HOSTED BY: Tualatin Valley Council

Kinton Grange

September 15, 2024

General Meeting called to order at 9:03 am

CALL TO ORDER President, Karyn (Matt) Buchheit

Please turn off your cell phones

ROLL CALL Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Absent David Stutzman: Blue Mountains Council; Cece Glidewell: Interstate Highlanders; Dave Cooper: South Coast, Rikki Lobato: Goodwill Ambassador

INVOCATION Immediate Past President, Tim Keck (Tami Helms)

FLAG SALUTE 1st Vice President, Pat (Cheri) Cox

MINUTES Secretary, Lorri McIntosh

Motion Brooke Davison moved to accept the minutes as written, Joyce Welton second the motion. Motion carried.



PRESIDENT – Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit

Thank you for supporting me as President this year. I hope that we will carry forward with supporting all of our dancers.

Please welcome Patrick Cox as your new President as he takes office later this morning.

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT – Patrick (Cherie) Cox

I hope to make some minor adjustments and changes to improve what’s already a great operation.

2024 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Lisa Kious, Lisa & Bill Cohen

Hi everyone. We had a great festival. We had 228 dancers from all over the PNW. Thanks to a few unexpected decisions we ended up making a profit of just over $300. I have the original loan money here to hand back. I am waiting on one last check to clear the account before I close the account and get Marilyn the profit check. Thank you all for the support and for taking a chance on us.

2025 MIDWINTER FESTIVAL - Julia Buchheit

Things are moving along. We have a committee meeting this afternoon. We are planning to do a mailing in October to encourage more registrations.

2025 SUMMER FESTIVAL - Lorri McIntosh

We are moving slowly. The majority of the committee is involved with MidWinter and we would like to finish that festival before getting heavy into Summer Festival 2025. We have secured the caller and line dance instructor. Elaine Funk will be sending invitations to Oregon cuers; she has already sent out specific invites to potential featured cuers. All positions are filled except the caller host and line dance host.

2026 MIDWINTER FESTIVAL - Karyn (Matthew) Buchheit

Featured Caller will be Ray Brendzy from Burnaby, British Columbia; Featured Cuers will be JL & Linda Pelton from Dallas Texas, Featured Clogging Cuer will be Andrew Perry from Dickinson Center, New York.


Nothing interesting to report. We hover right around 800 subscribers.


Directories are in and will be handed to the area delegates. Cost was $1,405. We received a $400 donation for directories, final cost to the Federation is $1,005.

Motion: Julia Buchheit moved that we charge $3.00 per directory this year. Doris seconded the motion, motion carried.

SECRETARY - Lorri McIntosh

A sympathy card was sent to Rick and Megan Weidenhoft for the passing of Laura Weidenhoft.

TREASURER - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

It has been fairly quiet since the July meeting. Since it is September 4 as of the writing of this report, the bank statements are here so the financials are done. They will be done and a year-end financial report will be produced and distributed at the meeting.

The tax form 990N will also be completed by the time for the meeting. I will be working on getting rid of the pesky 1 cent Accounts Payable and the reconciliation problem that I have not been able to solve since February. Will be seeking some help for that.

Anticipating the loan repayment from Summer Festival and the profit check

(approximately $320) that is also coming. The money for the Summer Festival equipment loan was paid by the Summer Festival and a partial refund has been returned to the Summer Festival committee to be included in the profit check.

Upcoming bills will be the Fidelity Bond renewal ($85) and the Federation and Mid-Winter owned equipment renewal, both with State Farm. I will need the updated inventory from Mid-Winter before the renewal so it can be included. Another payment will be for the printing of the state directory and the dues check for USDA dues ($100).

The records will be ready for an informal review after the State meeting. I am hoping that will include the Insurance records also. Even though the Treasurer records have the bank statements and the listings of checks and deposits, I think that the records that are in the hands of the Insurance chair should also be included.

The form to get Joyce Welton on the Fidelity Bond has been received and mailed to Joyce for her to complete and return to me so I can take to the State Farm agent. Tim Keck’s name will be removed at that time.

The check signers for the next season will be Patrick Cox, Joyce Welton, Karyn Buchheit and Marilyn Schmit. I will make arrangements to get everyone together at Mid-Winter on Friday afternoon at Key Bank in Albany to get signature cards taken care of.

That seemed to work well earlier this year.


Badge board is complete and will be displayed at the next festival. Thank you for sending in your badges.


PAST PRESIDENT – Tim Keck (Tami Helms)

Randall Award: The ballots for the 2025 Randall Award Have been distributed to the Delegates.

