. A couple of our clubs have been auditioning for caller and/or cuer.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)
Portland Area Council will be DARK on July 17th … Next PAC Meeting is August 21 at the Oak Grove Community Center at 7:30 PM. For special dancers, refer to our website: dancePAC.org
Report on Portland Area Council happenings:
1. On June 19, PAC held an Ice Cream Social and introduced New Officers:
- Pres. Jeff Knapp - Rosetown Ramblers member, PAC Treasurer & PAC-OFN News Reporter.
- All other PAC Officers are unopposed and will repeat their term in 2023-2024.
- Retiring President, Robert Lumsden’s accomplishments were highlighted: President through COVID w/ZOOM meetings, encouraged Bottle Drop Fundraiser (funds $100 to each PAC Clubs annually), and increased attendance, via Visitations, to PAC Club Anniversary dances.
2. River City Dancers (RCD) 33rd Anniversary Dance on June 10 - well attended with 8+ Squares.
3. PAC 5th Friday Dance, on June 30 was co-hosted at RCD, Milwaukie CC (6 squares danced).
PAC 5th FRIDAYs Dances in 2023:
• September 29, 2023, at 7:30 PM - Buzzin’ Bees will co-host and welcome you to the APPLE DANCE at the Oak Grove Community Club, KC Curtis calls, Julie Stiers will cue.
• December 29, 2023 - DARK
PAC future Visitation
• Heads to the Center will advise if they will have an Anniversary Dance in September.
• Country Cut-Ups Anniversary Dance is Saturday, Oct. 7th at the Boring Barn.
PAC 5th Friday Dances in 2024
The following dates are available for 2024 fifth Friday dances (co-hosting yet to be determined)::
â—¦ June 28, 2024
â—¦ August 30, 2024 (Labor Day weekend)
â—¦ November 29, 2024 (day after Thanksgiving)
Evergreen Council, WA
The Evergreen Council is holding its first council dance (since the pandemic) on Sunday, July 30, 2023 (fifth Sunday) from 2:00-4:30 PM at the Kelso Senior Center, 106 NW 8th Ave., Kelso, WA.
Caller Jim Raupp and Susan Healea will cue, attire is casual, $8 donation suggested. “Summer PICNIC†is the theme… feel free to bring your favorite snack to share - Call Colleen (360) 600-1804 for information.
Officers were elected: Dale Brabham, President and Marie Clem, Treasurer for 2023-2024. There were no nominations for Vice President.
Tri-Council dance … planned
There are three Councils in the Portland/Vancouver area: Evergreen Council, Portland Area Council and Tualatin Valley Council. The next TRI-Council Dance has been planned for Saturday, March 30, 2024 to be hosted at the Aloha Grange…mark your calendars!
Club reports
• BnB’s dance the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays throughout the summer (call to confirm if 90-degrees). MS-Lessons begin September 13, 2023 (Free night) 6:15 - 7:15 PM and each Wednesday is $5/night - JAN 2024. BnB’s have enrolled 2 new members.
• Buzzin’ Bees - The Bees are DARK for the Summer. Regular dance nights are 1st and 3rd Saturdays beginning Sept. 9 at 7:00 -8:30 PM. One new member has joined the Club.
Lessons will start Sunday,, Sept. 10th, at 128 NW 95th Circle, Vancouver, WA.
On Friday, Sept. 29th, Buzzin’ Bees will Co-host the PAC 5th Friday APPLE DANCE at the Oak Grove Community Club - KC Curtis calls and Julie Stiers will cue.
• Chaps and Petticoats is DARK in July, August and September 1st. Chaps summer events are:
â—¦ July 15 at the Hubbard Hop Festival: Food Booth (fundraiser for lessons) serving Elephant Ears and Corn-on-the-Cob.
â—¦ August 16. Sq. Dance Demonstration at the Clackamas County Fair, Main Stage 8-9 PM.
Two-free MS-lesson nights will be offered: SEPT 10th and SEPT 17th from 5:00-7:00 PM at the Maplewood Grange. Instructor, Scott Zinser, will continue MS-teach each SUN through JAN 2024.
