General Meeting called to order at 9:04 AM
CALL TO ORDER President Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
Please turn off your cell phones
ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Absent: Tim Keck: Past President, Tami Helms: ORDTA and Round Dance Screening, David Stutzman: Blue Mountain Council, Dave Cooper: South Coast, Robert and Young Lumsden: Goodwill Ambassadors
Cece Glidewell moved to seat Cherie Cox as Past President, Zola Jones second. Cherie Cox appointed to sit in as Past President for Tim Keck.
INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Cherie (Patrick) Cox
FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Pat (Cherie) Cox
MINUTES Secretary, Lorri McIntosh
Motion: Joyce Welton moved to accept the minutes as written, Betty Chips seconded the motion, motion carried
PRESIDENT – Karyn (Matt) Buchheit
As we are in the middle of summer and with so many of our club’s dark, please encourage councils and clubs to be checking in on older members to make sure that they are OK. This is especially important if they don’t have local family members to check on them.
As we do activities, promos, demos, etc – make sure that those participating are staying well-hydrated. We want to attract new interest not scare them because someone wasn’t careful and passed out.
We still have time to plan changes and/or extras to try with lessons that start in September. Please don’t be afraid to try something new.
Enjoy the rest of the summer.
We had the privilege of going to Milwaukie for the National Convention, multiple things to do included walking a quarter mile each way to the convention. Leadership was a good educational opportunity for all people in a leadership role of the Federation.
2024 MID-WINTER FESTIVAL - Connie (Paul) Seamans
My registration chair found $120.00 in a packet that she forgot to deposit. I have a check for $60.00 to the State Federation as part of the profit from Mid-Winter Festival.
2024 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Lisa Kious
We do not have a final report.
225 dancers were present, 40 dancers more than the previous year. This was not to our target, I don’t know the official number, but believe we are still in the red. Thank you for all your support.
2025 MIDWINTER FESTIVAL - Julia Buchheit
There have been some glitches that are hopefully getting smoothed out. The website should be up and running soon. The T-shirts are in and available for purchase. The Heritage Mall is not available for a demo this year as they have done some rearranging of their space and the area, we have used in the past is no longer available. We are checking into what the possible alternatives may be.
2025 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Lorri McIntosh
The team has met a couple of times. Contracts are still in the works for the caller and line dance caller, verbal agreements are confirmed. Load Your Boat for Summer Festival 2025 is moving along. We will have our grand beginning on Saturday during Summer Festival this year with Tim Pepper calling and Bev Pepper cueing.
We sold 26 ribbons at the promo dance yesterday.
Joyce Welton asks if there another weekend that the Festival could be held since it falls the same weekend as Washington’s State Festival? I think that could have hurt the attendance since some may have gone to that festival. Lorri: not at this time.
2026 MIDWINTER - Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit
My budget has been approved by the Emerald Empire Area Council. Copies of the budget have been put into your file for your information.
Have been in contact with possible featured caller and am waiting for contract. The featured clogging cuer has agreed and we are waiting for contract. Working on featured cuers.
The theme is “Rock Around the Clock”.
I've made a significant change in the way "regular dances" are handled, but it's one of those changes that will be completely invisible if I've done it right. This has always been one of the more confusing parts of the process, because you couldn't edit your regular dances until I pre-populated them ahead of time. That should no longer be necessary.
I do need the counts from each delegate today for the number of state directories wanted. The plan is to have the directories at the printer by the end of July. The directories will be handed out at the September meeting.
SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh
No report
TREASURER - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The SESAC billing came due while I was away at the National Convention. Brooke paid it and I have reimbursed her for the cost of $630 for two events.
I have paid $50 to Silver City Squares for the display they sent for the Showcase of Ideas. It was well received in Milwaukee with lots of looks by others who are interested in how Oregon works. The display was torn down on Saturday afternoon and set on the Oregon table to be retrieved after the wrap up meeting. When I went back to retrieve it, it had been moved to an unknown place and no one knew where it went. I contacted the General Chair and the Facilities chair with no results. Karyn, I’m sorry. You did so well!!!!! I took a picture of the display. I have the scrapbook and leftover competition booklets to return to you.
I sent a tentative budget to Patrick to look over and updated that before this meeting.