Nominating Committee: I have compiled a list of potential candidates

Festival Advisory Committee: There has been no activity.

Grant Fund Committee: To date there have been no requests for Grants.

Federation Banner: I have prepared a Banner based on the criteria outlined at the April meeting. Based on the estimates that I received, the cost for a 72X36 13oz vinyl fabric banner with a 1” pole pocket is approximately $150.

Image Chosen at the April Meeting subject to following changes:

• Change the Dancers to a more contemporary image

• Replace sq/rd icons with Dance Round out your life & Live Lively icons


PARLIAMENTARIAN - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

The current Constitution, By-Laws, and Practices & Procedures are on the Federation web site.  I have a few copies on USB key drives, for those who would like it that way.


Thank you to the Tualatin Valley Council and Dale Brabham for hosting this fun weekend.

Thank you to the 19 people who attended our Officer and Delegate Training Session on Saturday. Thank you also to Karyn Buchheit, Pat Cox, Tim Roberts, Lorri McIntosh, Marilyn Schmit, Vicki Pounds and Sue Harrel for your contributions to the training. Thank you also Joyce Welton and Betty Chipps for allowing me to put you on the spot when I asked for information on your council activities. Your information was very insightful and informative. Thank you also to everyone who participated by asking or answering questions.

Please let us know during your reports if your clubs or councils are doing something special in honor of National Dance Day, September 21.

I continue to update the list of OFSRC Club or Council flyers on Facebook. I’ve been thanking dancers for attending festivals as they finish and then inviting dancers to attend the next scheduled festival. Three clubs in the Emerald Empire are planning a new festival for August 22-24, 2025. The first page of their registration form has been added to the other flyers. Both pages of their registration form have been posted on our Facebook page. Reminder…. If your 2024 Festival has finished, please remember to send me your flyer/registration form for your 2025 Festival.

A spreadsheet with all lessons that OFSRDC Clubs are hosting was sent to the OFN and posted on Facebook. I included a link to my “Thinking Outside of the Box” promotion ideas in both locations.

If you want me to promote your New Dancer Jamborees, please have your clubs send me when, where, what level, and who is hosting the jamboree information before October 15.

Summer Festival 2025’s Facebook page is up and running. Please join the page so that you receive information about our activities firsthand.

Our Federation Facebook page continues to grow. We have over 1,200 members.

HISTORIAN - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

I have recently done some research on how old the Wave Steppers Tillamook Bay Square Dance Club is in anticipation of their upcoming anniversary dance. The request was made by the TVC Vice-Presidents, the Swansons, at the State Fair. I came home and did a search on the Filing In Oregon site and found that they incorporated on September 3, 1991, after a name change or combining with the Coast Swingers. The registered agent listed has been deceased since December, and I sent an email to the listed Secretary and offered any assistance that I can be to get the name of the President changed and the renewal paid.

I am in the process of getting more shredding done and looking for the notebook that has club histories in it so I might be able to give more information to the Wave Steppers. Wave Stepper/Coast Swingers history not found.


LICENSING – Brooke Davison

No Report

YOUTH ADVISOR - Julia Buchheit

No Report

ORDTA - Tami Helms (Tim Keck)

No Report


September OROM
Portland Area Council selected
Choreo: Mariko Kato
By: Michael Holz Tanzorchester  Fly me to the Moon(In other Words)
Album Dance Competition download Casa Musica 2:02 Speed 10 % 49 RPM
Waltz Phase II

ROGUE-SIS–Q has chosen the October 2024 OROM
Choreo: Doug & Leslie Dodge
Music: SUKI YAKI, Artist; Kyu Sakamoto
iTunes or Amazon Download or Record 45 RPM or speed to suit
Phase II TWO STEP + 1 Strolling Vine
Cue sheet available Roundalab

CALLER LIAISON - Terry Halley (Betty Chipps)

No Report

WEBMASTER - Tim (Kathy) Roberts

I made a change to the website based on feedback from the committee. The upper left corner will now contain a randomly chosen photograph each time you look at it.  I took all of the OFN photographs in history, removed the flyers, kept only the ones in landscape format, and made them all a uniform size.  I ended up with 500 of them, so it takes a while to cycle through them all.

I've experimented with several different formats for the site menu, but I haven't found any that I liked better than what we have now.

GRANT FUND COMMITTEE - Tim Keck (Tami Helms)

There have been no requests for grants since the last meeting.