Chaps return to dancing every 1st and 3rd Fridays beginning Sept. 15 with Darrell Kalmbach and Connie Clark, cuer.
• Country Cut-Ups dance 7-10:30pm throughout the Summer: MS each 1st & 4th Saturdays and 5th Saturday is PLUS, Lessons will start Thursday, September 14 at 7:30pm.
• Happy Hoppers’ long time caller, Jim Hattrick, passed away on May 5th…you are missed! Hoppers danced, on the PAC Dance Trailer, in the Rose Festival, Starlight Parade on June 3
â—¦ The Hoppers are DARK in July, August and on September 2nd.
Next lessons start Monday, September 11, 2023 at the Washington Grange in Vancouver, WA with Craig Abercrombie, instructing beginning dancers at 7:30pm.
â—¦ Regular dance nights are 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 7:30-9:45 PM beginning Saturday, SEPT 16.
• Heads to Center is dancing Plus & Advanced (to taped music) each THURS. 7-8:30pm.at Milwaukie Grange. Call Scott Phillips to confirm: 503-808-7361.
• River City Dancers dance through the summer each 2nd and 4th Saturdays (see OFN for flyers). Lessons start Sunday, September 17; 5:30 - 7:00 PM at the Milwaukie Community Club.
• Rosetown Ramblers are DARK in July and August. Regular dances are every 2nd Saturday at Oak Grove Community Club, starting September 9, 2023. MS-Lessons start promptly at 7 PM till 8:30 PM on Wednesday, September 13 at the Bridgeport United Church of Christ, 621 NE 76th Ave., Portland.
• Tim K: PAC has a program for bottles and cans. Betty: PAC has encouraged delegates to collect cans and bottles in the blue bags from BottleDrop. Each club has been given blue bags for collection. Once the cans and bottles have been collected, they are turned in and redeemed. They give $100 to a club every time the account reaches that amount. They only have 7 clubs left in the PAC. They rotate it through the clubs. Clubs can decline if they are doing well, it then goes to the next club. They have already earned about $1,000 and gone through the list of clubs and started over.
Tami H: The bottle drop place needs the club President or someone to sign up for the bottle return reimbursement.
Betty: If you are interested in helping your clubs this way, please contact Betty for more information.
ROGUE SIS-Q COUNCIL – Elaine Funk (substitute for Garrett (Blake) Smith
We had a very successful council dance on June 30th with Wayne waver calling and Bob Dingman cueing.
Our next council dance is September 29 in Grants Pass at the Josephine County Square dance Center with Chuck Simpkins calling and Rikki Lobato cueing.
Charlie Brown Squares
Fun Shops are going well and will continue until the end of July when we shut down for the month of August. New classes will start September 12th, with 2 open nights.
Our next dances are July 14th, SSD with Chuck and July 15th Mainstream and Plus with Chuck and rounds by Mark McDonald. We will be dark for our Saturday night dances in September; but have a special guest caller from Folsom, CA stopping in to call a Wednesday night dance on September 13th. Scott Pearce will call Advanced from 6-7 pm and Rikki will do pre-rounds 7-7:30 pm and then we will have floor level squares/rounds for the remainder of the evening. We will have a wonderful time!
In December we celebrate our 56th birthday. This year only, we will hold our birthday dance on the 3rd Saturday of the month - December 16th. Our wonderful guest caller will be Buddy Weaver!! Rikki will cue rounds. Please plan to join us if you can. 2024 Boatnik plans are underway, and the new flyer will be out soon. We have David & Dawn Mee out of Anaheim, CA calling and cueing the festival! We always have a great time and the Mee's have a wonderful following so we know we will have some great visitors from Southern CA!
We hope to see you in Southern Oregon for a visit soon.
As always - information is available at charliebrownsquares.com
Circle N Squares
We have been holding a few lessons at the Karuk Tribe Community Center. Our first dance since COVID will be September 10th at 2pm in Yreka. Dean Black will be calling and Elaine Funk cueing. More information on time and place to follow. If this dance is not a success, they will have another dance in October. They will be working at the Siskiyou County Fair to promote and support the club.