The checks for the student scholarships have been written and given to Kathy Roberts for delivery at the opening ceremonies.
When the CDs are renewed in February of 2025, I will move the accumulated interest to the General Fund for use.
State Membership Dues were due July 1st $20.00 per club and $20.00 per Area Council. If you have not submitted your State Membership Dues yet, please have your payment ready at the Summer Festival. Please make the check payable to OFSRDC. This is a reminder to inform each club to submit the CLUB DIRECTORY INFORMATION form online.
Certificate of Insurance is requested by the entity you are renting from. Notification of event, if you read the USDA, is used when a club is dancing a facility or entity for liability insurance.
PAST PRESIDENT – Cherie Cox for Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
Randall Award: I have three nominations for Randall Award. Any additional Nominations are due at this meeting.
Nominating Committee: I have accepted a position on the Officer Nominating committee.
Festival Advisory Committee: There has been no activity.
Grant Fund Committee: To date there have been no requests for Grants.
Cherie Cox will be acting in my absence at the Summer Festival Meeting.
PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
I've updated the By-Laws on our web site to reflect the electronic voting amendment that passed in April. Everything else is stable.
This year’s Education Seminar was on what to do if someone is injured during a dance, ECMA (Emergency Call for Medical Aid), and when to file an Incident Report. Lorri McIntosh (MSN, RN, and Nursing Faculty Member) led the discussion. Vicki Pounds, Insurance Chairman also participated with additional information from Kati Raleigh (Ohio), Karyn Buchheit, and Tim Roberts. Thank you to the 14 people who attended and participated. I’ve placed 10 copies of the Callerlab ECMA poster in every delegates’ folder. I’ve also given each officer 1 copy. These posters should be displayed in your hall. Kati mentioned that in Ohio, every class must present a copy of the ECMA poster to every student during their lessons. Please take these posters back to your clubs – post them in your halls and consider giving copies to each of your students. Tim Roberts has already written an article for the August OFN reviewing the ECMA guidelines. Here is a link to the poster Tim put on our webpage: . Another important item we discussed is if you have an incident where someone falls or hurts themselves during a dance, fill out an Insurance Incident Report ( every time, even if the person says they are ok. This is not filing a claim, it is notifying our insurance company an incident happened.
2nd Request for club lesson information. Delegates, please go back to your clubs and ask for information on their lessons and jamborees so I can start helping to publicize them. Once I have the information, I’ll update my spreadsheets and post them in the OFN and on Facebook. I will also email the list of lessons to you as well as print copies for the State Fair dancing. Please ask your clubs to send me all of the requested information by July 1st: Let’s try August 1 this time.
• Lessons: where the lessons will be (venue name and address), the start date, type of lessons, teacher, start/end time, and contact information.
• Jamborees: Where the jamboree will be (venue address), date, time, type (square, square with rounds, rounds), the level of each jamboree, who will be calling/cueing the jamboree, and contact information.
I posted a few Summer Festival pictures and videos on both the Federation and 2024 Summer Festival Facebook pages. Look for the new 2025 OFSDRC Summer Festival Facebook page tomorrow. Midwinter, please remember to send me all of your information that you would like to be shared with the dancers. I need your schedule, information on events you have planned, your resale clothing information, and youth activities.
Please let me know if your club or council has decided to do something special in honor of National Dance Day, September 21. I will have an article in the August OFN encouraging dancers to do something special for the day and post about it.
I continue to work with clubs and councils who have publicity or Facebook questions. I’ve kept the Festival Flyer up to date reminding dancers the week of each Festival. If your 2024 Festival has finished, please remember to send me your flyer/registration form for your 2025 Festival. The festivals that have already been held in 2024 have been updated with your 2025 dance dates. Please verify the dates are correct.
I’ve started working on my training manual for our September 15, Training Session. Everyone should have a copy of my tentative agenda and a tentative schedule for the weekend. I’ll email everyone another copy of each in September. Please plan on attending the session. If you are retiring from the Board, your replacement will appreciate you being there to support them and answer any questions they may have. For those of you who are continuing, please come to hear the things that have changed or to share your knowledge if others have questions. Dale will be talking more about the weekend in his report.
Our Federation Facebook page continues to grow. We have over 1,200 members.
HISTORIAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
There has been no activity since our last meeting. There are still papers to be shredded from past directories, and other things that I have not had time to look through for the summer.
LICENSING – Brooke Davison
SESAC fees were paid. Will collect Summer Festival licensing fees during festival or right after.
YOUTH ADVISOR - Julia Buchheit
I had 3 applications for Educational Scholarships. All 3 were awarded $500.00 scholarships during Friday’s opening ceremonies: Kaylia Avila, Travis O’Hearn and Evie Lee.
One of our Oregon youths received the educational scholarship from the USDA and was presented with it during Friday’s opening ceremonies: Kaylia Avila.
I received 6 requests for ribbon scholarships for the Summer Festival.
OFN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
The OFN continues to operate smoothly. We have 809 subscribers. I'm still interested in finding someone that might eventually be interested in taking over the editorship.
ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)
No Report.
JUNE OROM chosen by Emerald Empire Area
Dubi Dubi Dub PHASE 2 Two Step written by Takao & Setsuko Ito. Music Letskiss Artist Darling album Afro Cabano Casa Musica
JULY OROM chosen by Interstate Highlanders Area
Kiss Me Quick PHASE 2 TWO STEP + 1 Fishtail written by Peter & Stella Tennant. Music by Elvis Presley
CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)
No report
WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
We have had some online exchanges among the committee, but I have allowed the update process to stall. I need to get that back on track.
GRANT FUND COMMITTEE - Tim Keck (Tami Helms)
No requests for grants received
STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
I have not heard from the fair with times to dance on August 27, 29, and 31. I am accepting names of people who want to participate. I have two callers who are interested in calling on the 27th. Will post any information I receive when I hear back from the fair.
BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts
We're all caught up through 2024.
USDA - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit
The annual meeting of United Square Dancers of America was held on June 26th in the Crystal Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel in Milwaukee, WI. 18 of 26 affiliates were represented. Oregon had three of the four delegates present.
The reports from all the officers and committee members were sent out before the meeting. Some were added to, and others were presented as sent. The P&Ps were updated to show the Colorado organization instead of Arkansas, and other minor changes as needed. It had been 12 years since the last update.
Dale and Kathy Worthington attended Roundalab as representatives from USDA. They learned quite a bit while there.
Oregon submitted a youth scholarship application for Kaylia Avila from Independence, OR. She dances with Silver City Squares. She was awarded the $2500 scholarship, and it will be formally presented during the closing ceremonies of Summer Festival. She will attend Chemeketa Community College to further her studies.
Marilyn Schmit was nominated and elected to the position of Secretary of USDA. This is a return to the head table after previously holding the position from 2009-2012. The winter meeting for USDA will be held in Tucson AZ the weekend before Mid-Winter. It will be sponsored by the Southern Arizona Callers & Cuers Association, an affiliate of the Western Region. The meeting will be held at Casino Del Sol resort in Tucson.
BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman
The Muddy Frogs are continuing with lessons. When I attended a session last month they had 5 students in attendance.
As I write this, long time caller Jim Steele is recuperating from triple bypass surgery on June 29th. Keep him and Jan in your thoughts as the recovery will be long.
As mentioned before, Council has obtained promotional material and banner to use in booths at various events around our area. The banner was used in the Sisters Rodeo Parade and happy to report, we got a blue ribbon (don’t understand what category, but we’ll take the win!).
We’ve had our first promo booth at Redmond’s Music on the Green January 26th. Our banner did attract people so that we could talk “square dancing”, hand out information, and plant the seed for future students. Three more events are scheduled and still looking for additional venues.
It’s valuable to get out in the community even if you do not receive any new dancers into a club.
High Desert Dancers held two weekend events in coordination with Red Rocks. They’re called “Double Down/Triple Up” weekends. You pay less if you sign up for all three dances (Friday at Red Rocks, workshop on Saturday, and Saturday evening at HDD). September 20-21 is another DD/TU weekend with Steve Noseck from Washington. On July 6th, they’re having a free Community Dance and BBQ prior to normal mainstream dance. It’s been advertised around town and in local newspaper. Mainstream lessons begin Sept. 9th and continue through November 14th; two lessons per week on Monday & Thursday.
