Please turn off your cell phones.
CALL TO ORDER President Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Absent: David Stuzman, Blue Mountain Council; Rikki Lobato, Goodwill Ambassador.
INVOCATION Immediate Past president, Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Pat (Cheri) Cox
MINUTES Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Motion: Cece Glidewell moved to accept the minutes as written from September meeting, Brooke Davison second the motion, motion carried.
PRESIDENT – Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
We have lost several friends from our dancing world since our last meeting. We will miss all of them a lot and we wish their families and loved ones our best.
There have been some controversies popping up since our meeting in September. Along with these controversies have been some name calling, put-down style comments and a whole bunch of negativities. Please remind everyone in our dancing world that we want to promote friendship and fun and not make our activities appear to be unwelcoming and not fun.
This year, as has happened for the past several years – nomination committees at the club, council and state levels have had difficulty in trying to find people willing to serve as officers. The more negative, nitpicking, name calling there is at an officer level in all levels of our dancing world – the fewer the number of people willing to step into an officer position. They don’t want to be on the receiving end and they don’t want to step into a perceived controversy already in progress.
Please remind our clubs, councils and I am reminding the Federation officers and delegates now – we all have to be welcoming of new ideas, new people and be willing to listen to suggestions. Don’t try to run roughshod over people and ideas. Listen and stop to think about the possibility of an idea before talking. Ask questions so that you are sure that you are hearing what someone is saying correctly. Please don’t immediately get defensive about any aspect – sometimes the questions and/or comments are so that others can understand what is happening. We are supposed to be supporting our dancers, clubs, councils, state and national – not acting like a bunch of dictators.
We have had several larger classes around the state this past fall. This means fresh attitudes, fresh ideas, fresh energy. Let’s savor this, encourage this and use this to help us grow.
No report
2024 MIDWINTER FESTIVAL - Connie (Paul) Seamans
This year thanks to the committee, we had a very successful festival with a full opening ceremonies. So far, we have sold 802 ribbons for the festival this year. Please don’t just thank me; thank the festival committee.
We had one incident where someone fell, and things were not handled correctly. Go back to your clubs and remind them when someone falls on the floor, do not move them until someone with medical training assesses them. The gentleman that fell has a broken hip and will need medical attention and therapy.
2024 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Lisa Kious
We have registrations starting to come in. 2 full festival, 7 committee and 1 caller, 1 cuer. It's a start. We also have signed contracts with Blanchet School. We are working on a visitation schedule for the next few months so that we can get out and start promoting. As of this weekend all of our committee members have flyers and a few have packets of ribbons. There are also flyers in each delegate's folder in the flyer bin. Please take them back to your councils and share them. We are going to rely heavily on word of mouth and social media. Our committee is very spread out so we aren't going to be able to do a lot of concentrated visitations. If anyone would like to help us we would love to have you. We still have a few open spots. And don't worry about traveling, all of our meetings are via zoom! We sold an additional 20 ribbons at the festival making 25 total ribbons sold.
2025 MIDWINTER FESTIVAL - Julia Buchheit
Ribbons have been for sale this weekend. So far, we have sold 45 ribbons. We have t-shirts for sale this year. They have been available all weekend and will be available to order/purchase during the year. My featured caller is Jaden Frigo from Australia, cuers are Susie and Gert-Jan Rotscheid from the Netherlands, clogging instructors are Oliver and Angelique Kromer from Germany. Our theme is, “Dancing Around the World”.
2025 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Lorri McIntosh
We have not had a formal meeting, usually discussion at dances and phone call conferences. Our caller has not returned the contract but we do have a verbal agreement. Cuers are in the works. Committee members are excited to move forward with the festival after Summer Festival 2024. We have a lot of plans in the works. We would like to request our Federation seed money so we can print flyers, open the bank account and be ready to explode at Summer Festival 2024. Our theme is “Load the Boat to Summer Festival 2025”.
The OFN continues to operate smoothly. We hover just below 800 subscribers. It would be nice to find someone interested in taking over the OFN. It's still too manually intensive, so you'd need to be computer-savvy.
No Report
SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh
Sympathy cards were sent to the families of Don Wood, Leonard Snodgrass, and Ian Craig.
TREASURER - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
All bills have been paid that have been received. I know that the BMI billing will be paid by debit card, it was received on January 8. The ASCAP billing will be paid by the time the meeting is held.
The Key Bank check signers are to meet on Friday of Mid-Winter weekend to get signatures on the account at the Albany branch since that is the only time we are all together at one time. The two CD’s at Key Bank renew on February 2 and February 25 and I will be moving them to another bank with a better rate. Do I move them entirely or just a certain amount? If a certain amount, how much? One has $27,000+ and the other has $26,000+. I need some direction, please.
I plan to move the CD’s from Key Bank to Oregon State Credit Union for increased interest. We are getting about $1.00 a month currently. Dale Brabham: Are there any penalties for withdrawing the monies in the new bank, Marilyn: the money can be renewed without doing anything at our current bank. Karyn Buchheit: Marilyn is authorized to move money according to her suggestions.
Blake Smith is going to update QuickBooks today.
I have distributed copies of a letter you need to give to your Area Clubs to complete the
Membership Forms. Submit a council check to Membership Chairman to cover the state membership dues for your council and all of the clubs in your council. Please include a summary sheet showing which clubs paid which amounts and the Clubs Where and When information. Please submit your check to the State Membership Chairman by July 1, 2024.
Information is being given to the delegates for the Federation dues to be submitted by July 1st to Sue Harrell.
When I got my badge yesterday, I was proud to be on the board. I want to bring the badge board to the Federation’s attention; I did not put it out this year and want to show everyone at this meeting what it looks like. (Board was presented to members). Is this board necessary? Do you want me to redo the board? Marilyn: if we are proud of ourselves we should update and have it showcased in the lobby.
Motion: Lorri McIntosh moved to replace the badge board, Betty Chipps second the motion. Kathy Roberts: we need to include a monetary amount for the cost of the board and badges. Zola Jones: in the past the clubs provide their badge with no name for the board. Motion failed.
Motion: Brooke Davison moved to abolish the badge board. No second. Motion dies.
2024 USDA insurance submission went well. Thanks to Marilyn for her help who was quick to answer any of my questions. She handed over to me a well-organized set of records. I was pleased to have the opportunity to talk to many council and club volunteers who helped fill out their club paperwork for this year’s insurance. Thank goodness we have these folks. We rely on so many people who do this seemingly invisible work that is so necessary for our clubs. Attached is a summary of the club roster count starting in September 2023 and current roster numbers. We went from about 1,420 individual dancers to almost 1,190 individual dancers.
In order to get certificate holders for the Federation and councils, a payment of $46 from the Federation would need to be made before certificates could be received. This would cover council dances. Marilyn: certificates are covering clubs; the council would be covered under the Federation. Joyce Welton: the issue is with the council; we have council coverage for the Central Oregon Round-up. Vicki Pounds- the Federation has their own insurance. Discussion on whether the Federation should pay for insurance with no dancers listed. Marilyn has asked for clarification from the USDA. Tim Roberts: we should be paying for liability insurance for our Federation. We have State Farm for insurance that covers everything for MidWinter.
