HOSTED BY: South Coast Council
April 28, 2024

General Meeting called to order at 9:00 am

Please turn off your cell phones.

CALL TO ORDER President Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Absent Tim Roberts, (Parliamentarian, Oregon Federation News, Webmaster, Background Checks); David Stutzman, Blue Mountains Council Delegate; Robert & Young Lumsden, Active Goodwill Ambassador; and Rikki Lobato, Active Goodwill Ambassador

Substitution Tualatin Valley Council substitute Terry Halley for Dale Brabham; Umpqua Council substitute Richard Stevenson for Doris Koozer

INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Tim Keck (Tami Helms)

FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Pat (Cheri) Cox

MINUTES Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Corrections to the minutes

◦ Lorri New Business, Item B, page 9 and 10:

Strike “Patrick Cox: the one thing the motion is not considering, there is nothing in the P&Ps that states anything about submitting the reports prior to the meeting. This started during COVID as a courtesy to the secretary for the zoom meetings. Motion Amendment: Tim Keck: “I amend this to refer this to committee and provide recommendation of reports prior to the next Federation meeting.” Brook Davison second the Amendment. The motion for a committee was approved.”

Replace with “Lorri informed all present that reports were needed during COVID when face-to-face was not an option. The secretary has asked for reports in the past but did not require reports. This month I delayed sending reports because I had less than 25% of the reports by the time the Agenda was submitted. President Karyn turned the Chair over to Pat Cox. Karyn Buchheit informed the group that the one thing the motion is not considering is that there is no requirement currently in the P&Ps for any reports to be sent in ahead of time. The reports being sent before the deadline is a courtesy to the secretary. This started during Zoom meetings; there is no requirement for anything in the P&Ps to be turned in ahead of time. Tim Roberts informed the group that Pat Cox remains president until the matter being discussed is voted on. A committee was asked to be formed. Motion Amendment: Tim Keck amended his motion to refer the matter to a committee. Brooke Davison second the amendment. Motion carried. Karyn Buchheit resumed the Chair.”

◦ Brooke Davison

1) Delegate Reports, page 13, line 9 Brooke was delegate for Mid-Willamette Council at the last meeting not Julia.

2) New Business, Item B under Motion Amendment, page 10, line 5 Add an “e” to the end of Brooke’s name.

◦ Zola Jones New Business, Item E, page 11, line 1: Correct “Trails in Dance” to “Trails End Dance”.

◦ Tim Keck New Business, note that we deviated from the agenda to address item A, Nomination Committee Nominees.

◦ Tim Keck New Business, Item D, Oregon Federation Banner. We had 2 motions: 1) Replace 2nd banner and 2) deferred to the April Meeting.

Motion Dave Cooper moved to accept the minutes as corrected, Zola Jones second the motion, motion carried.



PRESIDENT – Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

Thank you everyone for coming today.

As we are moving into our summer schedules, now is the time to have discussions in your clubs about how to reach new possibilities for students for fall lessons. While we are having these discussions – we need to involve those who have recently graduated and get their views on what can bring in new dancers and ways to keep them and involve them in our activity.

Please try to think outside of the normal box and don’t discard an idea just because it is new. Just because we haven’t tried something before doesn’t mean it won’t work. Be willing to reach out to other clubs/councils and ask what is working for them. Be willing to share with others what is working for you.


No report

2024 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Connie (Paul) Seamans

The Mid-Winter Festival was a success with 802 attending the festival. The air about the festival was one of fun and joy. We met my goal of getting back in the black with a profit for the first time since COVID. All the featured would like to be invited back to Mid-Winter, they could not believe how good they were treated.

We had one fall injury (fractured hip). I have stressed how important it is not to move the person till they are medically assessed. The Mid-Winter committee has put forth a plan to address this issue.

Now I would like to thank the State Federation for their support. Here is the check for the repayment of the loan of $6,000 and one for the profit of $1,997.19.

The books are being looked at for any corrections.

Dave Cooper: I fell and ended up on the floor while going down the stairs of one of the stages. I would like to request that you put up handrails. Connie: they had spoken to the fairgrounds; they promised handrails, unfortunately they were not there. Hopefully by next year. Handrails are in the contract, so they will continue to address this issue with the fairgrounds. Dave: I wasn’t hurt, but I was embarrassed.

2024 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Lisa Kious

We are up to 78 registrations. 12 callers and cuers. Maybe a few more that have come in in the last week. We currently have $2,250 but that is not enough to cover the projected $7,200 in expenses still to come. We go out every weekend and do visitations. If you have not bought your ribbons yet, please do so. I have a packet with me today and there are more flyers in your folders to pass out to your areas. We are about a quarter of the way there. Please help us make this an amazing event. If you haven't heard, we will be dancing at the Marion County Fair on Friday afternoon. So please, come out and join us. Now up to 78 registrations; 13 callers and cuers have registered. We are currently $5,000 short of making a profit.

Cece Glidewell: I passed out packets to each delegate with 4 flyers for the festival and a Trails End Dance flyer. I included one for each club in the council. Area Delegates, please go to your area meeting and share this information and get the word out that we are having a Trails End Dance.

2025 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Julia Buchheit

We will have our first official meeting in May. I have the contracts with the Expo Center and with all of my featured.

2025 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Lorri McIntosh

The committee has been busy coordinating events for Summer Festival 2024 for the opening of Summer Festival 2025. We have a fantastic national caller and have made several attempts for a national cuer with no success. Our committee has elected to honor the cuers of Oregon. They can teach and give us a great festival. It is not in the P&Ps that we have to have to hire a national cuer.


The OFN continues to operate smoothly.  We have 809 subscribers.  I'm still interested in finding someone that might eventually be interested in taking over the editorship.


I will be starting to work on the state directories soon. I will be contacting those who need to get information to me with instructions for what I need. Please make sure that your club and/or council information on the state website is correct as that is the information that will be put into the directory.

I will need the numbers of state directories wanted turned into me at the meeting in July. Please make sure that you check with the clubs in your councils to get the numbers from them so that you can turn in totals for your council.

SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh

No report

TREASURER -  Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

The Federation laptop went home from Mid-Winter with Blake Smith to be upgraded and to have the new download of QuickBooks installed. I got the laptop back on April 15, thanks to Lisa Kious bringing it back on her return from Pear Blossom Festival. Thank you to Blake and Lisa for your assistance.

I have paid BMI and ASCAP, the Oregon Corporation renewal, the donation to the Silver City Squares, and closed out the Key Bank CD’s and moved them to Oregon State Credit Union in Dallas. To date we have made close to $300 in interest from both accounts combined. Much better than the $1.00+ each month from them.