Sagebrush Shufflers will be participating in the Fourth of July Prineville Parade. They square dance along the parade route on a decorated flat-bed trailer which is owned by the Council. They have scheduled their summer dances in Prineville Parks. Because of the heat, this is always appreciated by the dancers. Also shows off our dancing to the public.
Red Rocks had a successful visitation with the Saints and Aints in Coos Bay on June 15th. It was a surprise visit and enjoyed by everyone. They will have a special BBQ dance (hot dogs ++) on July 19th; caller is Darrell Kalmbach.
Sundown Ridge Riders Round Dance Club is currently teaching two-step to all the new dancers in our area. They have a consistent 20 dancers who are very enthusiastic about their new skills. They’re scheduled to finish just before Central Oregon RoundUp August 9th and 10th.
Central Oregon Roundup is coming on the second weekend of August. Ray Brendzy calling with MaryAnn Callahan cueing. Trails End dance Aug. 8th. Sisters High School, air conditioned! RVs dry camping in parking lot.
Our newly elected council Officers will be installed in September, and the information has been updated online for State Membership, and the 2024-2025 Directory. At our next council meeting, July 15, (tomorrow evening), I will confirm that all of our clubs have also updated their information online for the next Directory. I have delivered our Council check in the amount of $160.00 to the State Membership Chairman for the Clubs and Councils State Federation membership.
In the current Directory our club, "Misty Valley Cloggers", Dance information is incorrect. They are a Traveling Club, and do a special 'Annual' Weekend Event in May.
Some of our clubs go DARK in July and August; so if anyone is in our area and wants to go to a dance, please contact the club first.
Also, we can now have overnight RV Parking at the Emerald Square Dance Center, for Square Dancers, et al. Only, it’s not for people to stop and park overnight. At our next council meeting will confirm that all our clubs have the correct information in the directory.
The club and council are on summer break for July and August. However, some demos for August will be planned. Round workshops will resume September 3. The club officers are hopeful for a successful turnout of new dancers for the Fall SSD workshops starting September 5.
About half of MWA clubs are dark for the summer. Braids & Braves has hired Bruce Lowther to be their club caller. Cherry City Cloggers have attended numerous successful clogging events. Independence Wagon Wheelers has hired KC Curtis as their club caller. Charlotte Jesky retired from calling in May. ReVNQ recently celebrated their 48th birthday dance. Salem Swingin Stars graduated 17 people from their spring lessons. Silver City youth won quite a few trophies at the PNWTSDF. Silver City has hired KC Curtis and Thomas Buchheit as their club callers. Quite a few clubs held elections and are transitioning to their new leadership. MWA along with Interstate Highlanders hosted the Trails End Dance on Thursday, we had callers and cuers from the floor. Each council made $180.
PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)
Next PAC Meetings is Monday, August 19, at Oak Grove Comm Club, Oak Grove.
PAC is successfully contributing funds to Clubs via Bottle Drop Fundraiser, Co-hosted 5th Friday PAC Dances and our next event, on August 30th, is a FREE Community Dance, to introduce square dance and encourage new student participation at up-coming PAC Club’s Lessons.
The Dance Trailer is still in PAC’s possession though not for long PAC’s desire to place the dance Trailer with a Federation Club or Council is a win/win. Umpqua Area Council / Buckaroo Barn will become the Trailers next home.
PAC 5th Friday Dances in 2024 …
May 31, 2024 dance was co-hosted by Bachelor and Bachelorettes and netted a shared profit of $96 each, Club and PAC Council.
August 30, 2024 - free Community Dance at Oak Grove Community Center.
Goal: to encourage brand new dancers, to enjoy a free introduction to square dancing & support the many clubs that start lessons in the fall. Caller, Scott Zinser, has donated his time and talents!
November 29, 2024 (day after Thanksgiving) New Dancer Jamboree at Milwaukie CC
This dance supports all clubs who started lessons in the fall. Caller/Cuer: Kalmbach / Helms.
PAC hosted Tri-Council dance: mark your calendars for May 31, 2025,
PAC Flyer: Gerry Blakney, Rosetown Ramblers Delegate, produces a PAC Flyer, monthly, listing dance/events for all PAC clubs. The PAC Flyer posts in the OFN and can also be found at
Club Reports
Bachelor & Bachelorettes: A/C hall, dance through the Summer every 1st, 3rd and 5th WED.