Motion: Doris Koozer: moved to reimburse Vicki Pounds for the liability insurance as requested. Dale Brabham second the motion. Motion passed.
PAST PRESIDENT – Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
Randall Award: There were six Randall award nominations made for this year’s award. The ballot was presented to the delegates at the September meeting. A follow up email & texts were sent out close to the voting deadline as a reminder to vote. Nine of the ten delegates submitted votes and a clear winner was selected. Roger and Linda Putzler received the Randall Award this year.
Plaques & badge tags were ordered. This year a new perpetual plaque was included in the order as the existing one is now filled.
Nominating Committee: Seeking nominations for officers this year has been difficult. I and the committee have secured a nomination for Membership and Secretary. However there has been no response for 1st Vice president. Efforts to find a nominee will continue.
Grant Fund Committee: To date there have been no requests for Grants.
Motion Book: I received more published minutes from our Historian, Marilyn Schmit. After receiving those minutes, that leaves only six years of missing minutes for a complete set.
I scanned those minutes and submitted them to the webmaster to be posted to the webpage. I added the motions listed in those minutes to the motion book.
PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
No report.
I continue to monitor and load the Federation’s Facebook with club or council information. I also continue to help individuals or groups who ask for information or assistance with publicity or Facebook. I created and am maintaining Summer Festival’s Facebook page.
The Federation’s Facebook group is up to 1,100 members.
A few months ago, Karyn Buchheit talked to me about reviving Oregon’s Leadership Training Program. We’ve been working on different ideas and with input from Tim Roberts, we’ve come up with a basic outline for a new type of Education event. What we are visualizing is a one-day event where dancers, leaders, callers or cuers can come together to attend up to 4 different seminars including how to market your club and use social media, how to use Roberts Rules of Order, Club Etiquette, how to attract and retain youth, and fun things like badges, dangles, visitations and mystery trips. We are even planning a couple sessions for people who want to learn how to call, cue, or teach line dancing or clogging. The event will end with a dance in the evening. I am ready to share the fun of planning this exciting event and would like to ask for a committee to help finish planning and implementing, “Dance 2024, A Symposium for Dancers, Leaders, Callers, and Cuers”.
Tim Roberts; If you call it education the participation will not occur. Kathy: call it a dance for all. Joyce Welton: we need to get a committee formed to develop this and bring back to the Federation. Kathy has agreed to chair this event and asked others to be on the committee. Julia Buchheit, Brooke Davison, Joyce Welton, Tim Roberts., Karyn Buchheit, Lorri McIntosh, and Blake Smith volunteered to be on the committee. I have paper copies of the possible agenda of the day.
HISTORIAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The last of the boxes from Mike Odell are in my house and transferred to two new footlockers that I purchased for $99.98. I would like permission to be reimbursed for them. They are solid trunks and one end has wheels for easy transport to various places. There is a bunch of shredding to do to get rid of directory information from a couple decades ago that is too old to keep. There is paperwork for Oregon Corporation for many of the clubs, old and new, in Oregon. That I will keep. All the OFN’s that were in the boxes have been given to Tim Roberts, and any minutes have been sent to Tim Keck for his research project. My personal ones will be returned to me for my records. Not sure what years he still needs. I know there are a few past directories needed for the historian but have not looked recently to see what is needed. I know I have asked older dancers that have danced for a long time to see if they have any of them with no results.
Motion: Doris Koozer moved to reimburse Marilyn for the cost, Zola Jones second the motion. Motion passed.
LICENSING – Brooke Davison
Music Licensing Report:
YOUTH ADVISOR - Julia Buchheit
There was a good turnout of youth for Mid-Winter this year with 70 in attendance. The Federation did not give out any ribbon scholarships this year as Mid-Winter Festival received enough private donations to cover all of the 24 youth who needed scholarships.
I have received a donation request letter from the Silver City Squares youth to assist them in going to the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival. A copy of this letter was placed in your folders. Silver City Squares has 54 youth signed up to go. This translates into 6 squares (1 Senior (Plus) square, 4 Junior (Mainstream) squares and 1 Pre-Teen square); 10 callers, 4 cuers and 13 round couples (2 Intermediate, 7 Junior and 4 Novice).
OFN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
The OFN continues to operate smoothly. We hover just below 800 subscribers. It would be nice to find someone interested in taking over the OFN. It's still too manually intensive, so you'd need to be computer-savvy.
ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)
We are electing officers at this meeting.
Our list of volunteer mentors is:
Randy Lewis, Christina Corelli, Sandy Harris, Sarge & CeCe Glidewell, Rikki Lobato, and Tami Helms.
We are looking for a member at Large.
There has been no further discussion on the dates for our Round Dance weekend, but the location and price look positive for the Emerald Square Dance Center.
JANUARY OROM Selected by Tualatin Valley Council
“KELLY” Phase II + 2 Whisk & Pivot 3
Choreo: Kazayoshi & Atsuko Yoshikawa
FEBRUARY OROM selected by Umpqua Area Council
Choreo: Shawn & Wendy Cavness
CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)
No Report
WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Discussions are continuing.
GRANT FUND COMMITTEE - Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
To date there have been no requests for Grants.
STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
There is no activity until the annual letter goes to the State Fair coordinator to let them know that the Oregon Federation is interested in dancing in 2024. That will go out in late March or early April.
BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
Backgrounds are caught up through 2024.
We’ve made slow progress. We’ve had a zoom meeting and email exchanges. Tim Keck: we’ve made progress. We’ve actually looked at sites similar to ours so we have ideas on how to proceed.
We are asking to have the Bylaws change under Article 7 to read, “The secretary shall deliver a ballot either by electronic or mail. These ballots shall be returned no later than May 1st.” Tim Roberts: By-laws amendment, we can debate and vote on it today. If it passes today, it will be sent to the clubs. There was no discussion. Motion passed. Parliamentarian and secretary will deal with sending the motion to the clubs.
The Committee was formed in response to Tim Kecks’ motion. Kathy Roberts provided an 8-page report on the committee’s recommendation (the full report is attached at the end of these Minutes). Our Committee reviewed the motion from Tim Keck, the discussion during the September meeting, the Bylaws, the P&P’s, and the definitions of bylaws, policies & procedures, and social media. We communicated through email and met in person. The committee decided that social media does not belong in the Bylaws and that social media should be included under the Education/Publicity Chairperson’s duties. The committee looked at the current Publicity/Education chairperson guidelines and decided to update the P&Ps to reflect their actual responsibilities and to add Social Media Guidelines. Their recommendation is to replace the current Publicity/Education Chairperson section with the proposed revised section that was included in the 8-page report mentioned above.
Motion: Zola Jones moved to accept the Committee Report, Cece Glidewell second the motion. Motion carried.