Star Promenaders are gearing up for Diamond Lake Festival July 19-22, 2023, with Ray Brendzy calling and MaryAnn Callahan cuing. Hope to see everyone there.
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL – Kathy (Tim) Roberts (substitute for Dave Cooper)
Summer is in full swing on the South Coast. Beachcombers welcomed 6 squares for their 70th Birthday Weekend. Dave Cooper, Cece Glidewell, Mark McDonald and Bob Houston along with Sunday night's headliner Phil Ramey, kept squares lively all weekend while Cathy Houston and Dave Cooper cued rounds to a full floor of round dancers both days. Anticipation is high for another rowdy, fun filled Battle Rock Festival over Labor Day weekend. Kc Curtis, Darrell Kalmbach and Terry Halley will call and Dave Cooper and Cathy Houston handle round dance cueing. Too much fun to miss so you still have time to get your pre-registration in. Remember there is free RV camping at the Beachcomber’s Cove – come early and stay late.
Saints N Aints start lessons on August 13 at Pat and Cherie Cox shop.
The TVC met via Zoom in May and June. New officers were elected and began their service. The officers are:
President: Dale Brabham
Vice President: Sally Duyck
Secretary: Andis Garuts
Treasurer: Marie Clem
This was a significant shift in the leadership, and we are a little slow in the transition. However, all activity is proceeding as expected. Unfortunately, we missed providing a dance on July 29, which should have been one of our fifth Saturday dances.
Format. Since the beginning of COVID all our TVC meetings have been via Zoom, except for the President’s recognition dinner this past January. For the coming year we plan to have four in-person meetings. These are especially important after Federation meetings, so that materials can be distributed and collected. We seek a balance as we would like to reduce travel time by using Zoom, but we still want to provide opportunities to energize our council through personal conversation and interaction of in-person meetings. Our July and September meetings are in-person.
Dale has spoken to president of PAC and Emerald Empire Councils for the Tri-council dances. The first dance will be on the fifth Saturday in March.
We have established the date and place for the State meeting on September 7 & 8, 2024 at Kinton Grange.
The TVC has a tradition of supporting our clubs’ anniversary dances. Here are recent results reported:
• Valley Squares, 74 years, May 5, 6 squares
• Oak Hills Squares, First Anniversary Dance, June 17, 4 squares
The TVC has two dances scheduled for the 2023:
• September 30th will be the Hahn Barn Dance featuring caller MC Mark Wheeler and cuer MC, Lane Clem at 5p.m., Potluck at 4p.m. before the dance. At the Hahn Barn.
• December 31 will be our traditional New Year’s Eve Dance with Darrell Kalmbach and Tami Helms. Details tbd
We can report that two festivals are planned for the fall by TVC clubs:
• Fall Festival (formerly Oktoberfest), weekend of Oct. 14, R Square D in Kelso,
• Seaside Sashay, weekend of Oct. 27, Hayshakers and Sunset Promenaders in Seaside
For all other special dances please check the OFN.
We do not have a comprehensive report on the status of lessons planned for the fall.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL – Doris (Neil) Koozer
The Buckeroos are welcoming a new President, Dan Jones and Vice President, Brad Seder to their Board. They will be taking office on July 1. They are focused on building the club back up after all the Covid shutdowns and raising funds to replace the roof on the Buckeroo Barn. We have been experiencing numerous leaks during the rainy season and have had to dance around pots on the floor. They kicked off a fund-raising effort during the Buckeroo Round-Up and received 5-$1,000 donations and commitments for another 5 shortly thereafter. Those donating $1,000 will become lifetime members of the Buckeroo Club, and the person donating the most money will receive a Quilt of Stars donated by Doris Koozer. The quilt will be awarded in September. The goal for the roof is $27,000. We are having our fund-raising dance on July 29th. All proceeds will go to the roof fund. Jim Steele & Phil Ramey will be calling and Neil Koozer and Dave Cooper will be cueing. This will be an all-day event, starting with a pancake breakfast and featuring square and round dancing events throughout the day.