I will need the profit check from Mid-Winter to pay lodging and mileage in order to have enough to cover the expenses for this meeting. The $6,000 loan will be repaid but goes back out in July or September for 2026 Mid-Winter.

The Chairman’s Award and the Wood Award have been re-engraved to make them up to date and ready to be engraved for 2024 Summer Festival awards. This expenditure was approved some time ago for up to $500. I was able to get them up to date for $90. Wood and Chairman Awards will be delivered to Summer Festival, and then engraved with names.


State Membership Dues are due $20.00 per club and Area Council

Clubs should make their checks out to their council so that the council can send one check in payable to OFSRDC.

Mail the checks to State Membership Chairman by July 1, 2024


Susan Harrel
State Membership Chairman
29863 S. Molalla Ave.
Molalla, OR 97222

Zola asked if membership dues can be delivered at Summer Festival as they have in the past. Sue Harrel: They will be due July 1st or they are late.


A report showing the clubs, their membership, and the number of Primary members has been attached to the end of the Minutes.

PAST PRESIDENT – Tim Keck (Tami Helms)

Randall Award: I have two nominations for Randall Award.

Additional Nominations are due by the Summer Festival meeting. Please go back to your clubs and ask for Randall Award nominations.

Nominating Committee: First notice for committee appointments: the President will appoint two, the First Vice will appoint one, the 2nd Vice will appoint one. The Nominating Committee is to be announced at the Summer Festival meeting.

Elections: We had online voting again this year. I assisted with reminders to clubs who had not voted just prior to the deadline. I contacted 18 clubs, and I was not able to contact 4 clubs for various reasons. At the conclusion of the voting, the LaGrande Star Promenaders, Oak Hills Squares, Sagebrush Shufflers, Single Trees, and Whirl-A-Ways were the only clubs that had not voted.

Festival Advisory Committee: There has been no activity.

Grant Fund Committee: To date there have been no requests for Grants.

Motion Book: Now that I have brought the motion book to current status, I believe that the Secretary should continue with updates to the motion book as defined in the P&P’s. If there is a belief that this motion book has no value, then make a motion to remove the requirement from the P&P’s.

I will be making a motion to amend the social media guidelines to include administrative responsibilities in addition to the user rules of conduct previously established. This will occur during new business.


PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

I apologize for missing today's meeting. This also happens to be the weekend of the OSAA State Solo Music championships, and I am accompanying 3 students.

No other report.


I updated this year’s 2-4 Day Festival Dance spreadsheet. I contacted event organizers for their flyers if their flyers were not in the OFN. The updated OFSRDC Festival spreadsheet was listed in the April OFN with an article as well as posted to Facebook. Our next OFSRDC Club Festival is the Country Cut Up’s Spring Fling starting May 10. I’ll remind dancers through Facebook about a week before the event.

It doesn’t seem possible, but it is that time of year again. Delegates, please go back to your clubs and ask for information on their lessons and jamborees so I can start helping to publicize them. Once I have the information, I’ll update my spreadsheets and post them in the OFN and on Facebook. I will also email the list of lessons to you as well as print copies for the State Fair dancing. Please ask your clubs to send me the following information by July 1st:

• Lessons: where the lessons will be (venue name and address), the start date, type of lessons, teacher, start/end time, and contact information.

• Jamborees: Where the jamboree will be (venue address), date, time, type (square, square with rounds, rounds), the level of each jamboree, who will be calling/cueing the jamboree, and contact information.

I’ve updated Summer Festival 2024’s Visitation Schedule. For the most current schedule, please check either the Federation’s Facebook page or Summer Festival’s Facebook page. I continue to update and monitor Summer Festival’s Facebook page in addition to the Federation’s Facebook page. Summer Festival 2025 has asked me to create and monitor their Facebook page, too. It will go active as soon as Summer Festival 2024 has concluded.

National Dance Day will be September 21 this year. Last year, several clubs and councils hosted special dances in celebration of this day of dance. Please let me know how you are going to celebrate this year. I’ve posted a flyer for National Dance Day on Facebook and will be sending it with an article to the OFN encouraging clubs to participate.

Our Federation Facebook page continues to grow. We have over 1,100 members. Thanks to the tools Facebook has made available to Administrators I have been able to stop about 97% of the spam posts before anyone sees them.

HISTORIAN -  Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

Now that I have recovered from day surgery in February, I started back to work on shredding club information forms from as far back as the mid 90’s. I still have more to shred and more of a container to see what else is in there.


LICENSING – Brooke Davison

All fees are paid and up to date. I will be filing the SESAC License Fee Report in the coming days. SESAC fees will be due before the next meeting.  As usual, I will coordinate with Marilyn.

I will be sending the Summer Festival Chair people the Licensing Fee Memo in June.

I am attempting to get an Excel version of the SESAC music library.  I have a VERY large PDF file and the SESAC website allows searching, but neither allows for a large-scale dynamic search.

New Mountain Capital has completed its acquisition of BMI. BMI President and CEO will remain in place. New Mountain Capital is a growth-oriented investmen  group with over $45 billion in assets.

YOUTH ADVISOR - Julia Buchheit

I have not received any applications for our Youth Education Scholarships yet, but there are a couple of days left before the deadline of May 1.

I received a thank you note from the Silver City Squares youth which I will pass around.

ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)

We had a Zoom meeting on April 13, 2024, with 13 members in attendance.

We discussed Mid-Winter Festival and the need for railings on stages and separate stands for the cuers equipment.

Julie Stiers reported on Summer Festival with 12 cuers participating they will have 3 to 4 cueing spots.

ORDTA donated $350.00 to Silver City Youth to help defray expenses for the teen competition.


I want to thank all the councils for their quick responses and replies to the selection of the Round of the Month.

JUNE OROM Central Oregon Council
“Life Is A Slow Dance With You” Michael peterson
Erin & Scot Byars
Waltz Phase II

July OROM Emerald Empire Council
“Mexican Wind” Jann Browne
Tami Helms & Tim Keck
Waltz phase II

August OROM Interstate Highlanders
“Juke Box Jump” Si Cranstounn
Bev Oren
Two Step Phase II

CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)

No report

WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

We have had some online exchanges among the committee, but I have allowed the update process to stall.  I need to get that back on track.

GRANT FUND COMMITTEE - Tim Keck (Tami Helms)

See under Past President report.

STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

I sent the request to my contact person in early April, and he replied that we would hear in a few months. Usually around the first part of July. I requested August 27 for mainstream, August 29 for rounds, and August 31 for the youth day. I would suggest that you start talking up participation and I will get confirmation as soon as I hear back.

BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

Background checks are up to date.