Chaps & Petticoats: Dark July and August. Dancing at the Clackamas County Fair, Canby on Thursday, August 15. MS Lessons start Sunday, Sept. 15.
Country Cut-ups: Now seeing a profit with Bingo (2nd & 4th Fridays); attendance numbers range from 75 -130+. Lessons start Sept. 12 at the Boring Barn. At the Boring and Dull Day, August 9, ice cream will be served.
Happy Hoppers: Dark July and August.
Heads to the Center: Advanced dance every Thursday 7:30pm (call to confirm 503-806-7361)
River City Dancers: Dark on July 13, A/C hall, dance 2nd & 4th SAT through the Summer.
Rosetown Ramblers: Dark July and August. Resume Sept. 14 at Oak Grove CC.
Special 3-day Fall Festival, Scares n Squares, is the 2nd weekend in October with Hunter Keller and Eric Henerlau (see Flyer in OFN).
ROGUE SIS-Q – Blake Smith
Charlie Brown Squares
We will be dancing through the end of July before going dark in August due to the County Fair taking over our hall. Our final dance until September will be on July 20th, featuring Michael Halley calling for the first time at our hall. We hope some of his friends from northern Oregon will join us for what promises to be a fun evening. Mark McDonald will be cueing. Additionally, we'll be dancing at the Josephine County Fair and hosting a booth to promote dancing in our area, aiming to attract new dancers for our upcoming classes. Our new SSD class starts on September 10th, with another opportunity for new dancers to join on the 17th. To kick off the season, we'll have a Community Dance with J Domis and Sarge Glidewell on September 7th, which is always a lively event as J brings a great group each time. On September 20th, we'll "Dance into Autumn" with Dean Black and Elaine Funk. We're dark on October 5th to join the Country Fever Weekend in Roseburg with Jet Roberts, Jim Steele, and Rikki Lobato. Mark your calendars for December 7th, our 57th birthday dance, featuring Adam Christman with Rikki cueing. Finally, don’t forget our annual Boatnik Festival over Memorial Day weekend, showcasing Jet Roberts and Peter & Chama Gomez. Pre-registration is encouraged to help us plan a fantastic weekend!
As always - information is available at
Kountry Rhythm Rockin’ Outlaws
Our highlight event is the Country Fever Weekend, happening October 4th through the 6th, 2024, in Roseburg at the Buckeroo Barn. This not-to-miss weekend features Jet Roberts, Jim Steele, and Rikki Lobato. Despite undergoing major open-heart surgery on June 29th, Jim Steele is home and recovering well, ready to join the fun. The weekend promises a full schedule of entertaining and educational sessions, with Jet and Jim providing memorable singing calls and Rikki cueing your favorite rounds and offering a new dance teach on Saturday. We highly encourage pre-registration to ensure your spot for this fantastic event. Contact Jan Steele at or reach out to Rikki if you need a flyer. Book your accommodation or arrange for dry camping at the barn, and don't forget to bring a camp chair for the Saturday night after-party.
Star Promenaders
The Star Promenaders are eagerly anticipating their 51st Diamond Lake Festival from July 24-27, 2024, commence on Monday, September 9th, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center, with Phil Ramey calling. The Star Promenaders also host SSD dances on the first Friday of each month with caller Janet Geiger. Regular Mainstream/Plus dances, with occasional Advanced sessions, take place on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month at the Rogue Valley Square Dance Center.
Circle N Squares
Things are going slow, end of July will have a dance in the old dance hall in McCloud, they'll have another dance in August, more information to follow.
SOUTH COAST COUNCIL – Kathy (Tim) Roberts for Dave (Patty) Cooper
• Beachcombers held a successful 71st Birthday Celebration July 4 - 6 in Port Orford. Several youths from our current class decorated and danced on the parade float to the cheering of spectators along the route. Joined by visitors from Roseburg, Eugene, Medford and Central Oregon, as well as our local South Coast clubs, everyone had a great time. Friday and Saturday evenings the dance floor was filled to enjoy the calling of Dean Black from Yreka, CA and rounds by Dave Cooper.
• The Spring Beginning Mainstream class is near completion with 7 students working hard to graduate soon.
