Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
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Square Dancing is the Official State Dance of Oregon

2023-2024 State Officers

President 503-873-5241
1st Vice President 541-888-4280
2nd Vice President 503-873-5241
Treasurer 503-508-0539
Secretary 541-660-3183
Membership Chairman 503-998-2474
Past President 503-665-1967
Parliamentarian 503-590-4187
Publicity & Education 503-590-4187
Insurance Chairman 503-263-6060
Youth Activities Coordinator 503-873-5241
Historian 503-508-0539
Round Dance Screening 503-665-1967
ORDTA Representative 503-665-1967
Music Licensing Advisor
Caller Liaison 503-516-6519
OFN Editor 503-590-4187
Webmaster 503-590-4187

Goodwill Ambassadors

Every year, as their last official duty, the Federation President may name a couple or individual to serve as a Goodwill Ambassador. Goodwill Ambassadors are expected to be energetic and friendly representatives of Oregon, dancing when they travel. They spread information about specific Oregon events, such as the Mid-Winter Festival and Summer Festival. They donate their time and energy for the good of Oregon square and round dancing. They smile a lot.

Each Goodwill Ambassador serves a 2-year term, and can be reappointed when their term expires.

Appointment Ambassador

POOFs - Past Officers of the Oregon Federation

All current and past elected officers, appointed officers, and area delegates are automatically POOFs -- Past Officers of the Oregon Federation.

The primary purpose of the POOFs is to oversee publication of the Oregon Federation News, our monthly news magazine. The POOFs hold two formal meetings each year, one each at the Summer and Mid-Winter Festivals.

Informally, many POOFs have been holding POOF reunions each year. The location and format has varied, but most recently, potlucks hosted by one or more POOFs have been held at private homes.

A partial list of POOFs is available here. Contact the webmaster to be added to this list.