STATE FAIR - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

We danced twice at the State Fair, on Tuesday for Mainstream with Renee Ruud as the caller and on Saturday with Thomas Buchheit as the caller for the Youth. The Tuesday demo had 29 dancers check in and danced two squares on the stage with the dancers taking turns going in and out of the squares, so no one had to over dance for the hour we were given. The Saturday demo had 50 dancers check in which included some parents and chaperones. We danced two squares, one on stage and one down below. All seemed to have a good time and got to have fun afterwards at the fair. I saw some food being eaten and sharing of friendship.

There were new rules not divulged to me until I got to the gate this year. No open drinks or water bottles were allowed in. If you had one, you got to dump the liquid on the grassy area or take them back to your vehicle. We also got scanned with a metal detector for the first time. The youth dancers were not allowed to bring in the two cases of unopened water for them to drink during the demo in the heat. Karyn expressed that the Youth will not return next year unless the rule is changed in regard to the water for the youth. That comment has been expressed to the Fair person that I am in communication with and emails have been exchanged on Sunday following the demo with clarifications and possible solutions to the unsealed cases of water for 2025.

Thank you notes have been sent to Renee and Thomas and to Five Guys Named Moe for the sound system assistance to get their laptops and iPad hooked into the main system. All sounded good and loud enough for the audience to hear.

The Thursday round dance demo was cancelled due to lack of a cuer and only three dancers signed up. Will try again next year for the 2025 State Fair

Note: Marilyn indicated during the meeting that she was able to get the Fair to agree to let the youth bring in unopened water next year.

BACKGROUND CHECK - Tim (Kathy) Roberts.

We're all caught up through 2024. I still need the names and contact information for the 2025 Summer Festival talent.

USDA - Marilyn (Ron) Schmit

Karyn Buchheit: we are going to add USDA reports to the Agenda. Marilyn has been elected the USDA Secretary and is part of their Executive Committee. Marilyn will be presenting reports of their meetings to us.

Marilyn: I have received two large boxes of supplies for the Secretary position that I was elected to in June. There is still more to receive once the past secretary gets the June minutes done. I will have to ship some of the stuff to Shreveport to use in the three meetings during convention week and then get them shipped back home afterwards. Will be working on what I can put in my suitcases without going over the weight limit.

The winter meeting in Tucson is the weekend before Mid-Winter so I will not have to miss any of either Festival. I am hoping to see Richard and Leslie Lane while down in Tucson. That is where they live now and a couple from the Washington Federation live there also. So I will get to see some friends while there.

The Tucson Square and Round Dance Festival is hosted by the Southern Arizona Callers and Cuers Association. (SACCA). It will be held at the Casino Del Sol Resort in Tucson.


Thank you Kathy Roberts for your encouragement and support in organizing our meetings yesterday. Most delegates are present today that were here yesterday.

During our meeting, we discussed what happens during the meetings and our process. We reviewed the voting background information that Tim Roberts gave us. Zola Jones gave us a bunch of material and let us know that the Mid-Winter Programs are available and how important it was to distribute them to the clubs. We also went over their registration packets.

We discussed how to get better coordination between clubs and councils, ways we could improve communication.

We also discussed the problem of current scams and how everyone must check the requested and where they are coming from.


  1. Website Updates, Status Report (Tim Roberts, Tim Keck)

    Tim Roberts made a few changes to the website. It is difficult to come up with reasonable changes to make, and we need closure for this committee. I will probably be closing this committee in a few weeks.

    Tim Keck - Roundalab is making a full website change, I’ve been looking into changes that can be made. I am not sure we want to go to that length. I can consult with Tim Roberts with this.

  2. Banner Report (Tim Keck)

    Everyone received the banners that have been designed, the primary difference in the banners is the colors. The changes requested have been made, the cost for a 3ft x 6ft banner will be $100-150 this includes a pole pocket. Discussion on which banner to select, the square on the O of Oregon, font on the banner, and which banner everyone wants to select.

    Motion: Joyce Welton moved to accept the banner with the yellow and remove the square from Oregon. Patrick Cox second the motion.

    Discussion: Dale Brabham - dance is the dance of Oregon, do we or the state have any color designation for the banner? Brooke Davison - Google machine states the official colors are navy blue and gold. Kathy Roberts - during the National Convention, we were told our colors are green and white. Marilyn Schmit has no information to add about the history of colors for the state. Betty Chipps would like to have an email to include voting. Blake Smith would like to move about having a Google Forms to find the consensus of what everyone would like to have on the banner. Tim Roberts- according to Roberts Rules, Committee of the whole could suspend the committee, if we could resolve this today, we would do that, or we could do this by email. Karyn Buchheit- what if we called for the vote; it’s voted down and then a new committee is formed under Patrick Cox. Motion failed.