• Battle Rock Festival is only a few weeks away, so the regulars are gearing up for another fun time on the cool Oregon Coast Labor Day Weekend. That cold Pacific Ocean will feel great on parched skin from all this hot weather around the state.
• Saints N Aints are giving regular caller Sherm Welch a few well deserved dances off so will be having Jamboree calling at their regular dances until Fall.
• Coquille Sets-In-Order is continuing to dance on the 2nd Saturday night with Bob Houston calling and Denise Harris cueing.
President Sally Duyck took the reins of leadership together with the new vice-president couple, Ronnie and Joanne Swanson. Dances and a budget are set for this year.
LESSONS. Summertime is the season that TVC clubs plan lessons for the fall and aggressively recruit new students. Our clubs have found that newspaper flyers and ads still bring in the most people for free first lessons, however, person-to-person recruiting is still the best way to find students with staying power. While there has been success in gaining new members, attrition continues to eat away those gains.
DANCES. Our fifth Saturday dance on June 29 was held outdoors at the Oak Hill Community Center in Beaverton. Threats of rain damped the festivities, but still a crowd of six squares showed up.
Congratulations to Oak Hill Squares on their anniversary dance.
The TVC has two more dances scheduled for 2024:
• September 14h will be the Federation Meeting Dance at the Kinton Grange in Beaverton. The caller is Craig Abercrombie, and the cuer is Julie Stiers. A chicken and waffles dinner will be offered before the dance to welcome all our out-of-town guests.
• December 31 will be our New Year’s Eve Dance with Darrell Kalmbach and Tami Helms. Dinner is offered before the dance, details tbd.
We can report that one festival is planned for the fall by TVC clubs:
• Seaside Sashay, weekend of Oct. 25-6, by Hayshakers and Sunset Promenaders in Seaside.
For all special club dances please check the OFN.
We want to welcome everyone to come to the September meeting at the Kinton grange, TVC will host the dance on September 13 & 14. Chicken and Waffle dinner will be served for dinner.
UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL – Doris (Neil) Koozer
Things have been busy within the UAC/Buckeroo Barn giving it an updated new look. Members have continued to pursue numerous renovation projects at the Barn, which include: a lighting project, insulating the vaulted ceiling, painting all the white surfaces, and have added curtains, couch covers and pillows. They have purchased some used air conditioning units and will be installing as soon as possible.
The Buckeroos and Timber 8’s clubs have joined forces by combing beginning square dance lessons and plus lessons on Sunday afternoons. This has worked well, since it encourages the angels to support the beginning lessons so that they can then stay and brush up on their plus skills. The Buckeroos graduated their first mainstream class in February and began their second class in March. The Buckeroos graduated the second class at the SSD level on June 2, and the Timber 8’s continued with mainstream lessons until the end of June. Many of the students attended the Round-Up and the other dances that have followed.
We are beginning to feel like we have broken the back of the Covid slowdown, with our dances either breaking even or making a profit. The Buckeroos, with featured caller Jim Steele, and cuer Dave Cooper held a successful Round-Up. They had at least 7 squares on Saturday evening. The Buckeroos tweaked their schedule of events somewhat this year. Rather than a round dance teach on Saturday morning, they had an hour and a half of round dancing in the morning. They had square dance fun-shops throughout the day focusing on various levels, including SSD, mainstream, and advance. We had a potluck at lunch on Saturday and offerings from a food truck in the evening.
The UAC held a dance on June 29. We had Dean Black up from California, and Neil Koozer. We felt good to have 4 squares on a warm summer’s eve. We have a Sunday BBQ planned towards the end of the summer where we can just socialize and play games. It will be on Aug. 25.
All three clubs have held their elections. Many officers have agreed to continue in their positions another year, but a few new people have been added.
Robert and Young Lumsden
Young and I danced with the Gateswingers on the 3rd weekend of April. Adam Christman and Craig Abercrombie were the callers. They did a great job. Adam is really good and seems to be getting even better. It was a high energy dance and very fun. I would recommend this dance to everyone. It is really worth attending.
In May we had our own Spring Fling at the Barn, with Andy Allemao. It was a great weekend. We had some dancers from Washington, and several from eastern Oregon. Andy is a really good energetic caller. The dances were all really fun.