Motion: Tim Keck moved to replace the existing banner, Dave Cooper second the motion. The approximate cost will be $200. Zola Jones asked about the colors of the banner. The original banner was green with yellow, currently the Oregon Federation logo will go on the banner. Green background or any color. Brooke Davison: where is this banner displayed? Tim Keck replied: “the original intent was the banner state fair, festivals, and the National Convention”. Dave Cooper: that banner used to hang at all Federation meetings. I would like to propose that Tim Keck send out the possible photos so we can decide at the April meeting. This will be brought up for a vote at the next state meeting.
Motion: Dave Cooper moved, Cece Glidewell second the motion to postpone the vote on this motion.
Action: Joyce Welton “I wish to withdraw my motion.”
1st Vice-President: Michael Kious
Secretary: Lorri McIntosh
Membership: Cheri Cox
a) There were no nominations from the floor.
b) We have until February 1st to receive additional nominations.
Current protocol is secretary receives reports, organizes them and sends to the federation officers and delegates. Dale Brabham: This is a great idea, but there is a problem in that there are things that occur after reports are submitted. Dave Cooper: I have noticed there is information that is no longer valid. Don’t put more work on the secretary. Brooke Davison: I have found the reports to be very helpful to have them prior to the meeting. Lisa Kious: instead of posting on the website ahead of time, the secretary can bring copies to the meeting for people.
Joyce Welton: I don’t think we need to have the secretary making copies of the reports. Delegates could bring copies to the meeting for people to read. Tim Roberts: it doesn’t take long for me to post to the Federation website with the agenda. Patrick Cox. I recommend this goes to committee. Zola Jones: I recommend anyone with changes to their report, bring them to the meeting. Patrick Cox: the one thing the motion is not considering, there is nothing in the P&Ps that states anything about submitting the reports prior to the meeting. This started during COVID as a courtesy to the secretary for the zoom meetings.
Motion Amendment: Tim Keck: “I amend this to refer this to committee and provide recommendation of reports prior to the next Federation meeting.” Brook Davison second the Amendment. The motion for a committee was approved. Lorri McIntosh to chair the committee, Brooke Davison as delegate, Cheri Cox on the committee. Report to be given during the meeting in May.
The dress code has not been addressed since 1996 and no longer represents the needs or desires of the dancers.
Motion: I move that the dress code in the P&Ps read: square dance attire admired but not required. Cece Glidewell second the motion. We would like to update the dress code and make it inclusive. Lisa Kious: does that mean festivals would make rules requiring items such as shoes and hats. Tim Keck: we would need to consider the facility requirements. Zola Jones: I am not aware of conversations or anything about hats and dress code, will this still be in the festival hands for what is required? Brooke Davison: two items should be included: personal hygiene required and alcohol consumption before and during dances.
Motion Amendment: Brooke Davison amended the motion to include items 15 and 16 (Personal Hygiene and Alcohol Consumption). Pat Cox 2nd the Amendment. Connie Seamans: Square dance attire admired and not required, removing this would not inform dancers what square dance attire is. Tim Roberts stated there are definitions of traditional square dance attire on the caller lab website. Amendment passed. Motion as amended passed to the “Dress code for square dance attire admired and not required, personal hygiene required and no consumption of alcohol before or during dance.” Zola Jones: this does not pertain to the clubs.
I’m here to make a plea. We are getting short on callers. This can be fixed; I am working with 9 new Oregon callers. These new callers need to be calling in front of dancers. Calling a tip or two at a dance is not enough. These new callers need time in front of dancers to call and learn. These 9 callers are doing well, some are going to be good callers, some are not. My plea is not for the caller but those who want to be callers. I work with these new callers on a weekly basis. Lorri McIntosh: informed those present of the council dance with Janet Geiger calling and Phil Ramey calling. We need to support the new callers. Dave Cooper: on April 26 we will be supporting our 4 new callers and their mentors in Port Orford during the Federation meeting weekend. The new callers will be doing patter Friday night, Saturday day and afternoon. We need at least 2 squares dancing to the new callers. If you are coming to the state meeting, come early and support these new callers.
Since the Federation is hosting Summer Festival this year, we do not have a council to sponsor a Trails End Dance before Summer Festival. Does a council want to host a Trails End Dance before Summer Festival on July 11th? Cece Glidewell: If a local area club or council does not host the Trails End Dance, can a dance be held at Blanchet? Lisa Kious: the school is available all day on Thursday. Cece Glidewell (Interstate Highlanders) and Brooke Davison (Mid-Willamette Council) volunteered their area councils to host the Trails End Dance together.
Motion: Blake Smith made a motion to donate $1,000 to the Silver City Squares and youth for the PNW Teen Festival, Joyce Welton second the motion. Motion passed.
Motion: Dave Cooper moved, Zola Jones second to accept the slate of officers by acclamation if no more nominations are made. Motion passed.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman
The Muddy Frogs resumed dance activities last October and have held dances once a month since then. Their next dance is January 28th. They are starting lessons February 4th with help from callers in Washington.
As I write this, we’re in a Winter event in Central Oregon. In the past week, we’ve had over 8 inches of snow and the Cascades are getting much needed feet of snow. There’s another storm coming tonight thru Sunday, Jan. 14th. I’m mentioning this because my attendance at Mid-Winter is suspect but fingers crossed, I’ll be there.
There’s one question I’d like to get input on. How many angels are needed in a square for lessons? One school of thought is the more the merrier, however, another thought is that with too many, students get “pulled” through and it’s hard to judge just how much they’re learning. Angels always offer the correct hand and direction. So how do other clubs handle this issue?
The Council is continuing its effort in offering promotional booths at city events. This past year, we only had one club (Red Rocks) take advantage of this help and it proved very successful. In fact, the club held its first lesson Sunday, January 7th, and 18 new students showed up. This is a first, in a long time, for the club to have that many new students. Several of last year’s students are angels which is a good thing. Red Rock lessons will continue at two per week thru March.
High Desert Dancers and Sagebrush Shufflers are going to take part in the Council Promotional Booths. I’m hoping they consider having two this Summer. The Council provides the booth, table, brochures, sign-up sheets, square dance video and pays the fee. Council only asks that the club provides a banner or signage plus a couple of members to help man the booth.
The Sundown Ridge Riders Round Dance Club has had a low attendance at their November and December dance. So, Mark McDonald has decided to go dark for January thru March. Hopefully dancers will support his club and return in the Spring.
The High Desert Dancers just completed lessons with 16 students in November. They are having a New Dancer hour prior to their regular mainstream dances in December and January. They’re also encouraging new dancers to stay and get acquainted with the regular club members. It’s been very successful so far. The Club also provided “New Dancer” name tags. As is tradition, the club held their Thanksgiving Dinner (one week prior to Thanksgiving Day) and all dancers in C.O. are invited to attend at no cost. The Club provides turkey, gravy, and mashed potatoes; all other fixings are pot luck (with sign up sheet). It was very well attended and its always a pleasure to enjoy this time of year with everyone.