  3. Karyn Buchheit, My last act as sitting president is to appoint a Goodwill Ambassador. Linda and Roger Putzler have accepted the Goodwill Ambassador appointment.



Patrick Cox inducted into office to sweep away the problems and start a new year.

The way I will solve all these problems is you are the people who will solve the problems. Dancing into the future-our future looking into recent past has been diminishing, I’ve seen many answers and solutions proposed and still diminishing, COVID hurt us hard but that’s not the only reason. I would like to see square dancing back functionally into the schools, the solution might and should be getting it into colleges. We had a new student who hadn’t danced since college and he was 79 years old. We need to recruit as many middle-aged people and bring grandkids to the activity. I’m going to possibly put someone in charge of a program to improve and grow.

Square dancing is fun. You make new friends, it’s a new activity to do with a partner, and good for mental health. My hope is to get everyone here to work as a team. Have people come together in agreement, I want everyone to work together as team without retaliation, it’s a team sport.

I have hearing aids, I don’t hear well, everyone needs to use the mike when speaking, even though we have the recording, use a mike when speaking.


  1. Motion to approve Patrick Cox’s budget

    Motion: Karyn Buchheit moved to accept the budget submitted for 2024-2025, Brooke Davison second the motion. No discussion, motion passed.

  2. Motion to add electronic voting procedures to Secretary job description. Motion: Karyn moved to accept the proposed changes to the P&Ps for electronic voting, Zola second the motion. Tim Roberts explained the changes to the P&Ps as to the wording with the secretary or trusted assistant will be responsible for the electronic elections. Motion passed.

    To be added to P&Ps:

    Ballots: Elections operate under the oversight of the Secretary. Our By-Laws allow for two different voting methods: by postal mail, and by electronic voting. The choice is up to the Secretary.

    No changes to postal mail section.

    Electronic Voting:

    If the Secretary is not comfortable running electronic voting, they may employ a trusted assistant, who should either be a member of the Board or a person who has been approved by the Board. When “Secretary” is used in this section, it really means “Secretary or their trusted assistant”.


    1. Prepare ballots using a reliable voting or survey application. Google Forms has proven to be simple and reliable, but others are available.

    2. Gather up the names and addresses of the club secretaries from the Membership Chairman information. If a club does not have a secretary listed, or the secretary does not have an email address, contact the club president to find out who should receive the ballot.

    3. Send out a warning email to all of the secretaries, just to make sure the addresses are valid, and to let them know to expect the ballot link shortly. If there are any “bounce” messages, contact the club president to find out who should receive the ballot.

    4. Prepare a PDF of the officer candidate information that is to be published in the OFN. The OFN Editor can assist with this.

    5. Send an email to all club secretaries (or authorized substitutes) with a link to the ballot application, and a copy of the officer candidate information, and a deadline date (usually the date of the May state meeting).


    About four weeks after submitting the email, check with the survey application to find out who has returned a ballot and who has not. Send a reminder email to clubs that have not yet responded. This monitoring should continue until the deadline. If the secretary still does not respond, an email or even a telephone call to the club president may be necessary.

    Print the results and bring them to the May state meeting.

    For Both Methods the continued process will not change.

    1. After the election, send letters of congratulations to the winners and letters to losers thanking them for running. Arrange with the OFN Editor to send the digital pictures of the winners to the 2nd Vice President for the new directory..

    2. Start collecting information for badges to be ordered for September meeting.

    3. Order badges, have bill sent to the State Treasurer. If you don’t have all the information, you can get it at the September State meeting.

    4. Guidelines: Order President’s bars with the dates, to be kept by the President. Officers pass their bars on to the next person; Delegates pass Delegate bar on; Delegate’s badge has name of club and Area Council (first bar with club name and second bar with area Council is provided by State, any other is paid by the person); Appointed chairpersons pass bars on (they can order bars with year if desired, they pay); Past Area Delegates will receive a PAD bar in September. Summer and Winter Festival Chairpersons should also have State badges.


    1. Have badges ready for this meeting. Get information from anyone missed. Advise new Area Delegates to have their Clubs send information when a Club Secretary changes. THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT. All mailings go to the Club Secretary.

    2. Make a complete list of old and new officers, delegates, chairpersons and ambassadors for the incoming Secretary at the end of your term.