The Koozer are holding round dance lessons in their air-conditioned dance hall on their ranch. The donations received for these events will be given to the Buckeroos for the Roof fund.
Dancing Friends and the Timber 8’s are dark for the summer, but their dancers are supporting festivals in other areas. The Buckeroos and the Dancing Friends will be starting classes in the Fall.
The UAC will be holding a Fifth Saturday Dance on September 30th, it will be “Ice Cream Night†with Jim Steele calling and Neil Koozer cueing. Dance will start at 7PM.
Melissa James
My last report was dated May 6th, so this is a report on a short amount of time.
I have attended dances from Longview and Battleground to Oregon City and Boring.
Two were club anniversary dances and were very well attended. Happy Hoppers was a PAC visitation and several other clubs showed up. There was unfortunate drama at the dance, but the night carried on with Daryl Clendenin calling a spirited dance. It was the first dance after the passing of Jim Hattrick, so the mood was a bit somber.
The anniversary dance at River City Dancers was also a PAC dance and Darrell & Tami did a great job keeping the much-filled floor moving. A couple of other clubs did visitations there as well. As I go to these bigger dances, I am seeing faces of folks that have just now stepped back into our activity. They seem a bit apprehensive about their dance skills, but most are pleasantly surprised to find that they remember so many moves and with the acceptance from the ones that have been back dancing awhile. And it’s really nice to see clubs organizing and doing visitations again.
I attended the WA State Festival last weekend and there was good Oregon representation. Several Oregon callers/cuers and dancers attended. I didn’t hear the final number but I’d guess 25+ squares at the big dance Saturday night. I took up the OR State festival flyers that Kathy Roberts designed and set them out on the flyer table. I came home with some, but most were taken. I also had many opportunities to explain my Ambassador badge to folks.
As I write this, I am one month away from traveling to Albuquerque, NM for USA West, July 26-30. I am looking forward to representing our great state there. I’ve heard that the River City Riders will also be doing their ambassador horse performances. Hope we can give the rest of the country a taste of the good square dance folks out in the forests of Oregon.
That’s all I have for now. Summer is in full swing with festivities and an abundance of dancing opportunities. Let’s get everyone back on the floor! And we all need to gear up to get new dancers to lessons. Without new dancers, we will continue to shrink. Whatever club they attend for lessons, it builds up our activity for all! We need to keep this amazing activity alive!!
Robert and Young Lumsden
Young and I have continued to dance at anniversary dances. The Happy Hoppers and River City Dancers were both well attended and very fun dances. People are turning out in good numbers.
In May we took a trip up to Skagit County in Washington and danced with the Fidalgo Fogcutters. It was a special dance with a lot of visitors. Ray Brendzy called a great dance. There were over seven squares dancing. Young and I had a really good time.
I believe square dancing has recovered to our pre-covid activity levels. The pre-covid square dancers, who might return, have returned. We lost some dancers, but most clubs core groups are still active and working hard to keep their clubs going. We as a group need to concentrate on lessons. Increasing our numbers is the only way to secure the future of square dancing.
Cece Glidewell: when the email is sent out from the Secretary or President, please use “Reply†when you are replying to their email. Don’t use “Reply All†unless it is something that everyone needs to see.
Lisa Kious: in researching for Summer Festival 2024, we went back 5 years through the minutes. We didn’t find a single mention of a proposed budget for summer festival, there wasn’t a starting point. For future summer festivals, it would be easier if there was more information available for chairing a summer festival. Marilyn Schmit: since she is Historian, she may have notebooks. Tim Roberts: each chairman is supposed to produce a notebook.
Elaine Funk: as a beginning member of ORDTA, it was nice to have a dance recognizing our contributions. We’ve never had a dance like that before.
ADJOURN: Motion to adjourn made by George Hermann, 2nd by Lorri McIntosh at 11:05 am.
Sunday, September 10, 2023, 9:00AM
Emerald Square Dance Center
Springfield, Oregon