Sagebrush Shufflers held the New Year’s Dance. Lots of pies and goody treats were enjoyed along with sparkling cider toast for the New Year (at East Coast Time). Again, a very good turnout in celebration of the new year.
Emerald Empire Area Council had to cancel our January 15th meeting, because of severe Ice Storms in Eugene, Springfield, and Willamette Valley. Also, the Emerald Square Dance Center in Springfield has no power, as of January 14th, and all dances and lessons have been cancelled until power outage in the area can be repaired. The next Council Meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 18th, which will include election of council officers for the new term of 2024 to 2026.
Changes to some Club's dances:
"Whirl-A-Ways" decided at recent club meeting to dance Once a Month; on 2nd Saturday's, beginning February through June, 2024.
"Misty Valley Cloggers" is a Traveling Club; and plans to have their annual 'Clog Weekend' in May.
Caller-run new dancer lessons are continuing every Tuesday evening, with graduation planned for late February, and there have been clubs hosting new dancer dances in December and January and coming up in February.
Emerald Empire Area Council, as always, is hosting the January State Federation Meeting on Sunday, January 28 during Mid-Winter Festival. I am looking forward to seeing everyone that weekend.
The club and council have nothing to report at this time.
Leonard Snodgrass and Ian Craig passed recently, please keep them in your thoughts.
Braids N Braves will be hosting a dance in honor of Leonard on the third Saturday in March.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)
We are blown away with the loss of Leonard Snodgrass, Caller & Cuer. He went into a coma after a heart attack and passed away on January 9th. Our memories linger; glad you were with us!
Portland Area Council last meeting was November 20th; December was DARK. The January 15th PAC meeting was canceled due to frigid weather. Next PAC meeting will be February 19th, 7:30 PM, at Oak Grove Community Center.
2024 PAC Fifth Friday dances - we look forward to dancing with you.
March 29, 2024 - PAC goes DARK. Instead all PAC Clubs are encouraged to attend the TVC hosted Tri-Council Dance, March 30, at Aloha Grange.
May 31, 2024, at Abernethy Grange, co-hosted dance by Bachelor and Bachelorettes.
August 30, 2024 - Community Dance at Oak Grove Community Center. We invite any and all members of our communities to give square dancing a try. The idea is to encourage brand new dancers to enjoy a free introduction to square dancing to support the many clubs that start lessons in the fall. Scott Zinser has generously agreed to donate his time and talents for this dance.
November 29, 2024 (day after Thanksgiving) New Dancer JAMBOREE at Milwaukie Community Center.
This dance supports all clubs who started lessons in the fall. Darrell Kalmbach calls, Tami Helms will cue.
Other topics:
Gerry Blakney, Rosetown Ramblers Delegate, produces a PAC Flyer, monthly, listing dance/events for all PAC clubs. (like Kathy Roberts does at the state level). The PAC Flyer can be found at
Bachelor & Bachelorettes: Dance 1st,3rd & 5th Wednesdays. Valentine Dance is FEB 7th.
On FEB 21st, their V.P, Melissa James will be the Caller with their Club Cuer, Tami Helms.
59th Anniv. Dance is APRIL 3rd, 7:30 PM, Abernethy Grange, Caller/Cuer: Kalmbach & Helms.
Buzzin’ Bees: Dance 2nd & 4th Saturdays 6pm, Caller: KC Curtis. Call 360-695-1467
Chaps & Petticoats: dance 1st (opens Plus) & 3rd (opens Pre-Rounds) Fridays.
On March 15th, Chaps will host an ‘Open Mic’ Night inviting the Silverton youth Caller & Cuers to 'showcase' their talents before they compete at the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival (PNTSDF in May). Ian Craig, and Julia Buchheit, will MC as the Silver City Squares youth rehearse their program to a live audience - join us.
Country Cut-Ups: New fundraiser is Bingo nights starting February on the 2nd & 4th Fridays, at the Boring Barn. Next Festival weekend is May 10-12 with Andy Allemao (Nat’l Caller) and Tami Helms.
Happy Hoppers: Dance 1st,3rd & 5th Saturdays, 7-9:30pm at Washington Gr., Vancouver, WA
Plus & Basic lessons began JAN. 8 - Contact 360-450-7029
Heads to the Center - (No report)
River City Dancers: Dance 2nd & 4th Saturdays at Milwaukie Comm. Club..
Rosetown Ramblers: Dance 2nd SAT. at 7:00pm - alternate SSD and Plus at Oak Grove CC.
Lessons - WED: Offer 2 classes per year (Sept.-Dec. and Jan-Apr.). After the first week in May 2024, a 4-week MS class is offered. Contact: 503-737-5682
ROGUE SIS-Q – Blake Smith
Rogue Sis Q Council Our next student level dance is January 21, the Pajamarama Student Level Dance in Medford. We wear our pajamas and have fun. There will be a silent auction during the dance. We have a new caller for this dance, Janet Geiger. Cueing will be Elaine Funk. This dance will be a student level dance for SSD, Mainstream, and plus with rounds included. Will give you an update at the meeting.
Retirement dance for Bob Dingman to be held at the Star Promenaders Hall in Central Point on March 10th from 3-5pm. For more information contact Elaine Funk at
Charlie Brown Squares
January SSD classes started with 19 new dancers and we hope that the dancers will continue to attend and find out how much fun dancing can be!! Our Mainstream and Plus classes/Funshops continue on Thursday nights. At this writing, we are scheduled for an Amateur Nite at our “Singin' & Swingin' with the Penguins Dance” on January 20th. From what I’ve heard we have 5 callers and 2-3 cuers who will be getting on stage! Everyone is looking forward to attending MidWinter—what a great staff!
We have some fun dances scheduled from February through May. Here is a brief overview. Unless otherwise noted, all of our dances start at 7 pm with Pre-Rounds and squares with rounds between starting at 730pm.
The dance schedule for February thru April:
February 3rd: Super Bowl Dance and Chili cookoff with Chuck and Rikki.
February 17th: “Woodstock’s Valentine Dance with Chuck and Rikki
March 2nd: “March on Hunger Characters on Parade” dance with Chuck and Sarge.
March 16th: “Leprechauns and Rainbows Dance” with Chuck and Elaine.
April 6th: We are dark to help the Buckeroo’s celebrate their birthday.
April 20th: "Daffodil Dash" with Dean Black and Mark McDonald.
May 4th: "May The 4th Be with You" with Roger Putzler and Sarge Glidewell
May 18th: "Honoring the Courageous" with Chuck and Mark McDonald
May 24-26th: Annual Boatnik Square & Round Dance Festival. Always a wonderful weekend full of fun dancing and great friendships. We always end the weekend with a jet boat trip on Monday as a special treat for the caller/cuers and all dancers are invited as well. Be sure to get your ribbon!! This year's featured couple are David & Dawn Mee from Anaheim, CA.
We always love to have visitors and would love to have you come down to Southern Oregon. As always - information is available at
Circle N Squares
Lessons are going well.
Kountry Rhythm Rockin’ Outlaws
Our Country Fever Dance & Campout Weekend is happening! October 4-5-6, 2024.
