Square Dancing is the Official State Dance of Oregon
The Randall Award is the highest honor the Federation can bestow on a
square dancer. Named for past Federation president Buddy Randall, the
award is intended to honor those dancers who have
done great service for the Oregon Federation and for square dancing in
Oregon, and especially those who work behind the scenes where recognition
is so rare. Nominations are solicited throughout the year. Each council
delegate gets one vote in selecting the awardee.
The award is presented at the Mid-Winter Festival in January. The
awardee is presented with badge bars to wear proudly, and an engraved
1989 | Buddy & Nancy Randall | Emerald Empire |
1990 | Verne & Ruth McKnight | Mid-Willamette |
1991 | Warren & Florence Engdahl | Umpqua |
1992 | Hank & Jean Brigl | Emerald Empire |
1993 | Ray & Dorothy Murray | Central Oregon |
1994 | Al & Fran Westphal | Lincoln-Tillamook |
1995 | Don & Shirley White | Mid-Willamette |
1996 | Charles & Dorothy Daggett | Blue Mountains |
1997 | Ken & Eva Moore | Sunset Empire |
1998 | Genevieve Churchill | Portland |
1999 | Ed & Mary Warmoth | Tualatin Valley |
2000 | Don & Elizabeth Reed | Emerald Empire |
2001 | Otis & Lila Jones | Tualatin Valley |
2002 | Lee & Barbi Ashwill | Mid-Willamette |
2003 | Bob & Carolyn Bosch | Tualatin Valley |
2004 | Bill & Bea Cook | Tualatin Valley |
2005 | Bill & Annadale Rooper | Portland |
2006 | Larry & Ann Lauderdale | Emerald Empire |
2007 | Jim & Kay Rogers | Tualatin Valley |
2008 | Ron & Marilyn Schmit | Mid-Willamette |
2009 | George & Lorene Griffith | Eastern Oregon |
2010 | Al Wolf & Gail Domine | Portland |
2011 | Tim & Kathy Roberts | Tualatin Valley |
2012 | Floyd & Jill Bard | Emerald Empire |
2013 | Rick & Lauri Weidenhaft | Emerald Empire |
2014 | Merri Anne Huber | Blue Mountains |
2015 | Paul & Dotty Swenson | Tualatin Valley |
2016 | Billie Smith | South Coast |
2017 | Ray & Zola Jones | Emerald Empire |
2018 | Elaine Funk | Rogue-Sis-Q |
2019 | Ferrous & Karen Steinka | Tualatin Valley |
2020 | Tami Helms & Tim Keck | Portland Area |
2021 | Gary & Norma Sohn | Mid-Willamette |
2022 | Gary & Joyce Clark | Tualatin Valley |
2023 | Dave & Patty Cooper | South Coast |
2024 | Roger & Linda Putzler | Emerald Empire |
2025 | Linda Neuschwander | Emerald Empire |