  1. Results of election:
    1. By-laws change for electronic voting was approved unanimously.
    2. Election results:
      1. 1st Vice President: Joyce Welton
      2. Secretary: Lorri McIntosh
      3. Membership: Sue Harrel
  2. Website Update, Status Report, Tim Keck and Tim Roberts:

    See webmaster report.

  3. Committee report on including officer’s and delegates reports in the Agenda, Lorri McIntosh:

    The committee has been discussing this via email and met in person yesterday to discuss reports with the agenda be sent out to the Federation board members. The committee decided to add this following statement to the Secretary responsibilities in the P&Ps:

    “The secretary has discretion to request reports from the Oregon board and delegates, no more than 3-4 weeks prior to each meeting. Secretary may compile state meeting reports and distribute to Federation Board and Delegates”.

    Tim Keck: the original motion talked about including it in the Agenda, the report did not address that. Lorri: we did address it. We elected not to include reports with the Agenda. All members present voted to add the above statement to the P&Ps, Secretary Responsibilities per the Committee’s recommendation.

    Lorri McIntosh requested to keep the committee seated, with the addition of Kathy Roberts, to move forward on electronic voting procedures, which falls under the Secretary’s responsibilities.

  4. Oregon Federation Banner, Tim Keck:

    I made a motion to consider an Oregon banner which was delayed for this meeting for recommendations from the voting officers. I sent an email to the voting members of the Federation and only received 3 responses. Brooke Davison received the email and did not receive clear directions as to follow-up. Lorri McIntosh did not remember receiving an email addressing the Oregon Federation Banner decisions. This was sent using the Federation email list and not just to the people who can vote. Tim Keck will place the three banners out for members to look at. Karyn: Look at them during recess. This will be the first item under New Business.

  5. Committee report on leadership seminar, Kathy Roberts:

    During the January OFSRDC Meeting, I asked for a committee to be formed to determine whether there was an interest in resuming Oregon’s one-day Education event and if there was an interest, to start planning it. The proposed event suggested that we have 4 seminars and food during the day and a dance in the evening. A committee was formed with Julia Buchheit, Brooke Davison, Joyce Welton, Tim Roberts, Lorri McIntosh, Blake Smith, Karyn Buchheit, and Kathy Roberts as Chair.

    We held our first Zoom meeting on April 7. Brooke Davison, Joyce Welton, Karyn Buchheit, Tim Roberts and Kathy Roberts participated. During the course of the discussion, it was proposed that at least initially, we change the format from a single Education Day to an outreach to our councils and clubs who may have questions. Instead of hosting a one-day event where the attendees would drive to us; we will go to the councils and clubs throughout the state. We are working on a letter to the councils which will offer them the opportunity to invite a small group of officers and delegates to a special event in their area where we can answer questions and exchange information directly with dancers. The letter will also include a list of topics that they can choose from so that when I receive their invitation, I can invite the Federation officer or delegate that would have the most information about their questions to accompany Tim and I when we visit their council. We are hoping that by showing the councils and clubs that the Federation is interested in them and their questions and concerns, we can open the lines of communication between the Federation and the clubs.

    In addition to our committee members, I talked to a number of the officers and delegates this weekend asking them if they would be willing to participate if they were available. I was met with a favorable response.

    After visiting all the councils and some of the clubs, we will reassess whether we should resume planning a one-day event or continue driving to the councils or clubs. We hope to start our Federation Outreach Program before the next meeting where we will give an update on the program.

  6. Dave Cooper: This weekend we had a wonderful awesome time with 4 new callers on Friday night and Saturday morning, 2 callers came to help them. From Friday night to Saturday morning all they did was call patter. We had 2 squares for them to call to. There was a significant improvement in the calling abilities of each new caller. When it was all over, they all called patter at the same which was something. Terry Halley was with Melissa James, Phil Ramey had 2 callers he was helping learn, and I had Steven Taylor from Port Orford. We need callers; we need to encourage them. Betty Chipps: it was moving to see them increase in comfort as they called, cueing each other with calls. It is a lot of work, but very rewarding. I recommend this to each council. Thanks to Dave for doing this.



  1. Vote on the Oregon Federation Banner:

    5 members voted for choice number 1; there were no votes for choice number 2;9 members voted for choice number 3; and Tim Keck abstained due to possible conflict of interest.

    Discussion: Betty Chipps wanted to know if the icons could be added to the bottom on the banner, a more modern icon with square and round symbols, Terry Halley: On that banner we have square dancers in the middle, it’s my personal opinion that they are dated. To attract more people today, we need to change that. We are stereotyped. This is a modern activity, and we need to update the clothing you wear. Pat Cox addressing the dress of the dancers, we have had ladies’ comment on the clothing, not wanting to wear those clothes. He tells them fine. Then later, many go to the clothing closet for a set of square dance clothes and dance. It’s a perception. We need to attract more kids. Changing the clothes will help. Bikinis would suit me fine for the banner. Joyce Welton: we are not using it to promote square dancing. In Central Oregon, they used their banner for promoting square dancing so she is removing the fluffies from their banner. Will we be using this banner for the state meeting only, or this is for demonstrations? Lorri McIntosh and Zola Jones mentioned that this banner can be used at other activities such as Grand Marches at National Conventions. Tim Keck will have new drafts with requested changes at the next meeting, Which I, Tim Keck, will not be present at. To be continued at the next meeting

  2. Motion to add guidelines to add for social media administrator, Tim Keck:

    We made decisions and guidelines for the social media position at the last meeting. I would like to make a motion for an administrator with duties for social media. Motion: Tim Keck moved Section 6, Publicity and Education Chairperson be updated to include Guidelines for the administrator of the social media sites. Pat Cox second the motion.

    Tim Keck: Currently the Publicity and Education Chairperson has the responsibility to administer the Oregon Federation social media sites. There have been rules established to moderate the conduct users of that site, however there are no guidelines established for the administration of the site(s). I propose at a minimum the following guidelines to assist the chair with the correct administration of any federation social media sites.


    Responsibilities of the Social Media Page Administrator:

    Roles: There are three distinct roles that will need to be filled. These roles may be assigned to one or several people as deemed necessary. Each of these roles will have a degree of access rights.

    Administrator: social media platform access with full control.

    Editor: The editor will have partial control to add or change page data as necessary.

    Moderator: The moderator will have partial control. The moderator will monitor the page to manage Message Replies, Community Activity, and to ensure compliance with established rules of conduct.

    Here is a list of controls that may be assigned to the above roles as deemed necessary.

    • Content: Create, manage, or delete any content on your Page like posts, or Stories.

    • Messages: Respond to direct messages as the Page in Inbox.

    • Comments: Respond to comments on the Page and edit or delete existing comments made by the Page.

    • Linked Accounts: Add, manage, or remove linked accounts.