We also attended the Happy Hoppers anniversary dance. Adam Christman and Craig Abercrombie were the callers. We were told there were 14 squares, all I know is there were a lot of people. It was a very fun and high energy dance. We really enjoyed ourselves.
Rikki Lobato
I have been busy traveling, cueing and dancing and spreading the word about the wonderful dancing here in Oregon.
Here is a quick breakdown since the April meeting:
May - I attended the Pacific Northwest Teen Festival both as a spectator and round dance judge. It is absolutely amazing to watch all of the kids compete and am really proud of all of them, but especially the dancers from Silver City! I danced in Reno at Silver State, cued at the Afternoon dance on Thursday and stepped in on Friday evening to cue for an hour or so in the Round Dance Hall due to one of the support cuers falling ill. It was wonderful to spend quality time visiting and learning from Rey & Sherry Garza. On a side note - I was serenaded by Eric Henerlau, Jack Pladdys and Dan Drumheller at a piano bar on Friday night - there is video proof if anyone would like to see my embarrassment - thank goodness it was dark! I also attended a caller clinic Friday morning with Jack Pladdys and about 15 other callers. It was very informative. My club held their annual Boatnik Festival over Memorial Day Weekend and it was a fantastic time and featured a very talented couple - David & Dawn Mee from Anaheim, CA. Everyone had a great time and learned alot. The Mees will be calling and cueing Diamond Lake Festival in 2025 if you've never had the chance to dance to them. It was very sad to learn of Joe Saltel's fall and subsequent trauma and hospital stay, and I am hoping he recovers soon. It's going to be a long road, but he has a great amount of love and support
I cued our Council dance on 5/31 with Jim Steele. Speaking of Jim, we are all sending our best wishes for his recovery from a heart attack and open heart surgery!!
June-June was a little quiet and I enjoyed some down time. I attended Buckeroo Roundup in Roseburg featuring Jim Steele and Dave Cooper. They both did a great job. It was a nice turnout and on Saturday there were quite a few of the students who came to dance. Lots of fun. Next year I am honored to be the featured cuer for the weekend. I also spent a weekend in Bend dancing to Randy Dibble and cueing with him one of the 2 nights. Nice turnout of dancers and it was a lot of fun. The rest of June was spent at my best friend's house for about 4 days and then puppy sitting and catching up on things the other weekend.
July-July is a little busier and I am happy I could attend the Summer Festival this year and spend time with so many friends. Next weekend I will be in Oakdale, CA cueing part of the weekend and learning the other part of the weekend. Northern CA Round Dance Teachers Assoc July meeting is a 2 day event with dances on Fri and Sat nites, as well as a full day of clinics and teaches on Saturday. The weekend after that is Diamond Lake Festival and I am excited to be the featured cuer for the weekend. Take 2 from 2020 that was cancelled. Lots of relaxing and visiting along with my cueing duties. I am excited to learn that there are several dancers I know who are coming to dance that have never attended the weekend. It's a great weekend if you've never been!
The rest of the summer and 2024 is super busy. Please make sure you give me any flyers you would like me to take on my travels. You can also email anything to me that you would like me to share when I am out of town. I have multiple CA trips, as well events in other parts of the state. On a side note - there are a couple of weekends that you might want to put on your calendar - Country Fever Oct 4-6 in Roseburg with Jet Roberts and Jim Steele and Scares n Squares in Beaverton the following weekend with Hunter Keller and Eric Henerlau. I will be cueing the Country Fever Weekend as well as doing an hour teach at Scares n Squares weekend. Should be lots of fun. Wonderful talent in our state over those 2 weekends!! Oh and of course, Central Oregon Roundup with Ray Brendzy and MaryAnn Callahan in August!!
I am wearing my Goodwill Ambassador badge with pride and as always, I try to spread the word about various events happening in our State. I won't be able to attend the September meeting as I am taking my great-nephew to his first Ducks game as well as we have a Caller/Cuer dance that Sunday.
End of report - thank you!
Kathy Roberts: Keep Kathy and Dale Worthington in your thoughts and prayers. Dale is improving from a pacemaker placement in February. Now he’s trying to get his lungs cleared up. Dale’s medicine cost $90,000.
ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 10:10AM
Sunday, September 14, 2024, 9:00AM
Kinton Grange
Beaverton, Oregon