Our EARLY SPECIAL Pre-Registration for the discounted prices EXTENDED from 2023 Prices of $45 per person is only until Feb 1, 2024 Our Flyer shows our Early Special Pre-Registration 2023 Prices, and after February 1, 2024 our Pre-Registration prices go up to $55 per person. This price includes all your meals all weekend, except for Saturday Lunch, everyone is on their own. Home cooked meals all weekend! Snacks galore, desserts are plenty and our cowboy coffee is always on! So be sure to get your pre-registrations mailed in ASAP!
We will be delighted to have you come to our super FUN country style dance & campout (onsite) weekend at this location… Callers: Jim Steele & Jet Roberts, Cuer: Rikki Lobato. Buckeroo Barn, 5051 NE Stephens St, Winchester, Oregon (Roseburg) Country Fever with a down home Country Style décor & meals, Boots, Cowboy hats, Lariat Ropes, but sorry the horses will have to be tied to the hitching post just outside the building!
Please view our Country Fever Flyers (pick yours up at the promotion dance events area at Mid-Winter) for the dance schedule, meals, and pre-registration!
We hope to see many of you out at our dance location ‘Buckeroo Barn’ in Roseburg, Oregon (Winchester address) for some super fun dancing, great food and camping, laughing telling stories at our After Party after the dancing at night with your dance friends!
Bring your RV's and camp right on the property at the dance hall (All dry camping – no hookups) $5 per night donation. Mail your Registrations to: Jan Steele /Rockin’ Outlaws Club PO Box 1661 * Prineville, OR 97754 or Call Jan 541-279-3678
Star Promenaders
New classes have started and going well.
Pear Blossom Festival is April 12, 13, 14 at The Star Promenaders Hall in Central Point. Tim Pepper from Nevada will be calling, and MaryAnn Callahan cuing. The festival starts Friday with easy advanced at 6:30, pre-rounds: 7:30-8pm, E MS/Plus at 8-10:30pm. Saturday dancing starts at 0930 with various levels of square and rounding through 10:30 that night. Sunday morning is a casual dance for the level of the floor. For more information Contact: Lois Muck @541-660-8020 or email or
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL – Dave (Patti) Cooper
Sets-In-Order in Coquille is still dancing 2nd Saturday monthly with Bob Houston Calling and Denise Harris cueing. No lessons are planned at this time. Chuck Quigley passed away Oct 18th. He and his wife Coleeta were State Delegates for many years and Coleeta served as Membership Chair. She is getting used to life without him but luckily has her son and 2 grandsons close by.
Saints N Aints are starting the new year with 3 free community dance/lesson events hoping to generate interest in square dancing. They still dance on 1st and 3rd Saturday evenings with Sherm Welch calling and Cathy Houston and Cherie Cox cueing.
Beachcombers graduated a beginning square dance class in December and are continuing with workshop/dance practice to help retain what they learned. They will be dancing 2nd Sundays and 4th Saturdays until further notice. Plans are firmed up for the 71st Birthday weekend July 4-6 and Battle Rock Festival August 30-September 1st in Port Orford.
South Coast Council is looking forward to hosting the State Federation Dance and Meeting to be held April 27 and 28 in Port Orford. Sherm Welch and Dave Cooper will be on stage for your square and round dancing pleasure after a delicious meal served before the dance. Fresh baked cinnamon rolls will be served at your meeting break Sunday morning. South Coast will be hosting 4 new callers, they will practice patter on Saturday with their mentor during the Federation meeting weekend in April 26, 27, & 28.
Please let us know if you are joining us for dinner on Saturday night, April 27. We are putting on a dinner and it will be helpful if you let us know a month in advance whether or not you will be attending. We have RV parking available.
The TVC continues to meet monthly, except December. However, we gather in person for half of our meetings and use Zoom for the other half. In-person allows us to distribute and receive materials efficiently. Zoom is convenient and allows distant clubs to participate more easily.
I am pleased to report that the TVC and its club members are thriving as displayed by a healthy amount of activity, including special dances, festivals, and lessons, The annual Seaside Sashay and Festival Formerly known as Octoberfest were big successes on back-to-back weekends in October. The TVC hosted its annual Hahn Barn Dance in September and a New Year’s Eve Dance; both moderately well attended.
Clubs hosted the following special dances: Mix N Mingle (39th anniv.); Sunset Promenaders (38th anniv. of club and 9th anniv. of Plus Dances); and TriSquares (25th anniv.) Jamborees were offered by Columbia River Dancers (12/7); Hoedowners (12/9); and R Square D (11/10). But unhappily the TriSquares class-level dance (1/12) was canceled by the storm.
Lessons were offered in round and square dance this past fall: Columbia River Dancers (MS); Hayshakers (MS); Hoedowners (MS); Oak Hill Squares (MS); R Square D (MS and Plus); Sunset Promenaders (MS and Waltz); TriSquares (MS and 2-step). Starting in January the following are offered: Eager Beavers (Plus); TriSquares (Plus); and Valley Squares (MS). The demand and interest in learning to dance continues to increase for the TVC following the pandemic.
Loss. We note the passing of Robert Allen (Wavesteppers) on Christmas day from natural causes. He served as club president and club representative to the TVC for many years. He was particularly known for visiting all the TVC clubs every year and receiving a TVC Ambassador’s bar to add to his large collection.
We are grieved to hear of the passing of Ian Craig and Leonard Snodgrass. Both were well known and admired by TVC clubs. We mourn this significant loss to the square dancing community.
Upcoming events. The next dance the TVC hosts is a 5th Saturday dance on March 30th at the Aloha Grange in Beaverton. This is a TriCouncil dance. The caller is Randy Dibble; the cuer is Randy Lewis. June 29th, we host Dancing Under the Stars at the Oak Hill complex. This dance is inspired by an annual dance formerly put on by Valley River Dancers. Although the concept has been reworked, it is still a tribute to the dancing contribution made by that club. We are also well prepared for the September meeting of OFSRDC at the Kinton Grange: TriSquares will host a dance on Sept. 13th; and the TVC a dance on Sept 14th and the meeting on Sept 15th. Looking further ahead, the TVC will go dark the 5th Saturday in November in favor of the PAC jamboree on the 5th Friday. Of course, we have a New Year’s Eve dance on Dec. 31 at the IOOF Hall in Hillsboro. Thanks to our Vice President, Sally Duycks, for organizing TVC dances.
Recognition is a key to success when working with volunteers. The TVC has an annual President’s potluck and meeting highlighted by the announcement of the Recognition Award for the past year. On January 22 we recognized Frank and Nadine Collett. Sadly, Frank passed away last year. Please offer Nadine congratulations for a lifetime of commitment to square dance next time you see her.