    • Insights: Use Page, post and add insights to analyze the performance of the Page.

    • Events: Create, edit, and delete events by the Page.

    • Removal and Bans: Remove or ban people from the Page.

    • Settings: Manage and edit all settings, such as Page information and deleting the Page.

    • Access: Give or remove people’s social media or task access to the Page or linked Instagram account, including people with site access with full control.

    Keep in mind that giving full control to anyone other than the administrator will give them the same rights as the administrator. This means that they can give other people access to manage the Page, remove anyone from the Page (including you), or delete the Page.


    The Current Facebook page “Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs” was created November 15, 2015 (I referenced the Facebook account)

    I checked the Minutes the years 2014 & 2015, searching for discussion about the creation of a Face Book page. There was none. I requested additional information from other sources that would point to any record of Board or Executive approval and received none.

    From my research, I can only conclude that the social media page was established without any direction or approval from the Board or Executive Board.

    Research: Multiple websites relating to social media were accessed to ascertain rules and guidelines for the administrator’s duties of a social media website. I accessed Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, and YouTube sites as my primary source of information. There are many other sites listed as social media sites, however their relevance to our use is very small. I also referenced several University sites to see how they manage their media pages.

    Kathy Roberts: One of the biggest concerns I have had over these last 7 months that the Past President has been attempting to rewrite the Publicity/Education and Social Media portion of the Federation’s P&Ps, he has never contacted me to find out what I actually do in this position. Tim Keck: address this discussion as a point of order and not to be addressed to me personally. You can speak to the office of Past President and not me personally. Dave Cooper: why are we addressing this again? Tim Keck: as it stands now that position takes care of the social media position, in the future we have no guidelines that address the social media position, we need guidelines to address this for the future persons that might take on this responsibility.

    Kathy Roberts: Before the last meeting, based on information provided on what I actually do as the Publicity and Education Chairperson and the Social Media Administrator, our Social Media Committee decided how the Publicity & Education rewrite should look and established the Social Media section in the P&Ps. The list of responsibilities was then rewritten by the Parliamentarian in the correct P&Ps format. They are correct as written. Our P&P’s have always reflected what is actually being done by the person in the position not on someone else’s opinion. The following section shows how everything mentioned in the document that was emailed is already in the correct location in our OFSRDC P&Ps.

    • There are no hard fast rules every Social Administrator must follow - one size does not fit all.

    • Social media is a minor tool that is monitored/administered by the Publicity and Education Chairperson. Social media does not control, administer, monitor the Publicity and Education Chairperson.

    • Typically, my Social Media duties take less than 3 minutes a day to administer, monitor, respond to or answer questions. We do not need up to 3 people to do a job that requires less than 3 minutes a day.

    ▪ I use various administrative tools that have streamlined all administrative interactions. These tools are available to the administrators on social media sites. They do not need to be listed in our P&Ps since each social media site maintains their own tools and changes them at their discretion.

    • Our social media Page is monitored and maintained or administered by the Publicity and Education Chairperson, Section VI page 18, line 4 in the P&Ps.

    • Since our social media Page is a forum for others to promote their activities, the content is created by the dancers, clubs, councils, festivals and non-Federated dance sources. Not by a Social Media Editor or Creator.

    • Messages and comments are responded to by the appropriate dancers, clubs, or councils. However, if I notice a question that no one is answering, I tag the correct person on the post for their response.

    • The Publicity & Education Chairperson is responsible for monitoring of the posts and comments to be sure they are following the rules/guidelines - Section VI page 18, line 4.

    • We have Messenger (In-box). However, I have rarely been contacted. The 2 times Facebook notified me there was a message, I immediately responded.

    • The Publicity and Education Chairperson creates and posts flyers and information for the state (for example festivals, lessons & jamborees). Since this information may also be posted to the OFN and emailed, this falls under the Publicity and Education Chairperson’s responsibility – Section VI page 17, lines 5-8.

    • The Publicity and Education Chairperson offers assistance to any dancer, club, council, or festival who needs help advertising or creating flyers for posting wherever they deem, whether it be in the OFN or social media. Section VI page 17, lines 9-11

    • If an article is to be written by the Publicity & Education Chairperson, it is written for the OFN or email and if determined it is appropriate, it will be posted to social media however, this is not a social media function – Section VI page 17, line12, and 15. It falls under Publicity and Education.

    • The Publicity and Education Chairperson monitors different social media providers that are available and determines whether the Federation would benefit from participating – Section VI page 17, lines 4-7 AND VI page 19, lines 9-13. This one is duplicated in both sections.

    • The only area that is exclusive to the Social Media Administrator are the guidelines and rules that the Administrator uses. They are in their proper place under Social Media- Section VI page 19, lines 15-25.

    As has been stated many times, no one needs permission or a motion to do their job. I did not spend any unbudgeted funds, therefore I did not need a motion. I did nothing secretly or incorrectly when I created our Social Media presence. I did my job as Publicity and Education Chairperson. In 2015, the OFN subscription rate was down and less than half the clubs were using the OFN. I felt clubs might benefit from another more interactive way to promote their dances and events to more dancers. While talking with the Parliamentarian/Webmaster/OFN Editor, I suggested we set up a Facebook group Page to help the clubs advertise their special events. He agreed and I created our Facebook presence, even though at that time, most of the people on the Board rarely if ever used Facebook or other social media. I advised the Board during our January 2016 meeting that I had created our Facebook page and immediately arranged training for people who wanted to learn how to use Facebook and how to create their own page or group. The 4 training sessions I have either taught or hosted have included training on how to establish and use Facebook and other Social Media sites.

    The Publicity and Education Chairperson and Social Media P&Ps are correct as written.

    Tami Helms: is this an appointed position or voted office? How difficult is it to do the job without training. Karyn Buchheit this is an appointed position. Kathy Roberts: Any future person would follow the guidelines in the P&Ps like any other position on the Board. The person leaving any position should help the person coming into the position by providing some training. The new person should also attend the Education Seminar in September for information. Pat Cox: is there anybody else that has the password and control to take over? Kathy Roberts: Yes, there are currently 3 administrators: myself, Tim Roberts, and Amanda Roberts. Pat Cox – seems that is a family dynamics problem. Kathy: Brooke Davison will you be willing to be added as another Administrator? Brooke: Yes. As to Tami questions, someone who assumes this position would have the knowledge of how to be a social media administrator under Education and Publicity. Motion failed.