  3. Lisa Kious- Summer Festival 2024 has concluded. The Federation was involved with the festival. We would like to suggest a drop box account for next year’s festival to pass on information from year to year. Patrick reported this was discussed in the officers meeting, one recommendation was to established zip drive to be handed over each year.

    Motion: Brooke Davison moved that we establish an online share drive for the Federation, Joyce second the motion.

    Discussion: Brooke agrees with online storage and not zip drives as they can get outdated. Zola- requests a clarification as to the motion.

    Motion: Blake Smith moved to have a committee look into what are the possibilities for transferring information from one federation festival to the next, specifically: Summer Festival. Karyn second the motion. Motion passed unanimously

    Persons on the committee:

    Blake Smith, Lisa Kious, Brooke as Chairman, and Tim Roberts.

  4. Banner committee, Tim Keck as chairman,

    Tim Keck- I’m not sure there is that much to be done, it’s up to the representatives to decide what they want for a banner. Tim Keck asked if there was a request to have him moderate and come up with a proposal from the members. Patrick Cox- that is exactly what we are asking. Tim Keck agreed to coordinate how to find a consensus of what the Federation would like as a group. Kathy Roberts- asked if he would be using Google Forms to obtain the information. Patrick Cox- that is what Tim Keck will decide.


BLUE MOUNTAINS COUNCIL - David (Sally) Stutzman

No report.


I am happy to start this off by reporting that we had a very successful Central Oregon Round Up the second weekend of August. There was a lot of energy and everyone seemed to have a great time.

We had 2 more opportunities to attend community events where we used the Council booth along with the new banner. We had a second event in Redmond and an event in Bend. It generated a good amount of interest allowing us to talk with prospective dancers and provide them with information about Central Oregon square dancing and lesson possibilities coming up.

Debbie Klug (Red Rocks) and Dan Duggan (High Desert Dancers) worked together to put on a benefit dance for Jim Steele who is still recovering from a heart attack earlier this summer. 3 plus squares came out to show their support, with donations also coming in from people that could not make the dance.

High Desert Dancers held 2 successful Community Dances to give people a feel for what square dancing is all about. They ended up with some definite interest in the upcoming square dance lessons starting September 9th.

Red Rocks has the following dances coming up. On September 6th, they are holding a school supply dance – either $8.00 to get in or some school supplies. Then on October 4th is their annual Harvest Ball with Craig Abercrombie calling and cuing. They will have lessons starting in the spring.

Sagebrush Shufflers participation in the July 4thparade in Prineville brought out 15 dancers to dance on the Council float. It seemed well received by the spectators. They followed that up with a demo on the main stage of the festivities. They are looking into a new event sponsored by Prineville called High Desert Moon Fest. They have been asked to do a demonstration and Council will help sponsor a booth at the festivities, manned mainly by Shufflers. Square dance lessons are scheduled from September 4th through October 23rd on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Sundown Ridge Riders Dance Club graduated over 20 dancers from their two step lessons. These same dancers are now on to Cha Cha with a little bit of Rumba worked in as time goes on. These numbers are very encouraging


Our club, Sweet Home Squarenaders, is no longer a traveling club, and is back to regular dancing on the 4th Saturdays at the Oak Heights School in Sweet Home, and also having New Dancer Lessons starting in September.  Their contact information is updated in the new State Directory.

A long-time member of our dancing family in Eugene/Springfield; Lauri Weidenhaft passed away on August 18, from a long illness.  She was the Instructor/Cuer for Misty Valley Cloggers for many, many years; and she and Rick were the Chairman of the Clogging program for Mid-Winter Festival for many years.  They traveled all over to Clogging Events; promoting Mid-Winter Festival and meeting National clogging cuers to recommend for Mid-Winter Festival.  They were also voted the recipient of the Randall Award in 2013.  She has really been missed at Clogging, and Rick and their daughter, Megan, have been doing the Clogging program for Mid-Winter Festival the past couple of years.

Whirl-A-Ways, with help from clubs, Cast-A-Shadow, and Spin-Cycle Squares, are sponsoring a special 3-Day, Square & Round Dance Festival next year; August 22 to 24, 2025 at the Emerald Square Dance Center in Springfield.  Featured caller is Hunter Keller, and featured cuer is Rikki Lobato.  So please mark your 2025 Calendars-it is going to be a great time, and 'Flyers' have been put out on the table here today.

