Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs
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Square Dancing is the Official State Dance of Oregon

2024-2025 State Officers

President 541-888-4280
1st Vice President 503-639-1070
2nd Vice President 503-873-5241
Treasurer 503-508-0539
Secretary 541-660-3183
Membership Chairman 503-998-2474
Past President 503-873-5241
Parliamentarian 503-590-4187
Publicity & Education 503-590-4187
Insurance Chairman 503-263-6060
Youth Activities Coordinator 503-873-5241
Historian 503-508-0539
Round Dance Screening 503-665-1967
ORDTA Representative 503-665-1967
Music Licensing Advisor
Caller Liaison 503-516-6519
OFN Editor 503-590-4187
Webmaster 503-590-4187

Goodwill Ambassadors

Every year, as their last official duty, the Federation President may name a couple or individual to serve as a Goodwill Ambassador. Goodwill Ambassadors are expected to be energetic and friendly representatives of Oregon, dancing when they travel. They spread information about specific Oregon events, such as the Mid-Winter Festival and Summer Festival. They donate their time and energy for the good of Oregon square and round dancing. They smile a lot.

Each Goodwill Ambassador serves a 2-year term, and can be reappointed when their term expires.

Appointment Ambassador

POOFs - Past Officers of the Oregon Federation

All current and past elected officers, appointed officers, and area delegates are automatically POOFs -- Past Officers of the Oregon Federation.

Back when our monthly news magazine, the Oregon Federation News, was a printed publication, the primary purpose of the POOFs was to oversee that publication, since it was a significant expense. The POOFs held two formal meetings each year, one each at the Summer and Mid-Winter Festivals.

Now that the OFN is an online publication, the POOFs no longer exist as a unit.