  3. Letter of endorsement for National Convention 2027 in Colorado.

    Karyn received a letter from Colorado asking for a letter of support for their bid for the 2027 National Convention. Lorri: Support is requested and needed before any state is able to move forward to bid for a National Convention. If you ever have an opportunity to go to a National Convention, they need to have support before they bid. If they don’t get enough of the supportive documentation, they are not able to apply for a Convention. One Convention was voted down because they didn’t have the required support. Zola: as Lorri mentioned, it would be a good idea to send them a letter because Colorado is not that far away. People here would be able to go. Brooke: what year is this? Karyn: 2027 in Loveland, CO. Marilyn: in the Zoom meeting yesterday, right now there is no one bidding for 2027.

    Motion: Marilyn moved to have Karyn Buchheit write a letter of support for the 2027 National Convention in Loveland, CO. Zola second the motion. Motion carried.

  4. USAWest Policy Board

    USAWest President would like to have 4 volunteers representing Oregon on their Policy Board. Dave Cooper: what are the expectations for being on the Board? Karyn: asked for more information from the committee. There are 2 meetings a year, one during the USAWest Convention, and the other on Zoom. Each state is allowed 2 couples, or 4 people to represent the state. Marilyn: USAWest is only held when there is not a National Convention west of the Mississippi. Next year it will be Spokane. Karyn: at this point, I am asking delegates to go back to their councils to see if anyone is interested in going.

  5. Badge Board Update

    Sue Harrel had asked for a motion to abolish the board and it was voted down, Motion: I am now asking for $203 to update the badge board, Brooke Davison second the motion. Sue gave dimensions for the display board with a 2-inch depth. Discussion: Lisa Kious: why are you preferring 2 inches rather than 1 inch for badges. Sue: 2” gives more room so things don’t have to be smashed in there. Brooke Davison: What is the badge board, why is it displayed, and why do we have a badge board? Marilyn Schmit: a long time ago Ron and I put it together on 2 boards to represent councils and clubs. We used to take it to the National Convention for display until the cost became prohibited. Now it is on display at festivals to show where clubs are located within the state. Betty Chipps: looking at the board, if we went to a shadow box, how would it be arranged? Sue: by council and then clubs. That is the only way I could do that unless I had the shape of Oregon. The other option is if you don’t care about having the board at every festival, abolish the board. Pat Cox: for the amount of money it will cost, it will be around for years. Kathy Roberts: the use of command strips was smart for attaching badges to the board. Betty Chipps: does the 40x30 gives you room for expansion? Sue Harrel: yes, it would allow for growth. Pat Cox: if it ever needs to be expanded, we can always get another unit for display. Sue: at the present time I believe the size is appropriate. Zola Jones: if you remove the badges after a club disbands, the name and badge can be adopted for another club down the line. Motion carried unanimously to allow $203 for Sue Harrel to improve the display of badges in a shadow box.


BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman

The Muddy Frogs are having square dance lessons on Sundays; two squares of new dancers and angels. They have had to cancel some lessons because the caller has to make trips out of the country.

I am not in attendance this morning due to participation in the dance in remembrance of Debbie Taylor who passed away last month.

Tami: please remember that their council is Blue Mountains, with an “s”.


Very happy to report that three clubs plus Council have each donated money to Silver City Squares for teen competition. They each sponsored one dancer. All clubs are starting to support each other and work together.

The High Desert Dancers have experienced an increase in attendance since the area clubs completed lessons this winter. Also pleased to report that many of the new dancers are very enthusiastically visiting other clubs and not just dancing with “home” club. We’ve been encouraging this, as well as their attendance at Rockin’ Outlaws’ MS workshop every Sunday. Plus lessons with Jim Steele started on April 3rd with 3 squares. They are also working on improving the club sign on the street. The current one is very hard to see.

Red Rocks Squares completed their lessons with 17 students. Because of poor weather this year, several of their lessons were cancelled and rescheduled but this results in students having to re-learn earlier moves. So next year, lessons will begin in March instead of January. The Club is planning a secret visitation to a club outside our area. This hasn’t happened for a very long time (years). Very happy to see this fun activity taking place again.

Sagebrush Shufflers hosted a very successful Birthday Dance; however, they held the dance at Redmond Grange instead of their normal Prineville location. It makes it easier for people to attend. They’re planning on using the Council trailer in the Prineville 4th of July Parade.

Sundown Ridgeriders Round Dance Club was dark from January through March. They held their first dance on April 4th and Mark McDonald was very pleased with the turnout. He’s planning on having two-step lessons, however, due to health issues, the exact date is yet to be set.

We’re continuing with preparations for summer event promotional booths sponsored by the Council featuring the area club. Business cards are being printed, flyers done, and booth banner in the works. All the area club needs to do is have a couple of members present and assist in speaking with the public. The council provides everything else!

Central Oregon Round-up is progressing nicely. We sold several ribbons at this event. Registrations are coming in. The Sisters Inn and Suites will be the hosting hotel. Call early for reservations. Sisters in August is a very popular place. RV parking with nominal fee at the school. Ray Brendzy calling and MariAnne Calahan cueing.


Mid-Winter Festival was very successful, and in the 'Black'!  Thanks to Chairman, Connie Seamans, and the committee who worked very hard.  It has been years of dedication and time to get the gradual increase in attendance to finally accomplish a profit.

Area clubs have had, or are having, the election of club officers; and at our May Council Meeting I will remind them to go online and update their State Membership information.  I will have a council check for Clubs and Council membership dues at the July State Meeting.

Whirl-A-Ways is losing their club caller; Mike Kious, who recently received a position with the Multnomah County Sheriff's Department.  Whirl-A-Ways is his first club as a Contracted Caller and was for 11 years.  His last club dance is Saturday, April 13, and the club wishes only the best for him, his wife Camille, and 8-month-old boy Aiden.  Whirl-A-Ways new caller will be Roger Putzler beginning the 2nd Saturday in May 2024 at their once a month dances.

Emerald Empire Area Council held the election of new Council Officers, for a 2-year term, at our March meeting, and installation will be in September.  I will be updating the council information online for State Membership and the Directory.

Our next Council Meeting will be Monday, May 20, and I will again remind clubs if they have new members, especially after 'New Dancers' graduate; they must send in information and payment to State Federation Liability Insurance Chairman.

We wish everyone to stay safe and well, and I will see you all again at the Summer Festival in July.

When we used to have summer festival back in the day, every member at this meeting would be wearing a ribbon. Remember this festival supports the Federation and the Federation supports the festival. Half of the profit goes to the Federation and half to the co-host. Lisa: this year all the profits are coming back to the Federation. Let’s make it a great festival.


Reminder: The club and council got rid of their shared PO Box (1968) since it was getting too expensive to maintain. Sarge and Cece Glidewell are sharing their PO Box (1928) with the club and council.