New Dancer Lessons have started in our area, at the Emerald Square Dance Center:  on Sundays 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. with Caller Roger Putzler.  Also Plus Lessons are from 3:00 to 4:00p.m.  For information call 541-979-4273.

Our next council meeting is tomorrow evening, September 16, in Hall 'B' of the Emerald Square Dance Center, where our new elected council officers start their 2-year term.


Sorry we could not physically attend the September Federation meeting and dances. We always enjoy the opportunity to dance and visit other areas of the State. Sarge Glidewell is doing as well as can be expected given the extent of his surgery.

The club started square dance lessons on September 5, 2024. Rounds will have a limited start on September 10, 2024. The rounds will be limited to one hour of just cuing for experienced dancers while Sarge Glidwell recovers from his surgery. There will not be any round dance lessons until further notice.


Those clubs that went dark in the summer are beginning to reactivate.  Most clubs are beginning lessons in September or early October.  Trails End Dance for Summer Festival netted Mid-Willamette Area and Interstate Highlanders a small profit.  Salem Swingin Stars earned the Wood Award and the Chairman's Award for most attendance and highest percentage attendance at Summer Festival.  Mid-Willamette Area Fall Festival will be November 30 at the Salem Square Dance Center hosted by Lebanon Square Circlers.

New Dancer Dances have been scheduled and ambassador booklets are being created. The first New Dancer's Dance is December 1 at the Salem Square Dance Center, hosted by the Timber Twirlers.  December and the beginning of January are jam packed with New Dancer Dances in the Mid-Willamette Area.

PORTLAND AREA COUNCIL - Betty Chipps (Terry Halley)

For the first time in memory, the Portland Area Council hosted a community dance on August 30, to promote square dancing to prospective students. The idea was to promote the lessons that all the PAC clubs will be offering this fall. The dance was a huge success. Because Scott Zinser donated his calling services, we were able to have free admission for all. Rosetown Rambler Gerry Blakney prepared two sets of flyers. One flyer listed all the PAC clubs, their lesson dates and times, and a brief promotional blurb about each club (The clubs provided the content for the blurbs.). The second flyer included information for TVC clubs located close to Portland since we anticipated that some of the prospects might find it more convenient to attend a club on Portland’s westside. PAC president Jeff Knapp prepared sign-in sheets and name tags for dancers, allowing us to obtain contact information for the prospects.

We had 22 brand new dancers and 40 angels, allowing us to have 7 squares on the floor, with a good ratio of angels to students. All PAC clubs were represented, and we also had several angels from the TVC—we really appreciated the support!

The first set of instructions went from 7:10 to 8 pm. The prospects seemed to really enjoy the lesson, and no one was clamoring for a break. We took a 10-minute break at 8, followed by an angel tip. Because so many of the prospects stuck around through and after the angel tip, we had a second instruction period, until about 8:40 pm. At that point, Scott introduced our cuer, Julie Stiers, and briefly explained the difference between square dancing and round dancing. From then until 9:30, we alternated Mainstream and rounds. At least 6 of the prospects stayed until the very end of the dance because they enjoyed watching the experienced dancers and socializing.

After the dance, the PAC president sent emails to all of the prospects to encourage them to take lessons and to facilitate communications between the prospects and the PAC clubs.

For our 5th Friday dance in November, the PAC will host a new dancer jamboree. It is hoped that our recruitment efforts will be successful, and we will see many of these same faces at the jamboree.

On Sept.3rd, the PAC Title for the Dance Trailer, transferred ownership to Umpqua Area Council (UAC) and resides at the Buckeroo Barn, in Roseburg!

OFN is a good resource for classes in the PAC area.

ROGUE SIS-Q – Blake Smith

The council has decided to hold the Spring 2025 meeting on the weekend of May 30-June 1. A crockpot dinner will be offered along with dancing to the callers and cuers of Rogue Valley.

A special rate for rooms at La Quinta Inn, Grants Pass:

Rooms are blocked for a 10-room group reservation at the rate of $129 plus tax. Blocked rooms are 5 Double Queen and 5 King rooms and include a complimentary

hot breakfast, 24-hour indoor pool & spa, and mini fridge/microwave in every room.

The cut-off date to book rooms at the special rate of $129 plus tax is May 24, 2025. Reservations can be made at the group rate by calling the front desk at 541-472-0152.

Rooms are being held under the group OR State Square Dance.