At the dinner we also recognize club presidents and leaders. It is a time to encourage them to consider leadership in the TVC and OFRSDC too. We believe we are successful in recruited a full slate of leaders for the coming year.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL – Doris (Neil) Koozer
Clubs in the UAC area have had a busy fall and winter. The Buckeroos have had a good season of lessons with Roger Putzler. He was able to come down and give lessons on Sunday afternoons. We held mainstream classes from 1:30 to 3:30 and plus classes from 3:30 to 4:30. The plus classes brought in angels for the mainstream class, so it was a win, win situation. We hope to graduate around two squares in February.
The Dancing Friends had lessons on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Neil Koozer taught Jive on Monday evening, covering both phase 3 and 4. Rod Skinner taught Fox Trot on Tuesday night withs some higher mixed rhythms in the hour before the class. In January, they had workshops on Tuesday including several rhythms that have been taught in the last year or so. They plan on starting a new two-step class on Thursdays and a Mixed Rhythms Workshop on Tuesdays beginning in February.
We had a lovely Christmas Round Dance with the Buckeroo Barn all decked out with Christmas lights and decorations. People brought yummy food and dressed up in their holiday garb. Neil Koozer played a great selection of Christmas music.
The Timber 8’s has been averaging one dance a month. They are working with a new caller in our area, Misha Case. In December they did a special dance for our new Students.
The UAC sponsored two events this quarter. They participated in the Roseburg’s annual Veterans Day Parade. We used Dan Jones’ truck as a float and had 1 3/4 squares of dancers. Misha Case called and danced in the parade. Neil and Doris Koozer lead the group doing some jive, twirls, etc.
The UAC fifth Saturday dance became a New Year’s Eve, Eve celebration. Roger Putzler was our caller and Neil Koozer our cuer. Our new students were invited, we have a good turnout, with lots of food and fun. Some folks made it a two-night celebration with Roger and also joined him in Springfield for that New Year’s Eve dance.
Our next 5th Saturday dance will be on March 30th, the night before Easter. Phil Ramey will be our caller performing part of his Heavenly Hash routine. Rod Shinner will be our cuer.
Robert and Young Lumsden
We spend time at most dances talking to people. Showing them how to have fun at dances and encouraging them to enjoy themselves and spread the fun.
It is time for lessons again. Country Cut-ups had a very good class this year. Lessons are nearing their end and we still have 24 students. Young and I attended several jamborees this year. The biggest was the Chaps & Petticoats jamboree. Dancing in a hall with 12+ squares was really great. Every jamboree we went to this year was well attended and a lot of fun. Every student I saw was having a good time.
Young and I enjoy dancing with new dancers. Helping them to get the moves down, but when they make a mistake not to worry about it. They need to have fun first, getting the moves down will come eventually.
The number of dancers at dances is continuing to increase. Most dances we attended were at or near pre-Covid numbers. If our classes stay the same size next year, Clubs may start growing.
Rikki Lobato
I would like to start off by thanking Tim Keck for naming me as his Goodwill Ambassador. I look forward to spreading the word about all of the wonderful dancing in our State!
Since September, I have been very busy dancing and cueing various festivals and dances.
Here is a quick overview:
Attended and cued for the Scot Byars Memorial Dance. Well attended and a wonderful celebration for a dear friend and caller. There is a great collection of videos and pictures from the dance at for anyone interested. The following weekend was The Rogue Valley Rendezvous in Medford with Don & Marie Wood, Jay Henderson and myself. It was a good weekend, small, but a lot of fun with friends. Sadly, it would be the last time I would see my dear friend Don Wood - as he passed in December. He was the most supportive person to me and I will cherish all the wonderful memories I made with him from Diamond Lake, our Alaskan cruise and other events.
I attended the Country Fever Weekend with Jim Steele & Mark McDonald. It was a fun weekend with great friends. Next year I am blessed to be on staff and look forward to that. The last weekend of October was spent in Yuba City, CA. Harvest Hoedown is a fantastic weekend of dancing and friends. I was thrilled to be asked to cue during the weekend and got to enjoy all of Saturday evening dancing and cueing in the Advanced Hall with Hunter Keller, Mike Hogan and Mike Seastrom. I enjoyed some wonderful round dance teaches and it was a great weekend. I travel to Northern California alot and it's always a pleasure to see my friends and also to have the chance to cue is a thrill! Icing on the cake was having my best friend there as well to dance and hang out with. He did a great job of assisting MaryAnn Callahan with her teaches as well.
The 1st weekend of November was spent dancing to Jet Roberts and Kip Garvey - as well as MaryAnn Callahan in Plymouth, CA at the annual Power Plus weekend. It's a great venue and I am lucky to get to attend as it sells out before the end of each weekend. Lots of wonderful friends and great dancing, of course. I cued for the Star Promenaders on Nov 11th - it was a wonderful night. The Stars have not had round dancing at their dances for a while and have decided to bring it back 1x a month. Great turnout and great evening with friends.
I traveled to Roseville to participate in the NCRDTA Holiday Ball and cue along with several of our association cuers. Great evening. Prior to the dance, our association had a Showcase of Rounds to present for Rounds of The Month. I presented my Phase V Rumba “kicking off your shoes” that I wrote and was honored to have it named Round of The Month. I also helped present several dances for other choreographers who couldn't attend. I am also Secretary for the Association - so I try to attend the meetings in person, which happen every 2 months. The day after the Holiday Ball was the Christmas Dance with The Ghost Riders and Kip Garvey. Really fun day of dancing and visiting with my friends. On the 16th, my club - The Charlie Brown Squares - had our 56th Birthday dance and welcomed the wonderful Buddy Weaver to our hall for the 1st time. He is such a great ambassador of square dancing and I was honored to get to cue with him and spend time visiting as well. The rest of December was family time and New Years was spent as always with my best friend just relaxing and recharging for the New Year! Those extra days off always do a lot of good!
January started off quiet and I didn't go out of town until I attended MidWinter. Since I am writing this report prior to the Festival; I am going to assume all went well with cueing The Trails In Dance and I have really been looking forward to seeing alot of familiar friendly faces! I did cue for Charlie Brown Squares and we had our annual Amateur Nite on the 20th. At this writing I had 2 dancers from my class who will be cueing a dance during the evening. I will do my annual "out of comfort zone" time on the mic and call a tip as well. This year I will even be doing patter for the first time, along with my "singing" call. Thank you to Daryl Clendenin for being such a great mentor and positive influence!! It was a difficult decision to continue to cue the dance as on the same day was the memorial for Don Wood and I would have really liked to attend; but after some thought and discussion with Marie - I know Don would have understood and I plan to find some time to spend with Marie in the near future.
I apologize that this report is so long....cueing and dancing and traveling definitely keep me busy - but it also offers a great opportunity to share my love of dancing and help spread the word regarding various events happening in our State.
I am always happy to take flyers with me - so if you have any special events - just send the flyers my way and I will add them to my folder.
Sorry I couldn't attend the meeting - but hopefully I saw many of you during the weekend and I know it was a great time!!
Zola Jones: 2 clubs in our area have changed their dates. The new dates have been sent to Tim Roberts to change.
Tim Keck: We reported 6 nominations for the Randall Award. Remember, these nominations can be renominated.