The club and council are still struggling with workshop and party night attendance. The club has six new members who graduated from the last SSD class. Even with the new members it is not enough to keep the club going financially. The Plan is to see how many they get from the next set of SSD lessons. The club is holding off planning an October Potato Festival until they see how many new members they get from the next set of SSD lessons. It may be a farewell dance as they transition to a non-federated club. If the festival is planned it will be the 3rd weekend of October as always.


The area has taken on the task of reviewing and updating our practices and procedures.  Tedious, yet necessary task to bring our P&P’s up to date with current practices.  Braids and Braves hosted a memorial dance for Leonard Snodgrass in March, it was very well attended, 125 people came to dance and remember Leonard.  Independence Wagon Wheelers hired KC Curtis as their new club caller after Daryl Clendenin resigned to care for his son.  Braids & Braves and Silver City Squares are currently looking for new club callers.  Capitol Callers and Cuer's Association held a Spring Fling in March with eight squares in attendance.  Overall, MWA clubs are busy planning their summer activities and looking ahead to lessons in the fall.  Silver City Squares is sending 55 youth to the Pacific Northwest Teen Square Dance Festival next weekend.  The youth have been practicing two to three times per week since Mid-Winter.  As was decided last meeting, MWA and Interstate Highlanders will co-host the Trails End Dance ahead of Summer Festival.  Flyers were put in your folders.

Silver City Squares has made an offer to some callers to be our club caller. Some clubs and councils sponsored a youth to go to PNTSDF. Next weekend, think of the kids as they compete.

PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)

I think we should give a big thanks to Dave and especially Patty for this weekend. Patty pretty much did it all. She had a help and let us help once in a while.

Future PAC Meetings are: Monday, MAY 20th & JUNE 17th. PAC is DARK in JULY.

Portland Area Council officers for the coming year are:
President — Jeff Knapp
Vice President — Tami Helms
Secretary — Eileen Pettycrew
Treasurer — Vicki Pounds
PAC Area Delegate — Betty Chipps

The Bottle Drop fundraiser has been profitable. Part of our success comes from the fact that Washington does not have a Bottle Drop, thus Oregon benefits. This month funds of $300 were received and disbursed to three Clubs at the 4/15/24 meeting.

Withdrawals this month are $500 to Silver City Squares (youth donation) - thank you card was received from the youth.


- Buzzin’ Bees April 27 celebrates 66-Yr Anniv. AND their LAST— disbanding due to low attendance. Messiah Lutheran Church, Vancouver, 6 - 8 PM, come to the back of the hall.

- Happy Hoppers — June 15 (note: changed from May 4)

- River City Dancers — June 22


- May 31, 2024 at Abernethy Grange, co-hosted by Bachelor and Bachelorettes.

SEE Flyer in MAY-OFN

- August 30, 2024 - FREE Community Dance at Oak Grove Community Center.

The idea is to encourage brand new dancers to enjoy a free introduction to square dancing & support the many clubs that start lessons in the fall. Scott Zinser donates his time/talents!

- November 29, 2024 (day after Thanksgiving) New Dancer JAMBOREE at Milwaukie CC

This dance supports all clubs who started lessons in the fall. Caller/Cuer: Kalmbach / Helms.

PAC hosted Tri-Council dance — May 31, 2025

Other Topics

PAC Flyer - Gerry Blakney, Rosetown Ramblers Delegate, produces a PAC Flyer, monthly, listing dance/events for all PAC clubs. The PAC Flyer posts in the OFN and can be found at HYPERLINK ""dancepacHYPERLINK "".HYPERLINK ""org

Celebration of Life Dance for Ian Craig: Sunday, May 19, at Bethany Charter School in Silverton, 2-4 pm. Hosted by Silver City Squares & Chaps and Petticoats.

Trailer Wrangler: (Betty Chipps)

The Happy Hoppers have decided not to take possession of the trailer due to the considerable expense of getting new tires, Washington state tags, etc.

Wash.DMV regulation - donations allowed by family ONLY.

We are no longer using the dual tongue trailer and it needs to find a new home. The sides fold up to 12’ wide by 20’. It has a tongue front and back and is all steel. They will donate it if you want it. It has mobile home tires, 1 original. Sides fold in to 8’ wide. They let the registration lapse so you will need a trip ticket to bring it home. The insurance follows the vehicle towing it.

State Delegate: (Betty Chipps)

- Federation officer ballots are due April 28. Ballots were sent to each club’s secretary.

- Betty distributed instructions from Susan Harrel, state membership chair, for updating club information for the state directory and for the Where and When section of the OFN.

- Club membership fees are due to Betty by June 17, 2024: $20 for PAC and $20 for OFSRDC. Checks should be made out to Portland Area Council in the amount of $40 (to cover both dues).

Note: $40 Dues checks have been received from:

Cut-Ups CK#7460 #1305 HTC, #10652 RTR and BnB’s Ck#8236

- The badge board, displayed at Mid-Winter, needs an updated magnet badge from River City Dancers (with club name only).

- Next OFSRDC meeting takes place Sunday, April 28, 2024, 9:00 am, at Beachcombers Hall, Port Orford. For complete OFSRDC minutes, go to:

Club Reports

Bachelor & Bachelorettes — Absent

Buzzin’ Bees — Absent

Chaps & Petticoats — Hippie dance went well; 5 graduating students have joined the club. Hillbilly Dance is May 3 at Maplewood Grange, Caller/Cuer: Terry Halley and Tom Klug.

Country Cut-ups — Now seeing a profit with bingo (2nd and 4th Friday); attendance numbers were 76 last week and 133 the week before; dark May 10.

Spring Sling (May 10-12); Barn sale May 31 and June 1.

Happy Hoppers — 30 Hoppers did a visitation to R Square D; club dances 1st and 3rd. Saturday, 7-9:30 pm; square dance clothing sale, April 22 at the Washington Grange; 6-8:30.

Heads to the Center — No report

River City Dancers — April 27 dance is canceled so the club can do a visitation to the Buzzin’ Bees last dance; the t-shirt dance, will be moved to July.

Waltz round dance lessons started Feb. 18; Tami is teaching 18 students.

Rosetown Ramblers — Terri Sherrer called the April 13 dance, 5 squares, with a good Ramblers turnout; re-elected officers and did a badge update. Plus lessons continue Sundays 4-6 pm at UCC, 76th and Glisan; graduation dance May 11, 19 students graduating, Rob Page / Rick Hawes calling; pride dance June 8 with Stephen Cole; traditional square dance with musicians every Monday night at the Showdown Bar; 8 pm, $10 cover.