La Quinta by Wyndham
243 NE Morgan Lane
Grants Pass, OR 97526
(541) 472-0152

Charlie Brown Squares:

The Charlie Brown Squares have already started their new SSD class on September 10th, with another opportunity for new dancers to join on September 17th. The club is also offering Mainstream and Plus Funshops on Thursdays. Their next big dance, Dance into Autumn, will be on September 21st with Dean Black and Elaine Funk. The club will be dark on October 5th to attend Country Fever in Roseburg. Regular dances are held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month, with the exception of August when the club goes dark. They’re looking forward to celebrating their 57th birthday dance on December 7th, with Adam Christman calling and Rikki Lobato cueing. Looking ahead to 2025, the next Boatnik Festival over Memorial Weekend will feature Jet Roberts and Peter & Chama Gomez, and the club is already encouraging pre-registrations for this highly anticipated event.

As always - information is available at

Circle n’ Squares:

Circle n’ Squares is optimistic about the upcoming class season, hoping for a strong turnout. The club is planning a themed dance in October titled, “Dancing to the Oldies”, which promises to be a fun and nostalgic event. With excitement building around these activities, Circle n’ Squares looks forward to bringing new dancers into the fold and continuing their regular dance events.

Star Promenaders:

The Star Promenaders are keeping busy with regular dances on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. In addition to their usual events, SSD classes will start on September 9th, with Mainstream classes following on September 12th and Advanced classes beginning on September 18th. The club continues to maintain a strong presence within the local square dance community and is actively welcoming new dancers to join their various classes and events.

Country Rhythm Rockin’ Outlaws:

The Rockin' Outlaws are primarily a workshop club, offering Mainstream and Plus workshops. Mainstream workshops will take place on Sunday afternoons from 2:30 to 4:00 pm, while Plus workshops will be held every Wednesday evening from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. The workshop season will officially begin on November 3, 2024, when they’ll also start offering Advanced A-1 lessons on Sunday evenings from 5:00 to 6:30 pm.

A key highlight for the club is the upcoming “Country Fever Dance/Campout Weekend” from October 4-6, 2024, at the Buckeroo Barn in Roseburg. Featuring callers Jim Steele and Jet Roberts, along with cuer Rikki Lobato, this promises to be a fantastic weekend of dancing. So far, nearly 9 squares have pre-registered, and the club encourages more to sign up ahead of the September 15th deadline for a discounted rate. Accurate pre-registration numbers are essential for meal planning and making sure everyone has a great time.

SOUTH COAST COUNCIL – Kathy (Tim) Roberts substitute for Dave (Patty) Cooper

Beachcombers Battlerock Festival had a great turnout. There were 105 people in attendance with 36 RV’s parked in the Beachcomber Cove. There were 3 callers and 2 cuers during the weekend with workshops, dancing on the beach, Mainstream dances, round dancing, line dancing, airplane flying and MORE. Watch for our flyers next year! It will be our 25th Battlerock Festival and we have even more fun things planned.

Coquille Sets-In-Order is turning 78 and would like to invite you to their birthday dance on 10/12/2024 at the Coquille Community Building. The party starts at 7:00 pm with pre-rounds and 7:30 pm with square dancing. Hope you can make it!

Saints N Aints have started holding their square dance lessons. They’ve had one lesson so far. They were happy to have a couple students from a previous class return for a refresher course.


The TVC met in August. A new directory of our officers, delegates, and club officers was provided. Thanks to Ferrous Steinka, and Ronnie and Joanne Swanson for putting it together, getting it printed, and distributing it.

Our Procedures and Policies has been updated to reflect current practice. Changes to our By-Laws will be voted on at our next meeting.

LESSONS. Autumn is prime season for TVC clubs to offer lessons. The TVC supports its member clubs by providing up to $200 for expenses related to advertising and promoting their lessons. We are pleased that R Square D has just taken advantage of this to purchase a large banner.

ANNIVERSARIES. These clubs celebrate anniversaries with dancing this fall:

DANCES. The TVC has one more dance scheduled for 2024. December 31 will be our New Year’s Eve Dance: Daryl Clendenin is calling and Jeanine Norton is cueing. A dinner is offered before the dance, details tbd.

We can report that one festival is planned for the fall by TVC clubs: Seaside Sashay, weekend of Oct. 25-26, by Hayshakers and Sunset Promenaders in Seaside.

For details of all special club, festival, and TVC dances please check the OFN.

UMPQUA AREA COUNCIL – Doris (Neil) Koozer

The Buckeroos have kept busy with their renovation projects over the summer. They have taken care of deteriorating floor supports, insulating the ceiling and installing 2 air conditioning units. Many efforts are designed to add to the dancer’s comfort in both summer and winter.