ADJOURN: Motion: Dave Cooper moved, Brooke Davison second the motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:02
Sunday, April 28, 2024, 9:00AM
Beachcomber’s Barn
Port Orford
Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
Facebook/Publicity/Social Media Review Committee
Report to the Federation
January 28, 2024
Committee Members
Chair: Kathy Roberts Publicity & Education Chairperson
Delegate: Brooke Davison, Mid-Willamette Delegate
Elected Officer: Julia Buchheit, 2nd Vice-President
Parliamentarian: Tim Roberts
Ex-officio Member: Karyn Buchheit, President
Purpose of the Committee
Purpose of this committee is to examine and debate whether or not the OFSRDC’s Bylaws and the P&P’s should be modified per the Motion:
Motion made by Tim Keck: The Bylaws article 9 be amended to include the identification of social media as a news source in addition to the Oregon Federation News. Additionally, to amend the Practices & Procedures Section 10 Publications so as to provide authority & guidance for the use of Social Media sites. I recommend that this motion be referred to committee to prepare an adequate proposal to be presented at a regular state meeting to be determined.
Motion: Marylin Schmit moved to take this to committee, Julia Buchheit second, motion carried
On November 7th, a 16-page informational document was emailed to the Committee for their review prior to our meeting.
• Pages 1-4, identified the committee and gave the background leading up to the motion and the motion itself. It included the discussion regarding the motion that was in the September 10, Minutes. It also included the Proposed Publicity and Education section rewrite that was distributed on Saturday, September 9. The rewrite included the Social Media Guidelines that have been in place for the last 8 years, except for #4 which was added in 2023 due to the quantity of spam our Facebook page was receiving.
• Pages 5-12 and 16, were copied from the OFSRDC By-Laws & P&P (current Publicity and Education Section (to be replaced) and the entire Section X – Publications. Page 16 was a copy of the current P&P’s Table of contents (page 4) which included Appointed Officers.
• Page 13, was a list of definitions from various sources for our consideration.
• Pages 14-15, was a list of things we needed to consider as a committee.
On November 9, we decided through email to meet in person on December 3, in Woodburn.
Committee Minutes
December 3, 2023, 1:30 pm
Red Robin in Woodburn, Oregon
All committee members were present and acknowledged the receipt and their review of the 16-page informational document that was mailed in November.
Prior to discussing the motion, we reviewed the definitions (below) that had been included in the November 7th, document.
By-laws: a rule adopted by an organization chiefly for the government of its members and regulation of its affairs (Merriam-Webster)
By-laws: or as it is most commonly known in the United States bylaws, is a set of rules or law established by an organization or community so as to regulate itself, as allowed or provided for by some higher authority. (Wikipedia)
Bylaw: a rule that governs the members of an organization (Cambridge Dictionary)
Practices & Procedures:
Practice: Noun: habitual or customary performance; operation. 2) habit; custom. Verb: to perform or do habitually or usually; to follow or observe habitually or customarily (
Practice: carry out, apply. To do or perform often, customarily, or habitually. To perform or work at repeatedly. (Merriam Webster)
Practice: You can refer to something that people do regularly as a practice. Means doing something regularly in order to be able to do it better. (Collins Dictionary)
Procedures: Instructions or recipes, a set of commands that show how to achieve some result. Specifying parts of a business process; a step-by-step instruction to achieve some results (Wikipedia)
Parliamentary procedure is the accepted rules, ethics, and customs governing meetings of an assembly or organization. (Wikipedia)
Procedure: A manner or method in which a business or action is carried on. A series of steps followed in a regular definite order. (Merriam Webster)
Difference: Bylaws define the governing rules of the organization while P&P’s define the day-to-day operations of the organization.
Social Media: Noun: websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. (Oxford Languages Dictionary)
Social Media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. (Tufts University)
Social Media: forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)
Social Media focuses on communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. It is used to stay in touch and interact with friends, family, and various communities (TechTarget).
Social Media refers to new forms of media that involve interactive participation (Wikipedia).
In order to comply with our Purpose, a list of items to be considered were compiled and included in the 16-page document. This list was sent without conclusions or personal comments, giving everyone an opportunity to come up with their own conclusions.
Items to be Considered (from the document emailed on November 7):
Considering the definition of Bylaws and Practices and Procedures listed above:
1. Do you think that Social Media Guidelines should be included in the By-Laws?
2. If social media is not included in the By-Laws, should the OFN be removed from the By-Laws?
a. Is the OFN part of the “governing rules” of the OFSRDC or should it be considered as day-to-day operations?
b. If a motion is made to remove the OFN Section from the By-Laws, this would not change the OFN section under P&P’s Publications Section X nor would it affect the governing of the OFSRDC.
Considering how our social media has been handled the last 8 years and especially, looking to the future:
1. Should social media be included only in the Publicity and Education section of the P&P’s according to Kathy’s rewrite of the Publicity and Education duties distributed during the September 9th break-out meeting?
2. Should Social Media Guidelines be listed under their own heading in the P&P’s Table of Contents following the Publicity and Education Section similar to how letters and other information are listed separately under the Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Financial Advisors, and Insurance? For example, on page 4 of the P&P’s could be revised to show:
Section VI – Appointed Officers
Publicity and Education Chairperson
Social Media Guidelines
Agenda for Training
Subjects of Meeting
Training Session Letter
3. Should social media be included under Publicity and Education as their responsibility, with Social Media Guidelines listed under Section-X Publications.
a. Technically, social media is not a “publication”.
b. There is a lot of discussion on the internet about whether or not social media is considered a publication. In 2023, there have been court cases showing that social media is currently not considered a publication.
c. We use social media as one way of publicizing our dances through the posting of flyers to our FB page. Depending on how you view the term “publications”, you can argue that FB allows for the publication of flyers when they are posted to Facebook.
d. If we post the Social Media Guidelines separately from the Publicity and Education section, Section-X appears to be the only other place where it might be placed. The P&P’s other Sections are: Purpose, Area Activities, Membership, State Meetings, Elected Officers, Appointed Officers, Standing Committees, Federation Activities, People and finally, Publications.
4. Should social media be removed from Publicity and Education duties and turned over to a new position: Social Media Manager or Coordinator?
5. Do you think the current proposed Social Media Guidelines should be changed? If yes, how?
Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Club documentation under review:
Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs Bylaws
The Oregon Federation News is a state square dance magazine publication owned and controlled by the Oregon State Federation and shall be operated by the past state officers and the 1st Vice President. They shall appoint their own Chairman.
Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs P&P’s
The Committee received the out-of-date Section VI-17 and 18 – Publicity and Education Chairperson and the entire Section X-Publications for review. Section X deals with how the Directory and the OFN are managed and published. For this report, only the first 10 lines of the Directory and OFN are included. Refer to the P&P’s for the complete text.
Section VI-17 – Publicity and Education Chairperson
The entire section is out of date. pdf 81-82
Section X – Publications
pdf 127-133
2 Periodically, the State Federation should compare prices from various printers to assure the best price
3 for the Directory.