ROGUE SIS-Q – Blake Smith

Charlie Brown Squares

Classes are going well and there will be 22 students graduating on Tuesday, April 23rd. We are excited to welcome them to our wonderful activity and our fun club. New officers will be elected on April 24th. We are grateful to those members who are willing to step up and be part of the board. On April 28th, we will have a “Sunday Stomp” with Chuck & Dean from 2-430pm. On May 4th we have our “May The 4th Be With You” with Roger Putzler and Sarge Glidewell. Then on May 18th, we will “Honor the Courageous” with Chuck and Mark McDonald. June dances include a Cancer Benefit dance “Say Aloha (Goodbye) to Cancer” with Dean Black and Elaine Funk on 6/1 and on 6/15 we have our “No Fudgin’, Summers Coming” with Chuck Simpkins and Mark McDonald. We are dark during the 4th of July weekend and our final dance until September will be on July 20th with Michael Halley & Rikki Lobato.

We are so excited about Boatnik during Memorial Weekend. This year we have a wonderful caller and cuer, David and Dawn Mee, from Anaheim, CA. Going to be a wonderful time. After the festival, on Monday, we take a relaxing trip down the Rogue River on the Hellgate Boats.

We look forward to having visitors and seeing everyone on the dance floor.

As always - information is available at

Circle N Squares

Circle n’ Squares are doing good. Going to be graduating 8 new people 1st of June. New students are going to other SSD dances in the valley. No new classes till September. May 17th Circles n’ squares, SSD, Mainstream, plus. Starts from 7:30 to 9:30. There has been a huge group of SSD dancers participating in SSD Dance over in Yreka.

Rockin’ Outlaws

Bring your RV's and camp right on the property at the dance hall (All dry camping – no hookups) $5 per night donation. Mail your Registrations to: Jan Steele /Rockin’ Outlaws Club PO Box 1661 * Prineville, OR 97754 or Call Jan 541-279-3678

Star Promenaders

The Star Promenaders had a wonderful turnout of 73 people at their Birthday Dance in February called by Tim Pepper and cued by Bev Oren-Pepper! Tim and Bev said they had a wonderful time and were looking forward to returning for the Pear Blossom Festival where Tim would call and Bev could round dance to MaryAnn Callahan.

Just before the Birthday Dance, it was confirmed that the Star Promenaders had the highest membership of any square dance club in the Oregon Federation! What an honor and what an achievement!

On Monday, April 29, the Stars will hold their graduation ceremony for 14 new SSD dancers! These dancers will then have the opportunity to workshop their new skills and move on to Mainstream if they choose.

The current Plus Class Is close to completion and will turn into a Plus Workshop by the end of May. Wayne Weaver’s Advance Class is moving along nicely as is Elaine Funk’s Round Dance Class.

The Stars hold an SSD level dance on the 1st Friday of each month. Janet Geiger will be calling that dance on May 3.

Our 2nd Saturday dances include Rounds with alternating Mainstream and Plus. The upcoming dance on May 11 is themed “Dancing In The Stars” to honor those dancers who are no longer dancing here on earth. We will have a remembrance table set up to display pictures and mementos of these wonderful people that we miss so much. The Stars will be “dark” the 2nd Saturday in June in support of the Buckeroo Roundup in Roseburg that weekend.

4th Saturday dances begin with an hour of Advance followed by alternating Mainstream and Plus with no Rounds. The Stars will be “dark” the 4th Saturday of May in support of the Charlie Brown Squares’ Boatnik Festival in Grants Pass.

Speaking of the Charlie Brown Squares! Banner stealing is hot and heavy between our two clubs! The Stars are ahead at the moment but that may not last! And rumor has it that the Circle N Squares of Yreka are planning to get in on the action! Bring it on!

Preparation is well underway for the Stars 51st Diamond Lake Festival, July 24 – 27, 2024. Michael Kellogg and Phil-Billy Ramey will be calling with Rikki Lobato cueing! What a combo! Last year saw 8 full squares dancing in the lake! Gives “dive thru” a whole new meaning!

It's certain that square dancing is alive and well with the Star Promenaders of Medford! All are welcome, including you!

SOUTH COAST COUNCIL – Dave (Patty) Cooper

Sets-In-Order (Coquille) continues to dance on the 2nd Saturday of each month with Bob Houston calling and Denise Harris cueing. Saints ‘N Aints of Coos Bay held their Birthday Dance April 20th with three squares dancing most of the evening. Sherm Welch called, and Cherie Cox cued. Beachcombers are continuing to hold workshops to give the newest dancers a chance to solidify their skills. 3 squares are participating on a regular basis, and they are having a lot of fun in the process. 11 Beachcombers traveled to Coos Bay for the Birthday Dance last weekend. They were nervous to dance to a different caller, but all felt it was positive and they are more prepared for this weekend’s dance. This weekend’s event is a testament to the enthusiasm and willing to do the work of our new look Beachcombers. Thanks to all of them. We are looking forward to July 4th and Battle Rock Festival. Summer is upon us.

Dave: I want to thank all of you for coming ALLLL the way down here. The road drives both ways. We are starting some spring square dance lessons on Tuesday nights starting May 7th and have them ready by July 4th.

TUALATIN VALLEY COUNCIL – Terry Halley (Betty Chipps) for Dale Brabham

TVC clubs are reporting club success with dances and lessons at our monthly Zoom meetings in March and April, as well as an in-person meeting in February.

OFFICERS ELECTED. A full slate of TVC officers was elected in March. Our incoming president is Sally Duyck. Our area delegate starting in September is Laura Irvan. It is gratifying to have volunteers step up to serve. I will continue in September as the alternate area delegate.

LESSONS. TVC clubs are graduating mainstream dancers and gaining new members. Sunset Promenaders and Tri-Squares each report graduating more than10 mainstream students and gaining them as members. We see the enthusiasm of the new dancers and their eagerness to develop. We are grateful for the lift they give to our clubs’ and council’s dances.

DANCES. Our fifth Saturday dance on March 30 at the Aloha Grange was the best attended TVC dance since the pandemic with ten squares on the floor. Some success is due to it being a Tri-Council dance with the PAC and Evergreen Council. We thank them for their support and for going dark for this event. This success is important because proceeds from dances are our primary source of income. With positive cash flow of dances like this one we have the funds to carry out our mission of promoting square and round dance.

Congratulations to our clubs that celebrated their anniversaries with special dances:

The TVC has three more dances scheduled for the 2024:

We can report that one festival is planned for the fall by TVC clubs:

For all special club dances please check the OFN.

ENCOURAGEMENT. We are again proud to report a strong response of the TVC and its member clubs to the request for support by the Silver City Squares youth to help finance their upcoming trip. We are pleased at the success of this youth program and are eager to learn how to create such success in our clubs. We wish them a safe and joyful trip and look forward to hearing about it on their return. It is a fitting tribute to the memory of Ian Craig that we underwrite this youth program.

UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL – Richard Stevenson for Doris (Neil) Koozer

Dancing is picking up in the Roseburg area with a great deal of cooperation between the three clubs. The Timber 8’s and the Buckeroo’s joined forces to celebrate their Birthdays. The Buckeroos are 72 years old this year, and the Timber 8’s are 37. They turned it into a two-day event with Jim Steele calling dances on Friday and Saturday nights plus a Saturday afternoon workshop. Rod Skinner, the Dancing Friends president and a fairly new cuer in our area, cued on Friday, and Neil Koozer cued on Saturday. We had enough people for seven squares, but the maximum on the floor at any one point, was only six.

Jim Steele will be calling for the Buckeroos through the summer and fall. Since he lives in Central Oregon, he is unable to commit to the winter.

The Dancing Friends started a new Two-Step class in February. We added several new couples from the community. The class is progressing well, although the normal attrition has occurred.

The Buckeroos started an SSD class in March. We had good participation of 5 to 7 squares. The class is on Sunday afternoons, and includes 2 hours of beginner’s lessons, and 1 hour of plus workshop. The plus workshop has encouraged a number of angles to participate in the program. We are also hosting an Independence Day dance on June 29. Dean Black will be calling with Neil Koozer cueing. A flyer was placed in your folder.

We also had Doug Davis, Dan Preedy and Rikki Lobato rent the Barn for The Luck of the Umpqua plus square dance weekend. This was reasonably well attended, lots of fun, and included guests from Washington.

The Buckeroo Barn is receiving some much-needed loving care. We are insulating the ceiling and covering it with vinyl, hopefully we can reduce our heating costs in the winter and make it cooler in the summer. We have had people painting the windows and pillars, new insulated “horse” curtains added to the back windows, both couches transformed with navy blue covers and new pillows. The wiring is being improved on the wagon wheels and the lighting updated.

We would like to invite everyone to the fifth annual Buckaroo Round-up June with Jim Steele and Dave cooper cueing. Flyers were placed in your folder.


Robert and Young Lumsden

Young and I have danced at several anniversary dances this quarter. Most of the dances were well attended. We had a good time.

We went up to Spokane for their kick-off weekend (April 19 & 20). We danced Friday to several local callers. They were all good. We danced with a lot of people who were strangers at first. Some of our new friends said they might come down to see us.

On Saturday Andy Allemao was the caller. He is a very good caller and high energy. There were 14 squares for Saturday’s dances. We danced our feet off that day and left exhausted. Andy will be coming to do our Spring Fling at the Barn in May. We told everyone we could, maybe some of them will show up to dance to Andy again.

All the dances we attended were well attended (three squares or more). I think square dancing is starting to grow. The dances are a little bigger than pre-covid.

Rikki Lobato

I am sorry I couldn't attend this weekend's events or the morning meeting.  I have an event I always go to the 4th weekend of April in CA.

I have been doing a lot of traveling and some cueing as well.  Here is a quick overview since Mid-Winter.

February: February was spent close to home. I cued the Charlie Brown Squares 2x and the Star Promenaders. I attended the Star Promenaders birthday dance with Tim Pepper & Bev Oren-Pepper calling and cueing. They are dear friends, and I was glad to get a chance to see them and dance to them.

March: March was my birthday month - and I got to do a lot of traveling to celebrate!  I cued Luck of The Umpqua in Roseburg with Doug Davis and Dan Preedy. We had a great turnout, and everyone had a lot of fun and are looking forward to the event again in 2025.  I taught a fun Cha by Dawn Mee that was enjoyed by those who attended the teach.  Mid-March I drove to Sacramento and flew out early to Ontario, CA to spend the weekend with Pat and Monica Carnathan and to surprise my friend Hunter Keller who was calling 2 dances in So California.  We had a wonderful time visiting and dancing and seeing a lot of friends - and it was a great opportunity to spread the word about various events in Oregon as well.  I have a lot of friends down there and there are quite a few coming up for Boatnik and Diamond Lake and they are aware of other events happening too! Back to Sacramento early that Sunday for our NCRDTA meeting and showcase of dances (I am secretary for the association).

The following weekend I was back in Sacramento to cue for the Whirl-a-Ways Advanced club in Roseville, CA. This was my first official cueing gig for them and my first-time meeting caller Harlan Kerr.  It was a nice turnout of 4 squares - with lots of friends and supporters in attendance. I had the pleasure of spending Friday nite with Ron and Cheryl Tburzi (and Mom) - Joe Saltel's family - such wonderful people. I also spent Saturday with Dan and Allison Drumheller - catching up and talking about dancing - as well as dinner and a movie. Was nice to just relax!  At the end of March, I went up to Portland and spent the weekend with Marie Wood. We met and did a scavenger hunt and then went to the Council dance called and cued by Randy Dibble and Randy Lewis. It was a great dance and my first time attending a council dance in the Portland area. Was wonderful to see so many friends - most of them I only get to see once or twice a year--if that!!

April: The first Saturday in April I cued in Bend and then the following weekend was Pear Blossom with Tim Pepper and my "tor"mentor, MaryAnn Callahan. Great time both weekends and wonderful to have my best friend and dance partner there for the weekend in Medford.  This weekend I am dancing Advanced to Buddy Weaver, with rounds by MaryAnn Callahan.  Seeing a lot of friends and reminding all of my California friends about all the great events in Oregon!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and look forward to seeing you when I can.

As a side note - I am not able to attend a lot of meetings, so I apologize for that. However, I hope everyone knows that I take my position as an Oregon cuer, dancer AND Goodwill Ambassador very seriously and am always sharing information about our area dances. I travel, dance, and cue a lot, so often a meeting date will conflict with my schedule.  I just want to make it known that I do care about the Federation and the members involved and just because I am not at a meeting doesn't mean I am not giving of my time and energy.


Zola: one of the clubs mentioned dancing for 70 some years. Does anyone know how many years the Sets In Order have been dancing? They were the longest continuing dancing club. Pat Cox: they are not the longest. Cherie Cox: 76 years

Dave Cooper introduced Donna Krossman-Darling: I have been a square dancer for 40 years, caller in Lakeview, and member as youth coordinator. I tripped last Friday and went to the doctor, had a CAT scan and they found a tumor in my brain measuring 17x17x32mm. I would like to ask for prayers. I was thinking as I was getting ready for sleep last night that we had 3 generations of dancers in the room. This is amazing, I encourage all of you to get your grandkids dancing.

ADJOURN: Motion: Dave Cooper moved, Brooke Davison second the motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 11:40 am

Sunday, July 14, 2024, 9:00AM
Blanchet Catholic School

Vicki Pounds’ Insurance Report by Club