The Buckeroo’s and the Timber 8’s will again join forces with their square dance lessons which will begin on Sunday, September 8th. At 2 PM Chuck Simpkins will start a mainstream class for 2 hours, and then at 4 PM a 1 hour plus class. There were 8 new dancers in attendance and several returning students from last year.

The Dancing Friends will start their lessons on September 17th. They will have a different approach this year. At 5:30 PM they will have phase 4&5 dancing. 6:30 PM after a 10-minute break they will have West Coast Swing. And at 7:30 PM they will have a mixed rhythm class so that dancers do not lose previously obtained skills. On Thursdays we will have an introductory class in waltz.

The Dancing Friends will be celebrating their 35th birthday on October 26th with featured cuer Randy Lewis & Debbie Olson. There will be an afternoon teach from 2 to 4 PM and a dance from 6:30 to 9PM.

The Timber 8’s will be changing their dance nights from the 2nd and 4th Saturdays to the 1st and 3rd Fridays. It is hoped that dancers will be able to support other clubs on the 2nd and 4th weekends.

Jim Steele, who is our caller from spring through fall, is recovering from heart surgery. His plan is to return to calling at our September 7th dance. He and Jan were able to come to the UAC picnic on August 25th, and he manned the grill. We all enjoyed having him there. The square dancers danced at the Douglas County Fair as entertainment this year and were paid to do so.


Rikki Lobato

I am sorry I could not attend the meeting today - I am cueing in Bend Friday night, doing a round dance workshop in Bend Saturday morning and then cueing at the McCloud Dance Hall on Sunday.

Here is what has been happening since the July meeting.

July - I participated in a wonderful round dance weekend with the Northern California Round Dance Teachers Association. There were about 10 cuers who cued on Friday and Saturday evenings and then a Jive clinic and teach on Saturday morning and a Bolero clinic and teach Saturday evening. It was well attended and a fantastic learning experience. I was extremely disappointed that Diamond Lake was canceled due to fires and smoke. I did agree to cue the remote weekend held in Medford over 2 days and the dancers were happy to have the opportunity to dance. I even had a surprise visit from several California friends who came during the weekend.

August - I cued in Redmond and Bend, both nights with Roger Putzler, which is always a great time. The following weekend I attended Central Oregon RoundUp in Sisters, which was a very fun weekend! I cued the next weekend for my friend's 80th birthday - he is also my partner for teaching classes. The following weekend I was in California helping celebrate and cue for a 90th birthday. Then my friends and I drove to Fallon, NV and pulled off a wonderful surprise. David and Dawn Mee (caller/cuer couple) were up from Anaheim doing 2 dances with Tim & Bev Pepper, we showed up at the dance on Saturday evening. It was a wonderful night!!  Labor Day weekend was some wonderful downtime with my best friend.

September-I enjoyed one more weekend of downtime before things get super busy by taking my nephew to his very first Ducks game. I started round dance classes on 9/9 with my core group of dancers before I start beginner classes on the 16th. As stated earlier, I am cueing in Bend this weekend, and well as doing a round dance workshop on Saturday morning. Sunday I will head to McCloud to cue with Dean Black for a Plus/Advanced afternoon dance. The rest of September I will be home and focusing on new SSD and round dance classes.

Roger & Linda Putzler

No Report


Patrick Cox- I gave Tim Roberts information related to bidding for a National Convention in Oregon, We would need to find somewhere outside of Portland, Oregon that could hold the convention. Tim Keck volunteered to assist with this committee. Committee consists of Tim Roberts, Tim Keck and Blake Smith.

Zola Jones- announced a new special weekend for August 2025, in Springfield. Ribbons are not available yet, but we will send ribbons out to those who register.

Julia Bucheit- I have Mid-Winter Festival t-shirts for sale at $15 per t-shirt. I also need everyone to pay for the directories that were distributed.

Joyce- I forgot to mention we have a council dance to see the fall colors on the last Sunday of the month, this is an annual dance. We only have one council dance a year now. Dean Black will be calling and Mark McDonald cueing for the annual fall dance.

Karyn Buchheit announced Pacific NW Teen Festival- in Oregon and Karyn will be the coordinator. She is planning to have the teen festival at Blanchet School. Oregon will have 2 clubs represented at the teen festival.

Lorri McIntosh- I encourage everyone to register for Summer Festival 2025.


Sunday, January 26, 2025, 9:00 AM
Mid-Winter Festival
Linn County Fairgrounds
Albany, OR

ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 11:16 am