4 Determine the number of directories to print. Recent printings have been 500 copies. Printing orders
5 need to be in increments of 100.
6 In determining the number of directories to print, include the following.
7 Elected officers: 8
8 (1 extra copy for Secretary)
9 Appointed officers: 5
10 (2 extra copies for Historian)
4 Past Officers of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
5 Editor
State Advisor: 1st Vice President216 6
8 Annual contract for fee.
1st 10 of the month for club reports to Area Editors
10th 11 of the month for Area Editors to submit club articles to OFN Editor
10th 12 of the month for all ads
10th 13 of the month for articles, photographs, and reports
20th 14 of the month to publish next issue
Committee Recommendations
Referring to our Bylaws and our P&P’s, while considering the definition of Bylaws, P&P’s, and Social Media, our Committee makes the following recommendations:
1. Social Media does not follow the specifications of a Bylaws addition. Bylaws govern an organization. Social Media has never been nor will it ever be used to establish rules or govern the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.
2. Social Media should be included under the responsibility of the Publicity and Education Chairman with its own subheading in the Table of Contents of the Practices and Procedures.
3. The Publicity and Education section of the P&P’s (under Appointed Officers, Section VI) should be replaced with our edited rewrite as follows:
Publicity and Education Chairperson
Rewrite of Section VI, pages 17 & 18 with addition of
Social Media Guidelines, page 19
The Publicity and Education Chairperson needs to be able to create, update, and maintain the Federation’s social media accounts. If the Publicity and Education Chairperson is unable to work with the Federation’s social media, they may appoint someone to work with them during their current term which ends during the September State Meeting.
1. Write a report for each State Meeting and attend as many as possible.
2. Monitor the different social media providers that are available and determine whether or not the Federation would benefit from participating in different types of social media.
3. Create new social media accounts when determined they will help promote the clubs and councils within the Federation.
4. Monitor all Federation social media posts to be sure they follow the rules and guidelines, listed under Social Media Guidelines.
5. Create flyers for Federation events and post them in the OFN, on Federation Facebook page, and any other social media pages that have been established.
6. Maintain a list of lessons for all Federation Clubs and Councils and post them to the September OFN with an article. Update and post on Facebook several times a month in August and September. Lesson information is gathered from email, the OFN, and other Facebook posts. If there are any January or February lessons, update the lessons list and post it to the January OFN with an article and on the Federation Facebook page December and January.
7. Maintain a list of new dancer Jamborees for all Federation Clubs and Councils and post to Facebook and the OFN with an article. Retrieve information from email, the OFN, and other Facebook posts. Post to Federation Facebook page several times a year and in the OFN’s November issue.
8. Maintain a list of all 2-4 day festivals sponsored by Federation Clubs or Councils and post to the OFN in the spring prior to the first spring festival. Post on Facebook with the first page of each flyer several times a year. Contact and remind festival leadership if they have not posted a flyer to the OFN. Retrieve information from email, the OFN, and other Facebook posts.
9. Promote clubs and councils by sharing their flyers that are not posted to the Federation Facebook page. Help create flyers if needed.
10. Assist clubs and councils in promoting their dances.
11. Communicate with state festivals and offer to write articles or create flyers to promote their festival. Offer assistance in posting on other states’ social media pages. Create and maintain their social media pages if they do not have one.
12. Write regular articles for the OFN and social media promoting square dance festivals, lessons, and special events.
13. After each Educational Seminar, write an article for the OFN summarizing the seminar. In some cases, the presenter may wish to write the article.
14. Work with clubs and councils on promoting National Dance Day in September.
15. Work with the Webmaster and OFN Editor to promote the square, round, line, and clogging dance events.
16. Communicate with the Executive Board when information on how to better run our organization and pitfalls to look for is encountered.
17. When visiting clubs and councils, be willing to exchange ideas on information pertinent to the clubs. Offer to create flyers and articles if they require assistance promoting their group. Offer to post flyers on social media sites if they need assistance. Inquire from the clubs how the Federation can help them. Help improve dancer relations.
18. Coordinate with the state festival committees to establish a time for an Educational Seminar during the festivals. Create the seminar, invite speakers if appropriate, promote the seminar through articles, social media posts, and in the OFN. When there is a festival program book, send a flyer to the festival promoting the seminar.
19. Provide training for Delegates and Officers at the September State Meeting. See agenda and subjects to be covered on the following page.
20. Obtain the list of incoming officers and delegates with contact information from the Secretary or 2nd Vice President. Contact the new officers and delegates welcoming them to the Federation and giving them a timeline description for their first meeting. Send out the Educational Agenda and any appropriate materials in advance of the meeting.
Social Media Guidelines, Section VI, page 19
Social Media is a means of interaction among people in which they share information, personal messages, interact with others, and stay in touch through websites and applications.
Social Media is monitored and maintained by the Publicity and Education Chairperson.
The Publicity and Education Chairperson monitors Social Media sites that are available and determines whether the Federation should have an account on appropriate sites.
The Publicity and Education Chairperson creates a Federation Social Media account if it is determined that the Federation will benefit from the account.
All Federation Social Media accounts will be governed by the following guidelines:
1. Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance’s Basic Rule
This page is for the promotion of square, round, line, clogging, and contra dancing.
2. Promotion of Dancing – Oregon and beyond
You do not have to live in Oregon to join our page. Most of the dances posted will be for Oregon and the surrounding area, however posting information on dancing outside of Oregon is welcome.
3. Be kind and respectful.
No hateful, political, religious, mocking, or non-dance related posts are allowed. First post will be deleted. If you post another negative post, you may be removed from the group. This group page is for the PROMOTION of dancing.
4. No spam allowed.
Spam or fake ads will immediately be deleted, and the poster banned permanently. See Rules 1-2.
If a Social Media site is determined to be no longer relevant or is detrimental to the Federation, the Publicity and Education Chairperson shall delete the social media account after receiving approval from the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Club’s Executive Board.
End of section
Currently, there are no proposed text changes for AGENDA FOR TRAINING and SUBJECTS OF MEETING, Section VI-19 would be renumbered to Section VI-20.
Currently, there are no proposed text changes for TRAINING SESSION LETTER, Section VI-20 would be renumbered to Section VI-21
Final Recommendation:
4. While examining the Bylaws and their definitions, our committee’s final recommendation is that the OFN should not be in the Bylaws. The OFN is not used to govern the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance organization. It is a publication; it does not establish rules or govern the running of the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs and should not be in the Bylaws. The OFN should remain in our Practices and Procedures, Section X-Publications. No changes are recommended for Section X.
Brooke Davison, Mid-Willamette Delegate will make our motions:
1. I move that we replace the current Publicity and Education Chairperson section on pages VI-17 and 18 in our Practices and Procedures with the proposed section presented, which includes the addition of the Social Media section.
2. I move that we remove ARTICLE 9 OREGON FEDERATION NEWS from the Bylaws.
a. This is the first reading of the motion.